Martin Sorrell quits WPP

Sir Martin Sorrell, the 73-year-old founder of the world’s largest ad agency, WPP, has quit his role of chief executive before the results of a misconduct investigation.

Sorrell had denied all allegations against him, but accepted that the investigation needed to take place. After almost two weeks, and just before the independent (and confidential) findings were to be presented to the WPP board, Sorrell has stepped down, effectively retiring.

WPP has come a long way since Sorrell took over the Wire and Plastic Products shopping basket manufacturer in 1985; it is now recognised as the largest-by-revenue agency of its kind, with over 200,000 employees across 400 businesses with 3,000 offices in 112 countries.

Sorrell has been a contentious leader, not least because he is one of the highest paid executives in the world and has now left the company with some questioning how clear the succession plan is. His exit, which is being considered a retirement by WPP, comes with a potential £20m pay off and the option to set up a competitive company as he doesn’t have a non-compete clause in his contract.

Setting up a competitor is considered unlikely though, due to Sorrell’s advanced years and the fact he owns nearly 2% of WPP (worth hundreds of millions). The group’s share price reacted to Sorrell’s departure by falling, at one point, by 5%.

The chief executive said: ‘For the past 33 years, I have spent every single day thinking about the future of WPP. We have had a succession plan in place for some time. We have weathered difficult storms in the past. And our highly talented people have always won through, always. As some of you know, my family has expanded recently, WPP will always be my baby too.’

He has been replaced, for the time being, by Mark Read, chief executive of WPP Digital, and Andrew Scott, chief operating officer for Europe. Sorrell will reportedly be available during the transition period. The FT reports that the long-term replacement is likely to be an external candidate naming Jeremy Darroch, chief executive of Sky, and Andrew Robertson, chief of BBDO, as possibilities.

While his successor will eventually be big news, the bigger news may be the future of the company. Multiple reports suggest it was only Sorrell’s unique leadership that was able to hold together the sprawling business, and now WPP will be split up in order to provide the most value to shareholders.

PRWeek has reported on analysts’ predictions that WPP will sell its market research unit and possibly its PR businesses, but will try to keep the rest of the group whole. The PR business includes Hill + Knowlton, Finsbury, Ogilvy PR and Burson Cohn & Wolfe. Whether they are sold as one unit or individually, the PR industry is in for a rocky time.

WPP also owns huge stakes in Vice Media, Chime Communications and App Nexus – there are very few media companies that will be unaffected by Sorrell’s departure. Which is, probably, just the way he wants it.

Politics on Sunday – Syria bombings dominate the political shows

Parliament returns from recess today and the Prime Minister faces a rough ride in the Commons with an emergency debate on her decision to join America and France in targeting President Assad’s chemical weapons facilities. The subject dominated yesterday’s political programmes, with several high-profile guests on both Marr and Peston discussing the issue.

On Marr, Corbyn attacked the Prime Minister over the decision not to consult MPs and demanded a ‘war powers act’, which would force governments to get parliamentary approval for military action. Corbyn also suggested ‘other groups’ involved in the Syrian civil war may have been responsible for the chemical weapons attack in Douma. Corbyn stated that there was no legal basis for the airstrikes, and criticised the Prime Minister for following Trump’s lead, describing it as a ‘policy made up by Twitter’. In regard to the Salisbury poisoning of Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Corbyn said that he wants to see ‘inconvertible evidence’ that Russia was responsible for the attack.

The Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, also appeared on Marr, with a contrasting rhetoric, criticising Corbyn for denying the likelihood of Russian involvement in the Salisbury attack, describing his viewpoint as a ‘blindness to reality’. Johnson defended the decision to send air strikes, explaining the importance of sending a message to the Syrian leader to deter the ‘barbaric use of chemical weapons’. He also refused to rule out another attack on the region.

On Peston, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster David Lidington stated that there are no plans for legislation with regard to Corbyn’s proposal for a war powers act. Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry also appeared on the show, arguing that Trump should have worked with the UN. She said that it cannot be Donald Trump and the UN making decisions unilaterally. Green Party leader Caroline Lucas also weighed in on the issue, criticising the Prime Minister’s timing of the bombings and accusing her of purposely avoiding a debate in Parliament.

On Sunday with Niall Paterson, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon also criticised the Prime Minister for not seeking Parliament’s approval. She said that the strikes risk ‘escalating an already dangerous situation’, and argued that they do not contribute towards a long-standing and lasting peace in Syria. These comments were echoed by Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon, who emphasised the severity of taking a country to war and accused the Prime minster of paying more heed to the Twitter tantrums of Donald Trump than the British Parliament.

Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable claimed that the decision not to consult Parliament before launching the attack was taken for reasons of political weaknesses and fears of losing the vote. He said that it is essential that the Prime Minister builds a consensus at home before taking action abroad.


Check out the Canvas, which has all the reaction and coverage from the Sunday shows, here. Make your own Canvas here.


Corbyn and Bojo


Prime Minister Syria

Political Headlines – Syria questions, personal health budgets, Commonwealth meeting and Windrush issues

Today’s Political Headlines include Theresa May facing questions on Syria, the rise of personal health budgets, the meeting of the Commonwealth heads and the Government’s rejection of a Windrush issues discussion. 

Theresa May to face MPs’ questions over Syrian air strikes
The BBC says that Theresa May is to face questions from MPs today about her decision to authorise air strikes against the Syrian government. Opposition parties have criticised the decision not to consult MPs, with Labour calling for a change in the law. The Daily Telegraph reports that Russia has launched a ‘dirty tricks’ campaign against the UK and the US in retaliation, with Whitehall sources citing a 20-fold increase in Russian disinformation online.

Personal health budgets to be available to more patients
The Times reports that the Government wants to increase the number of people with ‘personal health budget’ from 23,000 to 350,000. Under the scheme, people will have the right to select and pay for treatments they want, so long as they are approved by a doctor. The scheme will be widened to include people with mental health problems, dementia, physical and learning disabilities, army veterans and wheelchair users.

London set to host Commonwealth meeting for the first time in 20 years
As the Financial Times reports, London is hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting for the first time in twenty years. Theresa May is to use the opportunity to pledge to put the 52 other Commonwealth nations at the heart of ‘global Britain’. The Daily Telegraph says that Theresa May is establishing a £7m fund for female entrepreneurs in the Commonwealth, and that Jeremy Corbyn has said that the Prince of Wales should not automatically succeed the Queen as head of the organisation.

Government rejects request to discuss Windrush generation immigration issues
The Guardian says that Downing Street has rejected a formal diplomatic request from representatives of 12 Caribbean countries to discuss the immigration problems being experienced by some Windrush-generation British residents. Officials have said that there will be ‘a number of opportunities’ for the matter to be raised with the Prime Minister at the Commonwealth meeting.

NHS Digital criticised over data protection
The Financial Times carries details of a report by the Commons Health and Social Care Committee, which finds that NHS Digital ‘appears unable to protect patient data’. The committee expressed concern that personal non-medical information had been shared with the Home Office in order to trace illegal immigrants.

Pro-EU MPs launch campaign for a ‘people’s vote’ on the deal
The Guardian reports that MPs and celebrities have launched a campaign for a ‘people’s vote’ in the final Brexit deal. The MPs involved in the campaign include Anna Soubry, Chuka Umunna, Caroline Lucas and Layla Moran. Separately, the Financial Times expects the House of Lords to vote to remain in a customs union with the EU this week.

Lords report recommends sharing public datasets
The Times says a report by the House of Lords Artificial Intelligence Committee has recommended that data held on people by the NHS and other public institutions should be made available to artificial intelligence firms to counter giant US technology committees. The Daily Telegraph focuses on the report’s suggestion that ‘killer robots’ could become reality unless the Government improves its regulation of artificial intelligence.

