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Political Headlines – positive Brexit talks and Conservative MEP candidates keeping a low profile

Today’s political headlines includes positive Brexit talks, Conservative MEP candidates keeping a low profile, Corbyn under pressure to accept a second referendum and the Government to back revised climate change target. 

Brexit talks more positive, sources say
The Guardian says sources on both sides of the Brexit talks between the Government and Labour have suggested that discussions have become more positive, although no new offer has been made. Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman said the negotiations were ‘really constructive’ and engaged more with ‘the nuts and bolts of the detail’, while Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington said he was encouraged by the ‘need for greater urgency’.

Conservative MEP candidates told to keep a low profile
According to The Times, Conservative candidates for the European Parliament have been told to ‘lie low’ in order to avoid antagonising voters before the local elections. The official launch of the party’s campaign is expected to be held on 7 May, with a senior Conservative explaining that canvass returns had improved over recess as ‘Brexit was off the boil and attention was away from Westminster’.

Corbyn under pressure to accept second referendum
The Daily Mirror claims that Jeremy Corbyn is resisting pressure to agree to a referendum on any Brexit deal ahead of a meeting of Labour’s National Executive Committee today. The party is coming under pressure to do so from many of its own MPs, as well as the Unison, GMB and Usdaw trade unions. However, it is likely to maintain its stance of only having a referendum on a Conservative or no-deal Brexit.

Government to back revised climate change target
The Times suggests that the Government will back a revised climate target from the Climate Change Committee when it is announced this week. Although Cabinet ministers have yet to back the move, Theresa May is likely to endorse the proposed target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, although the Government won’t back all of the suggested measures to reach it. The new target is likely to be included in the new Environment Bill, which is due to be included in the Queen’s Speech in the autumn.

Hunt warns Brexit deal with Labour could lose Tory support
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told The Daily Telegraph that if the Government reached a Brexit deal with Labour it risked creating a situation where ‘you lose more Conservative MPs than you gain Labour MPs’. He questioned if Jeremy Corbyn was ‘serious about delivering Brexit’, adding that he didn’t expect a ‘rose garden moment’. He also warned against holding a leadership contest before Brexit had happened.

May to face grassroots confidence vote
The Sun says that Theresa May is to become the first Conservative leader to face an emergency vote from party activists demanding her resignation. The first emergency general meeting in the party’s history has been called, after the threshold of signatures from constituency chairmen needed to call one was passed. Theresa May has been invited to address the meeting, though the vote on her leadership will not be binding.

Victims’ Commissioner attacks need to pay to report crime
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Baroness Newlove, the Victims’ Commissioner, warns victims of anti-social behaviour are being forced to pay to report crimes to the police as, unlike 999, the 101 non-emergency phone number is not free. She criticises police and councils for not treating anti-social behaviour seriously and says ‘little has changed’ since her husband was kicked to death after confronting teenagers vandalising their car twelve years ago.

May must present final Brexit deadline to Parliament next week or she’ll miss deadline
In an exclusiveThe Sun claims that, according to a Cabinet minister, Theresa May has until the end of next week to return her Brexit deal to Parliament, or she will miss her 30 June deadline for leaving the EU. This is because the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to implement the deal will need around six weeks to pass through Parliament.

Brexit and elections alongside domestic policies means there’s hundreds of potential issues you need to monitor. Don’t do it alone, get Vuelio Political Services.  


Political Headlines – fracking chief quits, Home Office criticised and Hunt warns of Huawei risks

Today’s political headlines includes the fracking chief quitting, Home Office asylum unit criticised, Hunt warns of Huawei risks, May looks for legislation to avoid Queen’s Speech. 

Fracking chief quits, claiming Government has imposed a ‘de facto ban’
The Times reports that the Government’s shale gas commissioner Natascha Engel has quit after seven months in the role. She claimed that the Government had ‘instituted a de facto ban’ on fracking by shying away from reviewing a rule which means that operations must be suspended whenever a tremor above 0.5 magnitude is recorded. She said that climate activism, such as that of Greta Thunberg, ‘will hustle politicians into making bad decisions’, while ‘Brexit paralysis’ was also to blame for a temporary rule becoming permanent.

Home Office asylum unit criticised
The Guardian reveals that whistleblowers from a Home Office unit known as the Dublin Cessation Team, which determines which EU member states should determine an asylum-seeker’s claim, have claimed that its ‘overworked, under-skilled, bullied and highly stressed DCT caseworkers’ are frequently making mistakes causing individuals to be held in unlawful detention. A range of other allegations have also been made, including long delays and targets incentivising applications to be rejected.

