Brexit image

Political Headlines – Brexit, Boris Johnson and Mark Carney

Today’s Political Headlines include the UK’s negotiating tactics with the EU, Boris Johnson being prank called and Mark Carney issuing a warning over post-Brexit policy 

EU official says that the UK is ‘chasing a fantasy’
The Guardian reports that the EU has accused the Government of ‘chasing a fantasy’ and warned that it ‘doesn’t negotiate under threat’, following a suggestion that the UK would seek to recover over €1bn of contributions towards the Galileo satellite navigation programme. Disputes have also arisen over suggestions that the whole UK could remain partially inside the customs union or that the backstop could be timelimited.

Boris Johnson taken in by hoax callers
As The Times reports, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has been taken in by a Russian hoax-caller who pretended to be the new Prime Minister of Armenia. The callers, who have previously deceived Sir Elton John and President Erdogan, continued the conversation for 18 minutes and an investigation into the incident is now underway.

Mark Carney issues warning over post-Brexit policy
The Financial Times reports that Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, has warned that a ‘disruptive’ Brexit could lead to the institution having to choose between higher inflation or restricting economic activity. He said that ‘the bank is ready for Brexit’.

Home Office criticised over criminal record checks modernisation plan
The Guardian says that a report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee accuses the Home Office of a ‘masterclass in incompetence’ in its attempts to improve the Disclosure and Barring Service, which runs the criminal records checking scheme. The modernisation plan is over four years late and is expected to cost more that £229m more than expected.

Williamson warns that military cuts could lead to nuclear weapons being used
The Sun reports that Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has warned that the UK could be forced to use nuclear weapons if funding for conventional equipment was cut. Williamson told the RUSI’s Sea Power Conference that there needed to be funding for ‘conventional deterrence’. The paper suggests that Williamson is concerned about pressure to redirect conventional spending to cyber defence.

Hunt claims people want to pay more tax to fund NHS
The Daily Telegraph reports that Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt told the Institute for Government that people recognise that they will have to pay more tax to fund the NHS last night, in what the paper claims is ‘a direct challenge’ to the Chancellor, Philip Hammond. It claims that the Treasury is ‘pushing back very hard’ against suggestions from Hunt and Theresa May that taxes should go up to pay for an increase in NHS funding.

Hague criticised for working for Putin-linked law firm
The Daily Mirror says that William Hague is ‘pocketing cash’ from Linklaters, despite the law firm being criticised by the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee for its links to Vladimir Putin. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said that ‘Lord Hague has serious questions to answer’ and called on Theresa May to take ‘urgent action’.

SNP commission recommends income tax breaks for skilled immigrants
The Daily Telegraph says that a report by the SNP’s Sustainable Growth Commission published today will recommend that giving skilled immigrants income tax breaks in order to encourage them to move to Scotland. Andrew Wilson, chair of the commission, said the Scotland’s ‘greatest national challenge’ was increasing its working age population.

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NHS Hospital

Political Headlines – NHS Funding, Galileo, Corbyn in Northern Ireland

Today’s Political Headlines include NHS Funding, the UK’s exclusion from the Galileo programme and Corbyn’s visit to Northern Ireland. 

Households need to pay £2000 a year extra to fund NHS, report says
The Guardian says that a new report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Health Foundation shows that British households will need to pay an extra £2000 a year in tax so that the NHS can cope with the country’s aging population. The report was commissioned by the NHS Confederation, which represents 85% of NHS bodies, and its Chief Executive, Niall Dickson, warned that ‘the current system and funding levels are not sustainable’.

Efforts to exclude UK from Galileo programme driven by ‘German-led clique’
According to The Times, the EU’s attempts to exclude the UK from the Galileo satellite navigation programme are being driven by a ‘German-led clique’ and have caused a rift between Germany and France, which has joined other countries in objecting to the policy. In an official document, the Government will today say that it will reopen the ‘divorce settlement’ if it is not allowed to participate.

Corbyn to visit Northern Ireland
The BBC reports that Jeremy Corbyn is to make his first visit to Northern Ireland as Labour leader today and will pledge that Labour will not support any Brexit deal which leads to a hard border. The Daily Telegraph adds that Corbyn has sparked anger among unionists by renewing his calls for a united Ireland.

UK to request second Brexit transition period
The Times claims that the Government is to request a second Brexit transition period until 2023 to avoid a hard border in Ireland. The proposal, which has not yet been put forward, would see UK maintain customs and regulatory alignment with the EU. Additionally, MPs will vote on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill next month, despite reports that this might be delayed.

Gauke to announce changes to prisoners’ education
The Daily Telegraph reports that Justice Secretary David Gauke is to announce changes to education and employment support for prisoners today. He will say that prisoners should be ready to enter work when they leave prison, as part of a plan to cut reoffending rates in which prison governors will be given greater freedom over education.

HMRC head claims that ‘max fac’ could cost businesses £20bn
The Financial Times reports that Jon Thompson, Head of HM Revenue & Customs, has claimed that the ‘max fac’ Brexit customs proposal could cost businesses up to £20bn a year in extra bureaucracy. He said that there would be negligible extra costs with the Prime Minister’s proposed customs partnership, but that the EU was unlikely to reciprocate it.

Pro-EU campaign’s plans leaked
The Daily Mail has obtained a leaked document from the pro-EU campaign group Best for Britain showing its six-month plan to stop Brexit. The group, backed by George Soros, aims to spend almost £6m on the campaign to get MPs to vote down the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal in October.The group’s plans include working with trade unions, a Labour against Brexit speaker tour, and advertising, social media and local campaigns.

Almost 300 schools not inspected for over a decade
The Independent says that a National Audit Office report has revealed that changes to school inspections introduced by Michael Gove have led to 296 schools not being inspected for over a decade, with over 1600 not having been inspected for at least six years.  Under the policy, which Ofsted wants to be changed, schools rated ‘outstanding’ are not routinely reinspected.

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Michael Gove

Political Headlines – Michael Gove, House of Lords, Galileo, Sajid Javid

Today’s Political Headlines include Gove’s leaked letter, public perceptions of the House of Lords and the role of the EU’s Galileo programme.

Gove criticises Hammond in leaked letter

The Daily Telegraph has seen a letter sent by Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove to the Chancellor Philip Hammond. In the letter, Gove accuses Hammond of being ‘short-sighted’ about Brexit and inflicting a ‘damaging blow’ to the Conservatives’ environmental credibility. He blames the Treasury for a defeat over environmental protections after Brexit last week and for blocking plans for give a new environmental watchdog the power to fine the Government and local authorities.

Lords of out tune with the will of the people, new poll finds

The Daily Mail says that a new poll has found that 76% of people agree that the House of Lords is ‘out of tune with the will of the British people’, with even more agreeing that it is an ‘outdated throwback’. Just 17% of respondents think that the House of Lords should be left untouched. Iain Duncan Smith said that peers should take the findings as a ‘warning’.

Galileo programme ‘key flashpoint’ in Brexit negotiations

The Daily Telegraph reports that the EU’s Galileo satellite navigation programme has become a ‘key flashpoint’ in Brexit negotiations this week. The UK has accused Brussels of not honouring promises made during the Brexit Bill negotiations by shutting British businesses out of the system, despite the UK having agreed not to demand its share of the costs back in return for continued access in the post-Brexit security partnership.

Javid promises new deal for police

The Sun says that Home Secretary Sajid Javid will promise ‘overstretched’ police chiefs a new deal when he addresses the Police Federation today. The paper says that this will mark a ‘seismic change of tone’ from that of Theresa May. An aide told the paper that while no new spending would be promised today, Javid wanted the Treasury to release more money.

Brexit leaves households £900 a year worse off, Bank of England says

The Times reports that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, claimed yesterday that households were at least £900 a year worse off and the economy as much as £40bn smaller as a result of Brexit. Boris Johnson claimed that Brexit had ‘absolutely not’ damaged the country’s interests.

May under growing pressure over customs union from Brexiteers

The Guardian claims that Theresa May is facing ‘growing pressure’ from Brexiteers to fully leave the customs union. Boris Johnson said that the UK should leave it with ‘confidence and brio and zap and dynamism’, Michael Gove said that the backstop should only be in place for a ‘short time’ and Jacob Rees-Mogg questioned if the Government ‘really wants to leave at all’. Separately, the BBC reports that Philip Hammond told the CBI’s annual dinner that staying in the customs union was not necessary.

Boris calls for ‘Brexit plane’

According to the Daily Mirror Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has ‘sparked outrage’ by calling for a private jet. Speaking on a trip to South America, Johnson complained that the plane shared by the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers and the royal family ‘never seems to be available’ and agreed with a reporter’s suggestion that he needed a ‘Brexit plane’.