Suspended Conservative MP interviewed by police
According to The Times, police have interviewed Charlie Elphicke, an MP suspended by the Conservative Party in November, over alleged sexual offences. He denies any wrongdoing and says that he is ‘completely confident I will be able to prove my innocence’.

Political news is created by Vuelio political services.  

Five Things: Zuck, Apu, Puma, National Lottery and Mike Bushell

This week’s Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed includes Mark Zuckerberg’s time on Capitol Hill, The Simpsons’ offensive stereotype, Puma’s apology, National Lottery on the move and Mike Bushell’s fall.

1. Zuckerberg’s hearing

Mark Zuckerberg

We’re struggling to remember a Five Things that didn’t feature Facebook. This week, Mark Zuckerberg went to Congress to sit through two hearings. He was questioned for hours, with the focus split between data privacy concerns and Russian interference in the US election.

Zuckerberg apologised, which drew criticism from those that pointed out he has been apologising since he created Facemash. He was questioned by what are effectively old people, whose grasp of social media was also criticised. A couple of senators landed some stinging accusations but generally very few revelations came out of the hearings, beyond the meme-worthiness of Mark Zuckerberg. One piece of good news for the company – Facebook’s share price recovered slightly from its dip after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Looks like Zuck is on their side.

Some of the most popular Zuckerberg-as-a-meme tweets:

2. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

The SimpsonsThe Simpsons has inexplicably doubled down on an offensive stereotype, upsetting fans with its tone-deaf approach to modern times. Long-time character Apu was previously featured in a documentary by Hari Kondabolu called ‘The Problem With Apu’. That documentary explores the ways in which Apu is an offensive portrayal, including the fact he is voiced by a white actor doing a bad impression of what the Guardian describes as, ‘Peter Sellers doing an Indian accent’.

The Simpsons hit back this week in an episode, with the least morally repugnant character Lisa saying: ‘Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect. What can you do?’

Fans are upset Lisa voices the words and that The Simpsons are effectively telling people to get over it. There are many things that could be done, with people making suggestions on Twitter, including this remarkable example from Warner Brothers.


3. What are Puma smoking?


Puma has apologised this week after a campaign misstep. The fashion brand organised an event based around drug dealing culture – with invites on ‘burner phones’ being sent out in puma shoe boxes full of fake money. Once the phone was turned on a message appeared that read: ‘Yo G what u sayin today? Pass tru the House of Hustle’. As reported by WWD, the event location was designed to resemble a ‘trap house’ (a place to buy, sell and produce drugs) with graffiti on the walls, dirty mattresses on the floor, and blacked-out windows.

The campaign faced heavy criticism, especially in light of the recent violent crime surge in the capital. Puma released a statement, which said: ‘We want to make clear that Puma in no way endorses or intends to glamorize drug culture. We never intended associations with drug usage, drug culture or drug dealing in any way and we regret any misunderstandings in this respect. We apologise for any upset or offense caused in the usage of this language.’


4. National Lottery moves to ITV

The National Lottery has moved to ITV, after more than 23 years with the BBC. The results will be aired as a 90-second segment fronted by Stephen Mulhern during the advert break of Britain’s Got Talent on Saturday. The results have been confined to BBC iPlayer since 2017.

Camelot, which operates the Lottery, has said a range of well-known ITV personalities would join Mulhern in future editions. The actual draw won’t be aired live but will be available on the National Lottery’s YouTube channel.

Mulhern said: ‘I feel privileged to be bringing those lucky numbers to the nation but also being able to show players how the money they’ve helped raise has made a difference to communities across the UK’.


5. In at the deep end

BBC reporter Mike Bushell had a nasty surprise while interviewing Commonwealth athletes this week – which is hilarious:


The LDN Diaries

From London to St Lucia: The LDN Diaries with Paula Holmes

Paula Holmes is the author of The LDN Diaries, which recently ranked in the Top 10 UK London Lifestyle Blogs. Covering everything awesome about London, Paula writes the blog with her partner Danny and gives her audience top tips for things to do and places to eat. We spoke to Paula about the best places in London, having a successful blog and working with PRs and brands.

What makes your blog successful?
Over the six years of The LDN Diaries, I haven’t been afraid to take risks with my content, however, I also know what works well and what my readers want to see. I would also credit my high standards of the content I produce and being proud of ensuring my audience would want to see, read and engage with it.

I am always looking for ways to constantly improve, whether it’s photography or a new series on the blog. It’s good to have a mix of consistent posts but something fresh too to keep people coming back and I am confident that is what makes it successful.

I’ve also developed great PR and brand relationships over the years, which has enabled me to work with some amazing brands and keep growing.

Paula Holmes What’s the long-term aim of your blogging?
To continue doing what I love! I don’t think a day goes past where I don’t think of the blog. I’m constantly planning content, social media and collaborations. To be honest, each day of blogging changes, one minute I could be at home typing up my next article, the next I’m in Saint Lucia. I’d love to continue to have amazing opportunities with brands that I love.

Long term I would like to develop out my brand and create my own product that people really love.

Where is the best place in London?
Hard to choose, but I do love Sky Garden and I recommend everyone visiting London to go. I just love the view over London and it’s free to enter.

Where is the best place to eat in London?
There are so many great places to eat in London, but my personal favourite is Hakkasan because the food and service is always outstanding.

What’s the best attraction?
As a tourist I would recommend Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the London Eye, but I do love the Natural History Museum. It is so grand and there is so much to see, I could easily spend a whole day here. I also have done a helicopter tour over London, which was amazing.

If not London, where would you like to live?
New York! I just love the vibe of the city, it’s very like London but more fast paced. In complete contrast I also loved LA, it was very chilled and I could definitely see myself enjoying the sunshine every day.

How do you work with PRs and brands?
I enjoy building good relationships with PRs and brands directly, it’s great to be able to share more of your personality with someone so they get a better understanding of what brands or products would fit better. I enjoy working on campaigns and I love when I can put my own input and spin on the collaboration, to make it work better for both parties and create something great for our audiences.


What campaigns have you worked on that you loved?
I loved working with Sandals at the end of last year. They flew myself and Danny to Saint Lucia to create content for social media and their microsite. We had an amazing time and the campaign was very well organised and put together.

What do you call yourself (blogger/influencer/content creator/writer etc)?
All of the above! I started out as a blogger but as the industry has grown, I would definitely see myself as a content creator and an influencer.

What other blogs do you read?
I love getting travel inspiration from blogs, some favourites are The Londoner, The Travelista and Clutch & Carry.


Paula and The LDN Diaries are both listed on the Vuelio Database, along with thousands of other bloggers, journalists, bloggers, MPs and SpAds.  


Political Headlines – Syria, Jeremy Hunt, ex-colonies and UK Aid

Today’s Political Headlines include the Cabinet’s decision on Syria, Jeremy Hunt breaking money laundering rules, apologising to ex-colonies and UK Aid. 

Cabinet agrees military action in Syria is needed
The BBC reports that the Cabinet has agreed ‘on the need to take action’ in Syria in order to prevent the further use of chemical weapons. No details of any UK military involvement in Syria had been given by the Government, and MPs from both the Conservative Party and opposition parties have called for a vote in Parliament before any action is taken.

Jeremy Hunt admits breaking money laundering rules
In an exclusive, The Daily Telegraph reports that Jeremy Hunt has admitted breaching the Government’s anti-money laundering legislation when he set up a company to buy seven luxury flats, as he didn’t declare his 50% interest in the firm. The Cabinet Office found that he did not breach the Ministerial Code of Conduct, but he could still be investigated by a House of Commons committee.

