Conservative Party Conference 2017

Fringe Events – Conservative Party Conference 2017

∼ Day 4 

How can we win community support for housebuilding?
ConservativeHome in partnership with Shelter and CPRE

Speakers: Mark Wallace, Executive Editor, ConservativeHome (Chair); Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government; Toby Lloyd, Head of Housing Development, Shelter; Tom Fyans, Director of Campaigns and Policy, CPRE; Anne Ashworth, The Times, Bricks and Mortar

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The Brexit technical skills challenge
Centre for Progressive Capitalism

Speakers: Thomas Aubrey, Director, Centre for Progressive Capitalism (Chair); Andy Norman, Head of skills, Centre for Progressive Capitalism; Sandy Lindsay MBE, Chair, Institute of Directors North West and chair, North West Business Leadership Team; James Scott, Vice Principle of Curriculum, Trafford College.

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∼ Day 3 

How do we future proof the NHS?
Institute of Economic Affairs and TaxPayers’ Alliance

Speakers: Nerissa Chesterfield, Communications Officer, Institute of Economic Affairs (Chair); Alex Wild, Research Director, TaxPayers’ Alliance; James Bartholomew, Author of The Welfare of Nations; Kate Andrews, News Editor, Institute of Economic Affairs

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Securing More Funds for Local and National Charities

Chair: Rachel Ruxton, Head of Communications, People’s Postcode Lottery Malcolm Fleming, Public Affairs Manager, People’s Postcode Lottery Dame Helen Ghosh, Director General, National Trust Oonagh Aitken, Chief Executive, Volunteering Matters Wendy Morton MP, PPS to the Secretary of State for International Development

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The Shape of Things to Come: young people and future jobs, skills and careers
Girlguiding; Ambition; Design Council

Sarah Weir, CEO, Design Council (Chair)
Abigail Harris, Girlguiding Advocate (young person)
Emma Revie, CEO, Ambition
Cllr Paul Bettison, Local Government Association
Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP, Chair Education Select Committee
Justine Greening, Secretary of State for Education

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∼ Day 2 

Centre for Progressive Capitalism: The Brexit Technical Skills Challenge

Panel: Thomas Aubrey (Chair; Director, Centre for Progressive Capitalism); James Scott (Vice-Principal Curriculum, Trafford College); Andy Norman (Head of Skills, Centre for Progressive Capitalism); Sandy Lindsey MBE (Chair, Tangerine & The Juice Academy; Skills Chair, IoD North West)

The three panellists presented different perspectives of the challenges facing Britain over skills. James Scott outlined the issues from the point of view of a skills provider, working to implement the large quantity of reforms which are currently affecting the sector.

He spoke of the need to collaborate with other providers and to put the employer at the centre of provision, as well as focussing on basic skills: English, maths and digital.

Andy Norman spoke about the work he had been doing with Local Enterprise Partnerships to find solutions to a situation where there are 0.5million unfillable manufacturing vacancies. He welcomed the apprenticeship levy and T-levels, and advocated a local approach to skills, identifying over and under provision of courses relative to the number of vacancies.

Finally, Sandy Lindsey gave the point of view of employers, with her firm running its own social media academy for apprentices. She highlighted the difficulty many SMEs face in engaging with the system and proposed an online skills hub to match employers and training providers.

Centre for Progressive Capitalism

Conservative Christian Fellowship: No Lost Generation: Tackling the refugee crisis & ending violence against children

Panel: Gareth Wallace (Executive Director, Conservative Christian Fellowship), Rt Hon Sir Desmond Swayne MP, Theodora Clarke (Director, Conservative Friends of International Development), Rory Stewart MP (minister at the Foreign Office and the Department for International Development), Peter Keegan (World Vision UK)

Theodora Clarke spoke about a recent trip she had made to Uganda, which is currently hosting 1.3million refugees from the conflict in South Sudan, using the case study of an orphaned boy called Edison. She praised the Ugandan government for handing over bushland to the refugees but called on the UK to tackle the root cause as a global leader.

Peter Keegan provided further background, calling this a ‘children’s crisis’: 63% of the refugees are children. He highlighted the underfunding of ending violence against children, which is costing the world $7 trillion a year.

Desmond Swayne talked about responding correctly both as individuals (citing the Bible) and as a nation, defending the 0.7% of GDP spent on aid.

Rory Stewart spoke of the differing variety of refugees and their treatment, from the positive reaction in Uganda to more negative experiences in Jordan and Lebanon, as well as the difficulties posed by a poor ‘host’ community.


Bright Blue and Hanover Housing Association: Solutions for Social Care

Panel: Ryan Shorthouse (Chair; Director, Bright Blue), Alice Thomson (Columnist, The Times), Richard Humphries (The King’s Fund), Cllr Izzi Seccombe (Leader, Warwickshire County Council), Dame Clare Tickell DBE (Chief Executive, Hanover Housing Association)

Izzi Seccombe introduced the subject of social care from a county council perspective, with funding challenges and increasing demand. She welcomed additional funding from the spring budget but raised the question of what would happen if it ran out, calling on the Government to engage with councils whilst drawing up its green paper.