UK becoming Europe’s cocaine capital, minister warns

The BBC reports that Security Minister Ben Wallace has said that the UK ‘is fast becoming the biggest consumer of cocaine in Europe’. Speaking during a debate on the Government’s serious violence strategy, he said that he wished he had more money and promised to bring forward new measures to crack down on knife possession and extend stop and search powers within weeks.


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Artificial intelligence in PR

Humans still needed – CIPR research reveals the impact of AI

The CIPR’s #AIinPR panel has published research revealing the impact of artificial intelligence on the PR industry over the next five years. For now, it looks like humans and their jobs are safe.

The #AIinPR panel was launched in February to explore the impact of AI on public relations and the wider business community. This new research, led by Jean Valin, principal of Valin Strategic Communications, is the first comprehensive assessment of the impact of AI on PR skills. The panel wanted to determine how much AI was already used in public relations and how fast it is evolving.

The first stage of the research was to establish what skills and abilities are needed to practice public relations. Adapting the Global Alliance Global Body of Knowledge, which describes 50 skills, the CIPR created the following diagram:

PR skills diagram

It then used its crowdsourced list of PR tools and an independent panel to determine which of these skills could currently be replaced by AI:

Skills in PR

The research found that 12% of the skills are currently complemented or have already been replaced by AI in today’s market.

It carried out the same process to determine how this will change in five years:

artificial intelligence

The research predicts that 38% of skills could be complemented or replaced by AI in five years, but key human traits, like empathy, trust, humour and relationship building, cannot be automated.

Valin said: ‘We need to emphasise education, experiential learning and continuous development of these very human traits that are valued in our profession.’

The report draws on the CIPR’s State of the Profession 2018 survey, which says the most common PR activities are copy writing, strategic planning and social media relations. The research says that even social media relations, the discipline that can be most improved by AI, will still need human skills, such as editing, sensitivity, emotional intelligence and applying good judgement and ethics.

As such, AI looks set to improve public relations practitioner’s roles and make their lives easier without replacing them in their work.

Valin said: ‘AI is about to massively change our lives. The public relations profession needs to keep up. We need more experience with these tools and more critical reviews to learn how best to use them and their limitations.’

Stephen Waddington, chair of the CIPR Artificial Intelligence Panel, said: ‘The CIPR is publishing the paper with intention of starting a debate on the issue. We’d welcome comments and challenges to the analysis. We’d also welcome approaches from any other organisations around the world that are working this area.’

Andy McNab replaces Iain Dale at Biteback

Biteback has announced that managing director Iain Dale is stepping down after ten years in the role. He is being replaced, albeit not directly, by bestselling author and former SAS soldier Andy McNab.

Dale, who presents LBC’s weekday drive time show and writes top football blog West Ham Till I Die, is stepping down to, ‘concentrate on his broadcasting career’. He said: ‘Now is the right time to hand over the baton while I concentrate on my radio and TV work and do more writing.

‘I am delighted that Andy McNab has accepted the role and that Biteback’s further growth and development will be supported by Andy’s considerable talents and experience.’

Andy McNab, real name Steven Mitchell, is a former SAS soldier who rose to fame with his autobiography Bravo Two Zero. He has since published a number of autobiographical works about his time in the SAS, fiction books including the Nick Stone Missions series, and worked on Hollywood films such as Heat.

McNab will take on an advisory role to ‘grow and expand the company’s publishing programme’. He said: ‘When I was approached to become involved in Biteback, the opportunity to make Biteback’s range of books more accessible to a wider audience was irresistible. It is a great company with huge potential, and I am looking forward to seeing what we can achieve together.’

McNab is not new to publishing; he previously co-founded the Mobcast e-book platform, which was sold to Tesco in 2012, netting McNab around £1m.

Biteback specialises in political and current affairs titles. Its authors include a broad range of media and political figures, including Trump’s former press secretary Sean Spicer, whose insider book ‘The Briefing’ will be published in July.


GDPR and bloggers: what are the rules?

John Adams of recently wrote a guest post for us proposing the need for a blogger association. As part of the subsequent conversation on Twitter, bloggers said some topics, like the GDPR, needed to be better clarified for bloggers (something an association would be able to do).

At Vuelio we’ve been doing a lot of work around the GDPR, telling the comms industry what it means for them and what they might need to do. You can read our white paper, guide, listen to our webinar, and see answers to frequently asked questions part one and two.

Here, we’ve put together some questions bloggers might have about the GDPR, with answers below:

I’m only a hobbyist, does the GDPR apply to me?
The GDPR applies to anyone who is collecting and using EU citizens’ personal data. It doesn’t matter if you’re a full-time blogger or work for free.

What’s personal data?
Anything that can identify an individual – whether it’s on its own (an email address) or combined with another piece of information (a job title and a company). So, if you’re collecting names, emails, personal preferences and anything else that could identify people, then you’re processing personal data.

Am I Controller or Processor of this data?
The GDPR splits responsibility of data into Data Controllers and Data Processors. Controllers decide how data is collected/managed/used and Processors do what they’re told by the Controllers to process the data in a lawful way that’s compliant with the GDPR.

So, if you’re running a competition, starting a newsletter or doing a giveaway, you’re deciding what information is collected, how it’s stored and what you’re using it for. You’re a Data Controller. Your processors will most likely be software platforms you use, like your web platform, your host and your email platform.

Can I get someone to sort this out for me?
No (sorry). The GDPR is your responsibility. If there’s one thing that’s clear, it’s that you need to understand your own obligations and compliance with the GDPR. Guides like this can only ever be guides – you need to understand why your data processing is compliant with the GDPR, and if you don’t (or it isn’t) you probably shouldn’t be processing data.

What kinds of areas am I processing personal data?
Possibly (but not limited to): newsletters, competitions, giveaways, comments, analytics tracking (if it includes identifiers like an IP address), inbound and outbound emails through your email platform, PR/brand contact sheets and invoicing information.

What does the GDPR say I must do when using this information?
You must have a lawful basis for processing personal data. There are six, but it’s likely you’ll consider one of three: consent, legitimate interest and contract.

Consent: This basis is all about giving individuals real choice and control. There are specific rules about consent, especially how clear you make the consent so people know what they’re agreeing to up front.

Consent must be a positive opt-in, so you can’t make people opt-out by unticking boxes. They must be actively choosing to agree to whatever it is you want from them.

In all cases, you must make it clear why you’re collecting their data and what their data is being used for. So, if they’re signing up to a newsletter, the data is being used to send them your content – that’s a simple explanation. But, if you’re then using that data to give it to partner brands or sell lists to certain PR agencies, that’s more complicated and you must make it explicit on the sign-up form.

This also includes the stages of processing and storage, and you must explain they will have a clear means to opt out at any point (and give them a clear means to opt out from any comms you send them). Not everything has to be written on a consent form; you could write detailed information in your privacy policy and link to it. But when in doubt about what to include, include it – it’s better to have too much information than not enough.

Legitimate interest: This is the broadest basis for processing personal data and you may use it when someone would realistically expect you to process their data for a particular purpose. For bloggers, this might be analytics tracking or storing emails with personal data in your inbox. You need to work out your legitimate interest and it must be weighed against the rights and freedoms of the person whose data you’re processing. You must publish this and direct people whose data you’re processing with a legitimate interest to it. One possibility is writing out the legitimate interest explanation clearly in your privacy policy and then linking it from emails.

You must also give a clear means for people to opt out at all times, should they exercise their right to do so.

Contract: Sometimes you have to process someone’s information to fulfil a contractual obligation. This would apply for invoices and billing, but you still need to document that this is the basis you’re using. If you’re using contract as the basis, processing must not exceed what would be reasonably expected by the other party (so you can’t sign someone up for your newsletter because you’re billing them).

Do I have to tell everyone that I have their data and how I’m using it?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean you should be sending people emails to ‘reconsent’ (if you do, you could be in breaching PECR, which is a whole other post!). If you’re processing data under legitimate interest, you must still tell people you have their data and it’s being processed on the basis of your legitimate interest.

What if someone wants to stop me processing their data?
Unless you have a good, legal reason to continue processing their data (which would be in your legitimate interest), then you must comply. Your data storing platform should have a means for you to remove them without removing all of their details (so you don’t accidentally re-add someone who requested removal).

What if someone wants to know what data I store on them?
This is called a Subject Access Request (SAR) and you have 30 days to comply. You have to let them know about ALL the data you’ve processed that pertains to them – including information from your email platform, inbox, CMS, any spreadsheets and anywhere else you’ve used or stored their data.