Emily Thornberry says UK should apologise to ex-colonies
According to The Times, Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry has called on the Government to use the upcoming meeting of the Commonwealth to apologise for Britain’s past mistakes, including over the Chagos Islanders and apartheid. The paper adds that Shadow International Development Secretary Kate Osamor has said that Prince Charles is not suitable to succeed the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth.

Penny Mordaunt describes UK Aid as shield
The Guardian says that International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt described UK Aid as a ‘shield’ against pandemics, poverty, organised crime and terrorism in a speech yesterday. However, the paper adds that the speech was ‘short on detail, but long on colour and allusion’ and a planned question and answer session was cancelled.

OPCW confirms nerve agent analysis
The BBC says that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons has confirmed the UK’s analysis of the type of nerve agent used in the Salisbury poisoning. Russia has called the allegations an ‘anti-Russian campaign’ but Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said there was ‘no alternative explanation’ and ‘only Russia has the means, motive and record’.

Arlene Foster gives evidence to RHI inquiry
As The Guardian reports, giving evidence to the inquiry into the renewable heat incentive, Arlene Foster said that she deeply regretted its spiralling costs. However, she also claimed that Sinn Fein’s protests over the scheme had been a pretext to bring down the executive.

Councils run down financial reserves as funding is cut and costs increase
The Financial Times reports that almost half of councils in England have run down their financial reserves over the last two years, as they struggle with cuts in funding from central government and increases in social care costs. The councils whose reserves have increased are largely small district councils which do not handle social care.

Norman Lamb suffers stroke due to long working days
The Sun says that the Liberal Democrat MP Norman Lamb suffered a stroke a fortnight ago, which he has attributed to long hours and a lack of sleep. He now plans to make changes and ‘work smarter’, saying that he was lucky not have received any lasting damage.

These headlines were curated by Vuelio political services.  

A Luxury Travel Blog

The number one in Luxury Travel: Paul Johnson, A Luxury Travel Blog

Dr Paul Johnson is the man behind the hugely popular A Luxury Travel Blog – which recently retained its top position in the Top 10 UK Luxury Travel Blogs. With a huge pool of travel writers providing quality content, A Luxury Travel Blog has become a valuable resource for all things luxe. After being named number one in the ranking, we spoke to Paul about the joy of South Africa, what PRs need to know about full-time bloggers and the word ‘influencer’.

What makes your blog successful?
It was the very first blog of its kind and has amassed over 500 expert contributors since its inception. In the early days of travel blogging, focusing on the luxury side of travel was not something that others were doing so I’m sure I benefited from being an early adopter. That aside, our success comes down to the quality of the content and our strong online marketing focus.

A luxury travel blog What makes luxury travel better than other types?
I wouldn’t say any form of travel is better than another. It comes down to personal preference. But what sets true luxury travel apart from other forms of travel, I believe, is the staff and quality of service associated with your travel experience.

What destination would you suggest to first time travellers?
South Africa. It has such a great mix to offer, whether it is a city break in Cape Town, exploring the garden route, or taking a once-in-a-lifetime safari.

What about seasoned travellers?
For seasoned travellers, I would suggest destinations that are different to anywhere you’ve been before. By exploring new places and going outside of our comfort zones, we discover so much more about the world, different cultures and even ourselves.

Is there anywhere on your bucket list you’ve yet to visit?
I have yet to make it to Iceland and New Zealand – two places I would love to visit soon.

If you could only take three items with you when travelling, what would they be?
My wife and our two sons!

What should PRs know about you?
PRs should know that A Luxury Travel Blog is my full-time job and that I don’t work for free.


What’s the best PR/brand campaign you’ve worked on?
I worked on a fantastic campaign with Land Rover, where we spent 10 days driving right across Nepal and into India. It was part of a wider expedition and an official test of the capabilities of a new hybrid Range Rover that was about to go into production.

What do you call yourself (blogger/influencer/content creator)?
If people I meet ask what I do, I usually just tell them I’m a travel blogger. If they quiz me further, I might tell them that I specialise in luxury travel, but I usually ‘play down’ the size of its following and level of influence. I prefer to be modest about the site’s success and, despite winning the award of ‘Best Travel Influencer’ from WIRED magazine, I don’t tend to describe myself as an influencer – I think past clients should be the judge of whether you are influential or not, rather than it being a term that’s self-proclaimed by the blogger. Plus, I think it’s an over-used term – I come across lots of people who call themselves ‘influencers’ who are really just starting out.

What other blogs do you read?
In all honesty, I rarely read other blogs – I’m too busy running and managing my own!  It’s a full-time job and so much more…

A Luxury Travel Blog is listed on the Vuelio Database, along with thousands of other bloggers, journalists, bloggers, MPs and SpAds.  

Globalmouse Travels

Family wanderlust with Nichola West’s Globalmouse Travels

Nichola West is a top family travel blogger and journalist, who writes for a range of national press titles alongside her blog, Globalmouse Travels. We spoke to Nichola about the importance of social media, planning trips with the kids and ongoing relationships with leading PRs.

What makes your blog unique?
We always say we love to get off the beaten track and not be tourists. That’s not to say we don’t do some of the obvious stuff too but we’ll visit a witch’s weigh house in the Netherlands, a chocolate museum in Havana or go on a night time search for Colugo in Langkawi, Malaysia. We’re always trying to find fun, different things to do.

What’s the best place you’ve ever been too?
Oh gosh that’s so difficult, I absolutely loved the Cook Islands and I’m desperate to get back there, so maybe there. As a family our trip to Oman was something special though, it had everything from beaches, to interesting food and wonderful wildlife and just the friendliest people so it’s up there with the best trips.

Which destination haven’t you visited that you want to?
There are so many – Indonesia, Japan, Costa Rica, Argentina, Texas and more of Russia. I could go on but I’ll stop myself there.

How do you plan your content with the kids (do they help?)?
I love that my kids are getting strong ideas of where they want to visit, my six-year-old’s current dream is to get to New York. We try and build a good mix in all our trips with museums and art galleries together with water parks and playgrounds. We do sit down before going on trips to read a bit about the country, look at photos and get excited about it together. I love that wanderlust seems to already be in their blood.

Globalmouse Travels

What’s the best day out as a family?
The best day out is one that has something for all of us to enjoy – a large dose of fun, learning without realising it, watching my children’s eyes turn wide with delight and everyone dropping in to bed exhausted at the end of a jam-packed day.

How do you use video content?
We love making videos, both for brands and destinations and I also love watching them back and remembering all the happy times we’ve had. We embed them in to our blog posts and also share them on social media.

We’ve discovered that for many bloggers, social media has become the new comments section. How important is social media to your blog?
Social media is integral to my blog. I adore photography and so Instagram is a platform I particularly love and I post daily when I’m on a trip. It’s a great way to keep in touch with my readers and acts almost like a second blog; a preview of everything we’re up to. It really is a great place for a conversation too.


What are the best PR/brand collaborations you’ve worked on?
I adore working with Crystal Ski as they have some amazing destinations that fit in to our love of somewhere a bit different and they’re always great at reciprocal sharing. I also love working with Universal Studios in Florida (our happy place) and also P&O Cruises. I really like building up relationships with brands and PRs that go further than a work exchange that ends there. Recently, we worked with Four Seasons Fairways in the Algarve which was wonderful, they helped us get the best out of the region with some quirky festivals they thought we’d be interested in (we loved them) and some restaurants and experiences we would never have found.

What do you call yourself (Blogger/influencer/content creator)?
I write for the national press too, for The Telegraph, Wanderlust and The Guardian amongst others, so usually I say I’m a travel writer.

