Becky Excell

Interview with the No. 1 Baking Blogger: Becky Excell

Becky Excell writes the number one baking blog in the UK. Originally started as a way to share gluten-free recipe ideas, the blog has become a major resource for a vast audience with its tasty treats and practical advice. We caught up with Becky to find out how much the blog has changed, the joy of her grandma’s ugly cake and all the different channels PRs need to know about.

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
It’s changed loooooads since I first started. At first it was just a little project I did to keep me sane in my final year of university. I’d review products, restaurants and sometimes create recipes instead of revising (oops). Now my blog is my job and while it’ll always be a passion project first and foremost, it’s taught me a lot and it’s grown with me.

These days, I love creating recipes more than ever (especially baking!) but also foodie travel guides, gut health discussions and light-hearted lifestyle pieces too. The blog is more about me and what I’m interested in these days – not just about reviewing products. I like to think that the quality has improved too, just from experience. Sometimes I do go back and read old posts, look at the photos and think ‘gosh, that’s awful!’.

Why baking?
I’ve always loved baking and I’ve been baking since I can remember. I would stand on a step-up as a young girl when I couldn’t reach the kitchen worktop and help my Mum make cupcakes. Fortunately, I can reach the worktop all on my own now!

But when I found out that I couldn’t tolerate gluten, my mission was just to simply recreate all those cakes I used to love as a kid – but 100% gluten free. I find baking really therapeutic too. I’ve had a bit of a rocky relationship with food but baking always reminds of being a kid and being totally care free.

Plus, you then get to eat it at the end!

Baking bloggerHow do you make your blog stand out?
Hmm… probably a combination of injecting my personality into my writing – along with sharing my life experiences and improving my photography. That’s been the magic combo for me.

I always think to myself ‘anyone can buy a WordPress theme exactly like mine, so how am I going to make my blog unique?’ and the answer is always… me.

So, I worked on my photography, wrote my blog posts in the chatty way I’d talk IRL (complete with terrible jokes) and shared experiences from my own personal life. My blog is basically me!

What’s the best bake you’ve ever made?
I’d have to say my gluten-free Battenberg cake, but probably not for the most obvious reason! Basically, I’d tried to make a Battenberg at least three times in the past and it had always gone horribly wrong. Half the time, the pink sponge would come out as if I’d never put any colouring in it in the first place or just I’d fluff up assembling it (then curl up in a ball and cry).

But literally like two years after swearing I’d never bother baking one ever again… I did it! And not only did it turn out well, but it gave me the confidence that I could actually make cakes that look nice. If it wasn’t for that Battenberg victory, I don’t think I’d ever have attempted to make half the cakes on my blog today.

What’s the best bake you’ve ever eaten?
This might sound really boring, but I’d have to say my Grandma’s Victoria sponge. She wouldn’t mind me saying this, but it was such an ugly cake! Sadly, I don’t think she’d ever be able to have a baking blog, but it tasted absolutely out of this world. It didn’t even have jam in it, just the buttercream alone was amazing!

For a long time I thought that making ugly cakes that tasted amazing ran in the family… but I think making that Battenberg might have managed to break the curse for me!

Who will win The Great British Bake Off?
It’s got to be Rahul, right? I can totally relate to being a nervous baker with zero confidence, so I feel like if he can just keep it together then he’ll smash it!

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I guess that I’m a passionate creator of all different types of content, not just blogging. I’m not sure that most PRs even know that I’m really into videography and often I create recipe videos, travel guide videos and vlogs. I also often speak in public about my gut health and I’ve done tons of baking in front of the camera and at live events too. I was on BBC radio a few times in the last year talking about gluten free food!

Basically, I’m full of ideas and no matter what the medium, I’m always up to the challenge. Baking and beyond!


What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
Oh wow that’s tough. I loved travelling to Palma earlier this year with Jet2 to experience the food of Majorca. I’d love to do more things like this and create content for those going on holiday who are in need of allergen-friendly places to eat.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
It would definitely be useful. There is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to this industry and it would be nice to have a place to go where all the ‘rules’ are laid out clearly and updated regularly.

What other blogs do you read?
I tend not to read a lot of food and baking blogs really. Instead, I read a lot of lifestyle blogs. I really enjoy Hannah Gale’s blog for her down to earth realness – it’s so refreshing, relatable and funny all in one.

Want to work with content creators like Becky? You need the Vuelio Media Database, which lists thousands of bloggers, vloggers and Instagrammers alongside journalists, editors and broadcasters. 

Influencer Marketing

How to get the best results with influencer marketing

Last week, Vuelio hosted influencer marketing expert Scott Guthrie for an exclusive webinar covering best practice and fraud in the industry. A lively Q&A showed that PR and comms is still finding its feet with influencer marketing and Scott has generously reproduced his expert answers from the session for this Monday PR Club post. 

Is it possible to work with influencers for free?
Yes, it is possible. It depends on how you approach the influencer and the value you can bring to the relationship. Perceived value will differ relationship to relationship. It might be the offer of giving an influencer advanced access to a new product, or a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the production process, for example. It might be free access to an event or the prospect of the influencer growing their authority with a new audience.

Sipsmith is a proponent of this influencer relations approach. The artisanal gin distiller has a policy not to pay influencers, instead they hold events for influencers that help these content creators create great content. The company is also willing to trust the influencers’ approach to producing content that resonates with their joint audiences, handing over control of the content creation to the influencers.

If influencers buy followers, can their inflated size then attract organic growth? And would that be a good thing?
It is human nature to want to belong to something which is thought of as popular or successful. High follower counts do act as a signal of social authority. Some practitioners work with influencers knowing they have bought followers or engagement. They weight the spend to the influencer, reasoning that if, let’s say, 30% of the audience is fake they’ll reduce the payment structure by 30% or use incentive payment success criteria which includes impact metrics.

Ultimately, influencer fraud is an ethical issue. If the influencer is lying to their audience and brand partners about their follower count or engagement rate, what else are they lying about?

What about influencers with agents, are they more likely to be genuine?
There are good agents and bad ones – just as there are good and bad barristers and baristas. In the past, media agencies and agents have been known to game the system through buying followers and engagement for the influencers on their rosters. They’ve also ‘amped’ influencers via paid promotion in order achieve the impression numbers they’ve promised clients. A thorough vetting process will eliminate selecting an influencer who turns out to be a poor fit for you or your client.

What’s the best way to vet new influencers?
When finding the most appropriate influencer to work with, always follow the 4S Filter of Search, Surface and Screen before you Select an influencer. The Select phase is at least as important as the Search and Surface phases; it is where you vet the prospective influencer and determine whether they are the best-fit for you or your client. This involves identifying nuances such as brand values and tone of voice as well as whether they have recently worked with competitors. These vetting skills rely heavily on the ability of the communicator, though there are tools, like Vuelio, to help at every stage of the process.

Scott Guthrie 4S

If we use smaller influencers we won’t hit some metrics – how do we sell the benefits of micro influencers back to our clients?
This question tracks back to the communications and business objectives you identified during the planning phase, and the KPIs you set out to measure them by, along with the budget and time available. Proportionally, micro influencers offer higher engagement rates than influencers with large audience followings. Marshalling micro influencers at scale can be more cost-effective than using an influencer with a large audience – which usually comes with a large tariff attached.

One approach might be to extrapolate results to build a better business case for influencer marketing to your clients. You could argue that you’ve achieved X results working with three micro influencers. Scaling to nine influencers is forecast to more than triple the ROI.

However, effective influencer marketing campaign measurement should move beyond vanity metrics and include outcomes – and ultimately impact.

Ready to start your search for the brightest and best influencers? Vuelio lists thousands of bloggers, vloggers, Instagrammers, podcasters and content creators on the Vuelio Influencer Database.


Philip Hammond Treasury

Political Headlines – Budget: Brexit, Universal Credit, mental health and roads

Today’s political headlines are dominated by the Budget, with warnings about a no-deal Brexit derailing spending plans, Labour’s call for the Budget to halt Universal Credit, new spending on roads, broadband, and trees and a funding boost for mental health. 

