What are the challenges facing government communications in 2016?
In an age of social media and instant information, it’s become increasingly important for government to develop effective digital strategies to keep citizens up-to-date. In much the same way as businesses in the private sector, they need convenient and rewarding digital interactions to meet our needs as tech savvy citizens.
The government needs to engage with the public for a number of reasons; new roads, different tax bands, changing weather alerts. However a recent survey of government communicators by GovDelivery has shed light on the gap between public and private communications; they rated their own sector just 4.7 out of 10, compared to private sector marketing which they scored 7.3.
When asked about their top four challenges in 2016, nearly 60% cited a lack of budget, about 50% said lack of resources and 45% said this would be driving audience engagement with content. Another 40% felt that driving customer satisfaction with online services or tools will be one of the biggest challenges in the coming year.
Some of these challenges are mostly predictable; the average person may be less interested in the latest tax return format then the latest Apple product. Equally, the resource difference between public and private sector organisations always has, and will always, be vast. But to keep people informed and hopefully even interested in government, public digital marketing must learn to use its resources in more dynamic, efficient and personalised ways.
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