What other blogs do you read?
I love Tigerlillyquinn, Mums do Travel and Five Adventurers amongst many others.


Political Headlines – Syria response, free bus travel, NHS funding and EU citizens

Today’s Political Headlines include the UK’s Syria response, free bus travel, NHS funding and vulnerable EU citizens.  

May summons cabinet to decide Syria response
The BBC says that Theresa May has summoned the cabinet to discuss the UK’s response to the suspected chemical weapon attack in Syria, with the Government considering backing military action threatened by the USA and allies. It adds that Jeremy Corbyn has called for Parliament to have a say in the decision and warned about the risk of a ‘hot war between the US and Russia over the skies of Syria’. The Daily Telegraph reports that Theresa May has order British submarines to move within missile range of Syria with strikes potentially beginning tonight, subject to ministerial approval.

Labour pledges free bus travel for under-25s
The Guardian reports that the Labour Party has promised to introduce free bus travel for under-25s, paid for by ring-fencing road tax. The funds would be given to councils who moved to introduce public ownership of bus services or franchising, incentivising councils to create municipally-owned bus companies.

Most voters now back tax increase to fund NHS
According to a poll published in The Times, most voters now back tax rises to fund the NHS, with a significant swing in support of the policy from supporters of the Conservatives. Almost three times as many voters think that the state of the NHS has deteriorated as think that it has improved.

Report warns that vulnerable EU citizens at risk of not securing right to remain
The Guardian reports that Oxford University’s Migration Observatory has warned that vulnerable EU citizens are particularly at risk of failing to secure the right to remain in the UK after Brexit. The paper also carries details of a report by Friends of the Earth, which warns of declining protections for the environment after Brexit. The Times reports that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has offered an ‘upbeat assessment’ of a trade agreement with the UK after Brexit, but India has been less positive.

UK aid budget set for big overhaul
The Financial Times claims that the UK’s aid budget ‘is set for its biggest overhaul in years’, with the Government planning to use development spending to encourage exporters and pension funds to invest in the poorer parts of Africa and Asia. Penny Mordaunt, the International Development Secretary is due to give a speech on the topic today.

Universal Credit unfairly treating self-employed people, charity says
The Daily Mirror has details of analysis by the charity Citizens Advice which shows that Universal Credit is punishing self-employed people, leaving them hundreds of pounds worse off that directly-employed workers earning the same amount. The charity has called on the Government to ‘look again at the design of the benefit’.

Hancock threatens Facebook over data privacy
The Guardian says that the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Matt Hancock has warned Facebook that it is not above the law and could be subject to further regulation is it does not protect users’ data more effectively. Hancock held a meeting with the firm, which sources described as ‘robust but constructive’.

Ministers considering chemical castration for sex offenders
The Daily Telegraph reports that ministers are exploring the use of chemical castration on sex offenders, following trials at six prisoners across the country. A source says that as many as 120 serious offenders have already accepted the treatment, with the paper revealing that the rate of reoffending for sexual offenders has risen by 34% in four years.

Learn more about Vuelio political services.  

Suze Renner

Travelling with the Luxury Columnist

Suze Renner is one half of the Luxury Columnist, a top 10 luxury travel blog that also features Suze’s husband Paul. Created to document the couple’s experience of luxury travel, the blog has grown a huge following online and provides regular reviews of destinations, restaurants and hotels. Suze gave us some travel tips, suggested some amazing places to visit and told us how she likes to work with PRs and brands (including country tourism boards!).

What makes your blog successful?
When someone says they’ve found our tips helpful and tried somewhere new thanks to our recommendations, we feel successful. We’re continually learning from others and we try to integrate that on the blog. Insider knowledge is priceless and we get great suggestions from our readers and followers. We’re also members of the Travel Bloggers Influencer Network, with a collective reach of over 6.5 million followers.

the luxury columnistWhat makes luxury travel better than other types?
I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily better but for me, luxury travel is synonymous with quality and being unique. That could mean a behind the scenes tour of an attraction or a stay in a stylish boutique hotel serving produce from their herb garden. Attention to detail and personalisation are key factors.

What destination would you suggest to first time travellers?
For a city break, Amsterdam is a good choice. It’s fairly compact so you’re unlikely to get lost, you can walk almost everywhere and most locals speak English. In terms of countries, Switzerland stands out for its amazing scenery, safety and language skills of the Swiss people.

What about seasoned travellers?
Tanzania is an incredible country for the charm of its people and its amazing wildlife. It is suitable for first time travellers as long as they’re fairly organised. You need to choose carefully what you pack as many of the safari camps are reached by small planes where luggage is limited. However, once you arrive, you’ll be rewarded with completely unspoiled landscapes.

Is there anywhere on your bucket list you’ve yet to visit?
So many places! Costa Rica for eco-luxury, Galapagos for the wildlife and Australia to see friends who have moved there.

If you could only take three items with you when travelling, what would they be?
My camera, my mobile phone and sunglasses.

What should PRs know about you?
I do quite a bit of background research on the places that we visit. We find that people want to read about the destination as well as the hotels that we stay in. I often travel with my husband who’s a dab hand at vlogs and drone photography, so it’s great when PRs incorporate him into the mix!


What’s the best PR/brand campaign you’ve worked on?
We’ve got a soft spot for Florida as we have an ongoing relationship with the PR and the region. They really tailor each visit to our readers’ interests and build in time to edit photos. We also did a campaign for a Swiss hotel and restaurant group who told us that several people had mentioned us when booking, so that was nice to hear.

What do you call yourself (blogger/influencer/content creator)?
Content creator for sure, as influence is all relative and blogger doesn’t cover the videography aspect of our work.

What other blogs do you read?
Some of my favourite UK-based blogs are London Kitchen Diaries for delicious recipes and London tips, Fitness on Toast for healthy inspiration and Miss Gunner for style suggestions.


The Luxury Columnist and its writers are both listings on the Vuelio Database, along with thousands of other influencers including journalists, bloggers, MPs and SpAds.  

Ana Silva O'Reilly

I just call it travel: Mrs. O Around the World

Ana Silva O’Reilly is the author of top Luxury Travel Blog, Mrs. O Around the World. With a belief that luxury is attainable in some unexpected places, Ana has a loyal readership that check in for tips and travel advice for the most beautiful destinations in the world. We spoke to Mrs. O about where new travellers should visit, the accessibility of the Orient Express and how she likes to work with PRs.

What makes your blog successful?
A very interesting question – namely after I had a challenging year on a personal level. The blog is part of my life; I set a percentage 5 or 6 years ago, and that stayed true until now – the blog is 30-40% of my time and of the income it generates.

I have worked very hard for the last 17 years to be where I am in my professional career (as a marketing consultant) and I am not prepared to give it up. I love my blog but I love it more because I know my life doesn’t depend on it to be what it is. I am incredibly respectful of those who are able to make this a full-time profession, because I am not. It would make me make some questionable choices (I say no to about 90% of invites and paid campaigns because I don’t think I will add any value to them) and, more importantly, will mean nothing to my readers, who I really really value.

And my readers know I work three days a week, have a whole household to run and have some sort of presence on social media, which more often than not, reflects real life, and not everything is dreamy and pink and perfect.

I haven’t written once a week for the past six months and no one has complained. The world hasn’t ended. And it is OK not to be online every day and find something to say. They all understand that. And so do brands.

What makes luxury travel better than other types?
I don’t necessarily call it luxury travel – I just call it travel. We can all go to the same places and then, depending on budget, we can get there in a different way and stay in a different place. Everyone is doing the best that they can, according to their budget.

