Mental Health

7 tips to improve mental health in PR and comms

Mental health is finally starting to get the attention it needs in society. As our Issue Spotlight: Workplace Mental Health revealed, it’s high on the Government’s agenda and has drawn in a range of stakeholders across MPs, charity and business. 

It’s also a major issue in PR and comms, which is why PRWeek asked a question about mental health to its most influential comms professionals in the Power Book 2019. The question, ‘What key practical step can your organisation take to improve staff mental health?’ produced answers covering a range of helpful advice for anyone working, or managing, in communications today.

1. ‘Restricting out-of-working-hours emails and calls where possible
This comes from James Herring, CEO and co-founder of Taylor Herring, but it’s a popular tip throughout the Power Book. While some answers discuss different ways to create a digital detox, limit specific hours or even offer in-house apps that encourage staff to switch off (that last one’s at Frank), ultimately they’re all saying the same thing – when you’re not at work, don’t be at work.

2. ‘Create a culture in which mental health is spoken about and dealt with in the same way as physical health’
Sarah Hall, former president of the CIPR, makes this point, which many work places are still struggling to implement. We easily accept people’s inability to come into work or perform their best when struck with physical illness but there’s a gap where mental health is not understood in the same way. By talking openly and treating it as you would any other illness, mental health becomes less stigmatised and those that need help are more able to get it.

3. ‘We offer free financial-planning clinics’
This is one of a range of perks Mark Flanagan, UK MD at Portland outlines and one which could do a great deal for the mental health of many. There are lots of links between mental ill health and financial problems – in many cases both negatively feed off each other making each situation worse. Good financial planning, which is often a service not available to most, helps people avoid this spiral.

4. ‘Put personal needs at the heart of development plans’
Ella Dorley-Brown, MD at The Academy, makes this suggestion. It’s often easy to make development plans with the business in mind and the many ways to achieve those goals, but if we develop people with their needs in mind we will have happier, more productive staff and that will ultimately help achieve the business goals.

5. ‘We are rolling out Mental Health First Aider training’
A number of those interviewed have said they have Mental Health First Aiders in their companies and agencies. Anna Bartle, vice-president, corporate affairs at The Estée Lauder Companies UK and Ireland, goes on to say that these First Aiders will ‘spot the symptoms of mental-health issues if they occur, offer initial help and guide a person towards support.’ Having other staff looking out for colleagues is a great way to make the environment at work more supportive and more understanding of mental health issues. Even if you don’t have officially designated First Aiders, training for staff to help spot those in need could make a world of difference to someone’s life.

6. ‘Create safe spaces for people to talk about their lives without fear that it might impact their prospects’
This one is from Greg Beales, director of campaigns, policy and comms at Shelter. It highlights the stigma still attached to mental health in the workplace whereby many people feel they can’t speak up, which ultimately will make things worse. If your culture allows people to talk about it without any fear of retribution, it will improve the mental health of the whole company.

7. ‘Offer flexible working hours and a choice of work location’
Said by Shakila Ahmed, comms director at Travelodge, this is another popular point raised throughout the Power Book. While some go as far as four-day work weeks or unlimited holiday, it doesn’t have to be that much of a change to make a big difference. Adapting to meet the needs of each staff member will often get the best out of them; if you have the flexibility to manage everyone individually, it will not only improve mental health but also increase productivity and performance.

…and finally, a plea
We were struck by Simon Enright, Director of comms at the NHS’s answer, which included a plea. He said: ‘We were grateful to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show for donating a mental-health garden to Camden and Islington Mental Health Trust. Can anyone donate another to each NHS Mental Health Trust in the country?’

How does your company or agency improve mental health at work? Let us know on Twitter @Vuelio.

Theresa May

Political Headlines – May urge to cancel tomorrow’s vote in Brexit latest

Today’s political headlines include MPs urgin May to scrap tomorrow’s vote, EU to demand higher payments if UK requests extension, May battles to save Brexit deal and Gove calls on Tories to back Brexit deal. 

MPs urge May to scrap tomorrow’s Brexit vote
The Times claims that ‘senior Conservative MPs’ are urging Theresa May to scrap tomorrow’s planned ‘meaningful vote’ on her Brexit deal unless she is able to secure ‘significant concessions’ from the EU. They used phone calls with the Prime Minister to warn her than she faces a further three-figure defeat, while negotiators continued to seek a last-minute compromise, with May ready to fly to Brussels should an amended deal be agreed. The BBC adds that Downing Street has said this morning that talks with the EU are deadlocked.

EU to demand higher payments if UK requests Brexit extension
The Daily Telegraph says that the EU will ‘impose punitive conditions’ should Theresa May be forced to request a Brexit extension. It claims that the bloc’s members’ attitudes are ‘hardening’ and would require ‘legal and financial conditions’, potentially including a payment of £13.5bn a year and losing its seat at the table when laws are being made.

Theresa May battles to save Brexit deal and premiership
The Guardian says that Theresa May is ‘battling’ both to save her Brexit deal and her premiership, with a risk that, if Parliament votes to delay Brexit, Eurosceptics could move against the Prime Minister. The paper claims ministers have been discussing whether the Prime Minister should name a date to quit in order to help the deal pass, while Chancellor Philip Hammond is preparing to offer billions to ‘end austerity’ in the Spring Statement.

Gove calls on Tories to back Brexit deal
Writing in the Daily Mail, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove has warned Conservative MPs that they have under 48 hours to save Brexit, claiming that ‘everyone who believes in democracy’ should back Theresa May’s deal which would ‘unite our country’ and that a no-deal Brexit wouldn’t ‘honour’ a commitment made to voters ahead of the referendum.

Hunt says he’s looking at ways to bring Isis fighters’ children back to UK
The Guardian reports that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said that the Government is looking at ways to bring the children of British fighters in Syria to the UK, adding that it had been too dangerous to send British officials to rescue Shamima Begum’s baby son from the camp in which she was living and that her decision to join Isis had ‘consequences’.

Almost 40 new schools to be created to tackle knife crime epidemic
The Daily Telegraph reports that Education Secretary Damian Hinds is to announce that 39 new free schools, representing 3,500 extra school places, are to be created, many for pupils expelled from mainstream schools and others for those with special educational needs, as part of the Government’s response to what the paper calls a ‘knife crime epidemic’.

Lenders increase holdings of liquid assets as Bank of England prepares for no-deal Brexit
The Financial Times says that the Bank of England has warned some British lenders that they need to triple their holdings of ‘easy-to-sell assets’ in order to cope with the consequences of a no-deal Brexit. Rules introduced by the Prudential Regulation Authority mean that some lenders now need to hold enough liquid assets to cope with a period when banks stop lending to each other of 100 days, rather than 30 as normal.

Labour won’t support second referendum this week
The Times reports that Labour’s Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer has said that the party will not push for a second Brexit referendum this week, even in the event of the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal being defeated, instead backing an extension to Article 50. People’s Vote supporters fear MPs voting on a referendum too early would lead to a big defeat.

Make sure you stay up to date with all the latest Brexit developments, get Vuelio Political Services.

IWD what's it like to be a woman in the industry

International Women’s Day: What’s it like to be a woman in this industry?

For this year’s International Women’s Day, our female colleagues completed an anonymous survey about IWD and working as a woman in the industry. The first post is here. In this post, we look at what it’s like be a woman in the industry – covering the PR, public affairs and the tech sectors, just as Vuelio does.   

We’ve also been overwhelmed with positive comments for our CEO, Joanna Arnold, because as a tech SaaS company it’s highly unusual that we have a female leader – and we’re proud to be different.

What makes Vuelio different
‘Vuelio works outside the industry norm as we have Joanna as our inspiring female CEO and a number of women in senior management positions across the business. I’m proud to be part of a progressive company that values women and men equally.’

‘I particularly like that I have a female CEO in the software industry as it isn’t what people would expect!’

‘Women are capable of doing anything and everything. Our CEO is an example that women can fit in to IT industry and can drive the whole company.’

