The Perception of PR in Sustainability Communications

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What our clients say about us

Lorna Gemmell, Communications Manager, Barbicanbarbican logo

“The most compelling aspect of Vuelio, initially,  was the power of the database. It’s comprehensive, and it’s fast and easy to search.

However, we also found the comprehensive range of PR services – with everything in one place – very appealing. It offered everything in integrated form: database, media monitoring across the spectrum, and analytics as well.

Finally, we love the support we get. User friendly and really well-designed. It’s useful, reliable and brings together several important services in one place.”

David Jinks, Head of PR and Publications, ParcelHeroparcel hero logo

“Having used the software previously, the very first thing I did when I took my role at ParcelHero was introduce this invaluable tool. In around eight months we’ve had coverage from outlets as diverse as the Mail, Metro, FT and Forbes, thanks to the excellent database”

Justin Webb, PR and Media Manager, Trafford Centreparcel hero logo

“Vuelio allowed us to tell our story to the right people, at the right time and in the right format.”

David Garner, Senior Press Officer, The University of Yorkparcel hero logo

“The software comes into its own when we have a huge international news story and we can see how it has spread globally online, see how it has reached key influencers and potential prospects and see what kind of reaction it has stirred. It also allows us to see results instantly.”

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