Do I need records of what data I have?
Probably, though it’s different for different sized companies (see below). Records should include what data you’re collecting, your lawful basis, types of processing, security measures and granular details like how and when you obtained someone’s data. This is useful if someone wants to know what data you have on them.

I don’t process data very often, do I need to keep records?
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is responsible for policing GDPR compliance in the UK. The ICO states that if you have less than 250 employees, you only need to keep records for processing activities that:

  • Are not occasional
  • Could result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals
  • Involve the processing of special categories of data or criminal conviction and offence data

What about breaches?
If you find out that the personal data you hold is subject to a breach (it’s been hacked into or you’ve left a logged-in laptop on the train) then you MUST report it to the ICO within 72 hours. If it’s an accident and you generally have good processes in place to comply with the GDPR, then the ICO will look more favourably on you. If you’ve not got any evidence you’ve considered the GDPR or processed data lawfully, then the ICO has the power to fine you up to £17m. Yikes!

What if I’m collecting data for a third party, like a brand or PR agency?
This must be clearly explained in your privacy policy – the GDPR is all about people knowing how and why their data is being used.

What about the platforms I use?
You are responsible for ensuring you’re using only GDPR-compliant platforms. Check your terms, email any help desks you have and find out how they’re complying with the GDPR. If they don’t seem right, or aren’t being helpful, shop around – this is important and all companies should be taking it seriously. At Vuelio we’ve taken our responsibility as both a Data Controller and a Data Processor very seriously, and communicated this to our clients and the industry we work in. We believe every software company should be doing the same.


Want to know more? The ICO’s website may help or you can tweet us and we can do our best, but remember – you must understand the GDPR and you are ultimately responsible for complying.

Michael Gove

Political Headlines – Michael Gove (twice), NHS, Ken Livingstone and Grenfell Tower

Today’s Political Headlines include clean air, scrapping NHS reforms, Ken Livingstone resigning and Grenfell Tower.

Clean air strategy to be launched
The Daily Telegraph says that Michael Gove, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary, and Jeremy Hunt, the Health and Social Care Secretary, are to announce a new clean air strategy today. Wood burning stoves are to be targeted, having been identified as the ‘UK’s biggest environmental threat to human health’. Writing in the paper, the ministers claim that the UK will set a ‘gold standard’ for air quality after Brexit, going ‘further and faster’ than proposed changes to EU regulations.

Government considers scrapping some of the 2012 NHS reforms
The BBC claims that the Government is considering scrapping some of the controversial reform to the NHS in England introduced in 2012. The Prime Minister has committed to a better deal for the health service, but the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, has been told that extra funding would come with more reform attached.

Ken Livingstone resigns from Labour
As The Guardian reports, Ken Livingstone has announced his resignation from the Labour Party. He said that issues surrounding his suspension for antisemitism had become ‘a distraction from the key political issues of our time’ and that he would continue to work towards achieving a Corbyn-led Government.

Grenfell Tower inquiry opens with tributes to victims
The Times reports on the opening of the inquiry into the fire at Grenfell Tower. Families of six of the 72 victims paid tributes, with the remainder to follow over the next two weeks. The inquiry’s chair, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, said that the tributes were an ‘integral part of evidence for this inquiry’.

Gove in gaffe at thinktank launch event
The Daily Mirror says that Michael Gove made a gaffe at the launch event for the new thinktank Onward, aimed at attracting young people to the Conservatives. He compared himself to Ike Turner (described by the paper as an ‘infamous wife-beater’) and joked about Meghan Markle’s ‘exotic’ heritage. The Sun adds that Ruth Davidson used the event to call on the Conservatives to ‘speak to the entire nation’.

Theresa May: customs union backstop would only apply in ‘very limited’ circumstances
The Guardian says that Theresa May has claimed that her backstop plan to keep the UK aligned to the customs union post-2020 would only apply in a ‘very limited’ set of circumstances and that ‘nobody wants this to be the solution that is achieved’. The Financial Times reports that the Government has published a plan to be implemented if there is disruption at channel ports after Brexit, involving closing 13 miles of the M20 to hold lorries.

Nuclear defence programme will cost £50.8bn over next decade
The Financial Times reports that the National Audit Office has assessed the cost of the nuclear defence programme over the next decade for the first time. The total cost is £50.8bn from 2018 to 2028, with a £2.9bn shortfall predicted if cost-cutting is delivered.

Northern Ireland Secretary urged to ‘redouble’ efforts to restore devolution
The BBC carries details of a new report by the Commons Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, which calls on Northern Ireland Secretary Karen Bradley to ‘redouble’ her efforts to restore devolution. It also calls on her to outline how ‘urgent’ decisions will be made in the interim.

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The Best (and worst) royal wedding tie-ins

The Royal Wedding was a giant spectacle, driving the news agenda and dominating the global conversation. Whether you loved it or hated it, there’s no denying that for business, it has been a great opportunity to jump on the brand wagon with marketing tie-ins and special products to celebrate Harry and Meghan’s big day.

Before we go any further, for any PRs and marketers looking to capitalise on royal events, it’s worth considering this advice from the ASA. Part of the guidance says you shouldn’t show or mention members of the royal family in marketing comms without their permission. Yikes. It would likely take a complaint from the royal family for the ASA to stop these adverts, which seems unlikely (unless the product tie-in is REALLY offensive) but rules are rules.

Back to the fun bit, we’ve put together a Vuelio Canvas of the best and worst of these brand tie-ins, without any judgement at all (honest).

Canvas is a unique way to present content, whether it’s social links, web stories or your own uploaded content, that you can use for press books, newsletters or just to show off how awesome you are.

Click on the Canvas below to see the full royal show:

Harry and Meghan

Politics on Sunday – social media, Brexit and pizza

Sunday’s political shows had a range of political commentators discussing social media, Brexit, obesity, party policy and the East Coast Main Line. 

Various newspaper outlets were unhappy with the guests on the Sunday political shows due to the heavy presence of those who campaigned for ‘Remain’ in the EU referendum. The star of Sunday’s shows was not a guest, though, it was Emma Barnett (standing in for Marr) who put the politicians under the microscope.

Matt Hancock represented the Government on both Peston and Marr. Hancock was asked by Barnett about an invitation he sent to 14 large social media companies to attend a Government meeting, which resulted in only four attending. Hancock tried to dress this up by saying other social media companies exist and have issues, but Barnett pointed out that it does not inspire much confidence when these companies do not bother to attend something organised by the Government.

Barnett said Mark Zuckerberg has been before the US senate and will be going before the EU parliament. The appearance before the EU parliament is in question as reports say MEPs want the meeting to be live streamed whereas the agreement was that it would be behind closed doors, possibly the reason Zuckerberg agreed.

Peston reiterated that the Government does not have the power to do anything to social media companies. Hancock replied by saying the Government will publish a white paper later this year and will legislate in the next couple of years to get the powers it needs.

Hancock was also asked about Brexit by Barnett, he said it is the job of Michel Barnier to say the UK is in a weak position and it is the job of the Government to get the best possible deal.

Shadow International Trade Secretary, Barry Gardiner, faced Emma Barnett and was grilled on Labour policy relating to the single market. Focus was put on the Labour candidate for the upcoming Lewisham East by-election, Janet Daby. Barnett said Daby is asking people to vote for her and she supports staying in the single market, which is not Labour policy.

Gardiner was then questioned on his view versus the Labour party’s position. Gardiner said the position of the Labour party is to hold the Government to account on the promise they made to secure the same benefits outside the EU as the country enjoys inside the EU. Barnett presented Gardiner with his own remarks criticising this position. Barnett noted that Jeremy Corbyn has kept Gardiner in place despite this criticism but Owen Smith did not enjoy the same privilege.

Nicola Sturgeon was on Peston and was asked about childhood obesity as the First Minister has committed to childhood obesity being halved by 2030. Sturgeon met with Jamie Oliver and was asked whether she is supportive of the two-for-one pizza deals. Sturgeon said childhood obesity needs to be tackled and over consumption is a part of this but she is not looking to make shopping more expensive for families. Sturgeon said over the next two weeks, a debate will be restarted about why independence is an opportunity for Scotland.

Len McCluskey was also on Peston and seemed to be somewhat sympathetic to Ken Livingstone when asked whether the former London Mayor should be expelled from the party. McCluskey said a rule against stupidity would result in many people being expelled including Livingstone. He was accused of dodging the question as Livingstone has not been expelled for being stupid. Peston asked McCluskey about his opinion on the possible deselection of Labour MPs who criticise Corbyn, McCluskey said criticism is fine so long as it is constructive.

