
Pay to Play: fake followers, fraud and the ethics of influencer marketing

Is your influencer marketing a hit? Or are fake followers plaguing your results?

Ethics in influencer marketing has never been so visible or discussed; just today the issue raised its head again, with Love Island’s Olivia Buckland the latest Instagrammer to have a post banned by the ASA for not clearly labelling it as an advert.

But disclosure is just one problem facing bloggers, vloggers and grammers, and the PRs and brands collaborating with them. There’s also fake followers, paid-for and earned media, and influencer fraud to navigate – and that’s before you create a killer campaign and measure its success.

That’s why our next webinar, with special guest Scott Guthrie, is going to guide you through the choppy waters of modern influencer marketing, so you know how to find the right content creators to work with to produce real results.

Pay to Play – Fake Followers, Fraud and the Ethics of Influencer Marketing
Date: Wednesday 24 October 2018
Time: 11:00 – 11:30 BST

Scott is the former Ketchum digital director – influencer relations, and now works with brands, agencies and platforms to generate meaningful results from influencer marketing. Scott is also a Top 10 UK PR Blogger, writing about influencer marketing analysis, insight and best practice guides at sabguthrie.info.

Sign up to this webinar to learn:

  • Top tips for spotting and avoiding fake influencers
  • What you need to measure to prove your campaign’s success
  • How to engage your audience to make your influencer marketing a success
TM speech

Conference Headlines – Bright future and being cross with Boris

Today’s Conservative Party Conference headlines include May’s Conference speech, but being cross at Boris, DUP could topple the Government, and NHS must embrace technology. 

May insists a bright future lies ahead
The Times is reporting ahead of Theresa May’s speech today, in which she will tell her Party that the ‘best days lie ahead’ for Britain. May will seek to unite the Conservatives ahead of a crucial period in the Brexit negotiations, with the European Commission set to formally respond to the outlined Chequers proposal next week.

May ‘cross’ at Boris speech
In an interview give to the BBC, May expressed her frustration at comments made by former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who yesterday gave a speech to over a thousand people at the conference. May’s irritation centred on Johnson’s remarks regarding Northern Ireland, which she said reneged on Britain’s guarantee to Northern Ireland.

DUP could topple Conservative government
The Guardian is reporting that DUP leader in the Commons Nigel Dodds has reiterated the party’s belief in no border being imposed in the Irish sea. Dodds threatened to vote down May’s deal if it resulted in checks imposed between Northern Ireland and Britain, saying they would not support a Prime Minister that detached Northern Ireland from Britain.

NHS must embrace technology
The Telegraph has reported on comments made by Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock at a fringe event, in which he encouraged the sector to adopt technological innovations and follow the lead of driverless cars. Hancock said the NHS would suffer if it waited any longer in introducing new technology.

EU figures angry with May’s immigration plan
The Guardian has picked up on opposition to the Prime Minister’s post-Brexit plan amongst senior EU politicians, with leader of the EPP group Manfred Weber and the EU’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt both expressing concerns. May set out her vision to end free movement and low-skilled migration once the UK leaves, with EU figures calling for a united front against attempts to pick-off benefits of membership.

Final day of Conference – don’t miss the final day’s summary here.

Tandleman's Beer Blog

Thoughts on beer with Tandleman’s Beer Blog

Peter Alexander was recently named one of the top 10 beer bloggers with Tandleman’s Beer Blog. Created back in 2007, Tandleman’s Beer Blog covers Peter’s love of the beer industry and pubs, especially those in the North West. A local CAMRA chairman and activist, as well as an experienced beer writer, Peter has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he shares with a loyal and engaged readership.

We caught up with Peter who told us about his favourite beer, the future of pubs and how he works best with PRs and brands.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
Less frequent and now based on observations about the trade and pubs rather than ‘What I drank where’.

What’s your favourite ale?
Ah. Too many to say really, but if something is on the bar which is around 4%, pale, clean tasting, properly cask-conditioned and with a good dose of hops, I’ll be happy. I am fond of a really good bitter stout too.

What’s the best brewery?
I’m very fond of my local brewery JW Lees. Good solid beers and lovely people.

Where’s your favourite pub?
My local, the Tandle Hill Tavern in Middleton. It’s where I meet my friends. I know everyone, and they know me.

Are pubs in danger of dying out?
No. But they are changing and not always for the better. While there may well be fewer and they may be different, plenty will remain. Pubs have always changed with the times though, so perhaps no need to worry.

If you were running a dream pub, what would you have on draft?
Brewsmith Pale, Holden’s Bitter, Porterhouse Wrasslers 4X stout, Pilsner Urquell and (my guilty secret) Hoegaarden. And one ever changing beer depending on demand and time of year.

What one thing should PRs know before contacting you?
Like most people I need a little advance warning. No point in contacting me the day before you ask me to do something or go somewhere.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I’ve brewed stouts with Allgates and Rammy Craft Brewery. Both were bloody good beers which deserved a bigger audience.

Do you think bloggers need their own association?
No. Blogging has thankfully become diverse and the reasons for doing it vary so much. We have the internet to bind us together.

What other blogs do you read?
Most. Favourites though are The Pub Curmudgeon, Shut up about Barclay Perkins, Retired Martin and anything written by Matt Curtis.


Theresa may conference

Conference Headlines – immigration rules, Theresa May booed & Javid targets middle class drug users

Today’s Conservative Party Conference headlines include new immigration rules, Theresa May booed by party members, Sajid Javid targeting middle class drug users and the call to get behind the PM. 

New immigration rules
Sky reports on the Prime Minister promising new rules regarding immigration. The rules will give priority to highly skilled workers; immigrants with low skills or those coming to claim benefits will find it much harder to enter the country. These proposals were recommended by the Migration Advisory Committee.