No-deal Brexit will put Budget spending plans at risk, Hammond warns
The Daily Telegraph reports that Philip Hammond is to warn that the tens of billions of pounds of new spending commitments announced in today’s Budget will be put at risk by a no-deal Brexit. He warned that if this happened, he would have to hold an emergency budget in order to set out a ‘different strategy for the future’, transforming the UK into a Singapore-style low-tax, low-tariff economy. The Sun adds that Hammond is also set to announce the release of a new 50p coin to commemorate Brexit which will bear the motto ‘Friendship With All Nations’.

Labour calls for Budget to halt Universal Credit rollout
The Guardian says that Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell will urge MPs to vote against the Budget unless it commits to halt the rollout of Universal Credit. He accused Hammond of ‘callous complacency’ for not acknowledging the problems with the benefit. As the paper notes, there have been hints that extra money for Universal Credit is to be announced.

New spending on roads, broadband and trees
The BBC reports that the Budget will contain a range of spending on roads. Highways England is to receive £25.5bn between 2020 and 2025 for major road projects, mostly from vehicle excise duty, with a further £3.5bn for councils to spend on major local routes. Other announcements include £420m for potholes and £150m to improve junctions. The Daily Mail says that Hammond plans a £250m fund to connect rural schools and libraries to super-fast broadband. The Times adds that a £60m plan to plant new trees is also set to be announced.

£2bn funding boost for mental health
The Times reports that the Budget will contain a £2bn funding increase for mental health services as part of the NHS funding settlement. The new money will fund measures including mental health units in schools, specialist crisis teams for young people, mental health support teams in A&Es and a new fleet of mental health ambulances.

Tech firms to be given deadline to pay more tax
The Financial Times says that Philip Hammond is to set a deadline for large technology companies to pay more tax in the UK. The paper does not expect him to announce a digital sales tax, but claims that he will set out a timetable for action and will make it clear that the UK will act unilaterally if there is no international agreement on the issue.

‘Dutch-style’ pension reforms to be consulted on
The Daily Telegraph expects the Budget to contain a consultation on ‘Dutch-style’ pension reforms, in which thousands of members pay into a single pot. The ‘collective defined contribution’ schemes reduce risk by pooling incomes, can secure higher payments, and give members a ‘target’ for retirement income rather than a guaranteed level.

Hammond to target national insurance paid by self-employed
In an exclusiveThe Sun hits out at the news that Philip Hammond is to go ahead with plans to target self-employed workers who pay themselves through private companies, avoiding having to pay national insurance contributions. Backbench MP Steve Baker warns that this would ‘destroy entrepreneurial spirit’ in the country.

Town centres ‘have to change’, Hammond says
According to the Daily Mail, Philip Hammond said yesterday that the rise of Internet shopping meant that ‘our high streets have to change’ and become ‘smaller’, with the areas around them redeveloped for housing. He will announce a £650m Future High Streets Fund and a £900m cut in business rates for independent retailers.

It’s Budget day! Don’t miss anything that matters to you, sign up for the free Autumn Budget summary

Five Things 26 October

Five Things: Injunction, Ross the thief, Radio 2, Facebook and Popémon Go

This week’s Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed includes the one with the injunction, the one with the David Schwimmer lookalike, the one with the departing Radio 2 host, the one with the Facebook ads and the one with the catholic Pokémon Go.

Don’t forget next week’s Five Things will be an hour later because the clocks go back this weekend.


1. Injunction

Sir Philip Green

The biggest story of the week is undoubtedly the injunction that stopped the Telegraph from publishing its investigation. Making the front page of The Daily Telegraph midweek, the story was headlined ‘The British #MeToo scandal which cannot be revealed’.

With speculation rife over the ‘leading business’ who was at the centre of the storm (including this amusing denial from Lord Sugar), Lord Hain used his parliamentary privilege to name Sir Philip Green as the man behind the injunction.

As reported by ITV News, Green has ‘categorically and wholly’ denied being guilty of any ‘unlawful sexual or racist behaviour’. Hain has been criticised for using parliamentary privilege – and the Guardian reports this will now reopen the issue of whether MPs or Lords should be able to speak with impunity.

It’s also likely to throw the use of injunctions into the spotlight, with many MPs earlier this week claiming you shouldn’t be able to ‘buy silence’.

Expect this one to rumble on.


2. The Geller Yeller

Ross Geller

The second biggest story of the week is the David Schwimmer lookalike who was wanted in connection with a theft by Blackpool Police. Not only did the original police appeal on Facebook spawn thousands of jokes in response, it also led to this comedy gold from Ross Geller himself:



3. Radio 2

Simon Mayo and Jo Whiley

The Radio 2 Drivetime show will end in its current format after co-host Simon Mayo has announced he is leaving the station for good.

He has only been hosting Drivetime with Jo Whiley since May, though has hosted the show solo (alongside his team) for eight years. The new format has never really sat well with listeners who have complained about the lack of chemistry between the two presenters.

BBC News reports that Mayo will not be moving to a rival broadcaster, despite social media reports suggesting otherwise. He will continue to co-host the film show at 5 Live with Mark Kermode.

Mayo’s departure is part of a bigger catalogue of changes at Radio 2 – not only will the Drivetime show get a new host (Whiley is moving back to the evening slot), the breakfast show is losing Chris Evans in the New Year when he is replaced by Zoe Ball. Radio is often overlooked when we discuss PR and campaigns, but with 50 million radio listeners a week, it’s still one of the most popular media channels in the UK and PRs should take note.


4. Facebook

Vice News Facebook

Last week, Nick Clegg was appointed head of global affairs at Facebook, which drew praise from the PR industry. Now he may have his first issue to tackle – no not the £500,000 fine for the Cambridge Analytica data breach issued by the ICO – but VICE News pulling apart Facebook’s ‘more transparent’ political advertising.

VICE placed ads on behalf of prominent political figures including Mike Pence and Tom Perez, which Facebook approved. It also approved an advert on behalf of ‘Islamic State’. VICE tried imitating adverts that have been identified as Russian bot/interference during the election and, again, they were approved.

Facebook did stop an advert submitted by ‘Hillary Clinton’ but gave VICE no explanation as to why.

To submit political ads, VICE was required to submit a valid ID and proof of residence, but there was nothing requiring this to match up to the public facing ‘paid for by’ name.

Check out the full story here.


5. Popémon Go

Follow JC Go

A new Pokémon Go-style game is being released by a Florida-based Catholic evangelical group where instead of pocket monsters, you catch saints and biblical figures. While not coming directly from the church itself, the Pope apparently approves of the idea. The app group’s executive director, Ricardo Grzona, said: ‘You know, Francis is not a very technological person, but he was in awe, he understood the idea, what we were trying to do: combine technology with evangelization’.

The app is called ‘Follow JC Go!’. As one Twitter user pointed out they missed a trick – they should have called it Popémon Go.


Seen something we missed? Let us know on Twitter @Vuelio

Digital radio

Are you taking advantage of the digital radio boom?

Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) has released its quarter-three listening report, which shows that digital listening is at an all-time high.

At the start year, digital listening reached its tipping-point when just over half (50.9%) of radio listeners were tuning in via digital channels. The latest report shows digital channels rise further, with 63% of the population listening each week – that’s three in five adults.

Overall, almost 50 million people switched on their favourite radio station each week. This equated to a total average of just over a billion hours listening each week in quarter three.

Of those, 34 million people selected BBC channels, 51% of those now listening through digital means – the highest number on record.

Bob Shennan, Director of BBC Radio and Music, said: ‘While millions continue to listen every day we’ve also been reinventing radio to expand our digital offer for the increasing number of online listeners’.

Digital listening hours across all radio stations has reached 538 million, up 5% year-on-year. Following the increased popularity of smart speakers and the availability of radio apps, listening to radio digitally is extremely accessible.

This change in listening habits prompted the Government to consider the future of the FM frequency. Reported earlier this year by The Guardian, it is proposed that there will be a complete switch-off of major FM radio services in the 2020s.