McCluskey then got into a debate with Lord Peter Mandelson on the terms by which the UK will leave the single market. McCluskey said the Labour party would negotiate better with the EU than the current Government; Mandelson said the Government is making the same claim, but it has little real meaning on its own.

The day after the Royal Wedding, Lord Mandelson said the wedding made him so happy he is now thinking about getting married.

Speaking on the East Coast Main Line being bought back into public hands, Shadow Transport Secretary, Andy McDonald, said private companies do not invest in the railway; Sophie Ridge said Virgin had invested more in two years than the five before that. McDonald was asked by Ridge whether fares under Labour would go down – he could not commit to this but said they would be more affordable. Minister for Digital, Margot James, said the people who support renationalisation did not live through the days of British Rail.

McDonald was also asked about allegations of bullying by John Bercow, the Shadow Transport Secretary responded by saying he thinks Bercow is an excellent speaker.

Check out our Canvas of all the best coverage from the Sunday Political shows here and find out how to make your own Canvas here.


Political shows


Political Headlines – Russian money, AI, Johnson’s warning and Galileo rival

Today’s Political Headlines include turning a blind eye to Russian money, AI to save lives, Johnson’s warning and the UK’s Galileo rival.

Government criticised for turning ‘blind eye’ to Russian money
The BBC says that a new report by the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee has found that London is being used to hide ‘corrupt assets’ of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his allies, with the UK turning a ‘blind eye’ to ‘dirty money’. Ben Wallace, the Security and Economic Crime Minister, has cast doubt on the report’s findings because he was not called to give evidence to the committee. Separately, the Financial Times reports that the UK has not renewed the visa of Russian oligarch and Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, leading him to miss the FA Cup final.

May pledges to use artificial intelligence to save lives
The Times reports that Theresa May is to deliver a speech today in which she will promise to use artificial intelligence to study patient data to stop cancer or dementia before people know that they have it. She will say that this new technology is key to national prosperity and will save tens of thousands of lives a year within fifteen years.

Johnson delivers ‘thinly-veiled warning’ over customs union
The Guardian claims that Boris Johnson has ‘delivered a thinly-veiled warning’ to the Prime Minister that he still expects her to deliver a deal which would avoid a backstop keeping the UK aligned to the customs union after 2020. He said that ‘Brexiters fearing betrayal over the customs backstop must understand that the PM has been very clear that it is not an outcome we desire; we want a deal with the EU and she will deliver it.’

UK may partner with Australia to deliver Galileo rival
According to the Financial Times, the UK is aiming to launch the first tenders for a satellite navigation system to rival the EU’s Galileo project later this year, and hopes that Australia will become a partner in the programme. The BBC adds that Gavin Williamson, the Defence Secretary, is to launch the UK’s first space strategy today, claiming that the UK needs to be ready to counter ‘intensifying threats’ in space, such as the ‘jamming’ of satellites.

Johnson visits Argentina
The Daily Mail reports on Boris Johnson’s visit to Argentina, the first by a British Foreign Secretary for 22 years. He laid wreathes with his Argentinian counterpart Jorge Faurie at a ceremony at the Monument to the Fallen in the Falklands, commemorating the Argentinian troops who died in the Falklands War. Argentina’s chief of the council of ministers, Mercos Pena, will reciprocate this gesture at St Paul’s Cathedral next month.

Gove and Davidson launch new thinktank
The Guardian says that Michael Gove and Ruth Davidson are to launch a new Tory thinktank, called Onward. Gove argues that his party ‘is at its best when it appeals beyond its core vote and puts forward a reforming, forward-looking agenda that responds to the concerns of the entire nation.’ Writing in the paper, Davidson calls on Conservatives to embrace the country’s ‘open liberal outlook as a positive – and not a threat.’

MPs criticise Motability over pay and reserves
The BBC reports that a report by the Commons Treasury and Work & Pensions Committees has found that the £1.7m paid to the chief executive of the Motability scheme is ‘totally unacceptable’, while funds of £2.4bn were being needlessly hoarded. The Government has said that the National Audit Office will look into the issues raised in the report.

Remainers accused of exploiting Irish border issue
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, former Conservative Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Paterson and DUP Brexit Spokesman Sammy Wilson accuse remainers of having ‘cynically and recklessly exploited’ the Irish border issue. A new report released by Queen’s University Belfast finds that just one in five Northern Irish residents supports a united Ireland.

Learn more about Vuelio political services

Five Things: No influencers, New Look, Yanny, Lil Tay, and Zuckerberg and Leveson

So much has happened that choosing Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed this week has been like deciding who will accompany Meghan Markle down the aisle, except we didn’t end up with Charles.

1. No Influencers Allowed

Blog Awards

The Vuelio Blog Awards are back, back, back! The biggest night of the year to celebrate bloggers is taking place at the Bloomsbury Big Top in London, on 30 November. Blogging’s best will be dressed to the nines enjoying live circus acts, fine dining and the greatest award ceremony on earth (probably). As part of the launch we have just one rule, which thankfully most bloggers seem to agree with: No Influencers Allowed.


2. New Look New Price

New Look fat tax

New Look were in trouble this week after being accused of having a ‘Fat Tax’. It was revealed that larger clothes (in the same style) were more expensive than their smaller version. A shopper spotted a pair of trousers in its Curves range, which were 15% more than a pair in the main collection. The story created a mini storm as many believed it was a tax on being fat, while others thought it was reasonable to charge more for using more material. New Look has said it is now reviewing prices and added: ‘We are proud of the ranges we offer to our Plus Size customers and value all customers, no matter what their body shape or size.’


3. Yanny or Laurel?

Yanny Laurel

Is it Yanny or is it Laurel? Different people hear different things and like ‘The Dress’, it’s divided the internet. Obviously, it’s Yanny, but some still insist on saying they hear Laurel. The Kardashians are debating it and Trump’s presidential team (including Trump himself) even joined in. You can decide for yourself by listening to the clip in the tweet below:

If you want to be really freaked out, check this out:


4. Lil Tay

Lil Tay Instagram

If you haven’t heard of Lil Tay, fair enough, but the nine-year-old ‘flexer’ has nearly two million followers on Instagram. Posting pictures and videos showing off her extravagant wealth, Lil Tay hit the news this week, not for being under age on Instagram (which says all users must be over 13), but instead for allegedly causing her mother to leave her job as a realtor. It turns out Lil Tay and her mother were using the boss of the real estate company’s car as well as houses they were selling as the backdrop to the videos. The mother seems to have been directing and filming, but the move has seemingly backfired. Whether Lil Tay now has enough momentum to support the family through Instagram remains to be seen.


5. Zuck and Leveson out (again)


Last week we reported that the second part of the Leveson inquiry was voted down in parliament. This week we can report that the second part of the Leveson inquiry has been voted down in parliament. Yes, again. The Lords sent it back hoping the slim margin from the last vote could be overturned, but the Government were victorious once more (by an increased margin), so it looks like Leveson II has been well and truly defeated.

A few months ago, it was announced that Mark Zuckerberg would not attend the UK’s Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee meeting to answer for Facebook, instead sending CTO Mike Schroepfer. The Committee have tried again but, once more, Zuckerberg has declined the invitation. As if to rub salt into the wound, a day later he accepted an invitation to meet the representatives of the European Parliament on a trip that will also take in French officials. It’s not clear why the UK has been snubbed in favour of its European neighbours.


Did we miss anything? Let us know on Twitter @Vuelio.

Eric Pickles

Political Headlines – Lord Pickles, Afghanistan, Bercow and Leadsom, and betting machines

Today’s Political Headlines include Conservative peers potentially including Eric Pickles, troops to Afghanistan, Bercow calling Leadsom a ‘stupid woman’ and betting machine stakes delayed by two years. 

May to use royal wedding to distract from announcement of new peers
The Daily Mirror claims that Theresa May is using the royal wedding as a distraction from the announcement of ten more Conservative peers. A source in the Cabinet Office told the paper that it would be ‘a good time to bury bad news’, with potential candidates being former MPs Sir Eric Pickles, Peter Lilley, Sir Edward Garnier, Julian Brazier and Andrew Tyrie. New Labour peers are expected to include Martha Osamor and Iain McNicol, while former DUP MP William McCrea is also expected to join the House of Lords.

UK considers sending hundreds more troops to Afghanistan
According to The Times, the Government is considering sending hundreds more troops to Afghanistan following pressure from President Trump. An announcement is due to me made at a Nato summit in July, with one plan under consideration being for around 400 additional personnel to be deployed as part of a Nato training mission, almost doubling the number of UK troops in the country.