I think travelling is very aspirational and I always like to put prices on things (which not many bloggers do). It is important to know what things cost and in some cases, there can be some very interesting surprises. An example I always use is the Venice Simplon Orient Express train – the traditional London-Venice trip costs under £2,000, which is less than a business class flight between London and New York. I get that flight probably five times a year (and pay for it a lot more sometimes) – yet we all think that the ‘Orient Express is a once in a lifetime thing’. I cannot tell you how many readers have been and send me photos.

Mrs O Around the World

What destination would you suggest to first time travellers?
Where from? The world is getting so much smaller and people who read the blog are from everywhere. I am a great fan of London – and that is a city that needs quite a few days to explore and you will never ever see more than a quarter of it. I recently wrote a guide to W1 alone, which covers a lot of ‘touristic spots’ and has been really successful.

And if you are going to the USA, explore California. We go every year (for the last 12) and can’t get enough of it.

What about seasoned travellers?
If you have done all the main cities, you may want to try Lisbon, Portugal – my hometown and a city that has been getting a lot of press lately. I personally think it is lovely and has a lot to offer to luxury travellers. Also, I think the Middle East has a lot to offer. We have been going two to three times a year recently (and not setting foot in Dubai except for the airport, as it is a place that I really do not get. I think I am the only person in world in that position, and I have accepted it).

Is there anywhere on your bucket list you’ve yet to visit?
I ticked Vancouver off my list last year, but I wasn’t there long enough, so I have to go back. Oman is absolutely on the list – we love Abu Dhabi and think we will love Oman even more.

If you could only take three items with you when travelling, what would they be?
My phone, my contact lens solution and a cashmere scarf, which I seem to need all the time.

What should PRs know about you?
I have been travelling ‘this way’ my whole life and press trips or sponsored projects are only 50% of my trips – I go where I want to go and will very happily pay for it. I work with very select brands and destinations (more and more recently) who really see value in what I do and understand what I charge for (which many others do for free, and that is absolutely fine by me). And I only travel with my husband or a very close friend and I like to put in the time co-organising my itinerary (which is never too heavy). This makes me a dream to work with for some PRs who really get me (and a handful work with me over and over again) and ‘difficult’ to others. Like anything in life!


What’s the best PR/brand campaign you’ve worked on?
I really like working with Sovereign. We are on year four now and they are a delight to work with – we are both on the same side and work very well together. The head of the PR team has moved on recently, and despite that, they still want to work with me.

What do you call yourself (blogger/influencer/content creator)?
I am a blogger because I have a blog

What other blogs do you read?
I have what I call my leading ladies of luxury travel, from Luxury Travel Mom with whom I co-host #LuxTravelChat each week to Luxe Travel Family. But I also read what the boys write too: I read One Mile at a Time and God Save the Points.

Ana Silva O’Reilly and her blog Mrs. O Around the World are both listings on the Vuelio Database, along with thousands of other influencers including journalists, bloggers, MPs and SpAds.  

Radio 1

Radio 1 switches to a four-day week

BBC Radio 1 has announced a major overhaul of its schedule, with weekend programming now starting on Friday.

The new Friday line-up starts with Radio 1’s Weekend Breakfast at 6.30am on Friday morning, hosted by Dev and Alice Levine; followed by Radio 1’s Greatest Hits with Maya Jama; then Mollie King (of The Saturdays) and Matt Edmondson filling the early afternoon slot 1-4pm; finishing with Scott Mills, who will ‘fulfil a lifelong dream’ by presenting The Official Chart 4-7pm.

The existing Saturday and Sunday schedule is unchanged.

Ben Cooper, controller, BBC Radio 1, 1Xtra and Asian Network, said: ‘The weekend will start here at Radio 1 on a Friday morning, giving our young audience that feel good factor a day early. It’s our job at Radio 1 to reinvent the way young people listen to the radio, to disrupt traditional thinking and to look for new ways in which to grow audiences.’

The knock-on effect is that weekday presenters, including Nick Grimshaw, Clara Amfo and Greg James, will now only present on four days. As the BBC reports, this is the first time Radio 1 has scheduled a four-day week despite Chris Evans famously making a request to have Fridays off when he presented the weekday breakfast show.

This new schedule cements Mollie King’s position as a permeant presenter, after her recent stint as a guest presenter with Matt Edmondson. She said: ‘The only person more excited than me is my mum, who is delighted I finally have a proper job. I’ve had so much fun working with Matt over the past few weeks, and I’m so glad I’m no longer just “Mollie from The Saturdays” but “Mollie from the Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays”.’

It is unclear what effect these changes will have on any of the presenters’ salaries, though presumably the weekday presenters will take a hit and the weekend presenters will get a rise.

The new schedule comes into effect in June.

All shows are kept up to date in the Vuelio Media Database – along with presenters, staff and contacts. 


Political Headlines – Syria, Barry Gardiner, British Gas and David Davis

Today’s Political Headlines include the Syrian chemical attack, Labour’s Barry Gardiner, British Gas price rise and Davis’ internal victory.  

UK and allies agree that international community must respond to Syrian chemical attack
The BBC reports that Theresa May has agreed with her counterparts in the US and France that the international community must respond to an alleged chemical attack in Syria, and that those responsible must be ‘held to account’. A report in The Times suggests that Theresa May has rejected a swift retaliation, telling the US that the UK needed more evidence. The paper adds that Julian Lewis, Chair of the Commons Defence Committee, has said that the UK should not take action without the approval of the House of Commons.

Barry Gardiner ‘fully supports’ Labour policy on Brexit, despite calling it ‘bollocks’
Labour has claimed that its Shadow International Trade Secretary Barry Gardiner ‘fully supports’ the party’s policy on Brexit, The Guardian reports, despite it having emerged that he described one of Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer’s six tests for judging the final deal as ‘bollocks’.

Energy Minister criticises British Gas price rise
The Daily Mail reports that Energy Minister Claire Perry ‘savaged’ British Gas last night, telling customers to switch providers, after the firm announced a 5.5% rise in the cost of gas and electricity which she said was ‘unjustified’. Separately, The Sun says that Environment Secretary Michael Gove has been asked for stronger powers by Ofwat in order ‘to get the water sector back in balance’.

Davis wins internal battle over Brexit negotiations
The Times says that David Davis has won an internal battle with Oliver Robbins, Theresa May’s chief Brexit negotiator, over how much the UK could realistically agree with Brussels before October. Robbins was pushing for ‘a broad, high-level document’ agreeing the principles for the future EU-UK relationship, similar to the approach put forward by the European Commission, while Davis argued that it was possible to ‘get pretty substantively close to a free trade agreement by October’. The paper adds that a study of 23 sectors by the CBI has found that 18 ‘favoured complete alignment with European rules and regulations’ after Brexit. The Daily Telegraph says that EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has demanded the UK signs a ‘non-regression clause’, pledging not to undercut standards.

Bill Clinton praises Good Friday Agreement, as Blair warns of Brexit challenge
Former US President Bill Clinton has called the Good Friday Agreement a ‘work of genius’ at a conference to mark its 20th anniversary, the BBC reports. The Guardian adds that Tony Blair has said that the UK and Ireland would have to ‘overcome the challenge’ posed by Brexit, and urged Northern Irish leaders ‘not to cast aside’ the gains from the agreement.

Rudd to announce £9m fund to tackle dark web
According to The Sun, Amber Rudd is to announce a £9m fund to ensure that every UK police force has a dedicated cyber crime unit, to tackle the ‘sickening shopping list of services and products’ available on the dark web. She will also ask tech and social media firms to do more to help authorities to capture criminals.