For comms professionals, the shift to digital could offer more targeted opportunities to reach your audiences. There are hundreds of national and regional radio stations available on DAB devices, which means you can be more selective of channels and still reach large audiences.

And it’s not just large audiences that make radio an exciting medium. Some 44% of 15-24 year olds and 32% of adults say they follow their favourite presenters and radio stations on social media. People are not just listening to radio but also engaging with it, especially younger audiences.

Radio is often overlooked when it comes to integrated campaigns or award-winning PR but with 50 million people listening across the UK each week, now is the time to reconsider your strategy.

Planning a radio PR campaign but lack the right contacts? You need the Vuelio Media Database

Philip Green

Political Headlines – Hain and Green, illegal DNA samples, Universal Credit and Brexit

Today’s political headlines include Hain’s claims that Sir Philip Green was responsible for the injunction dominating the press, Javid admits officials illegally requested DNA samples, DWP in denial over Universal Credit and May postpones her plans to present revised Brexit proposals. 

Hain claims Sir Philip Green was responsible for injunction
As The Daily Telegraph reports, Lord Hain used parliamentary privilege to claim that the businessman Sir Philip Green was the subject of an injunction preventing the paper from running a story. Following the revelation, MPs including Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable and Frank Field suggested that Green should lose his knighthood. Green refused to comment on events in Parliament but denied any ‘unlawful sexual or racist behaviour’.

Javid admits officials illegally requested DNA samples
The Times reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid admitted yesterday that officials from his department had been illegally requiring DNA samples from people who wanted to stay in or visit the UK. Those affected include children of Gurkhas and Afghan translators who worked for the British military, but the scale of the error isn’t known. Javid said that those affected would be reimbursed.

Department of Work and Pensions ‘in denial’ about Universal Credit
The Daily Mirror says that a new report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee has found that Universal Credit is creating ‘unacceptable hardship’ for many claimants, accusing the Department of Work and Pensions of being ‘in denial’ about the benefit and being unable to make improvements as a result.

May postpones plans to present revised Brexit proposals to Cabinet
According to The Sun, Theresa May cancelled plans to present revised Brexit proposals to her Cabinet yesterday because they were not ready. In a reference to Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, who has emerged as a critic of May’s strategy, a source told the paper that the plan needed ‘Cox-proofing’. The paper suggests that May has just ten days to agree her offer to the EU if a November summit of EU leaders to discuss it is to go ahead.

Hannan claims EU citizens in UK will be able to vote
The Guardian reports that Brexiteer MEP Daniel Hannan told his colleagues via WhatsApp that he had seen part of the draft Brexit withdrawal agreement and that it would give EU citizens voting rights in England and Northern Ireland (they are devolved in Scotland and Wales). He described this as an ‘odd decision’, claiming that bilateral agreements should be reached with each country instead.

Defence to be given £500m bail out in Budget
In an exclusiveThe Sun reveals that Chancellor Philip Hammond is to announce a £500m bailout for the Ministry of Defence in Monday’s Budget. However, he has insisted that the department will not get ‘special treatment’ and its long-term funding will be settled in spring’s spending review.

Raab warns of French ‘go slow approach’ in no-deal Brexit
The Daily Mail says that Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has warned that the UK should be ready for a ‘go slow approach’ by the French in the case of a no-deal Brexit, although he believes that border issues in such a scenario could be ‘alleviated’ through ‘pragmatism on both sides’.

MPs recommend that FCA regulates commercial lending
The Financial Times carries details of a new report by the House of Commons Treasury Committee, which concludes that commercial lending should be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The committee’s inquiry followed scandals over the way small businesses were treated by RBS and HBOS.

Are you on top of everything that affects you? Let Vuelio Political Services do the legwork for you.

Britt Box

Baking Blog Spotlight: Britt Box, She Who Bakes

Britt Box is the author of She Who Bakes, a new entry in the Top 10 UK Baking Blogs. Britt started baking as a means to tackle depression and has now turned it into her business, which includes the bestseller book Cakes, Bakes & Business. We caught up with Britt to talk about turning your blog into a business, improving her bakes and making magic with brands and PRs. 

How has your blog changed from when you first started?
When I first started, I didn’t have a proper blog website, it was just a page of information. I was also making commission cake at the time and most of my blog posts were documenting whichever cake I was working on that week. Now I concentrate more on recipes and tutorials.

Britt Box

Why baking?
I accidentally fell into baking in 2010. I was suffering badly with depression, anxiety and septicaemia after an operation. I was signed off work and not having a great time. A friend of mine was running a charity bake sale and asked if, as I had a bit of spare time, I wanted to make a cake for it. I bought a packet mix and a block of icing and made an (inedible) mess. BUT I enjoyed it so much I kept doing it, I kept going, started a blog about what I was doing and years later here I am. I baked my way out of depression and now I help others.

How do you make your blog stand out?
My blog is aimed at beginners. I talk about the highs and lows of baking. I keep it completely real. I felt it was important that people should know cakes don’t always turn out how you planned and that’s ok!

What’s the best bake you’ve ever made?
Caramel blondie cups. It’s all of my favourite flavours and I ate most of them just to myself.

She who bakes

What’s the best bake you’ve ever eaten?
A madeira cake. I can do it in my sleep now and I always get great results with them.

Who will win The Great British Bake Off?

What one thing should PRs know about you?
Creating recipes, tutorials and writing articles about baking is something I love doing. Get in touch and let’s make magic together.

Britt Box

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
Working with Homepride Flour & Macmillan Cancer Support. I lost my mum and nan to cancer so that was a job close to my heart.

Do you think bloggers need their own industry association?
I think so, yes. Nowadays bloggers are making up more and more of the people who write reviews, collaborate with brands and we are who people turn to for advice in specific industries. I think bloggers as a whole need to be taken more seriously.

What other blogs do you read?
Iced Jems, The Baking Explorer and BakingQueen74.


Happy PM

Political Headlines – May, NDAs, Sedwill and police funding cuts

Today’s political headlines include May’s 1922 Committee meeting, the crackdown on unethical NDAs, Sedwill appointed cabinet secretary and police funding cuts. 

May leaves meeting of backbench MPs ‘unscathed’
The Guardian claims that Theresa May ‘emerged unscathed’ from a meeting of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs last night. Amber Rudd said the Prime Minister’s speech was ‘emotional and personal’ and the paper reports that some Brexiteers asked ‘awkward questions’. The Times adds that parliamentary preparation for a no-deal Brexit will start in under three weeks, with routine business suspended to make way for emergency legislation. Measures include making businesses who only export to the EU register for customs duties and signing contracts on chilled storage for medicine stockpiles.

May vows crackdown on unethical NDAs
The Daily Telegraph reports that Theresa May has promised to end the use of ‘unethical’ non-disclosure agreements after the paper was blocked from reporting allegations of sexual harassment and racial abuse against a leading businessman. Labour MP Jess Phillips called for NDAs for ‘sexual harassment and hate crimes’ to be banned and expressed concern that a review promised by May would ‘happen too slowly’.

Sedwill appointed as Cabinet Secretary
The Times reports that Sir Mark Sedwill has been appointed as the new Cabinet Secretary following the announcement of Sir Jeremy Heywood’s resignation yesterday. Owing to the urgency of the Brexit process Sedwill, described by the paper as May’s ‘longstanding lieutenant’, did not undergo a formal recruitment process to replace Heywood, who is recovering from cancer. Labour has described the appointment as ‘an abuse of process’.

Funding cuts have dire consequences for police, MPs warn
The Financial Times carries details of a report by the Commons Home Affairs Committee, which warns of ‘dire consequences’ for public safety unless police budgets are increased. The report accuses the Home Office of an ‘irresponsible failure of leadership’ as police forces face rising levels of crime while their funding is being cut.

Lords urged to amend counter-terror bill
The Guardian says that nine organisations including Index on Censorship and Reporters Without Borders have called on the House of Lords to significantly amend the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill, which they warn would threaten press freedom, damage academic research and undermine the protection of journalistic sources.