Theresa May booed by party members
The Telegraph reports on the Prime Minister being booed at Party Conference when revealing her Chequers plan. May was heckled when referencing her proposals. This happened at a closed meeting of the National Conservative Convention where it is believed she is the first Prime Minister not to receive a standing ovation.

Javid to target middle-class drug users
The BBC gives a preview of what the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, will say in his speech. Javid is expected to target middle-class drug users. He is also expected to announce a review of the drugs market, which will be part of joined-up action as the Justice Secretary, David Gauke, is expected to announce a new crime unit that will seize the assets of drug dealers high up the food chain. Javid hopes this will make middle-class drug users consider the wider societal implications of their actions.

Get behind the Prime Minister
The Guardian reports on Ruth Davidson being the latest senior Conservative to ask the party to support Theresa May. She reminded her colleagues that they should apply Conservative values to their approach to Brexit. These remarks came after photos appeared of Boris Johnson in a field of something resembling wheat, which are widely considered to be mocking the Prime Minister.

Empty seats at the Conference
The Spectator gives its view on the number of empty seats for cabinet ministers’ speeches at the conference. The article says this is not due to a lack of attendees at the conference, it is because the speakers people want to hear from are not speaking on the main stage. It notes the attendance at events where Jacob Rees-Mogg is speaking is particular high.

Sign up for complimentary Conference emails, with summaries of main sessions, speakers and fringe events here.


How Vuelio improved Fred Marketing’s media outreach

Fred Marketing is a full-service marketing agency based in Hull. We spoke to Mat Ombler, PR Account Manager at Fred, who told us how Vuelio is a ‘blessing’ for the agency’s media outreach, with accurate information in the influencer database and a responsive platform to help prove ROI to clients. 

Fred Marketing
One of our core services is PR and we distribute a lot of press releases as a result. We needed access to a database of media contacts that’s regularly updated with useful information to help us tailor any pitches accordingly. We also needed a responsive platform to help us pull coverage reports quickly and efficiently with as much detailed information as possible to show the value of our PR activity to clients. And we wanted to monitor keywords related to our clients and keep an eye on what other businesses in our clients’ sectors are up to.

The Challenge
We struggled with our previous media database supplier because the platform was very slow and unresponsive, making it very difficult to search for contacts as well as create and distribute press releases. We also found that contacts on the platform weren’t being regularly updated – in one case we discovered a reporter had left the publication we believed he was working at six months ago! Any problems we did report usually took a long time to get a response back to – at least two to three working days.

Since moving to Vuelio we’ve felt more in control of our PR and saved a significant amount of time. The team coded all of our press release templates into HTML, making all of our communications consistent and on-brand, as well as saving us time.

The Solution
The initial demo of the product was great and one of the main things that stood out to us was how detailed the information was on individual contacts on the platform. We were also surprised to see an editorial calendar containing feature lists for a variety of different publications, both offline and in print, saving us a lot of time for forward planning.

The account management and support overall has been fantastic, completely overshadowing our previous supplier. Any problems we do encounter on the platform are quickly resolved within a few hours. We receive a response within the hour for any enquiries we have– although it’s usually minutes! Knowing that there’s someone at the other end of the platform who is there to support you really makes a big difference and makes you feel valued. The onboarding process and training process for new staff members here has been fantastic too.

Benefits and Results
Finding the right contacts is now much easier than ever before and we no longer feel like we have to cross check every single contact with their social media platforms to ensure they’re still working at the place the platform says they are!

Because the platform doesn’t crash and works quickly, it’s saved us a lot of valuable time.

Vuelio is a blessing when it comes to media engagement, providing us with the information we need on who to contact, how to contact them and when to contact them.


Find out more about how Vuelio saves clients time and money here


5 influencer marketing tips from Vuelio Blog Awards finalists

Last week, we announced the finalists for the first five categories of the Vuelio Blog Awards 2018. Covering Men’s and Women’s Fashion, Health & Fitness, London Lifestyle and Travel & Leisure, the categories represent bloggers at the top of their game and the forefront of the industry.

Ahead of the outstanding finalists being announced later this week (exciting!), we present top influencer marketing tips from finalists across each of the first five categories:

1. Be professional and forthcoming – Victoria Magrath, Inthefrow (Women’s Fashion finalist)
Victoria says: ‘There’s nothing that stands out more to me than someone who is professional and forthcoming with how they can see us working together and what the both of us can gain from partnering’.

Read Victoria’s interview here.

2. Allow bloggers to collaborate – Carl Thompson (Men’s Fashion finalist)
Carl says: ‘I like to be involved with every level of the campaign and have a vast amount of experience in what works and what doesn’t. I execute my deliverables to the highest possible quality, hiring the best videographers and photographers, often at my own expense.’

Read Carl’s interview here.

3. Be original – Elle Linton, Keep it SimpElle (Health & Fitness finalist)
Elle says: ‘I know it’s hard to come up with great ideas but original themes, something a little outside the box of what we’re all expecting, makes it interesting for content creators and then our audience.’

Read Elle’s interview here.

4. Develop a long-term relationship – Angie Silver, Silverspoon London (London Lifestyle finalist)
Angie says: ‘I absolutely prefer to meet face-to-face to establish a more personal connection. I also prefer to work on a long-term basis and develop a good working relationship and trust, rather than one-off campaigns or reviews.’

Read Angie’s interview here.

5. Be openminded – Lloyd and Yaya, Hand Luggage Only (Travel & Leisure finalist)
Yaya and Lloyd say: ‘I guess that we are pretty open minded and always flexible in how we work with people. No two destinations or brands are exactly the same, no two people are and so it would be unrealistic to expect two projects to be.’

Read Yaya and Lloyd’s interview here.


If you’re ready to take your influencer marketing to the next level, get in touch and see how Vuelio can help. 