‘I very much hope that the women I work with feel that it is great to be a woman in this industry and in this company.  We are led by a female CEO; the gender split for our senior leadership team mirrors our overall gender split, and in those departments where there is a gender imbalance such as Development and Sales our managers are fully aware of this and actively looking for female candidates.’

‘Being a woman in Vuelio is fantastic as there are many women within the leadership team to inspire and learn from. Being a woman in the sales industry in general can be challenging. I have been patronised and underestimated many times in the past but again, Vuelio is different to the rest of the industry.’

‘After working for men for most of my career it is genuinely refreshing and inspiring to be working in a company with a woman as CEO and other smart women in the senior team too. As a woman, you look at them and realise that if you work hard maybe someday you can be them too.’

‘I am very proud to be employed at a female-lead company. It is incredibly motivating to know that my leader understands my perspective and provides me with opportunities to drive my career forward.’

‘I think people associate a SAAS company to be run by men, and so it means a lot to me that the CEO of this company is a woman. Having a woman CEO is inspiring, and very important to me, and is one of the main reasons I work at Vuelio.’

The industry is positive and supportive
‘Being a female in the industry means acknowledging the hard working and successful women that do an amazing job. It’s a powerful time to be a woman and inspiring to be surrounded by supportive, strong women!’

‘Being a woman in this industry has overall been a very positive experience and I feel I’m held at equal balance to my male colleagues. I feel respected and am glad to be in this industry.’

‘I think it’s important that we celebrate success from both men and women in the industry, there’s some really inspiring people that have worked very hard to get where they are regardless of their sex! We are lucky to have an inspiring CEO who is a constant reminder that being a woman should not get in the way of being successful!’

The differences in PR and Public Affairs
‘Public affairs seems quite pale, male and stale. That’s not the case here – this is a very supportive environment and being a woman doesn’t feel like a hindrance at all.’

‘In my opinion, it’s pretty saturated by women – however sometimes at the top it can feel a bit like an old boys’ club. It’s inspiring to see women reaching new heights, taking positions in C-Suite and board level positions. I think it’s important for women to empower each other, but actually to inspire both men and women if we want true equality.’

‘PR and Public affairs are quire difference in their gender balance, Public Affairs is still male dominated, particularly in leadership roles. There is still a long way to go, however organisations like Women In Public Affairs are breaking down barriers and connecting successful female leaders with those seeking mentorship and insight. This is exactly the kind of programmes that the industry needs!’

‘It still depends on what room you end up in on any given day – in some, people with deeper voices are automatically given more credence and respect, or you’re expected to clean up after people, or be okay with being spoken over in meetings. There are still portions of the industry that haven’t moved on from the sexist 90s PR/media culture. But we’re doing GREAT compared to lots of other industries, and I’m grateful for that.’

‘Being a woman in media is not as bad as it is in other industries, because there are lots of women in PR. There’s a solidarity there, and I feel pride and hope seeing more women in senior positions than in industries like finance, for example. However, as a woman of colour in the industry, you can still feel as if you are at the bottom of the barrel. I am a freelance journalist too, and find I have struggled to have my voice heard more than others. As a woman of colour in the industry, you have to fight twice as hard to be heard. We need solidarity and understanding of this fact from other women.’

‘We have some really influential women in this industry and I think compared to others, it’s easier to be successful in the media/PR space. I think it’s harder to be taken seriously as a woman in Public Affairs, and this is still hugely male dominated.’

‘I’ve found it to be positive and sit within an evenly split team of both men and women. Attending industry events does show that the more junior roles are often women with men taking the top spots, hopefully this will change thanks to organisations like Women in PR and Women in Public Affairs. Plus, I’ve been lucky enough in my career to work with a female PR powerhouse: Mary Whenman!’

‘The PR industry is dominated by women whereas in the tech industry, only 30% of workers are female. I think it’s important for young girls to have role models working in industries that aren’t traditionally female, breaking traditional barriers and showing that there are no gender specific jobs. Most importantly, it’s about being who YOU want to be. Within our industry, there are a lot of inspirational women who are trying to drive change, so it’s time we try to tackle issues such as the gender pay gap!’

The challenges of being a woman in the industry
‘I have at times in the past had to work a lot harder to prove myself and get my points across than perhaps some of my male counterparts did simply because they were louder or more confident – although I don’t think that was ever a conscious bias my employers had; for the most part I don’t think they realised they were doing it.’

‘Laddy banter can often dominate conversations where women are in the minority, and it’s difficult to know how best to position yourself to fit in.  I’ve generally had the best experience when teams are made up of a diverse range of people.’

‘Like in any industry, juggling motherhood with your career can be challenging even if your employer is willing to offer flexible working hours. It’s still relatively uncommon for parents to share parental leave in the UK and, with high childcare costs, many women find themselves taking a break from their career or cutting work hours until their children reach school age. I have been lucky to continue working since having my child but unfortunately not everyone has this option. Taking a few years off can seriously affect your chances of finding a new job and your future pension pot will also stay frozen until you are able to start contributing again. The same goes for women applying for jobs around their childbearing age – gender bias, conscious and unconscious does exist in the workplace, which puts a lot of pressure on women wanting to reach their career goals while planning to start a family.’

‘I think sales is a tough role for everyone, female and male. I do think that some preconceptions still exist around ‘salesmen’ being the ideal in this industry. However, I think clients are looking for a credible and friendly advisor, regardless of gender or any other demographic for that matter. It’s also super inspiring to have such an accomplished, driven and overall FUN female CEO!’

‘Last year, my former employer held an event for International Women’s Day. Women who had been successful in their careers spoke to an audience mainly made up of other women. It’s all very well talking about success; however, I think it’s important to recognise that, often, women have a great deal more to think about than their male peers on a day to day basis. Whether that’s the pressure of looking a certain way (i.e. the time and money it takes to look merely ‘acceptable’ to a corporate crowd), to the potential discomfort of walking home from work alone in the dark, to carefully positioning how you come across so you appear to be ‘strong’, but not a ‘bossy bitch’, etc. These are the things that I’m REALLY interested in hearing about – I feel it’s important that these annoyances are shared so women don’t feel isolated in the work place. The fragility of a few men’s egos have caused me considerable stress over the years – in and out of work. It’s an exhausting task to balance everything. A truly open dialogue about gender is vital in order to facilitate EVERYONE in feeling empowered enough to be their true selves, and not be inhibited by their gender, whether they be male or female.’

IWD what does it mean to you

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

For this year’s International Women’s Day, our female colleagues completed an anonymous survey about IWD and working as a woman in this industry. In this first post, they talk about International Women’s Day and what it means to them.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
‘It is about striving for balance and acknowledging that women have a significant part to place in the workplace and should be equally valued and compensated.’

‘A special day to remind women that we are wonderful but also that we still have some way to go in the fight for equality. And that’s ok, we are in this together.’

‘Solidarity and recognising how far women have come and achieved. Empowering each other and creating awareness on equality worldwide is important!’

‘To celebrate how far women have come in terms of being valued and represented in society, since the days when we were considered inferior to men. Luckily, in most of the western world, we have now gained a seat at the table and it’s a chance to celebrate the success of those who helped us get there, but also a reminder that there is still some way to go in some countries, for example less access to education, health and safety risks and political representation.’

‘Gender equality is still an issue in many contexts, it is not a ‘given’ that men and women are treated or perceived in equal terms. IWD provides an opportunity to have positive discussions regarding the importance of gender balance and to celebrate wonderful female role models who are leading the charge.’

‘Like many men and women, my views on the need to secure women’s rights and shape an equitable society have been influenced in recent years by raising a daughter.  A daughter who (despite often wearing gender-neutral clothes and playing with ‘boy’ toys and having a proudly feminist working mother and a father who is more useful in the home than her mother), said at the age of six when asked if she would like to be a doctor, ‘I can’t be a doctor, only boys can be doctors.’ A daughter who had to be persuaded to remain in the top maths set at school because she was the only girl from her form in that set.  A daughter who has repeatedly heard other mothers saying to their daughters, ‘Don’t worry, darling, I wasn’t any good at maths/science/technology either’ as though those things were in some way not cool or aspirational.  A daughter who has said she can’t call herself a feminist because she associates that term with being unfeminine or anti-men.  A daughter who sets high standards for herself and the women in her life, but who is comparatively tolerant of the foibles and failings of the men she knows (in a ‘Oh, shame they can’t help it’ sort of way).  We kid ourselves if we think we don’t have to be alert to gender bias in our society and International Women’s Day is a great time to stop and think about that.’

