Comms software for Pharmaceuticals

Communication teams in the pharmaceutical sector are dealing with a perfect storm of global pandemic, government regulations and a lack of public trust.

The only way to keep your strategy consistent is by using one integrated platform.

Vuelio combines its media and political services, with contacts covering MPs and their staff alongside journalists and editors; online, social and print media monitoring together with political sources, including debates and committee sessions; and stakeholder management to track the relationships and issues that matter – all in one place.

Our Clients

Meaningful Media Monitoring

Monitoring shouldn’t be an endless list. With human curation and summaries for each topic, print, online and social monitoring becomes a key part of the strategic process. Whether it is medicines, therapy areas or conditions, media monitoring identifies trends, opportunities and issues to keep you ahead of the competition.

Valuable Political Monitoring

Your dedicated policy researcher partners with you on your brief to keep track of the latest regulation, including the Medicines and Medical Devices Bill and the latest trade implications of Brexit, and the topics that impact your organisation such as the restart of the NHS. With targeted, concise content from parliamentary and stakeholder sources, you can make the right decisions in your policy and public affairs strategy.

Consistent Stakeholder Management

Manage your stakeholder engagement with an intuitive platform for logging all types of political interactions. Benefit from a live database that automatically updates your records – from APPGs to select committees – giving you a single source of truth.


Engagement with health comms through Covid-19

Throughout COVID-19, every aspect of public health has had to respond and adjust to new responsibilities. Communicators have been thrust into the spotlight, absorbing extraordinary pressure to manage a huge variety of stakeholders while navigating a ceaselessly changing media, policy and care landscape.

In Engagement with health comms through COVID-19, we analyse how audiences responded to official NHS feeds on social media, how conversations shifted during different stages of the pandemic and the media’s reaction to the developing crisis.


Engagement with healt comms through COVID 19



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