Conference Headlines – Boris ‘unfit to be PM’ and May to compromise on Chequers

Today’s Conservative Party Conference headlines include Philip Hammond’s remarks that Boris is unfit to be PM, May’s Chequers compromise, the Conservatives have lost their way and Hunt’s opinion that the EU is a prison.  

Boris is unfit to be PM
The Daily Mail reports on remarks made by the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, in which he said that Boris Johnson is unfit to be Prime Minister. Hammond has also said that Johnson’s greatest achievement is his Boris bikes. Hammond criticised the lack of detail Johnson provides in his suggestions and said he does not know how his own proposals work.

May to compromise on Chequers
The Sun reports that Theresa May could be willing to compromise on her Chequers plan. At a national convention meeting it is rumoured that May has admitted she may not be able to keep all aspects of her plan. This comes after the PM has faced stiff opposition to her proposals from those in her party.

Conservatives have lost their way
The BBC report on remarks made by Conservative donor, Michael Spencer, who is concerned about the party losing its way. In an interview Spencer did not endorse Theresa May saying that her future depends on her ability to deliver Brexit.

Hunt compares EU to ‘prison’ of Soviet Union
Sky report on a speech made by Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt to the conference where he compared the EU to the Soviet Union. He said the EU was set up to promote and protect the values of freedom and not prevent people from leaving. Hunt also called on the party to unite so it can appeal to the entire country.

You can still sign up for complimentary Conference emails, with summaries of main sessions, speakers and fringe events here.

Jeska Hearne outside

Interior design with Jeska Hearne of Lobster and Swan

Jeska Hearne is the creator of Lobster and Swan, a brand-new entry to our ranking of  Top 10 Interior Design Blogs. With dark moody colours mixed with a  rustic style, Jeska brings the colours from outside, inside. We caught up with Jeska to talk about how the seasons affect her content, her favourite collaborations and the one thing PRs should know about her.

How has your blog changed over time?
Apart from the layout and my style evolving, not much. It’s still all about life, interior and home styling with the things I love and find inspiring thrown in too.

How would you describe your style?
Rustic, rescued, romantic and bohemian.

What makes a great interior design blog?
For me, the images need to be beautiful and engaging first, but I love all aspects of interiors!

What’s the split between your own creations/designs and featuring others’?
It’s a good mix of both depending on how much time I have to post. I love sharing new interiors books and small or inspiring businesses. When we manage to finish renovating the older rooms here, or new areas we’ve created, I always want to share them – but it is a juggling act to make time to shoot and style them in between running our online store, The Future Kept, and other freelance work we do.

Lobster and swan bathroomWhat’s your favourite room in the house and why?
At the moment, I am totally in love with our bathroom, it is all dark and moody with botanicals and a feeling of calm – on clear nights I can take a bath with the windows open and see the stars.

How do the seasons affect your content?
Very much, we are totally in tune with the seasons here, I love to garden and I love the tones that each season brings, so the palette of my images on Instagram gently follows a seasonal feeling.

What’s your favourite household object/item?
This changes all the time – I love our rustic handmade shelves and our bed is definitely a happy place – so cosy and comfy – but I also love all the different artworks we have collected over the years too.

What one thing should PRs/brands know about you?
I am most interested in beautiful, functional products, made sustainably and ethically, or produced in the UK.

What are the best campaigns/collaborations you’ve recently worked on?
For fast room mood changes I love to re-fresh the paint colour of a room – Farrow & Ball and Cassandra Ellis have been great – I love working with them and their colours. Styling a bench three different ways with Sofa.com was fun, I also worked with Leesa when they launched too and theirs really is the best mattress we’ve ever slept on, we love it!

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
Probably, but that sounds stressful!

What other blogs do you read?
My top five in no particular order are: SF Girl by Bay, Apartment Apothecary, Littlegreenshed, Curate and Display and These Four Walls.


Matthew Pike by a wall

Men’s Lifestyle Spotlight: Matthew Pike of Buckets & Spades

Matthew Pike is the man behind Buckets & Spades, a brand-new entry into our Top 10 Men’s Lifestyle ranking. Matthew spoke to us about how varied his blog is, his must-have grooming product and the best campaigns he’s worked on recently.

How many different areas does your blog cover and do you have a primary focus?
Men’s style and lifestyle, design, travel, interiors are the main subjects, but design holds things all together.

What are the main differences between men’s and women’s lifestyle blogs?
Hard one to answer as each blogger has their own nuances and styles.

Who is your favourite designer?
Currently I’m really enjoying Drake’s, Saturday’s NYC and Beams.

What’s your favourite grooming product or service?
Currently that would have to be my Harry’s razor and post-shave balm by Aesop.

What’s the best night out near you?
Ha, there isn’t one. So, it’s a night in for us!

What’s your favourite travel destination?
Recently, New York or Berlin. All time favourite goes to Tokyo.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
Use a research and tailored approach. It’s all about building relationships.

What are the best campaigns you’ve collaborated on recently?
I’ve been very fortunate recently. To name a couple of the campaign I’ve worked on in the past 6 months; Burberry fragrance, Ace&Tate home try-on service, Majestic Athletic x Major League Baseball worldwide campaign, Eastpak x Raf Simons launch, Horizn Studios on-going content creation, Pinterest San Fran project.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
The whole thing is so loose and open to interpretation, so yes I do think a governing body would be helpful. Especially when it comes to producing content with and in partnership with brands.

What other blogs do you read?
At the moment; Jordan Bunker, Basic Apparel, Cate St Hill and Hannah in the House.


Boris Johnson

Political Headlines – Call for Canada-style free trade deal

Today’s Political Headlines include Boris Johnson calls on Theresa May to negotiate a Canada-style free trade deal, scrap unconditional offers urge independent school teachers and Corbyn increases fears of no-deal Brexit. 