Bercow accused of calling Leadsom a ‘stupid woman’
The Daily Telegraph reports that Commons Speaker John Bercow has been accused of calling the Leader of the House of Commons, Andrea Leadsom, a ‘stupid woman’ in what the paper calls a ‘foul-mouthed tirade’ on Wednesday. The Speaker’s Office claimed that it was ‘an unusual and controversial day’ on which ‘some strong and differing views were expressed on all sides’.

Cut to betting stakes may be delayed by two years
The Times claims that the cut on the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals from £100 to £2 may not be implemented for another two years, with the Treasury advocating that the measure comes into force in 2020. Tracey Crouch, the minister responsible, told the Commons that bookmakers would be given a ‘reasonable’ time to adjust.

Government set to ban flammable cladding
The Daily Mail reports that the Government is set to ban flammable cladding on tower blocks, following an angry reaction to Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of fire safety rules which did not back a wholesale ban of the material. Despite her recommendation, Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary told the Commons that the Government would consult on introducing a ban.

Greg Clark asks CMA to consider Sainsbury’s-Asda deal’s impact on suppliers
The Financial Times reports that Business Secretary Greg Clark has written to the Competition and Markets Authority to insist that its inquiry to the proposed takeover of Asda by Sainsbury’s examines the implications for supermarket suppliers. He wrote that this issue had been raised as part of his engagement with the sector.

Varadkar says that UK must keep somes ties to single market to avoid hard border
The Daily Mail says that the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, has warned that the UK must keep some ties to the single market after Brexit in order to avoid a hard border with the Republic of Ireland. He met Theresa May yesterday, cautioning that addressing the border issue would ‘require more than just customs’. The Sun claims the EU believes that a proposed ‘max fac’ customs system would not be ready for decades, with an official sarcastically suggesting that it might not be ready until 2085.

Neil Hamilton ousted as leader of UKIP in the Welsh Assembly
The BBC reports that Neil Hamilton has been ousted as leader of the UKIP group in the Welsh Assembly. His replacement is Caroline Jones, who won a vote held by the group yesterday afternoon. She said Hamilton had ‘done a good job’ and would be ‘difficult to follow’.

Do you need Vuelio political services?

Search Engine Optimisation

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is often seen as the topic of unwanted emails, confusing code speak and consultancy advice. This guest post from Art Raifi, founder and owner of Black Bird Marketing, aims to clarify what SEO is, why it’s important and what you can do to improve yours.

According to Search Engine Land, ‘SEO is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines’. Accordingly, we can say that SEO optimises a point of contact (i.e. website) for search engines (i.e. Google and Bing).

If you are new to the topic than you might ask, ‘Why would I want to optimise my professional website for search engines?’

A great SEO strategy takes into account optimisation based on relevancy because search engines evaluate the content of a website.

How to Optimise for Search Engines
To optimise user-experiences, search engines have developed complex algorithms that evaluate the composition of a website based on certain criteria. These criteria include, but are not limited to:

  • Quality of the content
  • On-page and off-page optimisation
  • Meta tags
  • Loading speed of the website
  • Relevance
  • Authority and more

Based on these criteria, the algorithm can detect which websites are optimised and which aren’t. In turn determining which sites to rank in its search results.

Google and Bing’s mission are to offer users the information that they are looking for instantly. For example, if you are searching for a keyword, such as ‘Dogs’ the search engine will prompt you with numerous links of dog related pages. The links are ranked from the most optimised, relevant and authoritative pages to the least.

However, gaining the trust of Google and ranking for specific keywords (in our case ‘Dogs’) is not an easy task. SEO is an ongoing process that needs to be supported by a long-term strategy. There are two factors that have to be taken into consideration when deciding whether to engage in SEO efforts, which are time and competition.

The Time Factor
Time is a valuable resource in the SEO world. Search Engines like to rank authoritative websites. But what gives a site authority?

In SEO, authority is defined by many sub factors, including the age of the website, the number of referrals that link back to the website (i.e. social sharing, hyperlinks across other pages) and the quality of the content (is it reliable?).

Experts claim that SEO efforts take a minimum of six to 12 months to show any results. This is largely due to the fact that search engines are continuously crawling (looking into) thousands of websites.

The Competition Factor
In addition to the time factor, there is also competition. SEO keywords are defined as specific phrases that a user searches for in Google or Bing.

On one hand, there are competitive keywords that drive tons of traffic to sites ranked for that specific keyword; and on the other hand, there are less competitive keywords that generate significantly less traffic.

The goal of SEO experts is to find keywords that are not too competitive, but they carry the potential to generate relevant organic traffic. The process of finding a keyword is known as keyword research, and it involves the use of various tools that help us understand the competitiveness and relevance of various keywords.

Tools such as SEMrush, seoMOZ, Wordtracker, and Google Keyword Planner provide the information necessary to find relevant keywords for which you can rank.

Relevancy and Authority
Up until this point, we have talked about the importance of optimisation and its impact on SEO. However, SEO is much more than entering a few code snippets to the website or changing header titles and descriptions. While optimising is extremely important, one must also consider the relevance of the content and the perception that the website has in the eyes of the search engines.

Relevancy, in SEO, is defined by the relationship between a particular keyword and the content of the website.

To illustrate let’s return to the ‘Dog’ keyword example. A page that talks about Cars will never rank for a keyword such as ‘dog videos’ – irrespective of the links that it has generated. That’s because search engines have grown to become smart machines that can’t be fooled.

Their advanced algorithms do not rank pages, unless the selected keywords have a strong relationship with the content found on the page.

When optimising your pages, take into account the relationship between the content of that page and the keyword.

We have already defined authority in relation to time. In reality, search engines use hundreds of factors when evaluating the authority of the page.

Active websites are expected to generate external links that the search engines use as signals to give the site the authority it deserves.

External links, otherwise known as backlinks, are one of the many important factors on which the rank of your page depends. Various updates and patches have rendered many factors irrelevant, but backlinks have successfully survived the test of time.

Of course, backlinks – similar to keywords – have to be relevant to the content of the page.

NOTE: Be mindful of those trying to sell you backlinks. It’s the easiest way for you to get blacklisted by Google and other search engines.

Lastly, in SEO, quality will always beat quantity; 1,000 links from sites that do not rank, are irrelevant and untrusted by search engines, does not compare to one quality link from The Economist.

Final Words
In the last decade, Search Engine Optimisation has grown to become a vehicle that drives the growth of local, internet and international businesses.

At the same time, SEO has shifted the way businesses function and compete. In turn, this has prompted many to engage in SEO efforts, in an attempt to stay ahead of competition.

When optimizing your website for search engines, you should take into consideration relevancy and authority. Make sure your content is relevant to the queries or keywords and keep building links over time to increase the authority of your site.

Accomplishing these steps will take time, effort and money – factors which have traditionally discouraged businesses to jump into SEO.

Yet, those who neglect it are missing out on a unique opportunity to take their businesses to the next level. Businesses are now being forced into SEO or risk losing out to the competition.

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betting machines

Political Headlines – betting machines, customs union, Brexit and East Coast

Today’s Political Headlines include the cut to betting machine stakes, staying in the customs union beyond 2021, the Government’s 15th defeat on Brexit Bill in the Lords and the nationalisation of East Coast rail. 

Government cuts betting machine stakes
As the BBC reports, the Government has announced that the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals is to be reduced to £2 from £100 under new rules. Sports Minister Tracey Crouch said that the change would ‘reduce harm for the most vulnerable’, but bookmakers have warned that the move could force them to close thousands of outlets

UK to tell EU it is prepared to stay aligned to customs union beyond 2021
The Daily Telegraph claims that the UK is to tell the EU that it is prepared to stay aligned to the customs union as a time-limited ‘backstop’, if new border technology is not ready by 2021. The plans were agreed at a meeting on the Brexit ‘war cabinet’ on Tuesday, despite objections from leading Brexiteers. Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned against creating ‘a position that is more attractive than a permanent deal’.

Lords inflect fifteenth defeat on Brexit bill
The Guardian says that the House of Lords has inflicted its fifteenth defeat on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, with the Government losing a vote on an amendment on increasing environmental protection after Brexit by 294 votes to 233. The Government now has to decide when to bring the bill back to the House of Commons to try to undo the changes.

East Coast rail franchise taken under state control
The Financial Times reports that the East Coast rail franchise has been taken under state control for the third time in twelve years. The line is to be rebranded as London & North Eastern Railway, with a public-private partnership expected to run the franchise from 2020. Despite stripping them of the franchise, the Government has admitted that Virgin and Stagecoach are a ‘probable future bidder’ for this partnership.