MPs back abortion law reform and same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland
The Sun reports that MPs voted last night to back an amendment tabled by Labour backbencher Stella Creasy which aims to force the Government to reform the law on abortion in Northern Ireland and to introduce same-sex marriage in the province. Among those voting for the measure was Women and Equalities Minister Penny Mordaunt.

Hammond to abandon plans to bring smaller firms into VAT system
According to The Sun, Chancellor Philip Hammond is abandoning plans to bring smaller firms into the VAT system by halving the threshold, instead freezing it until 2022 and then introducing a sliding scale system currently banned by EU rules. The paper also says that Hammond will use the Budget to launch a review of PFI which may end the policy ‘for good’.

Commons Commission accepts harassment recommendations
The Daily Mirror reports that the House of Commons Commission has accepted the recommendations of Dame Laura Cox’s review of bulling and harassment in Parliament. This will allow historic harassment allegations to be reopened and an independent complaints process to be introduced.

The Prime Minister dominates the headlines, but what’s happening in your sector? Find out with Vuelio Political Services.

Circle of hell

Political Headlines – hellish Brexit plans, rogue landlords, bullying scandal and austerity promises

Today’s political headlines include May’s Brexit plans compared to the first circle of hell, rogue landlords exploiting loopholes, three MPs quit committee over bullying scandal and annual spending needs to increase £31bn to meet austerity promise. 

May’s Brexit plans compared to ‘first circle of hell’ at Cabinet meeting
The Times claims that leaked Cabinet papers show that Theresa May’s Brexit plan could lead to a ‘long-running’ multiyear implementation period with an ‘annual decision point’ to review its extension. Various ministers raised concerns at yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, including Attorney General Geoffrey Cox who compared the plans to Dante’s ‘first circle of hell’. The Financial Times adds that the ‘stormy’ meeting greeted plans to charter ships to import food and medicines in a no-deal Brexit scenario with ‘disbelief’ and that the Cabinet will now discuss Brexit preparations on a weekly basis. The Sun says that Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington called for more compromises, adding that he was the only attendee to have been an MP when Black Wednesday happened and that ‘level of chaos’ could not be repeated. May will address the 1922 Committee of backbench Tories this evening.

Rogue landlords exploit loopholes to continue renting out properties
An investigation by The Guardian and ITV has found that convicted landlords who have been found unsuitable to rent out property are exploiting legal loopholes in order to continue to do so. Additionally, the investigation reveals that more than six months after its launch by the Government, no entries have been made to the rogue landlord database and the Government has admitted that the public won’t be able to find out if any are.

Three MPs quit committee chaired by Bercow over bullying scandal
The Guardian reports that three Conservative MPs have resigned from a committee on representation and inclusion chaired by Commons Speaker John Bercow because of a failure to tackle bullying at Westminster. The House of Commons Commission meets today to respond to the independent report on the scandal, with sources claiming that House of Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom will call for a robust response.

Annual spending needs £31bn increase to meet end to austerity promise
The Financial Times carries details of a new Resolution Foundation report that warns that the Chancellor needs to increase annual spending by £31bn by 2022-3 in order to deliver the Prime Minister’s promised end to austerity. It says that doing this would only be consistent with the Government’s pledge to lower debt as a proportion of GDP if taxes were increased.

Prime Minister faces revolt over abortion and same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland
The Sun reports that Theresa May is facing a revolt over Northern Ireland. Yesterday five ministers voted for a bill tabled by Labour backbencher Diana Johnson to modernise abortion law, while a ‘slew’ of Conservative MPs have backed a separate cross-party amendment to legislation on Northern Ireland today which loosens laws on abortion and same-sex marriage.

Cable calls for halt to Universal Credit rollout
Writing in the Daily Mirror, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable calls for the rollout of Universal Credit to be halted because it is a ‘slow-motion disaster’ which will impoverish tens of thousands of families. He backs the theory behind the policy and claims that it could be ‘salvaged’ if ‘major reforms’ are implemented.

European Court of Justice to be ‘ultimate arbiter’ in post-Brexit disputes
In an exclusiveThe Sun reports that British negotiators have conceded that the European Court of Justice will be the ‘ultimate arbiter’ of disputes about European law after Brexit. However, EU negotiators are still waiting for their British counterparts to provide a technical explanation of how this will be implemented via a joint committee system.

Security minister turns down meeting with peer amid fears about Russian lobbying
The Times reveals that Security Minister Ben Wallace turned down a meeting with the Conservative peer Lord Barker of Battle, who wanted to discuss sanctions on Russia, amid concerns about Russian lobbying. Lord Barker is the chairman of the Russian energy firm En+ which has been subject to sanctions since the Salisbury attack, along with its majority owner Oleg Deripaska, an ally of Vladimir Putin.

Brexit clouding your judgement? Make sure you’re making decisions backed up with intelligence with Vuelio Political Services.


Travel PR spotlight: Anne Pedersen, ATOUT FRANCE

Anne Pedersen is the head of public relations at Atout France, the French national tourist office in the UK. Responsible for a huge variety of PR functions at Atout France, including media outreach, pitching stories, budgeting, team management and attending meetings with journalists and bloggers, Anne has a wealth of experience in travel PR.

We spoke to Anne about her current role, how travel PR has changed, the best way to work with ‘influencers’ and her advice for people starting in PR.

Can you tell us about your background up to your current role?
Hospitality and tourism through and through.

I started off studying hotel management in Switzerland and then worked on the operational side in 5-star hotels in Brussels and Munich. I then continued my studies in the UK where I did a Masters in Tourism Planning and Development. After that it was time to tick ‘doing a ski season’ off my bucket list and during my season I managed a small club hotel for the UK tour operator Neilson in the Austrian Alps.

Neilson was part of the bigger Thomas Cook family which brought me back to the UK and a stint at one of the Villa companies of Thomas Cook – JMC.

I then made the switch to tourist boards and got a job with Switzerland Tourism. I worked in a great team and varied role that changed throughout the years I was there. I started off working in marketing and account management moving on to mainly PR. I gradually got more and more PR-focused which also prompted me to do a Professional PR Diploma with the CIPR which was hugely beneficial to my work and future.

This all led to my current position of Head of PR at Atout France.


What does your day to day consist of?
No day is the same and they somehow fly by!

The day always starts by going through the press cuttings and newspapers. Of course there is a great deal of email management involved, but I do everything from dealing with media enquiries from all types of media, pitching stories, planning press trips and events and dealing with our many French partners, to proposal writing, strategy writing, budgets, team management, meetings(!), and then of course attending events and meetings with journalists and bloggers. Your network of contacts is everything, from media and bloggers to PR agencies and counterparts at other tourist boards.

One of the greatest perks is that I get to go to France quite a lot, especially on press trips. And for that, France is pretty good! You have amazing cities, coastlines with great beaches and of course the mountains! I love skiing, so the winter press trips are always a highlight. And do I need to mention the food and wine…?!

What are the biggest changes to travel PR you’ve seen over time?

I think one of them is definitely the shift from print media towards online media, and the emergence of bloggers and social media influencers. As print media circulations are generally in decline, and with printed travel sections seemingly shrinking, we need to find other platforms to distribute our news, stories and features. The competition for travel features is rife; hence you need to know the media, what types of stories editors will go for, and how to go about the pitching process. Then your network comes into play.

The huge advantage of online media is of course that the lead-in time is much shorter and we can therefore more easily feature last-minute stories and news.

The rise of bloggers and social media influencers has also brought new channels and platforms for us to distribute and create content. Influencers/content creators are still new kids on the media scene and it seems that, as with any new product, a lot is still trial and error and learning by doing.

One of the key changes, especially with the influencers, is that we can now reach specific target markets via different distribution channels, i.e. we are much more likely to reach millennials via social media than via the printed travel section of newspapers. This requires us to tailor our press content and pitching process accordingly, and understand the requirements of each of the media (new and old) in order to succeed in getting the coverage and results.