Boris Johnson calls on Theresa May to negotiate a Canada-style free trade deal
The Telegraph reports that Boris Johnson has laid out what he would do if he was Prime Minister, including telling the EU that Britain will no longer accept the Irish backstop it signed up to last December, and that the border issue must instead be resolved in free trade talks after Brexit. He plans to negotiate a “SuperCanada” tariff-free trade deal during the transition period to maintain the benefits of being in the single market.

Scrap unconditional offers urges independent school headteachers
The Times are reporting on comments made by the heads of Britain’s top independent schools, which called on universities to end unconditional offers to prospective students. The suggestion has been made by executive director of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference, Mike Buchanan, who claimed that once students are given unconditional offers and know they don’t have to pass, performance in their A levels drops.

Corbyn increases fears of no-deal Brexit
The Guardian have reported on a meeting yesterday between leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn and EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier, in which Corbyn told officials he would vote down any deal that fails to replicate the benefits of membership of the single market and customs union. Barnier was said to be interested in having more detail on Labour’s six Brexit tests, with rising concerns in the EU that the UK parliament will vote down any deal put forward by Prime Minister Theresa May.

Alarm over appointment of food supplies minister
The Independent are reporting on concerns over the recent appointment of David Rutley as food supplies minister, who has taken on the brief amid increasing fears of a no-deal Brexit. A former executive at Asda and PepsiCo, Rutley will manage readiness and the ‘food chain’. Labour have described the appointment as an indication of the ‘catastrophic damage’ no-deal could cause.

Head teachers plan a protest at Downing Street funding rally
BBC News reports that hundreds of head teachers from England and Wales are due to attend a rally today to demand extra funding for schools. Teaching union members, parents and staff have taken part in numerous protests about the budget squeeze over the past few years.

£40K spent to hide how rarely former northern powerhouse minister visited the North
According to The Guardian, the Government had spent two years and £40,000 of taxpayers’ money trying to hide how little former Northern powerhouse minister, James Wharton visited the North of England in his role.

Jacob Rees-Mogg targets the PM for doing nothing to support families
The Daily Mail reports that backbench MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has complained the Tories are doing nothing to promote traditional family values. He is planning a major intervention at Tory conference, and will tell party activists that successive governments have encouraged family breakdown with perverse welfare and tax policies.

Keep up to date with the latest news from the Conservative Conference which starts on Sunday Get complimentary bulletins straight to your inbox, sign up here.

three pints of beer

Talking beer with The Pub Curmudgeon

Choosing to remain anonymous The Pub Curmudgeon shares their thoughts on all things beer and pubs. Recently ranked in the Top 10 Beer BlogsThe Pub Curmudgeon chatted about about whether pubs are dying out, the best brewery and whether bloggers should have their own association.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
The biggest change is that a lot of the one-liners and links to articles have moved to Twitter, so it now tends to concentrate on longer, more considered pieces.

What’s your favourite ale?
Impossible really to name just one, but if forced to I’d pick Batham’s Best Bitter, a wonderfully complex, subtle and deceptively drinkable beer.

What’s the best brewery?
One from the select band of independent family brewers that have survived the past forty-odd years and are still flying the flag for traditional British beers, such as Hook Norton and Harveys.

he Black Horse at Clapton-in-GordanoWhere’s your favourite pub?
The Black Horse at Clapton-in-Gordano in Somerset, which claims to date back to the 14th century and retains an unspoilt interior of great character. It continues to be a proper local pub and not just an eating house.

Are pubs in danger of dying out?
Not really, but various social and legislative changes over recent decades have made their appeal much narrower than it used to be.

If you were running a dream pub, what would you have on draft?
My dream pub would be aimed at a wide cross-section of people, not just beer enthusiasts. I’d start with Draught Bass and whatever “ordinary” bitter the locals were most keen on.

What one thing should PRs know before contacting you?
The dishwasher. And the dyson. Anything that makes my life easier.

What one thing should PRs/brands know about you?
I have a good face for radio.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I’ve not really gone in much for collaborations, but one memorable one was last Autumn when Martin Taylor, Richard Coldwell and I had a day out in Leicester and each blogged about it from our different perspectives.

Do you think bloggers need their own association?
No. Bloggers cover a huge range of standpoints and it can’t really be said that they have a collective interest.

What other blogs do you read?
I follow a wide range of blogs, but three I would pick out are Retiredmartin, Tandleman and Velvet Glove, Iron Fist.


Carole King from Dear Designer's Blog

Interior design spotlight: Carole King, Dear Designer’s Blog

Carole King is behind Dear Designer’s Blog, which was recently ranked in the Top 10 Interior Design Blogs. From mastering the mood board to finding your own personal style, Carole helps readers bring their home to life. We spoke to Carole about her own personal style, her favourite room and the one thing PRs should know about her.

How has your blog changed over time?
When I first started blogging 9 years ago I was posting 7 days a week. I was still holding down a job at that time and the pressure was relentless. Consequently, the posts were short and covered all sorts of design aesthetics. These days I have a much more relaxed schedule, my posts are more in depth and I only post about things I absolutely love. I also include a lot more of my own photography now.

How would you describe your style?
Sometimes it takes someone else to sum up your style succinctly and this is what was said about me recently. “Her design philosophy mixes down-to-earth staples with high drama details to create interiors that are lush, luxurious, and liveable. Striking a balance between light and dark.” I love that.

What makes a great interior design blog?
Consistent posting. A genuine love of the subject and fantastic images!

What’s the split between your own creations/designs and featuring others’?
I probably feature others about 75% of the time. I wish I could renovate a room a week, but budget and time doesn’t allow that. Clients don’t always want their homes featured so that’s another restriction. I do try to put my own spin on posts though, by creating mood boards that are my own interpretation.