‘This is a day where I can reflect how proud I am to be a woman and recognize the progress I’ve made in my career and personal life.’

‘For me, its super important. I have a couple of really inspiring women close to me, in my work and personal life and I think it’s great to take a moment to appreciate and reflect on their success/journey.’

Am I a female role model

Am I a female role model? International Women’s Day with Joanna Arnold

I am delighted to be writing this on International Women’s Day. For me, IWD is a fantastic movement that recognises and promotes the achievements of women and finds ways to support and encourage more to fulfil their potential. It’s not a single event confined to 24 hours – each year feels like another step in the right direction with more progress for women’s rights and gender equality.

Joanna Arnold IWD 2019But it’s patently clear that there’s still some way to go. We know, from the PRCA Census, there’s a 21% gender pay gap in PR and comms, which is higher than the UK average (which is obviously too high itself). The Census also revealed a 7% increase in female MDs since 2016, but men still dominate at the top and true equality is therefore still lacking.

At Vuelio, our story is a little different – we have an even gender split across senior management and a female CEO, which is rare for a tech company.

I was recently asked whether I feel a responsibility to be a strong female role model as the CEO of Vuelio. The answer is complicated because I feel a responsibility to be a role model for all my staff, no matter what gender, and try to champion excellence in Vuelians* in all its forms.

As a business we’re aware that not all departments are as diverse as they could be, and where we have an uneven split – in Development for example – we’re actively seeking to bring more female Vuelians into the fold. This isn’t just a gender policy but part of a wider belief that a diverse workplace makes better products, services clients more effectively and solves problems more efficiently.

So, I tend not to focus on my role in the company as a woman, but as someone who has worked hard and is now in a position to support and mentor others in this business. I actively seek to increase diversity and mentor brilliant people, so they can progress their careers at Vuelio. The fact I can strive for this and also be a female role model to other women in this industry is truly humbling and a responsibility I take seriously.

That’s why for this International Women’s Day we’ll be highlighting the views of female Vuelians from our company survey and we’re also delighted to have a guest post from Heather Baker, CEO at TopLine Comms, with advice for young female PR professionals.

But we’re not confining these brilliant voices to a single day, instead we’ll continue to featuring regular commentary and guest posts from excellent women in the industry. We have a few lined up already but there’s always room for more.

So, if you’re a brilliant woman, we’d like to hear from you. Get in touch and let’s start a conversation.

Happy International Women’s Day.


*Vuelians work for Vuelio, because we’re cool like that.

Heather Baker feature

International Women’s Day: Advice for young female PR professionals

This is a guest post from Heather Baker, Founder and CEO at TopLine Comms.

Reassessing the gender pay gap on International Women’s Day

Today marks the 108th International Women’s Day. It serves as a collective call for gender parity and this year’s theme #BalanceForBetter is, in my opinion, one of the best yet. It recognises the fact that balance isn’t just an issue that affects women, but a business issue: and it’s a really important distinction to make.

Even though PR has historically (and somewhat stereotypically) been perceived as a female-led industry, there is still a marked gender pay gap. According to the PRCA’s 2018 PR and Communications Census, the current pay gap between male and female PR professionals stands at 21%. When you compare this to the 2018 ONS stats, which put the gender pay gap at 8.6% for full-time workers (the closest it’s been for 21 years), you realise how far behind the PR industry really is.

Initiatives like International Women’s Day are important because they help create change and raise awareness. On the topic of gender parity, you can already see positive changes in education, with more children being taught how to code at primary school in the UK. By comparison, I went to an all-girls school and had to learn knitting and cooking alongside maths and physics. I ended up studying psychology at university; I would have preferred engineering but it just didn’t occur to me at the time.

Fortunately, my mum was a career woman and my dad always treated me like an equal, which helped me develop some valuable self-belief. After graduating, I went into PR. I’m proud to say that my company, TopLine Comms, is an equal opportunities employer and that our STEM specialist team comprises an equal gender split.

Having built TopLine from scratch, here are some of the things I’ve learned along the way that might help anyone starting out in public relations, or any other career for that matter.

Help others
Watch enough romantic comedies and you’ll end up believing that female colleagues need to be archenemies, but that shouldn’t be the case. Women must help other women succeed. The first step is to help others and hold yourself accountable for speaking up about positive gender parity and equality in your workplace.

Mentorship is extremely important to empower younger generations to fill the shoes of their seniors. Look out for mentorship programmes, or simply ask a more senior female colleague to mentor you and show you the ropes

Run your own race
Social comparison theory is the belief that humans are driven to self-evaluate by comparison to others. It’s easy to believe that your peers are better than you – maybe you think that they have better senior relationships, get to work on more exciting opportunities or get better results. But comparison is the thief of joy. It’s a dangerous practice and one that stops you from running your own race and focusing on you. Be yourself, know your strengths, use them wisely and the rest will follow.

Set boundaries
If you haven’t read Michelle Obama’s book ‘Becoming’, I strongly recommend that you do. In the book, she talks about the idea and importance of balance – precisely the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day. Juggling a career, family and friends, and still having time for yourself is no easy feat, so it’s vital that you set boundaries and stick to them.

Try to identify what you feel comfortable sacrificing and what you don’t, and then make sure that don’t compromise on it. It’s different for everyone so, as mentioned above, don’t compare your choices to others. You’ll find lots of articles with top tips from successful people, from not reading emails first thing in the morning to creating lists and getting enough me time. Ultimately, it just comes down to what you need to do to be your most productive self. Find what helps you to balance your time and don’t be embarrassed to incorporate it into your schedule.

Awareness days give us an excuse to reflect on important issues that affect our lives. Let’s use this year’s International Women’s Day and theme of #BalanceforBetter to tackle the gender pay gap and talk more openly about how women can succeed in the workplace.

Theresa May

Political Headlines – May appeals to EU to help her deal pass and Zaghari-Ratcliffe is granted diplomatic protection

Today’s political headlines include May appealing to EU to help her deal pass, Zaghari-Ratcliffe granted diplomatic protection, Bradley accepts there are ‘no excuses’ for her comments and Conservatives scared they could lose 1,000 councillors in local elections. 

May appeals to EU to help her deal pass
The BBC reports that the Prime Minister will ask the EU to agree to legally binding changes to the backstop in order for her deal to pass through the House of Commons. She will tell EU negotiators that they will have a deciding role on whether the deal can pass next Wednesday. The EU has maintained the view that it is for the UK to come up with solutions to break the current deadlock.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe granted diplomatic protection
The Guardian reports on Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe being granted diplomatic protection thus raising her case to the level of dispute between the UK and Iran, if she suffers any injury it will be seen as an injury to the UK. This comes after Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, said her human rights were not being met after the denial of better medical treatment. Zaghari-Ratcliffe is currently serving a five-year prison sentence in Iran on charges of spying. Hunt said the decision was not one he took lightly and it is down to the lack of progress in the talks.

Bradley accepts there are ‘no excuses’ for her comments
Sky News reports on Northern Ireland Secretary, Karen Bradley, accepting there are ‘no excuses’ for the comments she made about killings by the police and military during the Troubles not being crimes. Bradley has been under pressure to resign for her comments and has had to clarify she is not referring to any case. Prosecutors will next week announce whether soldiers will face trial for the Bloody Sunday killings amplifying the impact of the remarks. Bradley apologised for the remarks and any offence he caused.

Conservatives scared they could lose 1,000 councillors in local elections
The Sun has an exclusive that reveals that senior figures in the Conservative Party are worried they could lose 1,000 councillors in the upcoming local elections. If this scenario does play out it is expected that critics of the Prime Minister will begin demanding she step aside. However those close to May in the Cabinet are asking her to reshuffle her top team after the elections and bring in some fresh faces.