Review will not recommend cladding ban
The BBC reports that a review of building regulations being carried out by Dame Judith Hackitt following the Grenfell tragedy will not recommend an outright ban on flammable cladding. Instead the review will call for a new building safety management system and criticise the current building regulations for being complex and not fit for purpose.

Police chiefs consider arming rural officers
The Times claims that the National Police Chiefs’ Council is considering plans to arm frontline police officers to cope with terrorist threats in rural areas. As the paper notes, the move ‘will be seen as controversial’ given the UK’s tradition of unarmed policing, but a spokesman said that the move was being considered in areas where having fully trained units on standby was too expensive.

UK should spend as much on defence as NHS, minister claims
Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Defence Minister Tobias Ellwood claimed that the UK should spend as much on the armed forces as it does on the NHS, warning that the UK is taking its ‘security for granted’. Health spending currently makes up 9.8% of the UK’s national income, compared to about 2% for defence spending.

Commons committee votes against Bercow investigation
The Guardian reports that an inquiry into allegations that John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, bullied member of staff has been blocked by MPs. The probe by the parliamentary commissioner for standards, requested by Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen, was rejected by the Commons Standards Committee, by three votes to two.

Learn about Vuelio political services.

Vuelio Blog Awards 2018

No influencers allowed – the Vuelio Blog Awards 2018

The Vuelio Blog Awards are the biggest celebration of bloggers in the UK. Taking place on 30 November 2018 at the Bloomsbury Big Top in London, this year’s event promises to be even bigger and better than ever before, and there’s only one rule – no influencers.

Bloggers, vloggers, Instagrammers, tweeters, Facebookers, YouTubers, writers, content creators, makers, editors, publishers, photographers, directors and small business owners – all are welcome to the greatest night of the year. So are PRs, comms pros, practitioners, officers, creatives, account managers and copywriters.

But influencers? I don’t think we’re the event for you.

Our winners from the last three years – from political supremo, Guido Fawkes, and super parent, Slummy Single Mummy to interior design guru, Mad About the House, and fashion goddess, Inthefrow – do many things; they run businesses, they write books, they tell stories and, yes, they influence their audience.

But Spielberg doesn’t call himself a ticket tout, Gordon Ramsey doesn’t call himself a tummy filler and Jessica Ennis-Hill don’t call herself a sportswear seller. When did we stop taking pride in the work we do to focus on the results we create – often for other people?

We speak to the blogosphere all the time and recently we’ve been asking them: what do you like to be called? And do you know what they don’t say? Influencer. Many tell us they’re not influencers or they don’t want to be called influencer.

That’s why The Vuelio Blog Awards don’t require a minimum social follower count to be shortlisted, you don’t have to enter yourself and we will never ask bloggers to secure votes to help them win.

Instead, we bring together a diverse panel of judges, all leaders in their respective industries, who pore over every finalist to determine the winners. They may consider how influential a blog is, but what they’re looking for is quality of content, relevance to the topic, beautiful aesthetics and uniqueness – something that makes a blog stand out against everything else in the field.

That means that when you win, you know your prize is truly deserved because your blog is outstanding. We reward the work you put in because we think this industry is hard, and the very best bloggers, vloggers and content creators deserve to be recognised.

So, if influence is just a result of how awesome you are at your job, the Vuelio Blog Awards 2018 will take place on 30 November at the Bloomsbury Big Top. Save the date.

PR Examples website

The UK’s Top PR Blog, PR Examples, has a new owner

PR Examples was created in 2011 by Rich Leigh, and will be familiar to the industry for listing the best examples of creative PR stunts, campaigns and events. It has also topped the Top 10 UK PR Blogs several times and was recently a finalist at the Vuelio Blog Awards 2017.

In January, Rich sold PR Examples to James Herring, who is the co-founder of top PR agency Taylor Herring. We caught up with James to talk about the agency, which you can read here, as well as Taylor Herring’s acquisition of the top blog in the UK. He told us about the blog’s rebrand, the problem with car and perfume ads and how he sees PR Examples evolving.

What drew you to PR Examples?
I’ve always been a fan of PR Examples, in fact a week or so before it went live, I launched a Tumblr site, called Stunt of the Day, which did kind of the same job. Rich Leigh, who has become a pal of mine, called me up and said, ‘You won’t believe it but I’m literally on the brink of launching PR Examples!’

We both had a keen, geeky, likeminded interest in collecting up great brand work and curating it somewhere. A place where anyone working in comms can dip in to see how different brands are using creativity to land a message or solve a client problem. Rich got in touch at the back end of last year and said, ‘I think it’s time for me to move on’ – his agency has been going from success to success – and for us it was a bit of a no brainer really.

Big credit to Rich for building the foundations of a resource that’s well-used by agencies and in-house teams.

How was the rebrand gone?
The rebrand seems to have gone down well; we modified the logo and some parts of the site – mostly we focused on making it fully responsive so it would work as well on mobile as it does on desktop.

We also paid some attention to the newsletter and had a growth spurt in the newsletter subscribers; we’re now approaching 7,000 which is encouraging. Plus, we have around 60,000 unique readers a month.

Not everyone in the industry is going to be interested in the type of content that’s on PR Examples, so if you work in City PR it’s probably not for you and if you work in Internal Comms you probably have other challenges. We know we’re not for everyone but it’s a fun project.

As an agency, we’ve always started the morning by saying, ‘Who’s seen something good?’ and in our morning paper review, we’ve always been spotting work, campaigns and ideas that might inspire and fuel what we do. It wasn’t too much of a stretch to turn that into a quick 200-word blog to share with our readers.

PR Blog stories

In terms of the content and contributors, have you changed anything?
Rich is still one of our contributors, though he hasn’t actually been very active of late so I need to name and shame him for that! There are three or four people at Taylor Herring who are regularly blogging at the moment. We change the team working on it from time to time, but we’re also talking to other agencies to get them involved as well: W Communications have put two people forward, as have Frank and Premier.

The end goal would be to have a regular team from a broad range of disciplines and sectors who were regularly contributing. Our next challenge is to index the work so people can easily find stuff. So, if you work in retail and you want to see what creative campaigns supermarkets have done of late, it would be easy for you to find them.

We came up with a groanworthy word for this the other day – a ‘Newseum’ of great creative campaigns.

Ultimately, the thing that makes the work that appears on PR Examples different to what you may see on other trade sites is that it has cut through into through the news cycle or generated good engagement on social.

So, it’s definitely not about beautiful car adverts, which – along with perfume ads – are the worst kind of advertising there is in my opinion.

OK this is a generalisation but there’s no innovation in car and perfume ads. They live in a weird, vapid, self-obsessed world that is of no interest to anyone but themselves.

We’re interested in campaigns that have cut through into the news cycle and have got people talking. We’re looking for something that’s different or surprising.

Have you got an example?
One of the Chinese National Parks put a shop halfway up a climbing wall on a mountain, which someone from the agency spotted in Metro and asked, ‘Do you think it’s a PR stunt?’ And it was! And, even better, no one had spotted it for that. The story had a mountain, rock climbers and a shed bolted to the cliff face where you can purchase bottle of water or energy bar. A lovely creative idea and that’s what the site’s about. Celebrating cool ideas.

Chinese national park PR stunt

With other agencies contributing, will you ever get to a point where you stop them writing about themselves, if it’s too advertorial?
I think people are generally self-aware on that kind of content. No one feels comfortable blowing their own trumpet. We’re interested in the inside story – how you came to the idea, the barriers and challenges. That’s what would make it different. We, at Taylor Herring, need to work out how we’re going to do that too. We have to resist the temptation to talk about ourselves too much but I think we’ve managed to tread the right side of the line so far.

We’d actively welcome agencies or in-house teams to write a first-person, inside track account of what the campaign was like to work on.

Is PR Examples driving business to Taylor Herring? Is it making money like your other site The Poke?
It’s not been built to drive business to Taylor Herring – in fact the link is hard to find. It’s buried at the bottom of the FAQ page. The discipline of scouring the internet every day to find creative work is very valuable to us and our daily work. Analysing and scrutinising those kind of projects gives you a good insight into what does and doesn’t work.

Our video production company, St Mark’s Studio, has become the temporary sponsor of the site because we’re hoping other agencies, in-house teams and brands might need some help creating low cost entertaining video content. Which is what St Marks is set up to do.

We originally took on PR Examples because we thought it might be a good fun thing to do and we are in the business of being fascinated by creative comms.