Dear Designer blog bedroomWhat’s your favourite room in the house and why?
In my own home my favourite room is the bedroom. It’s large, light and has a dedicated dressing area.

How do the seasons affect your content?
Obviously I write things that my readers want to read. So, if it’s cold outside I like to offer suggestions for warming up the home. But those posts are occasional. I don’t dwell too much on seasons because we can’t change our decor that often.

What’s your favourite household object/item?
The dishwasher. And the dyson. Anything that makes my life easier.

What one thing should PRs/brands know about you?
I genuinely do only work with companies that I love.

What are the best campaigns/collaborations you’ve recently worked on?
I enjoy all the collaborations I work on. See above answer! I’m starting to get invites for travel stories too now, which is my other great love.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
That would be great. And very helpful to others just starting out in the industry.

What other blogs do you read?
Loads! Too many to mention. But I’m obsessed with Scandinavian interiors so whenever I need a fix I head to My Scandinavian Home.


theresa may in paris

Political Headlines – Corbyn to back Brexit deal if ‘sensible’

Today’s Political Headlines include Corbyn’s offer to back May’s Brexit deal if it’s ‘sensible’, May losing Cabinet support over no-deal plan and bringing the Budget forward. 

Corbyn offers to vote for May’s Brexit deal, but only if its ‘sensible’
The Guardian reports that Jeremy Corbyn has warned Theresa May that Labour MPs will vote against her Brexit deal unless she is willing to keep the UK in the customs union and protect consumers’ and workers’ rights. He also used his conference speech to promise that Labour would support a ‘sensible deal’. The BBC adds that Corbyn is visiting Brussels today, where he will hold talks with the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier and attend the renaming of a square win honour of the murdered MP Jo Cox.

May’s no-deal plan losing Cabinet support
The Times claims that Theresa May is losing the support of her Cabinet over her plan to pursue a no-deal Brexit if her Chequers proposals are rejected by the EU. Ministers reportedly sharing this point of view include Dominic Raab, Jeremy Hunt, Michael Gove and Sajid Javid, who want her to consider a Canada-style free trade deal but are not thought to have a plan for the Irish border in this scenario.

UK not turning way from international co-operation, May says
The BBC reports that Theresa May told the UN General Assembly that Brexit did not mean that the UK was turning away from international co-operation, but it was a ‘clear demand for decisions and accountability to lie closer to home’. She has also used her visit to the USA to discuss a ‘big and ambitious’ trade deal with President Donald Trump.

No-deal Brexit ‘catastrophic’ for farmers
The Guardian says that the NFU is warning that a no-deal Brexit would be ‘catastrophic’ for British farmers, after the EU confirmed that the UK would have to wait six months to become an approved third-country supplier. As part of this process 6000 different meat-processing plants would need to be audited and approved, with similar checks on other food suppliers.

Budget brought forward
According to the Financial Times, Chancellor Philip Hammond has ‘rushed forward’ the Budget to 29 October in an attempt to prevent it from being caught up in the final stages of the Brexit negotiations, which are currently expected to be concluded at a special European Council meeting on 17-18 November.

EU steps up no-deal preparations
The Daily Mail reports that the EU is stepping up its preparations for a no-deal Brexit because of threats from Labour to vote down any deal agreed by Theresa May. A leaked memo warns that EU countries could be forced to take unilateral action in order to mitigate the impact of such a scenario.

Corbyn attacked for not apologising to the Jewish community
The Daily Telegraph says that Jewish leaders have attacked Jeremy Corbyn after he used his conference speech to complain about Labour’s ‘tough’ summer and accused the media of ‘lies and half-truths’ rather than apologising for anti-Semitism. Instead he claimed that it was the ‘row’ which had led to ‘immense hurt and anxiety in the Jewish community and great dismay in the Labour Party’.

NHS will waste funding boost unless efficiencies are made
Writing in The Times, Lord Carter of Coles, who has conducted a series of reviews of NHS efficiency for the Government, warns that unless the service seriously cuts down on waste the £20bn extra funding promised by Theresa May will be wasted. His final report, published today, finds that pointless ambulance journeys cost £500m a year.

Keep up to date with the latest news from the Conservative Conference which starts on Sunday Get complimentary bulletins straight to your inbox, sign up here.

Jeremy Corbyn speech

Conference Headlines – Corbyn to attack ‘greed is good’ capitalism

Today’s Labour Party Conference Headlines include Corbyn’s speech expected to attack ‘greed is good’ capitalism, 400,000 new jobs in Corbyn’s ‘green revolution’ and Labour to commit to expanding free childcare. 

Corbyn to use speech to attack ‘greed-is-good’ capitalism’
The Guardian reports that the theme of Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to conference today will be an attack on ‘greed-is-good’ capitalism, setting out policies to reach areas which he argues have been left behind. Measures he will reveal include a ‘green jobs revolution’ and the extension of free childcare to more families.

400,000 new jobs in ‘Corbyn’s green revolution’
The Times has more details of what it calls ‘Corbyn’s green revolution’. He will pledge to reduce net carbon emissions to zero by 2050, scrap planning restrictions on wind farms, increase public subsidy for renewable energy, use public spending to improve domestic energy efficiency and compel landlords to make similar changes. He will claim that these plans would result in 400,000 new jobs.

Starmer receives standing ovation over second Brexit vote
According to the Financial Times, Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer won a standing ovation at conference yesterday when he told delegates that Labour had not ruled out holding another referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. His comments that ‘nobody is ruling out Remain as an option’ were not in the version of his speech originally circulated to journalists, suggesting that he may have been defying the leadership.