IDS criticises Khan for handling of violent crime in London
The Express reports on remarks made by Iain Duncan Smith on the Mayor of London’s handling of violent crime in London, IDS said that Khan is playing political games and not taking responsibility for what is going on. Khan has defended himself from any criticism by saying that the Metropolitan Police have lost vast amounts of funding in the last few years and this is having a direct impact. In his remarks IDS spoke of the effectiveness of stop and search in stopping knife crime.

Bercow blocks release of bullying inquiry emails
The Huffington Post reports on John Bercow using a veto to block the release of his correspondence with officials concerning bullying in Parliament. The post has been trying to get hold of the correspondence as it is rumoured that Bercow and senior staff are seen as part of the problem in them. Bercow has been criticised for this move saying that it is preventing public discussion of the issues and is harming the confidence people will have in Parliament.

Conservative Leadership candidates posturing themselves
The Financial Times looks at the possible candidates to replace Theresa May as leader of the Conservative Party. They indicate that those who fancy the position for themselves are beginning to put themselves in the best possible position. The FT picks out Jeremy Hunt, Sajid Javid, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Dominic Raab, James Cleverly, Penny Mordaunt and Matt Hancock as those making moves. The report looks at the different direction each possible candidate would look to take the party in and who they would appeal to.

Next week there’s a meaningful vote and the Spring Statement – find out how you’ll be affected with Vuelio Political Services.

Knife crime police

Political Headlines – Knife Crime and Brexit vote

Today’s political headlines include May not listening on knife crime, Ministers believe Brexit deal will lose by 100 votes, EHRC may launch inquiry into Labour’s handling of antisemitism and Mercer calls on May to allow younger generation to lead Conservatives. 

Theresa May is not listening on knife crime says former head of the Metropolitan Police
The BBC report on remarks made by former head of the Metropolitan Police, Lord Stevens where he accuses the Prime Minister of not listening to police concerns about knife crime. This comes after Jeremy Corbyn accused May of not doing enough to tackle the causes of knife crime. Lord Stevens criticised May’s handling of crime and policing in both her position of Prime Minister and Home Secretary, Stevens said the Home Office have not been listening for the last six years. He did throw his support behind Sajid Javid as the person to see the crisis through and wants him to chair the summit on knife crime being held at Downing Street.

Ministers believe Brexit deal will be voted against by 100 votes
The Telegraph reports that the Cabinet is expecting to lose next weeks Brexit vote by up to 100 votes after the latest talks did not produce a deal. It is reported that Number 10 is making plans to hold a third vote on the deal as they are expecting to lose the second vote, we may even see a speech from the Prime Minister to gather support from MPs on Friday. MPs have been warned that the Easter recess could be cancelled if Brexit is delayed. A minister told the paper that the next move would depend on the scale of the defeat.

EHRC may launch inquiry into Labour’s handling of antisemitism
The Guardian has an exclusive that reveals that the Equality and Human Rights Commission is close to a decision on whether it will hold an inquiry into the Labour party’s handling of antisemitism. The inquiry would look at whether their handling of cases was compliant with equalities law. This is the latest in a series of stories into Labours handling of antisemitism, recently a number of emails were leaked that has cast doubt on the handling of cases by senior figures in the party. The Campaign Against Antisemitism compiled a dossier and asked the EHRC to open the investigation that is being considered with a second complaint filed by the Jewish Labour movement.

Mercer calls on May to allow younger generation to lead the Conservatives
The Sun has an exclusive with Conservative MP Johnny Mercer where he has called on Theresa May and the Government to step aside for the new generation to take charge. Mercer says that May and her Government are failing ‘today’s digital generation of impassioned voters’, he also accused senior members of his own party of being career politicians. Mercer said there are a generation of politically homeless people who need to be reached and if they are, a movement will be built.

Corbyn working with Conservative backbenchers for soft Brexit
The Mirror has an exclusive that Jeremy Corbyn has been holding talks with backbenchers across Parliament who would be prepared to back a Norway-plus Brexit. The Labour leader is said to have been more confident that a sensible deal can be reached as he hopes to appeal to both leave and remain voters with this compromise. The move also carries the intention of moving beyond Brexit and shifting attention to domestic policy.

Labour staff to strike in pay row
The Huffington Post reports on a pay row between the Labour Party and its staff, the row comes after staff rejected a below-inflation pay offer made to them. The GMB union’s Labour branch rejected an offer of a £600 increase in salary and workers represented by Unite are expected to do the same. The party had warnings earlier in the year that unless it scraps projects or finds savings it will be heading for a budget deficit this year.

From Brexit to knife crime – keep up to date with the political intelligence that matters to you with Vuelio Political Services.

Theresa May

Political Headlines – Labour MP vows to vote for May’s deal and Javid clashes with colleagues on knife crime

Today’s political headlines include May’s latest attempts to woo Labour, Javid clashes with May and Hammond on knife crime, Home Office ‘remains complacent’ despite Windrush and Corbyn’s office accused of intervening in antisemitism investigations. 

May announces workers’ rights pledge as Labour MP vows to vote for her deal
The BBC says that Theresa May is to promise MPs that they will get to vote on any change to workers’ rights after Brexit, allowing them to choose whether to adopt new protections introduced by the EU. However, the TUC has warned that the plans are ‘flimsy procedural tweaks’ and that ‘our hard-won rights are still under threat’. The Daily Mirror adds that Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey accused the Government of an ‘attempt to bribe workers to back their botched Brexit deal’, although Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick told the paper that he would now be backing the deal.

Javid clashes with May and Hammond over knife crime
The Daily Telegraph claims that Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary, clashed with a ‘defensive’ Theresa May over knife crime at yesterday’s Cabinet meeting in a ‘testy’ exchange. Javid argued in favour of extra resources and expanded stop and search powers, but Chancellor Philip Hammond said the police should ‘prioritise’ current, rather than historic, cases. Writing in the paper, Javid says that it is ‘vital we give the police the powers they need’.

MPs say Home Office remains complacent despite Windrush
The Guardian carries details of a new report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee which finds that the Home Office remains complacent about ‘systemic and cultural problems’ despite the Windrush scandal and is making ‘life-changing decisions based on incorrect data’. It accuses the department of doing ‘as little, rather than as much, as possible’ to help those affected by its actions.

Corbyn’s office accused of intervening in antisemitism investigations
The Daily Telegraph says it has been told by a ‘former Labour official’ that ‘senior allies’ of Jeremy Corbyn routinely intervened in antisemitism investigations, with a leaked email showing that senior aides Seumas Milne, Katie Murphy and Andrew Murray had been copied into one case. Labour dismissed the claims as ‘malicious lies from a disgruntled former employee’, adding that Corbyn’s office had been asked to help clear a backlog of cases.

Chief Whip warns MPs could force soft Brexit
According to The Sun, the Chief Whip Julian Smith has warned the Cabinet that if Theresa May’s Brexit deal is rejected next week, MPs may take back control from the Government and force the UK into a softer Brexit and a customs union with the EU, through an extension to Article 50 followed by an ‘indicative vote’.

Hatton attends event with shadow cabinet members days after suspension
The Times reveals that Derek Hatton, who was suspended from the Labour Party over antisemitism allegations just days after being readmitted, attended a fundraising event in Liverpool alongside three shadow cabinet members within a week of his suspension. He was pictured sharing a table with the Labour Mayor of Liverpool City Council, Joe Anderson.

Independent Group in talks to form political party
The Daily Mirror reports that the Independent Group has confirmed that it has held talks with the Electoral Commission about forming a political party, although it has not set a ‘specific timeframe’ for doing so. Group spokesperson Chukka Umunna confirmed that the group wished to field candidates in the next general election.

New plan to tackle potholes targets utility firms
The Times reports that the Department for Transport is to unveil new plans to tackle potholes. Under the new policy, utility firms will be forced to maintain roads for five years after they dig them up, rather than two years as at present. New standards will also compel them to use tougher asphalt which is less prone to potholes.

What does the workers’ rights pledge mean for you? Find out with Vuelio Political Services.

PR Tips for Monzo success

4 PR tips for Monzo success

This is a guest post from Katy Bloomfield, Comms Director at TopLine Comms.