New centrist party claims to have links to Tony Blair and son
The Guardian claims that the new centrist party being funded by Simon Franks has told potential recruits that it has links to Tony Blair and his son Euan. One person was told that Euan Blair sat on the board and that Tony Blair had recommended potential donors. Euan Blair has not commented, while Tony Blair denied having direct involvement.

Israeli Labor Party cuts ties with UK Labour Party
The BBC reports that Israel’s Labor Party has suspended relations with the UK’s Labour Party over claims that Jeremy Corbyn has allowed ‘anti-Semitic statements and actions’ and exhibited ‘very public hatred of the policies of the government of the state of Israel’.

Find out more about Vuelio political services.  

Paul Dacre

Dacre’s MURDERERS headline due to personal relationship

Following the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the Daily Mail ran a story under the headline ‘MURDERERS – the Mail accuses these men of killing. If we are wrong, let them sue us’, with pictures of five people the paper accused of the crime.

The front page is famous for driving the campaign to bring Stephen Lawrence’s murderers to justice. In an interview for a BBC documentary, marking the 25th anniversary of the murder, Paul Dacre, editor and editor-in-chief of the Daily Mail, has revealed he would not have backed the family’s campaign without his own personal connection to the Lawrence family.

Stephen Lawrence

As reported by the i, Stephen’s father Neville Lawrence was recommended to Dacre as a ‘very good plasterer’ when the editor needed ‘lots of working doing’ at his home. Dacre said: ‘He did a lot of plastering work. He was clearly a very decent, hard-working man. Would the Mail have done it without that knowledge? Probably not.’

This unusual revelation highlights how important relationships are to the running of the national press. Dacre carries on to explain that he decided to run the front page after meeting Paul Condon, then Met Police commissioner: ‘Paul said he would bet his life these men were the killers but they couldn’t get the evidence. These guys were taking the piss out of British justice.’

He apparently sketched out the ‘MURDERERS’ headline just 45 minutes before the paper went to press, and then forced the ‘cataclysmic’ front page through ‘nervous libel lawyers’.

This is a rare interview from Dacre who usually prefers to shine the spotlight rather than be in it. But it is also a revealing insight in to the power of personal relationships in the British media, and, in light of Condon’s assurances to Dacre, the power a conversation has over the news agenda.

The BBC One documentary Stephen: The Murder that Changed a Nation begins on Tuesday, 17 April at 9pm and continues on 18 and 19 April.

Inside the Travel Lab with Abigail King

Abigail King is the blogger behind Inside the Travel Lab, which is among the top luxury travel blogs in the UK. Abi was a doctor before she started travelling the world and now writes about the culture, history and food of amazing destinations for an audience that cares about the people and places they visit.

Abi told us about the best destinations for both new and seasoned travellers, the importance of her iPhone and her favourite way to work with PRs and brands.

Abi KingWhat makes your blog successful?
Now there’s the million dollar question… Who knows, really!?

I think it’s because I write for an underserved audience and show the world from a different perspective; it’s luxury travel but for people who want to understand a place. Readers are professionals who are passionate about travel, reading, watching and consuming content but they’re not always the chattiest kind. Many of them work in fields that explicitly forbid them from commenting online and so many travel blogs ignore them.

What’s better, luxury travel or travel on a shoestring?
It’s not the price tag that matters but the quality of the experience. So, often that does mean luxury travel is better but of course, as the cliché goes, the best things in life are free.

What destination would you suggest to first time travellers?
America. You’ve half travelled through it already on screen and you don’t need to worry about water or healthcare.

What about seasoned travellers?
Ooh, now that’s a different one because by then people have really honed the kind of things they like to do. So, in part, I would challenge seasoned travellers to try something new.

Madagascar remains relatively unexplored yet its wildlife and landscape are exceptional and the history is fascinating, especially around World War Two. The beaches are beautiful, too, which always helps…

Is there anywhere on your bucket list you’ve yet to visit?
Plenty of places because the list keeps growing the more I travel!

I long to see polar bears in Churchill, hike across Iceland, taste the flavours of Bali and peer into a volcano on Hawaii.

There are the salt lakes of Djibouti and the rock churches in Ethiopia. The swirling rock in Arizona and the quiet water of Kerala.

Then the old cities I love like London, Paris and New York keep adding highlights to their itineraries and former trouble spots like Belfast reinvent themselves!

I’d better stop. I could go on and on…

Abigail King

If you could only take three items with you when travelling, what would they be?
iPhone, iPhone, iPhone.

Or iPhone, charger, spare battery. Maybe a scarf.

So many travel details live on my phone, together with entertainment for long journeys, top editing software from Adobe, music, translation apps, currency conversion tools. It contains about half of what my luggage used to be.

What should PRs know about you?
Inside the Travel lab reaches an affluent, educated audience who love to travel and do so frequently. It’s been described as one of the best travel blogs in the world by Lonely Planet and National Geographic Traveller, and celebrates its 10th year in business next year.

As for me, I used to work as a doctor so I’m used to tight deadlines and getting things done – accurately. I love to work by email instead of phone so that I can work more flexibly around travel and my young daughter.

Oh, and my media kit and case studies live here.


What’s the best PR/brand campaign you’ve worked on?
Happily, over the last seven years, I’ve worked on so many good ones that it’s difficult to choose. However, the stand out one remains a project with Eurail where they acted as ‘artistic sponsors’ and invited me to create a trip to inspire other travellers.

I travelled from Istanbul to Berlin, zig-zagging back and forth across the former Iron Curtain, trying to understand the past and exploring and enjoying the present in each of the modern cities.

What do you call yourself (blogger/influencer/content creator)?
I’m old enough to still be saying ‘writer’ but as I now professionally create photos, videos and broadcast for Lonely Planet, a broader term is definitely needed. All of the above?

What other blogs do you read?
Again, too many!

I like Girl Tweets World, As The Bird Flies, Eat Like A Girl, Geotraveler’s Niche, Atlas and Boots, Y Travel Blog, Landlopers, Adventurous Kate, The Travel Hack, A Lady in London… and many more!

They certainly don’t all fit my niche but I find something interesting or inspiring in each one.


Abigail King and Inside the Travel Lab are both listings on the Vuelio Database, along with thousands of other influencers including journalists, bloggers, MPs and SpAds.  

Good Friday Agreement

Political Headlines – Good Friday Agreement, Syria strikes, serious violence strategy and the war on prostate cancer

Today’s Political Headlines include the anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, May under pressure to join US strikes, the serious violence strategy and May’s £75m prostate cancer strategy.  

Good Friday Agreement anniversary marked, but Gardiner and Davis criticise Irish government over its Brexit stance
The BBC reports that former US President Bill Clinton is visiting Northern Ireland to mark the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement and will speak at a conference also featuring Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern. The BBC adds that Barry Gardiner, Labour’s Shadow International Trade Secretary is facing criticism after he suggested that the Irish government and Sinn Fein have ‘played up’ concerns about the impact of Brexit on the agreement, while The Times says that David Davis has accused the Irish government of bowing to political pressure from Sinn Fein and adopting a hardline stance on Brexit.

May under pressure to join US strike against Assad regime
According to The Times, Theresa May is under pressure from ministers and allies to join a US-led military strike against the Assad regime in Syria. Officials have suggested it is unlikely that MPs will be recalled from their Easter break in order to authorise action, but a senior military source told the paper that options are being examined and that a parliamentary vote is not necessary.

Serious violence strategy overshadowed by row over impact of police numbers
The Guardian reports the Government’s new serious violence strategy claims that tackling serious violence is not a law enforcement issue alone and fails to discuss the impact of police levels, despite a leaked Home Office report having linked the two issues. The paper claims that the leak ‘threatened to overshadow the broader findings of the strategy, such as the impact of drug markets, social and economic disadvantages and social media’.