Labour commit to expanding free childcare
The Guardian are reporting that Labour will extend the current programme of 30 hours of free childcare to benefit over a million extra children. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will announce today in his speech that under Labour, the scheme would cover all parents of children between the ages of two and four. Corbyn will also commit to additional subsidised hours for families on the lowest incomes.

Anti-Semitism rules introduced to ease attacks on Corbyn, McCluskey says
The Telegraph have picked up on comments made by Unite boss Len McCluskey, in which he said Labour had adopted the IHRA definition on anti-Semitism to stop attacks on their leader. In a speech at Labour conference, McCluskey compared the recent scandal to the ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’, and said that events had strengthened the Palestinian cause.

Thornberry compares Labour anti-Semites to fascists
The Daily Mirror says that Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry used her conference speech to compare anti-Semites in the party to Oswald Mosley. She said that while ‘we all support the Palestinian cause’ there are members who use it as ‘a cover for their despicable hatred of Jewish people’, and they must be ‘kicked out of our party’.

It’s the last day of the Labour Conference but there’s still the Conservative Conference to go. Get complimentary bulletins straight to your inbox, sign up here.

Kate Williams Crafts on Sea

Chatting crafts with Crafts on Sea

Kate Williams is the face behind craft blog, Crafts on Sea, which was recently ranked in our Top 10 UK Craft Blogs. Crafts on Sea has hundreds of ideas for all seasons, from Halloween masks to Christmas gifts. We spoke to Kate about what makes the craft blogger community so great, her favourite campaigns to work on and why you shouldn’t pay her in paint!

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
It’s both more professional and more focused. When I started it was very much that I wanted to do some crafts myself, and use the blog as a way of encouraging myself to do more, but over the years it’s turned into a business as I started looking to what my readers wanted, rather than just myself.

In the early days I had photos in a national newspaper that I took on my dodgy old phone, whereas now doing a craft involves getting my rather large lighting kit and DSLR out!

What’s the craft blogger community like? 
Lovely. Almost every gain I’ve made with my blog has been due to someone else helping me out; explaining Facebook tips, helping with my photography or whatever. I tend to chat with the kid bloggers too – there’s a big international group who all chat and it’s fantastic to be a part of that.

Do you think crafts are more important in the digital age?
Well both my kids have a kindle that they love so I’d say yes – there’s lots of things like Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle crafts on my site which are a direct result of me trying to think of crafts my son would actually get excited about and want to do, so he wants to turn the TV off.

Having said that, my daughter loves Mister Maker and is always inspired by him so there’s definitely room for both. As a blogger I spend loads of time online, so acting like anything screen based is bad in front of my kids won’t really wash with them.

Do you have to be artistic to be good at crafts?
I don’t think I’m that artistic, I’m terrible at drawing and wasn’t even given the option of taking GCSE art (although as a dyslexic I was given the option of drawing my dissertation!) A bit of creativity and not being scared to make mistakes works well enough I think.

What’s the easiest craft you’ve made?
A paper plate hulk mask? Well actually my son made that one though, which made it even easier for me.

What’s the hardest?
Honestly there’s nothing difficult on my site that I can think of, my main issue is cleaning the paint off things!

What are the best PR/brand campaigns you’ve worked on?
I’ve loved working with The Big Shot on a couple of campaigns for children’s books. I’ve done crafts for Julia Donaldson, Emily Gravett and Sue Hendra’s books who I adore so it’s been a really fun challenge.

What shouldn’t PRs do?
Offer to pay you in kids paint.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
To be honest bloggers talk to each other. There will always be people who are willing to do a sponsored post for £20 and if someone needs £20 then that’s totally their choice so I don’t think there needs to be set fees or anything. But if you fail to pay someone or treat them badly then it does get found out and talked about. In fairness I totally expect that the same thing happens amongst PR’s if they have issues with a blogger

What other blogs do you read?
Loads! I love Lulastic and the Hippy Shake and obsessively follow Glennon Doyle who used to write Momastery on Instagram and Facebook because she is all sorts of awesome.


Maggy Woodley Red Ted Art

Getting crafty with Maggy Woodley of Red Ted Art

Maggy Woodley is the creator of popular craft blog, Red Ted Art, which was recently ranked number one in the Top 10 UK Craft Blogs. Inspiring kids and adults to find their creative side, Red Ted Art has hundreds of craft ideas for any ability. We spoke to Maggy about the importance of crafts in a digital age, the hardest craft and what PRs should never do.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
It is much slicker and “neater” than when I started out, but the underlying ethos remains the same: making crafting easy and accessible to all. Using every day materials and empowering parents and kids alike to ENJOY crafting!! But… over the years, I have become much better at photography and understanding what kind of crafts my readers would like to see!

What’s the craft blogger community like? 
I love it! It is a very supportive community and I am always working on collaborative projects with a variety of different bloggers.

Do you think crafts are more important in the digital age?
Absolutely! As kids become more digi-fied they spend less and less time in the “real world”. Crafting is a great way to hone those fine motor skills, develop your imagination and also an opportunity to make gorgeous things for friends and family. Homemade to me, is always more special than anything shop-bought!

Do you have to be artistic to be good at crafts?
No, absolutely not. I often say that I am “not arty” but “very crafty”. I would say it is a different skill set all together and that though they complement each other, you can be great at one and not the other.

What’s the easiest craft you’ve made?
The easiest… oh that is tricky… there are so many easy crafts on my website! I would have to send a poll out to my readers. But generally speaking – the Corner Bookmarks are super popular – as the materials are easy to come by and the designs are easy. Kids love to make them for their friends.

Crochet mermaid craftWhat’s the hardest?
The hardest are probably some of the crochet patterns I have on the site – they are all guest posts by expert crocheters. And though I don’t think the patterns are necessarily hard, you DO need to know how to crochet in order to make them! Having said that, the designs are so cute, you simply have to give them a go. Take a look at this adorable Mermaid!