Currently St Mark’s is sitting in that sponsor slot. However, there are enough service providers in the industry that could potentially step up and help us meet the running costs. It would be nice to think our newsletter could have a sponsor and we could work with companies on native content editorial, things like that.

PR Examples, at this scale and with its number of page impressions, is quite easy to manage.

We decided we’re not going to try and monetise it for the first 12 months, we’re just trying to make it good.

If people like it, we might be more ambitious.

Final Word?
We are actively looking for new contributors – so interested parties should get in touch. They can blog as little or often as they want to.



Love My Dress

A Spotlight with Top Wedding Blog, Love My Dress

Love My Dress is written by Annabel Beeforth and was recently ranked in the top 10 UK Wedding blogs. Created after Annabel’s own wedding in 2009, Annabel not only helps couples create their own perfect day but also writes about the importance of love and the value of marriage.

We caught up with Annabel to talk about the success of her blog, the Royal wedding, using social media, working with brands and the wedding blogger industry.

Love my dressWhat makes your blog successful?
I think it’s a few things, but broadly it’s our consistent approach to the story and not just the images. In a world that is so image driven, we have always understood the need to tell the story too and our readers are constantly feeding back how much they appreciate this. We have always taken pride with the sensitivity with which we handle every wedding we share. We’re incredibly privileged to have been allowed access into these intimate moments in people’s lives.

Secondly, closed Facebook groups have had a phenomenal impact on the relationship we have with our readers. We have a really close connection to our audience now – this connection has helped us develop trust so that when we need to gain feedback or survey the community, time and effort is given willingly. Without realising it initially, we were creating a community of Love My Dress ambassadors in establishing these groups. We absolutely love being able to dip in each day and catch up with our reader’s wedding plans.

Also, we’ve always shown absolute loyalty to the wedding industry. My husband is a graduate in fashion design and formerly had his own design business. It was back in 2000, when social media wasn’t a thing, and having been through that experience with him has, I believe, given me a deeper insight into the challenges faced by small design/artisan business owners. He has also taught me so much about craftsmanship, the quality of design etc.

We are constantly trying to innovate. We’ve just spent months recreating our wedding directory from scratch and believe that our resource will set a new precedent for directories of its kind.

There are a lot of market forces at play right now that are making it difficult for many businesses to find their groove and thrive in our industry – showing these businesses support when they most need it is absolutely vital. For example, the full impact of Brexit has yet to seen but it’s going to have a potentially enormous and damaging impact on many small businesses in our industry – boutiques, for example, relying on shipping in designs from overseas; the import taxes and duties could end up crippling their cashflow. I’m absolutely passionate about supporting our industry and the wealth of creative and entrepreneurial talent within and I think this passion shows through in Love My Dress.

Also, the efforts we are making to increase the diverse nature of our site content is becoming increasingly more important. It’s a timely comment given the imminent marriage of a member of the Royal family to someone who is mixed race, but inclusivity and representation of women/people of colour on sites like ours is SO important in 2018. It’s absolutely not acceptable to have to scroll and scroll the Instagram feed belonging to a site like ours to find a person of colour.

You would be surprised how many major wedding publications/sites/Instagram feeds have no representation of women or people of colour on their Instagram feeds at all. We are working really hard to make those who feel marginalised within the wedding media world feel more included. This doesn’t just extend to people of colour but people with disability and LGBQT community too.

What’s your favourite part of a wedding?
The ceremony always gets me. These are intimate moments in people’s lives and how they choose to use the ceremony to publicly commit their love to another both fascinates me and fills my heart.

What’s your favourite kind of wedding?
I generally avoid the term ‘theme’ like the plague when it comes to weddings! It just isn’t a word that aligns with the way we present weddings to our readers – feels all a bit too ‘fancy dress’.

My favourite weddings, however, are always the most honest ones – the ones where the couple tailored the day as a true reflection of themselves and who didn’t overlook the reason they were marrying in the first place. I love intimate family weddings – children running riot, joy and laughter captured on camera in natural, non-posed fashion. They are always my fav.

How many weddings have you been to?
Actually, not that many! The last one I attended was in 2012! It was that of a disabled bride who documented her wedding planning journey through Love My Dress. It was an absolute joy and pleasure to be there on the day to see her exchange her vows with her fiancé.

Has wedding planning changed with the rise of social media?
Social media is the perfect platform for those seeking wedding inspiration as it’s so visually driven, but it can be a bit of a double-edged sword. Having so many ideas so easily accessible on screen can be both wonderful and utterly overwhelming at the same time. In fact, I personally feel the whole scene is rather saturated.

Pinterest and more so, my fave, Instagram, have revolutionised the way couples are planning their wedding. Many couples are finding suppliers through Instagram which is why it’s so important we show love and support to our clients through this powerful social media platform.

How do you work with brands and PRs for your blog?
There are, in my view, a small handful of excellent wedding PRs in the UK and I think that on the whole, most of them now realise that sites like Love My Dress don’t work in the same way a traditional print outlet would – we can’t, or at least, we don’t, offer free editorial. We’ve worked really hard to build our social following and create a site that is read loyally and believe that is worth paying for. But when the PR gets it, it can be a marriage made in heaven. We’ve worked with some absolutely wonderful clients thanks to successful partnerships with some great PRs. On the whole, PRs have, in our experience, provided access to an artisan/independent part of the market that we take great pride in supporting – artisan jewellers and independent dress designers for example.


What are the best campaigns you’ve collaborated on?
Jenny Packham, Pronovias, Goldsmiths, Emmy London for H Samuel Jewellers.

What do PRs always get wrong?
I think these days there really isn’t room for the kind of mass, depersonalised mail out that will always inevitably get binned. I will always take time to read a tailored PR pitch and respond, even if it means the pitch was unsuccessful. If it looks like the PR has made an effort to get to know us and truly consider the brand match with their client, then I appreciate that. Emails that arrive with a ‘Hi!’ or ‘Hello,’ and no name are always a big turn off as it suggests no effort has been made to get to know us. Why should we take any time considering and responding if this is the case?

What do you call yourself (blogger/influencer/content creator etc)?
To be honest I’ve been trying to veer away from the terms ‘blog’ and ‘blogger’ for a couple of years now because I don’t believe they truly reflect what we do now. We were definitely blogging back in 2009/10, but these days, we’re editing our own online platforms, creating content, establishing brand partnerships and innovating as best we can as we continue to pave a path that has never been trodden before.

I more often than not refer to myself as Editor – but even then that doesn’t truly capture the full extent of my role. Though the term ‘influencer’ sometimes irks me, I will use that too because I think in today’s social media vocabulary, most people understand this represents a site or individual with a significant following in their niche, which we undoubtedly are.

What other blogs do you read?
The Pool (though sometimes it’s editorial approach to weddings and lack of support for the wedding industry leaves me feeling really unhappy), A Playful Day, Blogtacular and Me and Orla.


Annabel and Love My Dress are both listings on the Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, vloggers, journalists, editors and opportunities. 

Brexit secretary

Political Headlines – Brexit white paper, illegal customs plan, Carillion collapse and Windrush

Today’s Political Headlines include the promise of a Brexit white paper, a potentially ‘illegal’ customs plan, the Carillion collapse and the Windrush scandal. 

Government promises ‘significant’ Brexit white paper
The BBC reports the Government has claimed a new white paper on Brexit to be published before the EU summit in June will be its most significant publication on the EU since 2016. David Davis has told colleagues that it will include ‘detailed, ambitious and precise explanations of our positions’.

Customs partnership plan might be illegal
The Times claims that David Davis has told Theresa May that her preferred plan for a customs partnership with the EU could be illegal under international trade law. The Attorney-General will provide an urgent legal opinion to the Prime Minister before the Cabinet makes its final decision and will also consider the alternative ‘max-fac’ proposal, which critics have claimed the WTO might also challenge.

Carillion collapse blamed on ‘rotten corporate culture’
The BBC says that a report has blamed the collapse of Carillion on a ‘rotten corporate culture’ for which its board is culpable. The report by the Commons Work and Pensions and Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committees also calls for the break-up of the ‘big four’ audit firms.

63 wrongful removals linked to Windrush scandal
The Guardian reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid told the Commons Home Affairs Committee yesterday that his department had identified 63 cases of wrongful removal connected to the Windrush scandal, and that this number could increase.

Scotland denies consent for EU (Withdrawal) Bill
As the Financial Times reports, yesterday the Scottish Parliament voted to deny consent for the Government’s EU (Withdrawal) Bill. Government compromises were enough to win support for the bill in the Welsh Assembly. The Government has made clear its intention to override Scottish objections.