You work a lot with bloggers – what criteria do you look for when selecting collaborators?
There are so many things to look out for, but the most important is whether or not the blogger matches your brand, both visually and in terms of content. Bloggers often straddle the PR and marketing department and it’s also internally important that we find bloggers that can meet department needs and objectives, in terms of content creation, quality of output and defined deliverables.

Then there’s also the decision of whether you go micro or macro, which again depends on the nature of your campaign, the objectives and of course the budget. The engagement rate is, in most cases, one of the key things we consider when selecting collaborators.

It’s a laborious process to spot the fakes, weed out those with the bought followers, assess the engagement – is there any use of robots? – and vet each blogger/account. It’s rather time-consuming, but crucial.

What are your dos and don’ts for bloggers?
Understand your client! As much as we, as an organisation, choose and match the bloggers with our brand, bloggers should also understand who they are pitching to and working with.

There is a huge difference between working with a large commercial travel company and a tourist board, which is normally partly or entirely government-funded. There’s also a difference between approaching in-house PRs or agencies, so you should demonstrate that you know the difference – understanding the set-up when pitching always gives you a headstart.

Make sure you set aside time to meet PRs face to face – many bloggers choose to reside outside the UK for economic reasons which makes sense, but building a relationship with PRs is essential for future collaboration and I always believe they are best done face to face.

Work on your SEO ranking – we often see the blog or video channel as the core of the work and the social media channels are distribution channels to drive traffic towards the blog. Make sure your blog is well written – and fact check!

Be professional – essentially as you are now competing with other media agencies. Produce high-quality media kits and deliverables and accurate reporting. Basically, make it easy for us to work with you!


Can you give an example of a good collaboration you’ve recently had?
We have worked with Hand Luggage Only on a few occasions and for various partners – hotels, destinations and products, and each time it’s worked very well in terms of content created, likes/shares achieved and engagement.

I’ve also had the pleasure of working with the hugely talented Paperboyo for a few years now. He is only present on Instagram, however the quality and originality of his posts are just so strong and he always achieves a strong engagement with his followers. Our partners really love his work.

How important for your return are traditional media channels and relations compared with new ones?
They are both very important to us. Traditional media is still the favourite, in particular with our partners, and it’s what most of our work output and campaigns are geared towards. By traditional media we also consider the online content for publications that appear in both print and online – and then of course any broadcast opportunities.

But, as mentioned earlier, we have to also keep a close eye on the development of the media landscape, the competition and how we can secure coverage and content through new channels. Understanding your identified target markets and how to reach them is of course also key to determine which media is the best to communicate with and secure the desired return.


What’s the best destination in the world?
I think that’s going to be an obvious answer – France of course!

It’s an incredibly varied destination and really has something for everyone, in terms of landscapes, holiday types, interests and budget – and it seems to appeal to a lot of international visitors as we are the most popular destination in the world with around 87 million visiting each a year!  The fact that it’s just a hop and a skip from the UK and incredibly well connected is another big plus.

How important is imagery to your campaigns?
As we are promoting a destination, imagery is crucial! Promoting a tourist destination is an intangible product, hence strong imagery and video are a key component in us promoting and telling the stories of France.

As an organisation, aside from developing, defining and monitoring the overall tourism product in France, we are focused on raising awareness, image building and brand development – so visual content is one of the strongest tools for our marketing and PR campaigns. Hence blogs, Instagram and YouTube are brilliant platforms for us to include in them. Video is set to increase in importance too, so this is something we’ll turn our attention to and include in our communication mix.

What advice would you give someone looking to get into PR?
Be passionate about your product! That will then come across genuinely, and the battle is already half won. I absolutely love the travel industry and have always known this was the industry for me. I went rather targeted about working in the industry, but didn’t necessarily know when starting out that PR was going to be the main focus. I’m a people person and rather sociable – I like chatting, which made it easier getting into PR!

But the biggest piece of advice is to build a network as soon as you can, as much with the media as with fellow suppliers – you never know who you may need.

Common sense always helps too.

And finally, don’t put any limitations on where you think you can go. I am Danish, working for the French, in the UK, with a history of working for other countries, after all!


Philip Hammond

Autumn Budget speculation 2018

Next Monday (29 October) the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, will be in the House of Commons to deliver his autumn budget. With growing uncertainty over Brexit, all eyes will be on Hammond as he sets out future spending. In her conference speech, Theresa May announced that austerity is over, and this is the first chance to see whether the Government is going to come good on this declaration.

The Prime Minister set Hammond a challenge when she announced £20bn of additional NHS funding, as this is new money that the Government will have to find. This has led many to believe that tax rises could be on the way, although today’s news that the Office for Budget Responsibility has been too pessimistic about tax receipts means that Hammond now has an extra £13bn a year to play with. It will be interesting to see how the public react to such increases as research has be done suggesting the public would be willing to pay more for the NHS. Until earlier this month, Hammond may have been looking at increasing fuel duty, however the Prime Minister announced that this would be frozen for the ninth year in a row. Similarly, he’s coming under pressure from backbench Tories to cut a planned increase in beer duty.

What could be a more popular measure for Hammond to adopt is a focus on high earners. There has been rumours that anyone who earns above £150,000 may face the double hit of losing their annual pensions allowance and their annual exemption for capital gains tax. Other potential targets include the climate change levy paid on gas by businesses, which may rise to match taxation on electricity resulting in an extra £500m for the Government, and the personal allowance, which could be frozen.

‘Fiscal Phil’ may also be looking at some of the big tech companies to raise some money. In his party conference speech, he said, ‘The global internet giants must contribute fairly to funding our public services’. One area that has been looked at is a tax on advertising revenues. The Digital Services Tax would be popular for the more traditional retailers as it would not focus on the high street. This is potentially one of the most interesting points of the budget as it shows how Hammond equips the Government to deal with the economy of the future. Another area of online activity that looks set to be targeted is gambling, with remote gaming duty likely to increase despite signs that the Treasury would like to delay this. This will plug the gap left by the reduction of the maximum stake for fixed-odds betting terminals to £2 announced by the Government over the summer.

Again, due to the actions of his boss, Hammond faces another challenge when he looks at housing. It would not go down well with the sector or the public if there is a lack of action around this, especially when you consider how seriously the Prime Minister has said she wants to take it. With foreign buyers possibly facing a higher rate of stamp duty, however, the effectiveness of this would be questioned. One measure that would be more popular would be the tax relief on capital gains if a landlord sells to a tenant who has been renting the property for three or more years. This would add an incentive to the supply of property while also helping people trying to get on the housing ladder.

Of course, it’s impossible to write about politics at the moment and not mention Brexit. The Chancellor looks set to announce that departmental budgets will increase above inflation in next year’s spending review, so long as Theresa May secures a deal with the EU. Given the threats to vote against some or all of the Budget from Tory Brexiteers and the DUP, Hammond may decide to leave more controversial tax changes until next year, when the UK has actually left the bloc. Even if the spending floodgates do open, don’t expect to see a return to blanket public sector pay increases – its suggested that these will now be based on performance and location.

If you’d like to stay on top of the budget, but don’t have time to go through every line, let Vuelio Political Services make it easy. Sign up to our free Budget summary

Northern Ireland backstop

Political Headlines – Northern Ireland backstop, Hammond’s £13bn windfall, prosecution of veterans and fake news

Today’s political headlines include May’s rejection of the Northern Ireland only backstop, Hammond’s £13bn windfall, the call to end prosecution of veterans and fake news disappointment. 

May rejects Northern Ireland only backstop
The Times reports that Theresa May has rejected the EU’s calls for a Northern Ireland only backstop, which relieves some pressure from backbench Brexiteers but increases the risk of a no-deal Brexit. She called on the EU to agree to either an extended transition period or a UK-wide customs deal, either of which must end ‘well before’ June 2022. Former Brexit minister Steve Baker withdrew amendments he had proposed to legislation on Northern Ireland, while former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson joined the ‘Stand Up 4 Brexit’ group.