What are the best PR/brand campaigns you’ve worked on?
Ooh again, I think that is a really hard one to single out. I do LOVE all the Movie related craft campaigns. Ie a new movie comes out and the PR challenges me to come up with a related craft. E.g. these Piggy Cupcakes for the SING movie are so easy and so cute!

What shouldn’t PRs do?
Assume that we work for free!! I know it is stating the obvious but so many PRs to try and get “freebies” out of us, or give us a free toy or DVD in return for a blog post. The problem is that it takes time and effort to create content and the PRs need to be mindful of the time it takes to create this!

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
That could be a great thing – especially to help provide guidelines around best practices (disclosure) and taxes etc.

What other blogs do you read?
Loads! I am mainly very closely familiar with all the crafty blogs out there, such as Hattifant, I Heart Crafty Things, Babble Dabble Doo and Hello Wonderful of course there are many more! But those are great!


Rachel Newcombe Fresh Design Blog

Interior design with Rachel Newcombe of Fresh Design Blog

Rachel Newcombe is the creator of Fresh Design Blog, which was recently ranked in the Top 10 Interior Design Blogs. Sharing design ideas and how-to guides, Fresh Design Blog gives readers plenty of inspiration of how to bring a contemporary design style into their house . We spoke to Rachel about what makes a great interior design blog, the best campaigns and collaborations she’s worked on and whether it’s time for a blogging industry association.

How has your blog changed over time?
Fresh Design Blog has been running since 2009, so it has inevitably changed and evolved. When it first launched, I wrote short posts every day, but now I tend to publish two or three longer posts per week. The style of posts has changed slightly too, with a better balance of product ideas, décor and how to guides, and freelance journalist Sara Walker now helps by contributing two posts a month.

How would you describe your style?
All the content on the blog focuses on modern and contemporary interior design style.

What makes a great interior design blog?
A well-balanced combination of interesting and relevant content plus quality images. It’s not just about the blog these days either – social media and the different benefits from each channel, plus interaction with readers, definitely helps too.

What’s the split between your own creations/designs and featuring others’?
Fresh Design has always focused more on featuring designs and ideas from other companies, including well-established names and up-and-coming designers. But if I happen to have a project on the go, or am working on a collaboration, then it does of course feature my own creations and photography.

Fresh Design Blog gardenWhat’s your favourite room in the house and why?
Probably the living room, as it’s the part of the house where we tend to gather, socialise and relax. I love the fact that we’ve got a huge window, which lets lots of natural light in throughout the year, bringing the outside in, especially during the summer months as it leads onto the garden and outside dining.

How do the seasons affect your content?
The seasons have a big influence on content. I love discovering all the latest trends and new product lines throughout the year, as well as predictions for future trends. I tend to find that Q4 and Q1 each year are usually the busiest times on the blog, as that’s when people are most likely to be looking for home decorating ideas, Christmas décor and of course shopping for gifts. There have already been lots of recent hits on our previous Christmas content, both on the blog and via Pinterest. In the past, I avoided mentioning Christmas too soon, but seasonal posts are getting earlier in line with demand.

What one thing should PRs/brands know about you?
I get hundreds of emails every day, and am juggling other freelance writing work too, so can’t always reply immediately to everything. I tend to prioritise replying to the emails that are relevant and properly targeted.

What are the best campaigns/collaborations you’ve recently worked on?
To be honest, I’ve been a bit more selective this year with the number of campaigns and collaborations I’ve worked on, to ensure they’re fully relevant to the blog. I like anything that’s a bit different and quirky. For example, I worked with Dr Beckmann’s Carpet Stain Remover earlier in the year highlighting the work of an artist who created art using the carpet cleaner, which was rather unusual! More recently I’ve discovered lots of tips and tricks for livening up and decorating skirting boards in contemporary ways, whilst collaborating with a skirting board company.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
Given how much the industry has expanded, I think it could be a useful move.

What other blogs do you read?
Loads! When I first started, there weren’t that many UK interior design blogs, so I mostly read US blogs, but now I’m spoilt for choice. I enjoy reading the latest posts on other interior design blogs such as Swoonworthy (love Kimberley’s eclectic boho glam style), The Design Sheppard (Stacey writes great in-depth posts), Dear Designer’s Blog (Carole shares some amazing spaces), Making Spaces (Karen Knox is a talented interior designer and creates wonderful modern decor), The White Approach (where Karen shares her love of all things white in the home) and Love Chic Living (Jen comes up with some good design ideas for a family home).


Jen Stanbrook

All things interiors with Love Chic Living’s Jen Stanbrook

Jen Stanbrook is the face behind Love Chic Living, which was recently ranked in the Top 10 Interior Design Blogs. Bringing her bright style to life on her blog, Jen encourages her readers to develop their own style and try new things. We spoke to Jen about how the seasons affect her content, her favourite room in the house and what PRs and brands should know about her.

How has your blog changed over time?
I can’t believe how much the blog has changed to be honest. My own home décor style has grown and developed enormously, and the blog has adapted and moved on as a result. As I’ve been blogging for over 6 years now, my skillset and writing has developed and improved helping me create content I’m really proud of. In an ever-changing, competitive arena, it’s important to keep those skills up to date and constantly build on them. There’s always something new to learn.

Love Chic Living living roomHow would you describe your style?
I’d say it’s quite contemporary, homely and bright. I love bold colour accents, strong designs and plenty of wow factor. I’m always keen to try new things and embrace new trends.

What makes a great interior design blog?
There are so many factors to take into consideration but personally, I love great, inspiring photography, coupled with ideas and tips on creating the look in my own home. I love to see how new trends will look in a ‘real’ home and that’s where great interior blogs really come into their own – they show people how to put looks together and what they’ll look like in a home like theirs.