Committee reports criticise Government energy policy
The BBC says that two committees have criticised the Government’s energy policies. The Commons Environmental Audit Committee found that investment in clean energy has dived, while the Commons Public Accounts Committee has found that policies to encourage clean heat have failed and often produce dirty heat.

Gove says that Conservatives need to find new economic arguments
The Daily Telegraph reports that Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove told a Centre for Policy Studies event that the Conservatives need to find new economic arguments to win over young people, rather than relying on Thatcher’s reforms and comparing Corbyn to Venezuela.

Johnson claims Iranian nuclear deal still ‘has value’
According to The Sun, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson claimed last night that the nuclear deal with Iran still ‘had value’, as he held crisis talks with European and Iranian counterparts in an attempt to save the agreement after the USA pulled out.

Find out more about the benefits of Vuelio political services.


Vodafone’s #SleepLikeAHero fights cancer

A new campaign from the Vodafone Foundation is harnessing the power of people’s smartphones to make a supercomputer to fight cancer.

DreamLab is a new app that anyone can download onto their phone. Vodafone is working with Imperial College London and is encouraging people to leave the app open while they sleep. The app will become part of a virtual supercomputer, which will be able to process billions of calculations needed for cancer research.

One PC running 24 hours a day would need 300 years to process the data required; 100,000 smartphones running DreamLab six hours a night could do the job in three months.

This is based on the same technology that has been hitting headlines recently for blockchain currency – but seems to be the first time a collective supercomputer has been used (voluntarily) for a good cause.

#SleepLikeAHero was launched with Star Wars’ John Boyega, who gets the call from his agent to be a hero. Check out the campaign video below:

Data will help Imperial College London match genetic profiles to cancer treatments, helping to find new combinations of existing drugs and ultimately enabling tailored treatments for patients. As a touch of genius, the data will be free for Vodafone customers – not eating in to their precious packages.

The campaign was created by Mischief PR and has already scored coverage across national print titles and online.

You can download the DreamLab app – and help fight cancer – on the Apple app store or the Android Play Store.

Taylor Herring

Breaking the news cycle: Taylor Herring’s James Herring

James Herring and Cath Taylor founded Taylor Herring 17 years ago, and were joined shortly afterwards by Peter Mountstevens, who runs the agency alongside the co-founders. Taylor Herring has grown into one of the most well-known consumer PR companies in the UK, and is regularly recognised at leading industry award ceremonies. 

Specialising in ‘breaking the news cycle’, Taylor Herring’s creative is often seen on the front page of newspapers and is likely to be filling up your news feed. In an exclusive interview, we spoke to James about the agency, his recent purchase of top PR blog PR Examples and his secret to award success.

Taylor HerringHow did the agency start?
We started by mainly representing media and entertainment clients. It was back in the days of digital TV, so there were digital channels launching weekly, which were all stuffed with ‘acquired programming’, effectively repeats from mainstream broadcasters. There were also video games companies and music brands, and they were all interested in us for the same reason – they wanted stories that could break the news cycle, rather than stories that just sat in the TV pages or showbiz pages. So, from the beginning, Taylor Herring embarked on a journey of creative news generation to produce disruptive campaign ideas that would get people talking.

As a result of that process, I’m really proud of the work that we have delivered for UKTV and their channels – we work incredibly collaboratively with their in-house team.

For the first five or six years, we were very TV focused. We launched some pretty famous shows like Big Brother and the Apprentice, and worked on shows like The Inbetweeners and Doctor Who.

What surprised us was that these entertainment campaigns led to a lot of consumer and FMCG brands come knocking offering work!

We still do a lot of TV and entertainment work – in the last 12 months we’ve worked on Star Wars, Game of Thrones and we still work on The Apprentice – but we now have an burgeoning client list from the Consumer brands sector, from all walks of life, including easyJet, Samsung, Pimms and Greggs. We have a very diverse client list.

So, it’s your style of PR they’re after rather than the sector?
That’s correct. A typical client would have a switched-on in-house press team that knows their sector backwards. Where we come in is to get that story moving further up the paper, to the home page, or into people’s social timelines. We work hand in hand with those in-house teams, trying to build a campaign that’s colourful, engaging and impactful. More often than not, great content is at the heart of the work – to help the brand really stand out. Video, pictures or an event element – whatever does the job best. It’s all about getting attention and standing out from the crowd.

I guess we’re attention seekers – professional attention seekers.

In terms of the agency set up – how many people do you have and what do they do?
There are about 20 full time staff, which I think might surprise people. We have an incredible freelance production team of regulars which probably takes our squad up to 30.

Without doubt the nature of what we do has changed dramatically, and video has been a big driver for growth for us. In 2017 we made about 65 films for clients, so in January this year, we launched a new production company called St Mark’s Studios. The idea of St Mark’s Studios is to create short form, engaging video content for social newsfeeds. It’s stuff that the big national online news sites should be delighted to have because it’s great content. It is delicately branded, not too self-serving and editorially crafted. It’s also content that can be used on clients’ own channels as well.

We are now very much open to working with other PR agencies – shooting video content for them in a white label fashion.

I suppose this is a new phenomenon – it wouldn’t have been possible up until recently because there wouldn’t have been the demand for it?
Absolutely right – particularly because so many publishers are dependent on the likes of Facebook to power their traffic. Last year there was a gold rush among the bigger newspaper publishers to get into Facebook, when it announced the algorithm would positively prioritise video content. It meant that the more native video content you put on your page, the more reach you got and your other content was more likely to get through.

We used this for our most recent piece of activity for Game of Thrones and Sky Atlantic, where we put White Walkers on the street on the day of launch. We made a 60-second video that captured that experience, subtitled it and made sure it wasn’t too heavy on the branding. In total, I think we had about 25 million views across all publisher platforms – and part of the reason it worked so well was they didn’t need to edit our content at all.

We’ve all heard these stories about certain online sweatshops where poor journalists are banging out nine or 10 stories a day. These poor people don’t have time to pick through a 700-800 word press release so we’re trying to make that easy for them. Journalists are busy and not very generous with the amount of detail that clients would like to see in their stories. The beauty of video is you can bring a richness to the story that you wouldn’t otherwise have.

And you get to control it in its entirety?
Exactly right. There are a gazillion metrics we now have as we try to work out what the formula for proper measurement for this stuff is, but there is one simple measurement of success: getting a completely branded piece of video content into a newspaper’s media player or natively on their social channel. It’s incredible the amount of branding and detailed messaging that are delivered in video, which is why we’ve invested in it. You can’t put a price on the value of that.

Are you bypassing the ‘middle man’ journalist?
Yes, sometimes we are. But not in all cases. You often find the person who is in charge of selecting what native video content goes onto a newspaper’s Facebook page is actually much easier to reach than trying to sell a story through the news desk. If video content performs well there, they will often write that up as a story too, embedding the video in their player.

We can go to the publisher’s social media team, who are in the business of marketing their brand, and say: ‘Tomorrow, we are going to be announcing that we’re doing this incredible thing in London – here’s all the footage, feel free to add your own headings and captions’ – we’re helping them do their job and it’s really that simple.

‘Will people share this’ is probably the question you’ll hear people ask at Taylor Herring more than any other because it’s the same question you’re going to hear the news editor at the Mail Online ask when he receives our press release and pictures.

To that end, we became fascinated with becoming publishers ourselves.

What do you publish?
About seven years ago, we launched The Poke, which has always targeted the bored-at-work market. If you haven’t seen it, we track the trending stories of the day and what we’re really interested in is what the internet has to say about them. So, what have the good people of Twitter got to say about Eurovision? What’s the chatter on Reddit about that movie release?

We’ve grown so it now has a pretty big audience! It’s fair to say it does bounce up and down but in some months we’ve had six million unique users reading our content, 70% from the UK. I think, like other publishers, we’ve benefitted from the Trump Bump quite a lot. We live in a world where for the first time in my living memory, politics is more interesting than show business. It’s incredible, if not terrifying, entertainment on a daily basis.

I think by doing the Poke and understanding how to get content out there via social channels, we have become better at making content for our cleints. So how a post is titled, how it’s optimised for Facebook and what the picture is – without a decent picture and an intriguing headline, stories struggle on Facebook and Twitter.

The Poke was a bit of a hobby for me and Jasper (Jasper Gibson is co-founder) but we now have a news editor, John Plunkett, of Media-pages-of-the-Guardian fame, and we have a network of freelancers who are contributing. It’s a great, fun little hobby that ticks along in the sidelines and pays its way.

So, when the opportunity to acquire PR Examples came along, it felt like a logical step.

Read more about Taylor Herring’s acquisition of PR Examples in the next part of our interview, coming soon! 

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