May to set out £75m prostate cancer strategy
The Daily Mail says that Theresa May is to set out a ‘five-year campaign to wage war on prostate cancer’ today. She is to announce £75m of spending to help spot the disease earlier and improve treatment, with the amount spent on research to be roughly equal to that spent on breast cancer.

Norway offers to roll-over trade deals, as Denmark warns of post-Brexit bureaucracy
The Financial Times reports that Norway has signalled that it will co-operate with the UK’s desire to roll over trade agreements with non-EU countries in the post-Brexit transition phase. However, The Guardian says that the Danish Prime Minister said, following talks with Theresa May, that while he was in favour of ‘an enhanced trade agreement’ between the EU and the UK, there will be more bureaucracy after Brexit.

UK one of just five countries to meet foreign aid target
The Daily Telegraph reports that the UK is now one of just five countries which meet the UN’s foreign aid target of 0.7% of GDP. The UK is bound by law to keep the target, and gives almost double the average of all countries according to new figures from the OECD. The UK is responsible for £1 of every £8 given by developed countries.

Gove considers banning live animal exports
According to The Times, Environment Secretary Michael Gove is considering a ban on the export of live animals for slaughter abroad after Brexit. A call for evidence has been issued by the Government today, with animal welfare groups warning that travel can be stressful for animals and that some foreign abattoirs have lower standards.

Social media junk food adverts face ban
The Times reports that junk food adverts are to be banned on social media, with ministers examining the possibility of identifying social media users by age and banning targeted advertising accordingly, under plans to combat obesity, with minister considering whether to force restaurants to label unhealthy foods as they finalise a strategy before the summer.

Learn more about Vuelio political services.  

Children on tablet

YouTube accused of illegally collecting data on children

Google is under fire from a coalition of child advocacy, consumer and privacy groups in the US. The collection of 23 campaigners, including the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and the Center for Digital Democracy, has filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleging that Google is violating child protection laws by collecting data and selling advertising to under 13s.

As The Guardian reports, the group claims that YouTube is the most popular online platform for children in the US, with 80% of those aged six to 12 using it. YouTube’s Ts&Cs specify that the site is not for under 13s but the group says Google knows children use the site and it sells advertising specifically aimed at them.

The group also claims YouTube records location, device identifiers, phone numbers and tracks children across different websites and services without gaining parental consent, which is required by the US Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (Coppa). Children’s data also has special rules under the GDPR, which comes into force in the EU on 25 May.

YouTube has a ‘child friendly’ service, YouTube Kids, which was released in 2015 specifically to suit the needs of children, with appropriate content and ads. The group doesn’t think this is sufficient, as it still sells child-focused advertising on the main YouTube platform.

As evidence that YouTube ‘knows’ children are using the service, the group points to some of the most popular channels aimed at children, including ChuChuTV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs (15.9m subscribers) and LittleBabyBum (14.6m subscribers).

Jeff Chester from the Center for Digital Democracy said: ‘Google has acted duplicitously by falsely claiming in its terms of service that YouTube is only for those who are age 13 or older, while it deliberately lured young people into an ad-filled digital playground.

‘Just like Facebook, Google has focused its huge resources on generating profits instead of protecting privacy.’

Katie McInnis, policy counsel for the Consumers Union, said: ‘YouTube knows children are watching content on their site, and has created content channels specifically aimed at them, but does not appear to obtain the required parental consent before collecting information about them.

‘Google has the responsibility to be Coppa-compliant and ensure that children can safely watch the programs designed and promoted for kids. These practices present serious concerns that warrant the FTC’s attention.’

The full complaint runs to 59 pages but apparently hasn’t been seen by YouTube. A spokesperson for the platform said: ‘Protecting kids and families has always been a top priority for us. We will read the complaint thoroughly and evaluate if there are things we can do to improve. Because YouTube is not for children, we’ve invested significantly in the creation of the YouTube Kids app to offer an alternative specifically designed for children.’

The complaint once again raises the question of who is responsible for content – the creator or the host. With examples such as the Logan Paul debacle, the argument is something of a grey area. But if it can be proved that YouTube is knowingly cultivating an audience of under-13s, and profiting from it, this case may be more cut and dry.

Politics on Sunday – violent crime crisis and Brexit’s impact on the Good Friday Agreement

The violent crime crisis and Brexit’s impact on the Good Friday Agreement dominated both Andrew Marr and Niall Paterson’s Sunday shows this week.

On the Marr Show, when talking about the significant rise in knife crime, Julia Hartley Brewer described it as ‘black on black’ crime and said that schools and family breakdowns had a role to play. Journalist Polly Toynbee accused stop and search of creating resentment that strengthened gang culture as well as anti-social and anti-police attitudes.

Secretary of State for Education Angela Rayner called for evidence-based, targeted stop and search. She said that this could be achieved through the presence of community and youth workers, who would be able to recognise which young people are vulnerable or at risk of getting involved in gang activity.

Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Sajid Javid spoke of the Serious Violence Strategy to be announced by the Home Secretary on Monday 9 April. He revealed that the strategy would focus on root causes and early intervention. Javid also spoke of the upcoming Serious Weapons Bill which would introduce measures such as making it illegal for under 18s to buy acid and for individuals to possess certain weapons, such as knuckle dusters and zombie knives. Javid claimed the evidence proved that the significant rise in violent crime was not due to the decrease in police numbers. He said that the Government would nevertheless be increasing the police budget by £450m in the coming year.

Paterson guest, Shadow Policing Minister Louise Haigh, welcomed the new measures, however, she criticised the absence of preventative measures. She claimed that taking action on the criminal side was not enough to solve the problem.

Also on Paterson, Stafford Scott, Tottenham community activist, said that the problem lay not just with the police but also with local authorities, central government and the Mayor’s Office who, according to him, ‘have all reneged on their responsibility to these young people’. Minister at the Home Office, Victoria Atkins, spoke of the dangerous impact social media can play in influencing young people to get involved in gangs.

George Mitchell, former US special envoy to Northern Ireland, urged the Government to recognise that it is ‘the futures of their economies [at stake], it is the possibility of resumption of conflict, of a reversion back to the time that nobody wants to go back to except for a very tiny fringe element on both sides.’

Adrian O’Neill, Irish ambassador to London, made an appearance on both Marr and Paterson. He spoke of the ‘indispensability’ of the Good Friday Agreement, referring to it as ‘a miracle’.

On the Marr Show, Christopher Wylie spoke about the Cambridge Analytica story and a potential re-run of the EU referendum. He stated that ‘we need absolute clarity that the decision made by the British people was made fairly and compliant with the law’. He argued that if that was not the case, then a second referendum was required.


Check out the Canvas, which has all the reaction and coverage from the Sunday shows, here. Make your own Canvas here.


Round up

PR blogger collaborations

5 top tips for successful collaborations

Vuelio talks to bloggers, vloggers and ‘influencers’ a lot (which means we know most of them don’t use the word ‘influencer’). We publish spotlights and, as part of these, we get amazing insight into the blogger/PR relationship – what works, what doesn’t and what it takes to be successful.

Every blogger is different, but there are fundamental ‘rules’ that crop up again and again that can help every PR and brand with their influencer outreach and campaign building.

Here are 5 tips, from some of our top blogger friends, on what makes the best campaigns.

1. Find something bloggers are passionate about

The best bloggers will only work with brands and companies they genuinely believe in. No matter how much you pay, few will go against their fundamental beliefs. But if you’re the right fit, then it can lead to stunning collaborations.