What’s the split between your own creations/designs and featuring others’?
It’s a real mix I think of my own home and interior ideas plus tips and contributions from others.

What’s your favourite room in the house and why?
I must admit this changes, and is often the most recently decorated room! But for now, it has to be my kitchen. We gave it a makeover last year without buying new units and the change has been so dramatic. With a feature floor, dark grey and white cupboards, plus yellow accents, it’s been really popular on the blog and it’s the room I most love to spend time in.

How do the seasons affect your content?
I produce content relevant to the season, particularly the main change from summer to winter. Christmas is obviously very popular, as is the New Year period when everyone is tackling new DIY jobs and renovations begin.

What’s your favourite household object/item?
Hmmm that’s a tricky one but I have to say it’s my coffee machine right now! Working from home I can’t do without a great cup of coffee and I’ve got an industrial style coffee machine that makes a mean latte!

What one thing should PRs/brands know about you?
I like to think I’m professional to work with and deliver on time, often exceeding expectations.

What are the best campaigns/collaborations you’ve recently worked on?
I’ve recently been an ambassador for Amara Living showcasing their new collection in my own home. The content and imagery was used across their social channels and marketing and I was really pleased with the way it all came together.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
I certainly think some kind of regulation is needed yes. There are so many bloggers and ‘influencers’ around now, it’s so hard for PR companies to sift out those that are really worth working with. Plus, there’s so much bad press that it makes it more difficult for those of us that are honest, professional and reliable – it puts our livelihood in jeopardy, so yes, an association with regular monitoring would be welcome.

What other blogs do you read?
Oh there are so many! Of course all of the fabulous UK interior blogs listed in the Vuelio top 10 but I’m also a fan of fashion and lifestyle blogs that feed my obsession with design of all kinds!


conference headlines 25.09

Conference Headlines – Labour plans to nationalise water industry

Today’s Labour Party Conference Headlines include Labour’s ‘war on the water rats’, Labour’s nationalisation plans causing concern among business leaders and the possibility of a second referendum under Labour. 

Labour’s ‘war on the water rats’
The Daily Mirror’s headline describes Shadow Chancellor John McDonell’s nationalisation plans as a ‘war on the water rats’. During his speech yesterday, McDonnell pledged to put a stop to ‘profiteering in dividends and vast executive salaries’ and announced that the water industry would be the first to be nationalised under Labour. He said that current bosses would be fired and that control would be handed to workers, councils and customers.

Nationalisation could damage prosperity
The headline of The Daily Telegraph features a warning from Business leaders that Labour’s nationalisation plans could ‘put prosperity at risk’. The newspaper reports that business leaders are deeply concerned about Labour’s plans, saying that it would put the economy into the ‘deep freeze’ and ‘crack the foundations’ of prosperity.

Labour MPs plan to vote down May’s EU withdrawl deal
The Evening Standard reports that according to Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer, the Labour Party is preparing to vote down Theresa May’s EU withdrawal deal in Parliament. The newspaper reports that in his speech to conference today, Starmer will warn that Tory ‘division, chaos and failure’ over Brexit is putting the country’s future prosperity at risk.

Labour could offer the chance to remain in the EU
The BBC writes that Starmer has claimed there is a possibility of Labour backing a second referendum offering voters the chance to remain in the EU. This came following John McDonnell’s comments that any vote should be on the terms of the Brexit deal, rather than on staying in the EU. Today, conference will debate and vote on a motion to keep a new referendum on the table if Labour is unable to force a general election.

Shadow Energy Secretary to announce ambitious clean energy plans
The Guardian reports that Shadow Secretary for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Rebecca Long-Bailey will today announce the Labour Party’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The current aim is to reach an 80% reduction. Long-Bailey will set out new energy proposals, including the aim to generate 85% of electricity through renewable and low-carbon sources, and the doubling of windfarms by 2030.

There’s still one day left of the Labour Conference. Get complimentary bulletins straight to your inbox, sign up here.

Craig Landale

First finalists announced for the Vuelio Blog Awards

We are delighted to reveal the first finalists for the Vuelio Blog Awards 2018! The first five categories are: Men’s Fashion, Women’s Fashion, Health & Fitness, London Lifestyle and Travel & Leisure.

The Vuelio Blog Awards are in their fourth year and are now firmly established as the most respected awards – coveted by bloggers throughout the UK. Taking place on 30 November, this year’s event will be even bigger and better – with the finest dining, death-defying acts for your entertainment, and the greatest awards ceremony on the planet.

Tickets for the Blog Awards are available online – click here to get yours.

Without further ado, here are the finalists for the first five categories for the Vuelio Blog Awards 2018:

Men’s Fashion

  • Ape to Gentleman
  • Carl Thompson
  • Clothes Make The Man
  • Grey Fox
  • Man For Himself
  • Permanent Style

Women’s Fashion

  • Fashion Foie Gras
  • Fashion Mumblr
  • Inthefrow
  • Lydia Elise Millen
  • Not Dressed As Lamb
  • Raindrops of Sapphire

Health & Fitness

  • Carly Rowena
  • Father Fitness
  • Fitness on Toast
  • Keep it SimpElle
  • The Runner Beans
  • Zanna Van Dijk

London Lifestyle

  • Heroine in Heels
  • Homegirl London
  • Liberty London Girl
  • London Unattached
  • Silverspoon London
  • Poppy Loves

Travel & Leisure

  • A Luxury Travel Blog
  • A Lady In London
  • Global Grasshopper
  • Hand Luggage Only
  • Two Monkeys Travel
  • Wish Wish Wish

Keep your eyes peeled for the next finalists coming soon! For more information about the Blog Awards, including ways to get involved, please email Rebecca Potts.