Hunt warns of Huawei risks
The Daily Telegraph says that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has warned that Huawei has a legal obligation to cooperate with Chinese’s intelligence services. He said it was ‘right to have a degree of caution about the role of large Chinese companies’ and rejected the idea that the UK was being influenced by the USA as ‘absolute nonsense’. He added that he was happy to hand over his phone – and that of his special advisor – to the ongoing leak inquiry.

May looks for legislation to avoid Queen’s Speech
The Times says that Theresa May is looking for legislation to justify delaying the Queen’s Speech until the autumn. A list produced by Downing Street includes changes to tax for sporting testimonials and increasing sentences for animal cruelty, with other proposals including legislation on domestic abuse, tenants’ rights and restoring Parliament.

Damian Green publishes social care proposals
The Daily Mail carries details of a new report on social care by Theresa May’s former deputy, Damian Green for the Centre for Policy Studies. His plans would deliver a basic state-funded level of social care, which recipients could upgrade using savings, and would be funded by a lump sum on retirement, a surcharge on National Insurance for over-50s or a tax on the winter fuel allowance.

Damian Hinds blames social media firms for fuelling eating disorders
In an exclusiveThe Sun reports that Education Secretary Damian Hinds has blamed social media firms for fuelling teenage eating disorders by disseminating ‘dangerous ideas of perfection’. He will be meeting executives from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat today and says they ‘get serious about their responsibility to young people’.

Tories set to lose 800 councillors
The Guardian reports Conservative election analyst Lord Hayward believes that his party is on course to lose around 500 seats to the Liberal Democrats and a further 300 to Labour in this week’s local elections. He attributed this to the failure to deliver a Brexit deal, adding that he also expected ‘disenchantment’ with the main parties to reduce turnout.

Government advisors to recommend stricter greenhouse gas targets
The Daily Telegraph reports that the Climate Change Committee, which advises the Government, will recommend on Thursday that the Government should axe its target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, instead saying that it should aim to have eradicated or offset all greenhouse gases by then. Policy suggestions include reducing red meat consumption, planting more trees and building new onshore wind turbines.

Stay on top of the issues that matter to you with Vuelio Political Services.  


Who can you trust? Newsguard ranks the UK’s news brands

Picking the right news brand used to mean careful considerations, such as: ‘Does this brand align with my ethics?’, ‘Can I open this one on the tube without elbowing someone in the face?’, ‘Do I really need to see past this paywall?’ But no more – here to help with the decision on what to read/cite/trust/work with comes NewsGuard’s UK launch, rolled out midweek with traffic lights to lead the way.

The US news rating tool is simple – green is good, red is bad – and decided by nine key factors:

  • Not repeatedly publishing false content
  • Gathering and presenting information responsibly
  • Regular corrections and clarifications (where necessary)
  • Handling the difference between news and opinion responsibly
  • Avoiding deceptive headlines
  • Disclosing ownership and source(s) of financing
  • Clearly labelling advertising
  • Revealing who is in charge and any conflicts of interest
  • Providing names of content creators with either contact or biographical information

Aside from a short stall with the MailOnline earlier this year – NewsGuard originally placed the brand as a red for its US product, later backtracking on the rating – the big UK news brands have, by and large, come out clean (well, green). Purely green reads include The Guardian, the Financial Times and Buzzfeed News UK, but the colour is also assigned to outlets that don’t get a full score across the nine factors.

These slightly fuzzier greens go to brands like BBC News (which failed on providing the names of content creators, and contact and biographical info), Sky News (not perfect on correcting and clarifying errors) and The Independent (issues with disclosing ownership and financing, and labelling its advertising, apparently).

As for the reds, PressGazette reports that Politicalite UK is the first to be publicly named.

Tastes may differ on which media outlets are most nourishing, but, according to Wikipedia co-founder and NewsGuard global advisory board member Jimmy Wales, NewsGuard offers a ‘unique tool for helping people understand who is feeding them the news’. And Wikipedia has form with this, having questioned the validity of Daily Mail reporting in the past (also backtracked, by the way).

It’s not just the usual suspects that have been classed as red or green, however, as 150 websites were reviewed by the news rating tool’s team for its UK launch – accounting for 90% of online engagement across the country, when it comes to traffic and social media statistics.

