Facts, Fakes and Fast News
The latest YouGov poll shows trust in the British media to tell the truth has declined, and less than half now believe BBC news journalists are honest and impartial. How can journalists restore public trust in the media?
The rise in user-generated content and the dominance of search engines are shaping the news landscape with mainstream media now competing with inauthentic sources. While the European Commission and the UK Government have taken steps to tackle the spread and impact of online disinformation, fake news is a perennial concern for journalists with false stories spreading faster than ever on social networks.
Our webinar, Facts, fakes and fast news discusses how journalists can debunk disinformation and to help regain trust in journalism. Joining the panel are Professor Charlie Beckett, Director of Polis and the LSE Truth, Trust & Technology Commission Department of Media and Communications, Alan Meban, Director of FactCheckNI and Alastair Brian, fact checker for the Ferret.