Monzo is arguably the UK’s biggest fintech success story to date. Just look around any London underground station and you’ll see hordes of commuters tapping in and out with their bright coral cards. Millennials are mad about Monzo; they make up its biggest market and help to drive its popularity, which continues to spread like wildfire.

In 2018, Monzo welcomed its millionth customer and secured new finance through customer crowdfunding, boosting its value to more than $1bn (£787m). Not bad for a digital bank that first launched in 2016. From its semi-humble beginnings, Monzo has grown into an industry leader. Plenty of start-ups want to emulate its success, and many PR agencies would love to work with them.

There is no doubt that Monzo’s spectacular trajectory is a great story, but it’s important to remember that a number of factors contributed to its rise. Here are four lessons PR firms and professionals can learn from Monzo.

1. Pay attention to timing
When it comes to PR, there is little better than being in the right place at the right time. To maximise this sweet spot, you need to understand your market fully – that includes your target audience as well as your competitors. Pay attention to trends, behaviours and events – this will help you identify the perfect moment to announce yourself.

Monzo, of course, could not have timed its arrival better. The 2008 recession did some serious damage to banks’ reputations, and consumer confidence hit rock bottom. The financial services industry worked hard to rebuild its reputation, but an increasingly tech-savvy customer base wasn’t satisfied with more of the same.

Digital disruptions were upending all sorts of status quos, from hailing a taxi (Uber) to booking accommodation (Airbnb) – and banking was no exception. In 2016, the foundations for a fintech revolution were already in place: 47% of the world, for example, used mobile banking. Monzo was not the first fintech to launch, but it launched during a perfect storm of opportunities and, crucially, launched with a better product than its competitors.

PR lesson: Keep a close eye on the market, and make sure your communication is well-timed.


2. Play the long game
Good timing requires patience, agility and a stockpile of content to release at the right time. It doesn’t pay to publish everything all at once, you’ll simply overwhelm your audience and drown them in messaging. Monzo used incremental communication tactics like focus groups, online surveys and social media teasers, and only then did it launch its first campaign.

Monzo also knows how to whet appetites and seed interest. The company cleverly staggers news, product updates and announcements: and the strategy works well. Founder and CEO Tom Blomfield recently penned a blog post on the company’s planned updates for 2019, introducing an exciting next stage of features that could add some serious value to Monzo’s core offering. The response has been positive, loyal and anticipatory – you can almost ‘hear’ the bated breath.

PR lesson: Keep your powder dry.


3. Know your audience
Monzo knows its target audience inside out. The company is enmeshed in millennial culture; using collaboration to create a democratic business. The Monzo Community Forum is one such example, encouraging customers to become advocates and evangelists known as ‘Monzonauts’. This community is treated to special events and their insights and ideas are fed back into product development for testing in Monzo Labs.

The Monzonauts are such an integral part of the bank that when the company’s original name, Mondo, faced a trademark challenge from another business, they came up with ‘Monzo’. By allowing Monzonauts to guide the company’s development and get involved, Monzo created a product that people want and will recommend. It worked; early referrals accounted for 80% of the company’s early-stage business.

PR lesson: Focus on the customer. They are your biggest asset.


4. Get out there and network
Blomfield has a rather rarefied circle of friends which assisted the company’s ascent. That said, he had to get out there, meet them and convince them of his idea’s viability – which he did. Blomfield cofounded GoCardless, a business aimed at streamlining direct debit collections, with two friends while studying at Oxford. They pitched the start-up to Y Combinator, an innovation incubator in Silicon Valley and in the process, met – among others – Mark Zuckerberg.

In 2014, Blomfield became Chief Technology Officer at Starling Bank. This was one of the UK’s first fintechs to launch after the financial crisis. During this time he met and worked with many top industry people, some of whom now work for Monzo or helped cofound it.

PR lesson: Building a business relies on making good relationships with key people. Make sure your communication efforts are targeted at the brand’s network of contacts – as well as its customers.  


Whether you’re a PR agency, or looking for one, keeping these four tips front and centre at all times will give your marketing efforts more oomph in the highly competitive world of fintech.

sharron and anita pr blind date

PR and Journalist ‘Blind Date’: When Relevance International met The Travel Magazine

Our third ‘couple’ in the first of our ‘blind date’ series were Anita Gryson, associate director at Relevance International and Sharron Livingston, editor at The Travel MagazineHere’s what happened when they met for their PR and journalist ‘blind date’. 

How was your lunch?
Sharron: It was interesting and fun. Anita was a fabulous lunch date.

Anita: Lunch was enjoyable and informative. It was a great opportunity to catch up with Sharron who I hadn’t seen since before I started working at Relevance International, just over a year ago. The team at Vuelio did a fantastic job at ‘matching’ us seeing as Sharron and I have both been working in the travel and lifestyle sector for over ten years. We met each other at the start of my career when I had just moved to London. We travelled together to a luxury resort I was launching in the Seychelles, and have made sure to arrange regular catch ups since then.

Sharron is passionate about travel and is regularly interviewed on TV, radio and in the press about travel trends and destinations. She updated me on the latest news from The Travel Magazine, a travel portal with highly informative, upbeat and inspirational articles for people who love to travel. We discussed potential stories for some of my clients including The Royal Atlantis Resort and Residences opening in Q2 2020 and The World’s 50 Best Restaurants’ 50 Best Explores travel series.

Did you learn anything new about their role? If so, what?
Sharron: I wasn’t aware of her new role. So, it was great to chat about what she does and who and her clients are.

Anita: It was interesting to hear about the way in which The Travel Magazine works with brands. She explained that the magazine has existed purely as an online publication since 2009 and is focused on brand journalism and cross-platform storytelling. As storytellers, they work with clients to include their brand and product offering as native advertising through highly informative, upbeat and inspirational articles. They also use their substantial social media following to not only promote a brand but also engage their readers with it.

In the past 10 years, The Travel Magazine has worked with hundreds of clients, including airlines, accommodation providers, CVBs, DMOs, visitor attractions, travel accessories, tour operators, OTAs, cruise companies, and many more.

Were you surprised by anything they told you about their job?
Sharron: No

Anita: Sharron and I established that there is definitely a misconception that our jobs are all about travelling, sipping champagne and parties. Ironically, we were discussing this over lunch while sipping a glass of wine.

Naturally, everyone sees the glamour of a career which involves travelling around the world. Due to the valuable time spent away from the office, travel time, layovers and time differences, the role can also involve fact checking at midnight having just landed at Heathrow, or writing a press trip report or article in transit to ensure deadlines are met. To be successful as a travel journalist or PR, it is a must to be passionate about travel and determined to get the job done. Sharron always delivers.

If you could share one top tip from lunch what would it be?
Sharron: Ask lots of questions and listen intently.

Anita: I would advise brands who want to engage with influencers to look further than those who are associated with Instagram. Online platforms can be valuable and have proven to make a difference to a brand’s bottom line.

Do you think this lunch will change how you interact with PRs/journalists in the future?
Sharron: Not really.

Anita: Driving results for clients and forging strong relationships with journalists will always remain at the forefront of my mind. Ultimately, our aim is to get that story published. Taking time to get to know someone’s likes and dislikes helps us build strong working relationships. Being professional, passionate and connected continue to be key work values I live by.

Did you disagree on anything? If so, what?
Sharron: No. It was a conversation and an exchange of ideas and we explained how we work and what we are looking to achieve.

Anita: The conversation cards we were given allowed for an interesting conversation about journalists and PRs, best and worst experiences, what we look for, respectively, when working with journalists and PRs, and common misconceptions. We were very much on the same page.

If you could change one thing about PRs/journalists what would it be and why?
Sharron: Only that I would like to receive only relevant stuff, but with round-robins that is not likely.

Anita: I’d love to swap jobs for a day so that PRs can appreciate the hard work that journalists do as well as what we do for them.

Finally, do you think you’ll stay in touch?
Sharron: Yes. I am sure there are ways to work together.

Anita: Absolutely. It was great to hear how The Travel Magazine has evolved since its launch. I hope to still be working with Sharron in ten years’ time, and again ten years after that, with regular catch ups and lunches. A big thanks to Vuelio for arranging this one!