For Tamara Kalinic, who heads up the top fashion blog Glam and Glitter, sometimes loving a brand means she doesn’t require payment:

‘My team and I are proud to only accept campaigns with brands we truly love; previously, we’ve worked with brands for free, because it was a natural fit. Some of the projects I enjoyed the most are ones with Cartier, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Louis Vuitton.’

Mike Huxley, Bemused Backpacker, believes the best campaigns he’s worked on are those that tap into his own passions:

‘One of my all-time favourites was the RIGHT tourism campaign with the charity Care For The Wild International. I absolutely loved that because it was a cause that was so close to my heart, and ethical wildlife tourism is something that I still campaign for today.’


2. Make their dreams come true

Everyone likes to be treated well, and special campaigns can really stand out and improve your coverage.

This is true for the Best Women’s Lifestyle blogger Lily Pebbles:

‘Last year I went to New York with Bobbi Brown to help promote their new lipstick range. I love NY, I love Bobbi Brown, I loved the new lipsticks… it was a dreamy job!’

And for Angie Silver, who writes the number one London Lifestyle blog Silverspoon of London:

‘Last year I worked with the Mayakoba resort in Mexico. They flew me out to stay at the Rosewood Mayakoba, a spectacular luxury hotel, in order to create content for them. It was honestly a dream come true!’

For top mummy blogger Clare Minall, who writes Mudpie Fridays, luxury treats that produce family memories are the foundation of the best campaigns:

‘We were gifted a Land Rover Discovery for a weekend adventuring in Cheddar Gorge. The reason it’s my favourite is that I will never forget my husband’s sense of satisfaction driving said car and Monkey’s pure excitement about being able to see over the hedges. It was the moment my husband finally ‘got it’.

‘The special memories created by time together as a family are what I hold dearest and the collaborations that mean the most.’


3. Challenge them

A press release and guidelines for posting can stifle creativity and make your campaign instantly forgettable. The reason you’re working with bloggers is because they have independently grown a loyal audience, who they know inside out! Take advantage of this – let the bloggers contribute to the campaign plan and find something to challenge them.

For Fiona Maclean, founder of London-Unattached, this approach is vital:

‘I really enjoy being given a challenge and creating something to use a specific ingredient or to pair with a specific wine.’

And for Becky Moore, owner of Global Grasshopper, challenges produce content that’s good for brands and bloggers:

‘We were challenged by Vauxhall to see how much fun we can have in 48 hours in their newly launched mini SUV. So, accompanied by Gary (the team videographer) I took a road trip to the surfer’s paradise: Newquay in Cornwall. We were really lucky with the weather and the scenery was so beautiful and, combined with Gary’s drone footage and creative talents, the video instantly took off on Facebook and YouTube – going viral.’


4. Think long-term

When you work with a blogger, you’re tapping into an established brand’s reach and influence. If you do a one off, that’s going to have less impact than working with someone again and again over a period of time, effectively turning them into a brand ambassador.

Angie Silver, who writes the number one London Lifestyle blog, Silverspoon of London, wants you to think long term:

‘I prefer to work on a long-term basis and develop a good working relationship and trust, rather than one-off campaigns or reviews.’

Kimberly Duran, who writes the Best Interior Design Blog Swoon Worthy, also wants the relationship to last:

‘I like to have an ongoing relationship with brands and continuous collaborations. My ideal scenario is having a brand that’s a great fit for my blog so that if they have something in particular or new they’d like to promote, they’ll think of me because they know my audience will respond well to it.’


5. Pay your way

There is still a lot of confusion around bloggers getting paid for collaborations. Firstly, they’re not journalists – they’re not on a salary getting paid whether they cover your campaign or not. Secondly, some are professional – which means they need to be paid – and some are hobbyists, which means they might be happy to cover an experience or product for the joy of it.

Remember, it’s not up to you to decide if a blogger decides to charge and you shouldn’t expect professionals to work for free. Often to work with the best bloggers, you will have to pay – but the rewards can be huge!

Craig Landale, responsible for the Best UK Blog – Menswear Style, makes his position on payment clear at the beginning of a relationship:

‘Some brands come through and they know exactly what they want, and they’re up-front about budget – making it clear if they’re willing to pay or not. I always ask about budget to make sure we both know how to work together.’

And Kate Williams, of top arts and crafts blog Crafts on Sea, wishes people would stop offering freebies:

‘In order to pay the mortgage each month you need to know everything about the latest changes in social media algorithm, what hosting companies are the best and be able to code; it’s not just a job about making pretty stuff. I would love people to stop asking to pay me in craft materials – at risk of sounding rude, I have more paints and paper than the average craft store!’


The Vuelio Database lists thousands of bloggers, and other influencers from the worlds of media and politics including journalists, editors, MPs and their SpAds. Each listing includes a detailed profile, with pitch tips and PR preferences, to help you make the right relationships in the right ways.

Police cuts

Political Headlines – police cuts, new centrist party, immigration and Badenoch

Today’s Political Headlines include the leaked Home Office police cuts document, the new centrist party, criticism of the Government’s immigration policy and Badenoch’s apology to Harman over hacking.  

Leaked Home Office documents link violence increase to Government cuts
Leaked Home Office documents obtained by The Guardian reveal that Government cuts to the police ‘may have encouraged’ violent offenders and ‘likely contributed’ to a rise in serious violent crime. The paper adds that Jeremy Corbyn is to put increasing levels of violent crime and housing issues at the heart of Labour’s local election campaign. Meanwhile, the i has details of a new Serious Violence Strategy, backed by £40m of funding, to be launched by Home Secretary Amber Rudd in a speech today.

Labour figures criticise new centrist party
The Times reports that senior Labour figures have criticised a new centrist political movement set up by former donor Simon Franks, with access to up to £50m. Lord Hattersley said that ‘third parties all end in fiascos’, while John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor, dismissed it as ‘A party of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. A party for the few not the many’.

Report criticises Government’s ‘hostile environment’ policy to immigration
A report by groups including Liberty, the National Union of Students and the Migrants Rights Network claims that the Government’s ‘hostile environment’ policy towards immigration has encouraged ‘discriminatory’ and ‘racist’ behaviour, The Guardian says. The report asserts that the policy encourages discrimination against black and ethnic minority people and disproportionately affects people who are young, homeless, or on lower incomes.

Badenoch apologises to Harman over hacking
The BBC reports that Harriet Harman has accepted an apology from the Conservative MP Kemi Badenoch for hacking into her website over ten years ago. Badenoch became an MP last year and the Conservative Party’s vice-chairwoman for candidates this January.

Outsourcing firms have wider gender pay gap than Government
A report in The Times claims that outsourcing companies used by the Government have worse gender pay gaps than the civil service. 18 out of the 27 ‘strategic suppliers’ have wider disparities than the Civil Service. Shadow Cabinet Office Minister Jon Trickett said ‘Public money should be used for the public good, not to hold people back.’

Housing Minister claims immigration increased house prices by 20% over 25 years
Housing Minister Dominic Raab has claimed that immigration has increased house prices by 20% over the last 25 years, The Times reports. He has passed his concerns to the Migration Advisory Committee, but according to the paper a leading expert has cast doubt on them and urged him to publish the Government’s analysis.

Two thirds of child refugees questioned over age are actually adults
The Sun claims that an official report has revealed that two-thirds of child refugees quizzed over their real age are actually adults. Overall, one in seven refugees who arrive in the UK claiming to be under 18 are revealed to be adults following checks of documentation.

NHS spends £40m a year on useless back pain injection
The Times reveals that tens of thousands of patients a year are being given a useless injection for back pain, costing the NHS almost £40m, despite doctors having been told to stop using it. The health service has promised to crack down on use of the treatment.

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