Hammond to get £13bn windfall
The Financial Times says that Philip Hammond will receive a £13bn annual ‘windfall’ in the Budget as a result of the Office for Budget Responsibility underestimating the strength of tax receipts, helping to meet spending commitments to the NHS and to social housing. Given the threat of rebellion from backbench Tories, the paper expects the Chancellor to save major tax changes until next year when the UK has left the EU.

Cross-party letter calls for end to prosecution of veterans
In an exclusive, the Daily Express claims that over a third of Conservative MPs and peers from several parties have signed an open letter calling for an end to the prosecution of military veterans over incidents which happened up to fifty years ago. The letter brands this ‘legal assault’ a ‘national disgrace’ and calls for a ‘statute of limitations’ to be introduced.

Committee chair unhappy over response to ‘fake news’ report
The BBC reports that Damian Collins, Chair of the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has said that he is ‘disappointed’ by the Government’s response to the committee’s report on ‘fake news’. Just three of the report’s 42 recommendations have been accepted by the Government, with some such as a levy on social media firms and limits on political donations completely rejected.

Committee calls for stronger action against sexual images
The Guardian says that a new report by the Commons Women and Equalities Committee advocates stronger measures against sending unsolicited sexual images and public viewing of pornography, including a new law to criminalise non-consensual creation and distribution of sexual images and new requirements for train operators, licensees and universities.

Scrutinising Brexit legislation changes an ‘impossible task’, report warns
According to The Times, a new report by the Hansard Society warns that if the Government does not increase the pace of its release of new legislation for when the UK leaves the EU, Parliament will face an ‘impossible task’ in scrutinising them. Of the estimated 800-1,000 statutory instruments which will be required, only 71 have been put to Parliament, with just two having completed the scrutiny process.

Hunt dismisses calls for Saudi arms sales boycott
The Mirror reports that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has rejected calls for a boycott of arms sales to Saudi Arabia following the death of Jamal Khashoggi. He admitted that the country’s claims about the death were ‘not credible’ and said that if the reports about the death were proved correct, the UK ‘will act accordingly’.

MPs call on Hammond to abandon beer duty tax rise
The Sun says that 54 Conservative MPs have now signed a letter to the Chancellor organised by Nigel Evans that calls on him to scrap a planned 3.5% in beer duty. They warn that the measure would lead to the closure of pubs with the loss of 3,000 jobs and that the industry makes ‘an extremely positive overall contribution to society’.

Politics means politics. Don’t miss out on what matters to you, get Vuelio Political Services.


Will slow news benefit PR?

Tortoise is the new publishing venture from James Harding, Katie Vanneck-Smith and Matthew Barzun, which aims to disrupt current journalism models with a focus on ‘slow news’. Backed by private investors and a very healthy Kickstarter, Tortoise seems to have caught the imagination of its audience months before it launches. But what does a slow news organisation mean for the PR and communications industry?

Harding, who was previously director of BBC News and editor of The Times, says he began to feel overwhelmed by the news agenda towards the end of his tenure at the BBC. Tortoise aims to cure this modern-day condition by focusing on fewer stories in more depth, giving context without the need to chase the highly-prized ‘breaking news’.

Tortoise will have three offerings for members: a five-story ‘Daily Edition’ for smartphones each morning; a daily ‘ThinkIn’ conference from 6pm to 7.40pm that members can attend; and a quarterly print magazine. All of this work will be split into five broad topics: technology, finance, natural resources, identity and longevity.

Does this mean slow news will become the norm?

No; not least because breaking news is vital in the information age and needing to know what’s happening as it happens is necessary for individuals, businesses and organisations to function correctly.

In the short term, Tortoise is unlikely to take a big enough slice of the pie to disrupt the industry that much, though if its membership models are successful, other news brands are likely to take notice. They will have already spotted Tortoise’s big-name financial backers including David Thomson (from the Thomson Reuters family) and Saul Klein, from the venture capital firm Local Globe.

They will also be looking at the Kickstarter, which, with 25 days still to go, has massively overfunded. The project was aiming to raise £75K but already has some £350K pledged by 1,370 backers (that’s a whopping average of £255 each!). Tortoise has the backing to hit the ground running when it launches in January, but what does this mean for PRs?


Above all else, every new development in news and media should be seen as an opportunity. Slow news means an audience spending more time on a topic, which potentially means more time with your product, service, brand or spokesperson. It means more than a passing mention and more time to develop concepts and ideas – why have one comment from one expert organisation for a piece about climate change when you can have ten experts from ten companies?

There’s also the daily ThinkIn events, which are intended to inform an audience and produce regular long-form content. These will need expert advice and opinion too – another opportunity for PRs to help journalists and reach an engaged, dedicated audience.

As BBC’s Amol Rajan reports, Tortoise will have 10 editors who will each have a budget for freelancers, which means there will be dozens of opportunities to build relationships with the new brand. And as ever with media outreach, relationships will be at the heart of every opportunity. While Tortoise’s methods may be disruptive, the old rules of relationship building still apply and good PRs can easily be part of a slow news revolution.

Want to build relationships with the right journalists? With Vuelio, it’s easy.

Prime minister

Political Headlines – May faces rebellion, opposition to Saudi Arabia, offshore gambling tax and Brexit budget growth

Today’s political headlines include May to face a rebellion over Brexit, opposition parties signing a letter to Hunt over Saudi Arabia, tax to be hiked on offshore gambling and department budgets to grow if there’s a Brexit deal. 

May faces rebellion over Brexit’s impact on Northern Ireland
The Times alleges that Theresa May is facing a rebellion by over 40 MPs if she doesn’t give in to Brexiteer demands in the next two days. Former Brexit minister Steve Baker has tabled amendments that would stop Northern Ireland being placed in a separate customs and regulatory territory without approval from the Northern Ireland Assembly, which will be put to the vote on Wednesday. The Guardian adds that May is to use a statement today to tell MPs that 95% of the Withdrawal Agreement has been agreed including issues to do with Gibraltar, Cyprus and dispute resolution. The Daily Telegraph says that May called members of the Cabinet over the weekend to try to secure support, with Esther McVey, Sajid Javid and Geoffrey Cox among those raising concerns about her policy. Writing in The Sun, May insists that she will make the ‘right choices, not the easy ones’.

Opposition parties sign joint letter to Hunt over Saudi Arabia
The Guardian says that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is under pressure to take a tougher stance against Saudi Arabia following the death of Jamal Khashoggi and the conflict in Yemen after representatives of Labour, the SNP, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Greens signed a joint letter claiming that the Government’s ‘inaction’ is ‘utterly incompatible with our most basic value as a democracy’.

Tax on offshore gambling to be hiked
The Financial Times reveals that Chancellor Philip Hammond is to use the Budget to increase the tax paid by offshore gambling companies, raising £1bn over five years by raising remote gaming duty. The move will help to fill the hole in the public finances created by lowering the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals from £100 to £2.

Department budgets will grow if there’s a Brexit deal
The Times claims that Philip Hammond is to say that Government departments will receive above average budget increases in the 2019 spending review, if there’s a Brexit deal. Sources told the paper that Hammond faces a tricky situation, starting out £100bn ‘in the red’ owing to the NHS funding pledge and commitments made in May’s conference speech.

Hammond to replace blanket pay increases with a ‘targeted’ approach
The Daily Telegraph suggests that Philip Hammond is to abandon blanket public sector pay increases in favour of a more ‘targeted’ approach based on factors such as people’s performance and where in the country they live, with salaries rising slower outside London and the south east.

MPs call for more action on domestic abuse
The Financial Times carries details of a new report by the Commons Home Affairs Committee that calls on the Government to take ‘stronger action’ to protect domestic abuse victims. Suggested measures include increased funding for refuge centres, automatic split payments for couples receiving Universal Credit and a statutory responsibility for local authorities to make refuge places available.

Plastic straw ban could be introduced next year
The Daily Mail reports that Michael Gove, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary, is to announce today that plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds could be banned from next year. Warning that oceans and wildlife need ‘urgent protection’, Gove will say that the UK ‘needs to do more’.