Richard Humphries set out a series of six ‘key tests’ for a new plan for social care, warning that if these weren’t met the system would continue to ‘lurch from crisis to crisis’.

Alice Thomson spoke about her experiences researching social care for The Times, inspired by her own experiences with relatives. She criticised the closure of day care centres and the so-called ‘dementia tax’ and spoke of Japan as a possible inspiration for a future UK system.

Clare Tickell expressed doubt over the likelihood of a green paper, talking about her experience as a provider of social housing in a landscape where care is being rationed and criticised the idea of integrating social care with the ‘rapacious’ health service.

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RenewableUK – Connecting Industries: Modern Industrial Strategy

Speakers: Jillian Ambrose, Business Reporter, The Telegraph (Chair); Claire Perry MP, Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry; Hugh McNeal, CEO, RenewableUK; Jonathan Cole, Managing Director, Iberdrola Renewables Offshore; Deirdre Fox, Director of Strategic Business Development, Tata Steel

Hugh McNeal, CEO of RenewableUK outlined the link between the renewables sector and the storage and digital economy. He explained how renewables can be transformative for the energy intensive and manufacturing sectors in the UK.

Claire Perry MP, Minister of State for Climate Change and Industry, spoke about the importance of integrating the industrial strategy with the clean growth plan, and mentioned that affordability, security and productivity is the new trilemma in this process.

Deidre Fox, Director of Strategic Business Development for Tartar Steel, spoke about how they’ve got demo projects using buildings as power stations.

Jonathan Cole, Managing Director of Scottish Power Renewables Offshore, stated that offshore wind will invest in 50,000 high paid, high skilled, modern jobs in parts of the UK that most need them.

Jay Hambro, Chief Investment Officer for GFG Alliance, spoke about how Liberty House building their subsidy free onshore wind farm will a) power metal making and b) be built with UK steel.

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Policy Exchange and Anglo American: How to Clean Up Road Transport

Speakers: Matthew Rooney, Energy and Environment Research Fellow, Policy Exchange (Chair); Jesse Norman MP, Minister for Roads and Local Transport; Hugo Spowers, Founder, RiverSimple; Mike Copson, Shell Global Solutions; Konstanze Scharring, Director of Policy, SMMT

The chair asked the panel to give their thoughts on  what more can be done to clean up road transport in light of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from road transport, as well as nitrogen dioxide levels exceeding legal healthy limits in London and elsewhere.

Lianna Etkind stressed the importance of roads not just having better cars but fewer cars. She argued that there needs to be more of an investment in cycle infrastructure and more support for car sharing schemes and the retrofitting of buses. She called for an integrated approach to transport and spatial planning.

Hugo Spowers, Founder of RiverSimple, said that battery and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure must develop in parallel. He said the Automotive Council focus too much on batteries and less on hydrogen.

Mike Copson, from Shell, said that collaboration between the government, manufacturers and energy industry is crucial. He said it is not about choosing between hydrogen or batteries, it is about these fuels coexisting.

Jesse Norman MP, Minister for Roads and Local Transport, said that the government tries to be tech neutral, supportive of new technologies but enabling all of them to develop. He said that all parts of the government must take this on, including devolved administrations and elected mayors.

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∼ Day 1 

Bright Blue & TUC – ‘Getting Fair and Decent Jobs’

Panel: Ayesha Hazarika MBE (Chair), The Rt Hon Rob Halfon MP (Chair, Education Select Committee), Professor Paul Gregg (University of Bath), Ryan Shorthouse (Director, Bright Blue) and Frances O’Grady (General Secretary, TUC)

This event played host to a wide-ranging discussion about the future direction of employment and the economy. Rob Halfon MP talked about his efforts to revitalise the Conservative trade union movement, reminding the audience that a third of trade unionists vote Conservative. Frances O’Grady highlighted the dangers posed by Brexit and technology, and the need for high-quality skills. Paul Gregg spoke about the more practical aspects of the changing situation, citing the worst decade for pay levels for decades, and highlighting the need for efforts to improve productivity and increase investment. Ryan Shorthouse suggested that raising the income tax threshold was now benefitting the better off, that attention should focus on measures such as increasing the National Insurance threshold, and cited research showing that most workers are happy with self-employment.

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Bright Blue with UK 100: Cleaning up the air we breathe

Speakers: Jess Shankleman, Business Journalist, Bloomberg (Chair); Andrew Selous MP, Member, Health Select Committee ; Cllr Sean Anstree, Leader, Trafford Council ; Sam Hall, Senior Researcher, Bright Blue; Alison Cook, Policy & Communications Director, British Lung Foundation ; Simon Alcock, Head of UK Public Affairs, Client Earth;

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Waugh Zone Live

Rt Hon David Gauke MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions in conversation with Paul Waugh

HuffPost UK - Waugh Zone Fringe Event - Conservative Party Conference 2017

Where now on Brexit? What to look out for at Conference – in conversation with Asa Bennett, The Telegraph’s Brexit Commissioning Editor

Speakers: Joe Mitton, PLMR Head of Brexit Unit (Chair); Asa Bennett, The Telegraph’s Brexit Commissioning Editor


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