Sharron and Anita’s ‘blind date’ took place at the Paternoster Chop House aka the First Dates restaurant! If you’re a PR or a journalist and you’d like to be set up on one of Vuelio’s professional ‘blind dates’, please email Rebecca Potts.

Knife crime

Political Headlines – May denies link between knife crime and police cuts and schools reliant on parental donations

Today’s political headlines include May’s denial that knife crime is linked to police cuts, schools increasingly reliant on parental donations, Rudd to end repeat assessments for disable pensioners and Brexiteers warn against deal ambush. 

May denies link between knife crime and police cuts
The Guardian says that a political row has erupted after Theresa May claimed that there was ‘no direct correlation between certain crimes and police numbers’, after a recent spate of stabbings. However, Mark Burns-Williamson of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners warned that cuts to police and youth services had created a ‘toxic mix’.

Schools increasingly reliant on parental donations
In an exclusiveThe Times reports on schools’ increasing use of contributions from parents to fund salaries, textbooks and equipment, and building repairs. MPs debated school funding yesterday after a petition started by headteachers got over 100,000 signatures. 700 schools responded to a freedom of information request, with over 200 saying that they had requested parental donations in the last year.

Rudd to end repeat assessments for disabled pensioners
The Daily Telegraph reports that Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd is to say that disabled pensioners will no longer have to undergo repeat benefit assessments, in a speech drawing on her own father’s blindness. She will set out an ambition to ‘significantly improve’ her department’s treatment of disabled people, with the benefits system as their ‘ally’.

Brexiteers warn against deal ambush
The Times claims that Conservative Brexiteers have warned Theresa May that she cannot ambush the with a legal agreement on the Irish backstop just before next week’s vote on Theresa May’s deal and expect to gain their support. Leaders of the European Research Group warned that they would need ‘good time’ to conduct ‘a proper analysis’.

Government delays vote over fears of defeat
The Financial Times reports that the Government chose to delay a vote on a financial services bill it needs to pass before Brexit yesterday after it faced defeat over a cross-party amendment which would have forced the crown dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man to introduce public registers of company ownership.

Cox denies he’s given up on backstop changes
The Daily Mail says that Attorney General Geoffrey Cox is returning to Brussels for further Brexit negotiations today and has rejected claims yesterday that he had abandoned his previous negotiating objectives, claiming that was a case of ‘misunderstood fag ends dressed up as facts’. He said that reports that he had given up plans to time-limit or secure a unilateral exit from the Irish backstop were mostly inaccurate.

Formby criticised over Labour antisemitism
The Guardian says that Jennie Formby, Labour’s General Secretary, has come under further criticism for her handling of antisemitism in the party following a meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party yesterday. MP Louise Ellman said that she was ‘angry’ with Formby’s responses.

Grayling accused of ‘running scared’
The Daily Mirror reports that Labour has accused Transport Secretary Chris Grayling of running scared aft Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock answered an urgent questions on the payment of £33m to Eurotunnel over no-deal Brexit ferry contracts instead of him. Downing Street justified the decision on the grounds that the contracts were for the transport of ‘crucial medicines’.

Which ever policy you’re interested in, find out how Vuelio Political Services can cover it for you.

Emergency Brexit

Emergency Brexit: Predictions for the Comms Industry

The UK is set to leave the EU on 29 March – that’s only 25 days away. Our next webinar will explore what these final weeks have in store for the comms industry and what’s coming next.

Emergency Brexit takes place at 11am on Tuesday 5 March. You can sign up to join us live, or receive the recording afterwards.

The webinar will hear from leading industry experts including Iain Anderson, executive chairman at full-service communications and market research agency Cicero Group, Matthew Elliott, who was chief executive of the Vote Leave campaign, and our host Lionel Zetter.

Matthew, who is now senior political adviser to Shore Capital, has been described by the Financial Times as ‘one of the most formidable political strategists in Westminster’, by the New Statesman as ‘one of the most successful – and feared – campaigners in British politics’, and by the BBC as ‘one of the most effective lobbyists at Westminster’.

He previously led the successful NOtoAV campaign in the 2011 referendum on changing Britain’s voting system, and he also founded the TaxPayers’ Alliance and Business for Britain.

Iain is an expert in integrated communications, global political risk and public policy. He has over 25 years’ experience in communications, initially as a business journalist and then as a founding shareholder at Incisive Media. He has also worked for a range of politicians, including Kenneth Clarke MP on his leadership bids.

He is co-founder and executive chairman at Cicero Group and focuses on public policy and corporate communications strategy supporting many global FTSE and Fortune 500 blue chip organisations. He provides CEO and Board-level counsel.

Lionel is known across the industry and has written, spoken and taught widely on politics and public affairs. The former CIPR President is an expert in lobbying and will play host to our other esteemed guests.

The webinar will cover the comms aspects of the original Brexit referendum, the effect the result has had on communications and business over the last three years, how to prepare for Brexit and what the likely scenarios are over the next four weeks and beyond.

Everyone who signs up will have a chance to question our guests but if you’re unable to join us live you’ll receive a recording of the whole webinar afterwards.

Sign up here, and prepare for Brexit.

Brexit cash

Political Headlines – new fund facing bribe allegations and UKIP’s shift

Today’s political headlines include the new fund for deprived communities facing bribe allegations, UKIP’s shift to the far-right, Cox abandons attempt to secure backstop changes and Chancellor to announce ‘windfall’ in Spring Statement. 

New fund for deprived communities faces Brexit deal bribe allegations
The Times says that a new £1.6bn fund for ‘struggling communities’ announced by the Government is being seen as an attempt to secure Labour MPs’ support of Theresa May’s Brexit deal. The Stronger Towns Fund, which will be spent over four years, faces criticism both from Labour MPs, who believe that it does not go far enough, and Conservative MPs, with Sheryll Murray suggesting that it was ‘pork-barrel politics’ targeted at Labour areas and disadvantaging ‘Conservative-voting communities’.

Investigation reveals UKIP’s shift to ‘far-right’
The Guardian leads with an investigation into UKIP, which finds that a membership surge has led the party to move to the far-right, with moderates replaced by those ‘attracted by an anti-Islam agenda based on street protest’. Membership has increased by 50% in the last year, but many senior figures and organisers have left, hampering the party’s election-fighting capabilities.

Cox abandons attempt to secure backstop time-limit or unilateral exit
The Daily Telegraph says it has been told that Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has abandoned his attempts to secure either an unilateral exit from or a time-limit on the Irish backstop, and is instead seeking an arbitration mechanism outside the European Court of Justice. This falls short of the demands of Brexiteers such as Bill Cash and Steve Baker, leading ministers to conclude that Theresa May will lose the next vote on her deal.

Chancellor to announce ‘windfall’ in Spring Statement
The Financial Times claims that Chancellor Philip Hammond is set to announce a ‘multibillion-pound windfall’ due to higher tax receipts in the Spring Statement next week, and that this could be spent on public services if a no-deal Brexit does not occur. There will be no new tax or spending announcements in the statement – instead the money would be made available to this year’s spending review.

Miller criticises NDA reforms
The Daily Telegraph reports that Maria Miller, Chair of the Commons Women and Equalities Committee, has said that Government plans to clarify the use of non-disclosure agreements do not go far enough if they ‘simply reiterate the existing law’. Consultation on the proposals opens today, but doesn’t cover sexual harassment at work as this is a civil offence.

Inquiry into politicians and child sexual abuse opens
The Guardian reports a three-week long inquiry into allegations of child sexual abuse involving politicians and officials begins today, including ‘potentially explosive’ claims about the whips’ offices withholding details of criminal offences. The Times adds that former MI5 Director-General Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller is to be questioned about the suppression of allegations relating to Sir Peter Morrison, once an aide to Margaret Thatcher.

Ministers to consult on junk food advert ‘watershed’
The Daily Telegraph says that ministers have approved the launch of a consultation on banning junk food adverts before 9pm in a bid to prevent children from being exposed to advertising for unhealthy foods. The plans are opposed by broadcasters, who believe that advertisers would spend money online instead.