EU could ban British Summer Time
According to the Daily Mirror, the EU is proposing to ban member states from observing daylight savings time. The paper warns that there is a risk that the proposal will be put through during the Brexit transition period, when the UK will be unable to stop it. A report by the Lords EU Internal Market Sub-Committee claims that the plan breaches EU treaties.

Brexit isn’t the only political story – find out what you’re missing and why it matters with Vuelio Political Services.

PRCA shared working space

PRCA opens Business Centre for members

The PRCA is strengthening its support of virtual agencies by opening a new Business Centre.

Based in the PRCA’s south London offices, and available exclusively to PRCA Members, the PRCA Business Centre is open weekdays, 09:00-18:00.

The Centre offers seating, power banks and direct access to PRCA resources, along with food and drink facilities. Private meeting rooms can also be provided upon request, giving practitioners the opportunity to organise and host remote meetings.

Members can book space for free by emailing [email protected] to reserve a time slot in the Centre. This a huge perk to the freelance and virtual PR community within the PRCA.

Brittany Golob, publishing editor at Transform magazine has tried out the space and said: ‘As opposed to sitting in a crowded Starbucks to get work done and make business calls, the PRCA’s new Business Centre is a great for remote working. I found it convenient and comfortable, and I enjoyed the jelly beans too!’

The PRCA is requesting feedback from all members on which resources can be added to further optimise the space. Suggestions can be sent to the same email as above, or via Twitter at @PRCA_UK.

Francis Ingham, director general of the PRCA, said: ‘We’re always looking for new ways to offer our members more, be it access to online resources, training from renowned industry voices, or, in this case, a physical space from which to work from.

‘With virtual agencies on the rise, and more PR and communications professionals working remotely, our new, fully equipped Business Centre is the ideal space for members to come in and complete their work while on the go.’

David Davis

Political Headlines – Tory MPs united against May, EU leaders prepared to help May and the fuel ban

Today’s political headlines include the Tory MPs united in criticism of May’s Brexit plans, EU leaders are prepared to help May sell deal to Parliament, calls for petrol and diesel cars to be banned by 2032 and the 13 MPs accepting pver £100,000 of gifts and trips from Saudis. 

Tory MPs united in criticism of May’s Brexit plans
The Times claims that Theresa May’s concessions in Brussels have annoyed all wings of her party, leaving her ‘facing the most perilous week of her premiership’. It says David Davis has rung ministers to call for a change of plan, while Remain-backing Tories such as Nick Boles and Anna Soubry have also criticised May’s approach. The Sun adds that the proposed extension to the transition period was backed by the inner Brexit cabinet last week on the condition that it was at most three to six months long, while a meeting of Brexiteer cabinet ministers accepted it on Monday. The Daily Telegraph reports that Scottish Secretary David Mundell has told Theresa May that he could not accept an extended transition period.

EU leaders prepared to help May sell deal to Parliament
According to The Guardian, EU leaders are to help Theresa May to build a ‘coalition of the reasonable’ in Parliament to avoid a no-deal Brexit. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that ‘all avenues’ to find a deal should be followed, while European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker apparently told leaders that May needed ‘help’ to sell a deal to MPs.

Committee calls for new petrol and diesel cars to be banned by 2032
The Financial Times has details of a new report by the Commons Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee which calls on the Government to ban sales of almost all new petrol and diesel cars by 2032, claiming that the Government’s current 2040 target was ‘vague’ and ‘unambitious’. The committee claims that this will help the UK meet climate targets and develop technology it could export.

MPs accept over £100,000 from Saudis this year
In an exclusive, the Daily Mail reveals that British politicians have accepted £106,418 in gifts trips and other benefits from the Saudi Arabian regime so far this year – three times higher than the equivalent figure for 2016. Eight Tory and five Labour MPs have been on trips to the country, with the Conservative Leo Docherty describing them as ‘working visits that take time and effort to a serious purpose’.

Mercer claims he ‘wouldn’t vote’ if he wasn’t an MP
The Times reports on an interview of Tory backbencher Johnny Mercer in which he claims that he ‘wouldn’t vote’ in an election, there was ‘absolutely no chance’ that he would stand for Parliament if he was asked to now as he was ‘not comfortable’ that his values were the same as those of his party, and that the Government is a ‘shit show’.

Mordaunt speech interrupted by protester
The Guardian says that International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt was interrupted by a protester who invaded the stage during a speech to a conference on sexual abuse in the aid sector. The whistle-blower Alexia Pepper De Caires accused Mordaunt and her department of trying ‘to control women who are speaking out in this sector’.

Petraeus warns prosecuting veterans risks damaging military
The Daily Mail reports that General David Petraeus, the former head of the US military, used a speech at the thinktank Policy Exchange to warn that prosecuting military veterans could put the relationship between the British and American armed forces ‘at risk’ and leave the UK’s military capabilities ‘greatly diminished’.

MPs accept over £2m of free overseas trips
BBC analysis shows MPs have accepted over £2m of free overseas trips in the last two years, over half being funded by foreign governments. The most common destination was Israel and the Palestinian territories and nine of the ten biggest recipients were Conservative MPs.

Find out more about Vuelio Political Services and what they can do for you.

Taylor Herring

Taylor Herring wins big at the PRWeek Awards 2018

Taylor Herring was the big winner at the PRWeek Awards 2018, scooping six awards and being highly commended for a further three. Hot on its heels were 90TEN and The Romans, who both picked up three – the latter winning the Vuelio-sponsored Best Influencer Marketing Campaign for its work with Gordon’s Gin.

The PRWeek Awards presented 33 prizes in total, split across Campaigns of the Year (techniques), Campaigns of the Year (sectors), People & Agencies and the Gold Awards. It also inducted Jackie Cooper, global creative chair at Edelman and co-founder of former agency JCPR, into its Hall of Fame. Shockingly, Jackie is the first woman to be inducted.

The biggest prizes of the night were the Gold Awards, rewarding the best agencies and in-house team. Charity Shelter picked up best in-house for ‘building an important legacy of influence and change’, and the three best agencies of 2018 were named as Manifest (small), 90TEN (medium) and FleishmanHillard Fishburn (large).

But the agency on everyone’s lips was Taylor Herring, which continues to be at the forefront of headline grabbing PR – campaigns that capture everyone’s imagination and go viral.

We spoke to the agency’s co-founder James Herring back in June to find out what it takes to win PR Awards and he told us that it was all about creativity and ‘creating a work culture that thrives on bold and brave ideas’.

He also told us that good work delivers more clients’, and ‘If you do a campaign that does well, the phone rings off the hook for the next week because people will want to reach the people who did it’.

So, if you’re trying to get through to Taylor Herring this week (or next), don’t be surprised if the line is busy – good work delivers more clients and six awards will keep them busy for a very long time.

Congratulations to all the winners on the night, as well as the finalists – if the Awards show one thing, it’s that the industry is in rude health. 

Theresa May Brexit

Political Headlines – Extending the Brexit transition, the meaningful vote and £1bn disability benefit error

Today’s political headlines include May raising the prospect of extending the Brexit transition, MPs may not get a meaningful vote, Government admits to £1bn error in disability benefit and May promises serious response to bullying scandal. 

May raises prospect of extending Brexit transition
The Daily Telegraph reports that Theresa May told fellow EU leaders last night that she was prepared to extend the Brexit transition period and called on them to have ‘courage’ and come up with ‘creative’ ideas to solve the negotiating deadlock, adding that she was ‘confident’ that a deal could be reached. The Financial Times says that EU leaders have cancelled plans to host a special Brexit summit next month but are ready to host it when necessary, with chief negotiator Michel Barnier saying that ‘much more time’ was needed.

MPs may not get ‘meaningful vote’ on Brexit deal, Raab says
The BBC reports that Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has suggested that MPs may not get a ‘meaningful vote’ on the final Brexit deal, instead being offered a choice of accepting or rejecting the deal rather than being able to amend the motion. Tory MP Dominic Grieve, who campaigned for the ‘meaningful vote’ has called on Downing Street to issue a ‘very rapid’ clarification, while Ken Clark said that the Government ‘won’t get away’ with this.