Not taken into consideration for each are issues like the arm span needed to open a print copy, or whether you should be embarrassed to be found with it on your mobile screen during the commute. But trustworthiness? That’s what everyone in the media, those working with it and those looking to consume it, need to be aware of.

A NewsGuard-commissioned YouGov poll for the launch found that nine in ten of those surveyed believe misleading information online is a problem. There’s proof of that easily found in the real-life impact of the online anti-vaxxer movement as we watch it play out across school playgrounds and in the media (both red and green). There’s the rise of fake news and other disturbing trends, like, say, the enduring belief that Goofy is actually a cow (he isn’t).

Those looking for information – whether vital, or frivolous – deserve trustworthy sources, and in a world filled with misinformation, the easier it is to access them, the better.

Know which news brands you want to work with but don’t have the right contacts? You need the Vuelio Media Database, which lists over 1 million contacts, influencers and opportunities. 


Running blogger spotlight: the5krunner

Running blog, the5krunner, has again ranked in the top 10 running blogs. Anonymously written, the5krunner covers running tech and the best routes, as well triathlon training and competing. We caught up with the5krunner to find out about blogging in secret, the right gear for running and the best kinds of press release.

How do you describe what you do to other people?
I am somewhat secretive about my blog. Even to friends. So, I suppose I should have a good answer to that question.

I would say that I probably angle my repose about what I do between the blog’s three main pillars: journalistic research and analysis of emerging sports tech; product reviews and opinions; and a good dose of lifestyle blogging about a wannabe age group triathlete’s trials and tribulations.

How does social media feed into your blog – are any channels more important?
It has taken me a long time to better understand my readership and it is THEIR use of social media channels that I invest in rather than ones that I think I ought to or that some expert or other has told me that I ought to. Eg. I wasted a lot of time with Instagram last year.

The blog itself is by far the most important channel although a notable number of readers use Facebook. I use Twitter as email proxy for one-to-one communications rather than as a means of capturing traffic. YouTube would work for my type of reader but I don’t have the skills or time to take that further right now… if anyone who is reading this does then give me a call.

How important is the right clothing/gear for running?
I would give the classic ‘it depends’ response. Most of the time it does not really matter in the UK but if there are specific weather or performance requirements then clothing is very important. Ranging from: keeping arms warm in the winter; to stopping chaffing on long runs; to allowing cooling on hot days; all the way to simply providing a means of carrying a gel, smartphone and key.

What’s your favourite pair of trainers?
I have the New Balance Fresh Foam Zante v4 right now. I bought three pairs (no freebies). I don’t especially want to like them but I rarely seem to get injured when wearing them so that is a massive bonus for me. No injury = favourite.

Where’s the best place to run in the world?
The London Borough of Richmond-on-Thames is pretty cool in a very safe-cum-pretty-cum-boring kind of way. Maybe I should get out more? but I love the Royal Parks here and the Rivers, nearby canals and more besides.

How many races do you compete in a year?
Excluding parkruns, it would probably be about six races with two of them being ‘A’ races. I train properly for them as best I can yet always set myself goals that are unachievable! If you are of a competitive nature then the beauty of triathlons is that there is a good level of ‘proper’ competition in age-group events. My goal is to win a medal at a national triathlon championship at some distance or other. That will be difficult but possible for me this year or next.

What advice would you give PRs?
The advice would be to understand the motivations of the blogger they are contacting. Some of us do it for fun, some for freebies and some for money. If your pitch to me is that you want 500 words and original photographs syndicated over all my channels in exchange for a free pair of running socks, then perhaps you might want to reflect on how much you are paid and how much of my free time you are requesting.

Do you accept press releases?
Yes. I probably look at all I receive. I probably act on 5% of them. That would be the 5% that are either of interest to me or to my readership.

What’s the best collaboration you’ve worked on with a brand or PR?
I can think of generous brands/PRs, stingy ones and I can think of prestigious ones. The BEST collaborations are those where the PR can respond quickly and intelligently to requests to clarify facts.

What are your favourite blogs?
I have a web dashboard thingy that brings up new content as the blogs that I follow produce it. It’s very much informational/transactional for me. I don’t really enjoy them. Only a very small number that I follow tend to inject an element of personality into what they do but not enough for me to call them my favourite. My favourite channel would be the GCN channel for cyclists on YouTube.



Political Headlines – Huawei, unvaccinated children and Labour’s planned tax increase

Today’s political headlines includes the Huawei leak, unvaccinated children could be barred from schools, Labour plans £3bn tax increase and talks restart to restore Northern Ireland Assembly.