Mann and Flint say as many as 35 Labour MPs could back May’s Brexit deal
The Sun says that Labour MP John Mann has claimed that up to 35 Labour MPs are prepared to support Theresa May’s Brexit deal because they wished to avoid both a no-deal Brexit and a second referendum, a stance which fellow Labour MP Caroline Flint agreed with.

Don’t be blinded by Brexit – stay up-to-date with public policy with Vuelio Political Services.

Amanda Coleman

PR Blogger Spotlight: Amanda Coleman

Amanda Coleman is head of corporate communication at Greater Manchester Police and uses her blog to share opinions and expertise on issues across the industry. Amanda’s blog is featured in the Top 10 UK PR Blogs, and we caught up with her to talk about how Brexit and other issues are affecting comms, and why it’s important to love what you do!

What’s in store for the blog in 2019?
I never really make firm plans for the blog I just see what happens and then work from that point. It was set up so I could share some thoughts, views and ideas as long as I can still do that then I will be happy.  

How has PR changed since you first got into the industry?
It has changed almost beyond recognition. There was no social media when I moved into PR and we had one computer that could access the internet for the whole office. At the heart of it though the skills are still similar, it is about people and understanding them as it was when I started. 

How much is Brexit affecting comms in the UK?
I think the uncertainty is what is affecting people the most.  

What’s the biggest issue facing the industry (outside of Brexit)?
The issues remain broadly as they have in recent years. The lack of diversity is a critical issue as is the gender pay gap that still exists. The challenge is also to demonstrate real business benefits and to have the right data and analytics to support what we do.  

Are traditional media outlets losing their importance to the industry?
From my perspective no. Their role is changing but the move for media to rush to break the news digitally means they are moving to be more relevant to modern audiences. The way our society is organised means they are still influential among stakeholders. 

What’s the best campaign of 2019 so far?
I think it has to be the Greggs vegan sausage roll mainly for the interaction that the brand had with Piers Morgan. As a vegan, though, I  am yet to taste one. 

What advice would you give students looking to join the PR industry?
Find the right brand or organisation for your values and interests. You spend a lot of time at work and if you can’t love what you do then you can’t give your best.          

What are your best pitch tips for PRs?
Understand the business and know the data. 

Do you receive pitches from other PRs looking to work with you in your capacity as a blogger?
Very rarely but that is probably because I work in the public sector and people realise I need to be careful about any conflicts of interest.  

What other blogs do you read?
I love finding new blogs or first blogs from people. I am always drawn to communication and PR blogs. I love all those who are on the Top 10 including Sarah Hall, Ella Minty and Stephen Waddington



Political Headlines – Labour moves towards Brexit compromise and Independent Group makes Umunna spokesperson

Today’s political headlines include Labour’s plans to compromise on Brexit votes, Umunna named spokesperson of the Independent Group and NHS to scrap A&E target. 

Labour moves towards Brexit referendum compromise plan
The Guardian says that the Labour Party is ‘moving towards a compromise plan’ under which it would abstain on Theresa May’s Brexit deal, allowing it to pass through Parliament, but would back an amendment put forward by Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson ‘withholding support’ from the deal until it had been voted on by the public. Kyle claims to have ‘every reason to believe’ that Parliament will vote for his proposal.

Independent Group makes Umunna spokesperson
The BBC reports that the Independent Group of MPs has appointed Chukka Umunna as its lead spokesperson, while Sarah Wollaston has been given responsibility for ‘new colleagues’. Each member of the group has been allocated a group of policy areas on which they will lead. Umunna said that these drew on ‘the talents and experiences of our group’.

NHS to scrap A & E four hour target
The Times says that NHS England wishes to axe the target for hospitals to treat A&E patients within four hours because it leads to the system being gamed, rather than the best care being provided. New targets, focused on those requiring a hospital bed rather than those with minor injuries, will be piloted in the spring.

Tory Brexiteers prepared to back deal if May announces plan to quit
According to The Sun, Brexiteer MPs have told the Prime Minister that they will support her deal, even if she only gets minor amendments to it, so long as she outlines a timetable for her departure as Prime Minister this year. This would allow her successor to negotiate the future trade deal with the EU.

Eustice quits over Brexit extension
The Times reports that Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister George Eustice resigned yesterday, citing the Government’s ‘series of rather undignified retreats’ over Brexit. According to the paper, he criticised the Prime Minister’s decision to seek an extension to Brexit negotiations at a meeting she held with 16 Brexiteer ministers the night before.

Salary increase for MPs sparks outrage
The Daily Mail claims that a decision to increase MPs’ salary by 2.7% sparked ‘fury’. The announcement by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority has been criticised for outstripping increases for parliamentary staffers and civil servants, while Leave campaigner John Longworth said there should be no rise until Brexit had been ‘sorted out’.

Grayling’s probation reforms criticised
The Daily Telegraph carries details of a ‘damning report’ by the National Audit Office on probation reforms introduced by Chris Grayling while he was Justice Secretary. According to the report, the number of offenders returned to prison for breaching their licence conditions has increased by 47% while a plan to end contracts early will cost an extra £467m.

Fox criticised over expensive ‘vanity project’ podcast
The Daily Mirror reports that International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has spent over £100,000 on a podcast series hosted by Nick Hewer which was designed to encourage firms to export their goods, but just 8,398 people have listened to it, with each listener therefore costing the taxpayer £12.70. Lib Dem MP Layla Moran called the podcast a ‘vanity project’.

The UK is due to leave the EU this month. Stay in the loop with Vuelio Political Services.

MK and Wadds

Comms School aims to create top bloggers of the future  

Top PR bloggers and Metia colleagues, Stephen Waddington and Marcel Klebba, have joined forces to help students get ahead in their careers through blogging and creating communities. We spoke to them to find out what Comms School is and how it’s going to help progression in the industry. 

What is Comms School?
It’s a community for anyone that’s keen to learn practical communication skills to get ahead in their job. During the initial 12-week course we’ll cover the basic skills you need to land a job and get ahead. We’re running webinars every other week.

Who are you?
Stephen recently landed at Metia, the digital marketing agency, as managing director. Marcel is a new colleague who captured industry attention in 2016 thanks to his relentless approach to blogging and networking while at Westminster University. We’ve both been named top ten industry bloggers by Vuelio for the past few years and Marcel was crowned the UK’s top PR blogger in 2017 [pictured, above, with Stephen celebrating his win].

Why have you set up Comms School?
There’s a gap between what students are taught at college or university and the practical skills needed to get ahead at work. Mentoring, work placements, Twitters chats and initiatives such as Richard Bailey’s #PRstudent blogging community all help. We want to help people that are looking to get ahead in their career as well as create a talent pipeline for Metia.

What will success look like?
We want to help students land jobs by blogging and building networks. It would be great to see our students feature in the Vuelio blog ranking in the future and maybe there will even be an award-winning blogger among our graduates.

What topics will you cover?
The six sessions and online discussions will cover blogging; building a social profile; developing an online community; content creation; and finding a job and getting ahead.

How do I join a session?
We’ve built a virtual classroom on Facebook. Follow the link or search for Comms School. Please come and join the growing community of more than 300 people. Sessions start on 5 March.

School’s in – good luck to everyone taking part in Comms School, we look forward to seeing you in our rankings soon! 

Theresa May

Political Headlines – May to make pledge on workers’ rights to secure Labour MPs’ support

Today’s political headlines include May’s pledge to secure Labour support, Labour confirms backing for second referendum and Tory MPs rebel over plan for extending Brexit vote. 

May to make pledge on workers’ rights to secure Labour MPs’ support for Brexit deal
The Guardian says that Theresa May is expected to use a ministerial statement next week to set out a series of pledges on workers’ rights and to reduce restrictions on trade unions in a bid to secure Labour MPs’ backing for her Brexit deal/ Measures to be offered include a ‘non-regression lock’ after Brexit, votes by MPs on adopting future EU rules on workers’ rights, and a reporting mechanism involving trade unions and the CBI on these. Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary James Brokenshire is expected to announce a £1.6bn fund for towns and coastal communities before the next meaningful vote.

