Speedy Spotlight: Amber McNaught’s Forever Amber
An interview with Amber McNaught, author of fashion blog Forever Amber. Amber spoke to us about being original when you blog, the problem with PRs running ‘competitions’ and doubling her traffic.
Why should people read your blog?
My blog is essentially a diary, so people tend to read it if they relate to one of the topics I write about, or are just looking for a bit of light-hearted escapism.
What makes your blog different?
It’s the only one about me!
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a blog?
Don’t try to copy other people, or create a carbon copy of your favourite blogs. There are so many ways to blog, and so many things to blog about, that you should be able to come up with something that’s truly ‘yours’. The blogosphere is so crowded that creating something a little different is really the only way to stand out.
How does a good PR work with you?
By taking the time to look at the site and understand what it’s about and what kind of content I publish. I have a page set up with information on the type of brand collaborations I’m willing to consider (and the ones I definitely won’t!) and I really appreciate it when a PR has looked at that, and come to me with a suggestion that’s relevant to my content.
What do PRs do that’s bad?
My pet hate at the moment is the constant requests for me (and other bloggers) to create content which is then entered into a competition, in which I’ll have a slim chance of being compensated for my work. I get dozens of these requests every week, and they’re very transparent attempts by PRs to get a lot of free publicity for their brand, with absolutely no benefit to the blogger (unless you happen to be the ‘lucky’ person who wins, and is paid in clothing, lipsticks or similar).
It feels quite disrespectful to approach someone who blogs professionally and has built up a successful site, and ask them to provide their writing services, plus valuable space on their website, in exchange for the hope of possibly winning a competition. I can’t imagine this happening in other industries (i.e. you wouldn’t approach a dozen magazines and ask them to all run a free advertorial on the basis that ONE of them will be paid for it), so it’s a shame that it’s become so prevalent in blogging.
What was your blogging highlight of 2013?
Having the opportunity to work with some great brands, and almost doubling my traffic over the course of the year.
What will be big in your blogosphere in 2014?
I’m hoping to just keep on doing what I’m doing and see what happens!
Editorial information on Amber McNaught, Forever Amber and thousands of other media contacts and outlets, can be found in the CisionPoint Media Database.
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