Government admits to £1bn error in disability benefit
The Daily Mirror reports that over 100,000 sick and disabled people are to be paid over £1bn after the Government admitted to errors in Employment and Support Allowance which had led claimants to lose out on up to £20,000 each over seven years. Once ongoing payments are taken into account, the total cost of the error will be £1.67bn by 2025.

May promises ‘serious response’ to bullying scandal
The Guardian says that Theresa May has promised a ‘serious response’ to Dame Laura Cox’s report on bullying in Parliament after Labour MP Teresa Cox used Prime Minister’s Questions to raise the case of a constituent who worked in Parliament and was being sexually harassed by a co-worker, but was ‘treated like the problem rather than the victim’.

Valerie Vaz accused of bullying
The Times reports that the Shadow Leader of the House of Commons, Valerie Vaz, who had led Labour’s response to the bullying scandal was herself accused of bullying by one of her staff in 2012. Vaz denies the allegations and Labour has declined to investigate as the events happened too long ago.

Williamson suggests Capita may lose army recruitment contract
The Daily Telegraph says that, appearing before the Commons Defence Committee yesterday, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said that he was considering cancelling the army’s recruitment contract with Capita as recruitment figures were ‘atrocious’, although he admitted that this was not all the firm’s fault.

France publishes no-deal Brexit law
The Sun reports that France has published its draft law for a no-deal Brexit. British citizens would become third country nationals, barred from holding jobs reserved from EU citizens with access to healthcare and welfare restricted and would require a visa or residence permit to enter the country. Border controls would also be reinstated.

Trump notifies Congress of intention to reach trade deal with UK
The Daily Telegraph reports that President Donald Trump has formally notified the US Congress that he intends to start negotiating a trade agreement with the UK. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer wrote that negotiations would begin ‘as soon as’ the UK was ready after Brexit and that preparatory work to ensure that the two countries would be ‘well prepared’ for this is underway.

If you sign up to Vuelio Political Services, you also get the comprehensive Brexit Briefing.

eu flag

Political Headlines – Brexit negotiations and charity predators

Today’s political headlines include May’s call for the EU to give ground on negotiations, the UK to fund list of suspected aid charity predators, Barnier and Fox suggest extending the Brexit transition and the UK’s debt to the EU still £36bn after a no deal scenario. 

Theresa May to call on EU to ‘give ground’ in negotiations
The BBC says that Theresa May is to urge EU leaders to ‘give ground’ on the Brexit backstop when she addresses them before a dinner later today. The Guardian adds that at a meeting of her Cabinet yesterday Theresa May told ministers to ‘stand firm’ but a number of ministers, including Geoffrey Cox, Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt, expressed concern about the backstop and the status of Northern Ireland, with Chief Whip Julian Smith warning that an indefinite backstop would not pass through the Commons.

UK to fund list of suspected aid charity predators
The Times reports that the International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt is to announce that the UK will use £2m of aid spending to launch a global register of suspected sexual predators in the aid industry. The new Soteria programme will work from hubs in Africa and Asia, allowing NGOs to vet employees.

Barnier and Fox suggest extending Brexit transition
According to the Financial Times, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has said that he would be prepared to extend the transition period by a further year if the UK accepted a ‘two-tier’ Irish backstop. Separately, The Times reports that International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has suggested extending the transition period for a ‘few more months’ in order agree a free trade deal and avoid needing to implement the backstop.

UK would still owe EU up to £36bn even if no trade deal is agreed, Hammond says
The Daily Telegraph claims that Chancellor Philip Hammond told the Cabinet that the UK would have to pay the EU up to £36bn even if it fails to agree a trade deal. Legal advice suggests that the UK is only likely to save £6-9bn if there is no trade deal, as the UK would be unlikely to persuade international arbitrators that it no longer had to pay the remainder.

MPs accused of politicising bullying inquiry
The Guardian says that MPs have accused each other of politicising the inquiry into bullying in Parliament amid calls for Speaker John Bercow to quit. He has indicated that he will remain in post until next summer, with Labour’s Emily Thornberry saying that it was ‘not the time’ for a change and Margaret Beckett claiming that ‘the constitutional future of this country’, in the form of Brexit legislation, ‘trumps bad behaviour’.

Hunt calls on Johnson to back May
In an interview with the Daily Mail, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt calls on his predecessor Boris Johnson and Brexiteer cabinet ministers to back Theresa May ‘to the hilt’, warning that if they don’t ‘the danger is that Brexit will be derailed altogether’. He urged EU leaders not to repeat the ‘mistake’ of the pre-referendum negotiations with David Cameron.

Lib Dems say multinationals should publish tax returns
The Financial Times reports that the Liberal Democrats are calling for multinational companies to be forced to publish their tax returns in order to tackle tax avoidance. Leader Sir Vince Cable claimed that the move would ‘shame’ firms into paying more tax and would make the UK ‘a world leader in tax transparency’.

MPs call for children to be taught how to behave around dogs
The BBC has details of a new report by the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee that claims that there needs to be more education for children on how to behave around dogs in order to avoid injury. It also calls for a review of the causes of dog aggression and training for owners whose dogs misbehave.

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CIPR platinum

The CIPR celebrates 70 years with Platinum

Platinum is the new book celebrating the 70th anniversary of the CIPR. With 50 thought leaders contributing over 45 chapters, the book is the most compelling argument yet that public relations is a strategic management discipline.

Edited by Stephen Waddington, Platinum is the story of the CIPR as told by its volunteer members. From the foundations of PR practice to the emergence of social media, artificial intelligence and automation, the book captures the evolution of both the Institute and the industry.

The chapters cover five areas of PR – Performance, Perspective, Potential, Practice and Provocation – with contributors from a huge variety of backgrounds, both in-house and agency, specialising in all disciplines of public relations.

It’s tough to pick our highlights in what is a book of highlights, but to name just a few chapters, there’s the recently appointed CIPR 2019 President-elect Jenni Field on ‘The impact of internal communication excellence’; Greater Manchester Police’s Amanda Coleman on ‘Facing up to a modern day crisis’; and next week’s Vuelio webinar guest Scott Guthrie on ‘The business of influence’.

A foreword from the CBI’s Director-General Carolyn Fairbairn further endorses the book and the PR industry. She writes: ‘There is currently a disconnect between what businesses do and what people believe. Companies that are not complacent about this challenge understand that it can only be overcome by the right behaviour and by making their contribution to the UK feel real for employees and customers.

‘That means communicating in a way that is genuine and compelling and which resonates with what the public values from business. That is why PR matters.’

Platinum book

The book even includes words from a founder of the CIPR, Professor Tim Traverse-Healy, who reflects on the association’s creation following the war. He writes: ‘These men had witnessed the miseries of war and, in this brave new world, believed that improved communication was a means of improving cooperation and reducing conflict between groups in society.

‘Their beliefs, their insights, their integrity has fashioned my professional life ever since.’

Stephen Waddington, who was recently announced as the new UK MD of Metia, said: ‘Platinum is a blockbuster of a crowdsourced publishing project that has been 18 months in the creation. It’s a reflection of modern PR practice, a learning and development tool, and a cracking legacy project as the CIPR looks forward to its next 70 years.

‘My thanks to all the members that have given their time to write, edit and review the project. I’m especially appreciative of contributions by CIPR founder and Past President Tim Traverse-Healy and the CBI’s Director-General Carolyn Fairbairn.’

Current CIPR President Sarah Hall said: ‘As President I’ve had the privilege of working with the CIPR Board, Council and a whole host of volunteers who continue to give their time to keep the organisation relevant, ambitious and forward-looking.

Platinum is a wonderful example of how our volunteer members are the best of the best. It tells the CIPR’s story and showcases the role that PR plays in organisational success. I hope that business leaders read it and, like me, appreciate the talent we have in our ranks. Thanks to everyone who has given their time to the project.’

Find out more information, including how to buy the book here. All profits from Platinum will be donated to iprovision, the CIPR’s benevolent fund for PR practitioners who’ve fallen on hard times, through illness or other unfortunate circumstances.