Labour confirms backing for second referendum
As the BBC reports, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed that his party is now backing a new Brexit referendum after MPs voted against his Brexit plans, and that he would vote to remain a member of the EU. He added that he will continue to pursue ‘other available options’, such as a general election or Labour’s plan for a ‘close economic relationship’.

Tory MPs rebel over plan for vote on extending Brexit negotiations
The Daily Telegraph reports that over 100 Conservative MPs revelled yesterday against Government plans to give MPs a vote on extending Article 50 if Theresa May’s deal is rejected. 20 of them, including Esther McVey, voted against the proposal with a further 88 choosing to abstain in protest, including Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Norwegian sovereign wealth fund to increase investments in the UK despite Brexit
The Times says that Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, has decided to increase its exposure to British investments whatever the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, claiming that the UK was still an attractive destination over the next 30 plus years. Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg welcomed the news, but Chris Leslie of the Independent Group said that Brexit meant that ‘British assets are in the global bargain basement’.

Economic sentiment lowest in six years over no-deal Brexit fears
The Financial Times reports that economic sentiment in the UK has fallen this month, reaching its lowest level in six years according to a European Commission indicator. The CBI said that the best way to improve this was to avoid a no-deal Brexit and agree ‘a deal that commands a majority in parliament and is acceptable to the EU and protects our economy’.

Williamson suspended after Labour MPs revolt over antisemitism
The Daily Mail claims that Labour only suspended its MP Chris Williamson for saying that the party was ‘too apologetic’ for antisemitism because 38 MPs and deputy leader Tom Watson pressed for this, with leader Jeremy Corbyn having initially ‘intervened personally to block his suspension’, pledging only to ‘investigate’ the remarks.

Burns under investigation over Thatcher library charity
The Times claims that Conservative MP Conor Burns is ‘under scrutiny’ from the Charity Commission over his involvement in a campaign to build a library and museum dedicated to Margaret Thatcher. Much of the money raised by the campaign has apparently instead been spent on other things, including student exchanges between the UK and the USA.

May to defend aid budget
The Sun says that Theresa May is to use a speech at a conference on Jordan today to defend the £14bn aid budget, pledging to continue spending 0.7% of GDP on foreign aid. She will promise that the UK will continue to be a ‘global champion’, spending aid ‘innovatively and in a way that delivers value of money for the UK taxpayer’.

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No deal brexit

Political Headlines – ‘Acrimony’ in Cabinet and May calls on Parliament to ‘do its duty’

Today’s political headlines include Acrimony in Cabinet over potential Brexit talks extension, May calls on Parliament to ‘do its duty’ and Government document warns of no-deal impact. 

‘Acrimony’ in Cabinet over potential Brexit talks extension
The Times claims that Theresa May’s decision to allow MPs to vote on extending negotiations for a ‘short, limited’ period if they reject her deal sparked ‘acrimony’ in yesterday’s Cabinet meeting. Liz Truss accused Amber Rudd, David Gauke and Greg Clark, who have been pushing for such a move, of ‘kamikaze’ behaviour. The Guardian adds that Cabinet ministers including Philip Hammond and Amber Rudd told May that she should use an extension of the Brexit negotiations to ‘find a new coalition in Parliament’ and tackle the Conservative Party’s Brexiteer wing.

May calls on Parliament to ‘do its duty’
Theresa May has written in the Daily Mail that her ‘engagement’ with the EU over Brexit has ‘already begun to bear fruit’, calling on Parliament to vote for her deal and ‘do its duty so our country can move forward’, adding that she doesn’t want an Article 50 extension. David Davis also writes in the paper, claiming that fears about no-deal are ‘exaggerated’ and that while it might ‘be economically difficult, no Brexit would be a democratic disaster’.

Government document warns of no-deal Brexit impact
The Guardian reports that a new document published by the Government after being repeatedly demanded by Anna Soubry warns that a no-deal Brexit could make the British economy 6%-9% weaker, lead to Northern Irish businesses failing and increase food prices.

Probation contractors attacked over murders by offenders they supervised
In an exclusive, the Daily Mirror reveals that in the first four years since probation was privatised, criminals being monitored by contractors have killed 225 people, compared to 142 murders by higher-risk offenders being monitored by the state probation service. The figures were obtained by Plaid Cymru MP Liz Saville Roberts who called for an end to privatisation. Harry Fletcher of the Victims Rights Campaign said the news was a ‘scandal’.

Allin-Khan tells MPs her father was left ‘bleeding and terrified’ in council care home
The Guardian reports that Labour’s Shadow Sport Minister Dr Rosena Allin-Khan told the Commons during a debate yesterday that her father was left ‘bruised, bleeding and terrified’ in a Wandsworth Council care facility, with the council’s director of adult social services telling her that he ‘had asked for it’.

Williamson criticised after claiming Labour was ‘too apologetic’ for antisemitism
The BBC reports that Labour MP Chris Williamson has been criticised after video footage of him claiming that his party had been ‘too apologetic’ about antisemitism emerged, and it was revealed that he had booked a room in Parliament to screen a film about Jackie Walker, who was suspended from Labour over allegedly antisemitic comments.

Department for Transport criticised over rail failures
The Times carries details of a new report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee which warns that 2018’s ‘year of hell’ on the rail network could be repeated due to timetable changes and increasing engineering work, with the Department for Transport having failed to learn lessons, not having clear sight of the timetabling process and as a result ‘passengers and taxpayers risk continuing to pay the price for the department’s failures’.

Corbyn apologises for breaching Commons rules over foreign visit
The Daily Telegraph says that Jeremy Corbyn has ‘apologised unreservedly’ after he was found to have breached Commons rules by not declaring a trip to America with the CND. However, he’s been cleared of allegations that a further 16 trips broke the rules, including a trip to Tunisia where he participated in a controversial wreath-laying ceremony.

Political intelligence is available from Vuelio Political Services.


Government comms focuses on influencer outreach

Michael Gove’s announcement that he has appointed 10 ‘green ambassadors’ is the latest sign that the political and influencer worlds are colliding.

Under Gove, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has embarked on an ambitious programme of work. Some of this is forced – leaving the EU requires major changes to agricultural, fisheries and environmental policies – but much of it seems to stem from Gove’s own desire to make a mark.

Indeed, improving our environment seems to have become something of a personal mission for Gove, who tweeted that footage of the impact of plastic pollution on our oceans in David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II had left him ‘haunted’. Measures he has announced include a ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds and a deposit return scheme for drinks containers.

When Theresa May launched the 25-Year Environment Plan in January 2018, one of its measures was a commitment to make 2019 the ‘Year of Green Action’, alongside a commitment to scope out ‘an evidence-based behaviour change strategy’. Indeed, one of the most important parts of delivering the environmental change our planet requires is to deliver behavioural change by getting us to appreciate our impact on the environment.

With this in mind, it is hardly surprising that Gove has chosen to work with influencers in order to communicate his department’s environmental message. By moving beyond ‘traditional’ ambassadors – you might expect such a list to contain charity leaders, academics or high-profile businesspeople – Gove will know that his message is reaching a larger, more diverse audience that more conventional figures simply wouldn’t reach.

Indeed, the list of ten ambassadors is wide-ranging. It contains Besma Whayeb, whose blog Curiously Curious was ranked as one the top ten UK green blogs by Vuelio, and Sian Conway, the Green & Eco Influencer of the Year 2018. Alongside these, the list also includes an endurance swimmer, television presenters and an adventurer who sailed across the Pacific in a boat made of 12,500 plastic bottles. And while there is an academic – Professor Tim Jackson – even he has nearly 11,000 Twitter followers.

Gove’s expressed hope is that his strategy will, ‘ensure that this country is recognised as the leading global champion of a greener, healthier, more sustainable future for the next generation’.

The ambassadors were introduced at a reception which also featured the #iwill4nature campaign, encouraging young people to take part in green social action. Among the newly-announced influencers was the student Izzy McLeod, who blogs as The Quirky Queer. It seems clear that by working with younger influencers to spread messages about environmental responsibility to their peers, Defra hopes reaching the next generation and implementing its environmental goals will be much easier.