Sedwill gives ministers ultimatum over leak
The Guardian says that Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill has written to Cabinet ministers who attended the National Security Council meeting on Tuesday, insisting that they tell him by 3pm if they were involved in the leak of the council’s decision on Huawei’s involvement in the 5G network. A number of ministers have now denied being behind the leak, including Jeremy Hunt, Gavin Williamson, Penny Mordaunt, Liam Fox and Sajid Javid.

Unvaccinated children could be barred from schools
The Daily Mirror reports that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has warned that children who have not received the MMR vaccination could be banned from schools. The warning came after Unicef revealed that over 0.5m children in the UK have not received the vaccine, with cases of measles increasing fourfold over the last year.

Labour plans £3bn tax increase to fund social care
The Daily Mail says that Labour is to increase taxes on the top 5% of earners in order to fund an increase in social care spending of over £3bn. It would fund care for over 160,000 elderly people who currently go without care, including 50,000 with dementia. Shadow social care minister Barbara Keeley said the ‘Tory government has shamefully abandoned older people and young adults with care needs’.

Talks to restore Northern Ireland Assembly to restart
The Financial Times says that Northern Ireland Secretary Karen Bradley and the Irish foreign minister Simon Coveney are expected to announce today that new talks to try and restore the Northern Ireland Assembly will take place after May’s local government elections. Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou Mcdonald said that her party’s support depended on an Irish language act, while DUP leader Arlene Foster said the assembly should return ‘immediately’ with a parallel process to address Sinn Féin’s issues.

Private schools provide benefit of over £20bn to the country each year
The Times leads with research for the Independent Schools Council which finds that private schools provide economic benefits and savings to the taxpayer of over £20bn a year, including supporting more jobs than the city of Liverpool. The report also shows fees increased by 3.7% last year, with experts warning increases were causing schools to lose ‘middle-class goodwill’.

Portsmouth and Brighton identified as least representative councils for BAME people
The Guardian carries details of analysis by Operation Black Vote which shows that 23% of the councils studied have no BAME councillors, increasing to a third if those with just one BAME councillor are included. Portsmouth and Brighton and Hove councils were identified as being amongst those least representative of their population.

Brady backs removing backstop from Brexit bill
In an exclusiveThe Sun reveals that Brexiteers plan to table an amendment to the Withdrawal Agreement Bill which would remove the Irish backstop, with the Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, Sir Graham Brady, urging the Prime Minister to adopt this plan herself. Number 10 has pointed out that the whole agreement needs ratification and that the EU will not reopen it for further negotiations.

Lib Dem memo shows Tories face local election catastrophe
The Daily Mirror has seen an internal Liberal Democrat memo based on analysis of data collected by the party’s canvassers ahead of the local elections, which reveals that the Conservatives are on course for a ‘catastrophe’. Just 45% of voters who said they were backing the Tories in 2015 have said they will definitely or probably vote for them this year.

Keep up to date with climate change activism and every political issue that matters to you – find out more about Vuelio Political Services.  

Greta Thunberg

Political Headlines – Gove’s Guilt, Huawei’s Help and Brexit latest

Today’s political headlines includes Gove’s guilt, Huawei’s help, Brexit latest and Trump’s visit.

Gove admits ‘guilt’ after teenager climate change campaigner’s speech
The Times reports on yesterday’s speech to Parliament by the 16-year-old Swedish climate change campaigner Greta Thunberg. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove said she made him feel ‘guilt’ because ‘we have not done nearly enough to deal with the problem’, but Thunberg accused the Government of ‘creative accounting’ and criticised its support for fracking, North Sea oil and gas, airport expansion and climate change.

Huawei to help build new 5G network despite security concerns
The Daily Telegraph says Theresa May has agreed that Huawei can be involved in the UK’s new 5G network following a meeting of the National Security Council, at which ministers including Sajid Javid, Jeremy Hunt, Gavin Williamson, Liam Fox and Penny Mordaunt raised concerns about the firm. The paper says the decision ‘is likely to anger’ the USA, which banned Huawei from Government networks and has pressed the UK to follow suit.

Labour says Government is failing to offer changes in Brexit talks
The Guardian reports that Labour has accused Theresa May of not offering any substantive changes to the Brexit deal in cross-party talks, and refusing to accept alterations to the political declaration. Instead, ministers suggested redrafting the withdrawal act implementation bill and modifying other planned bills. According to The Daily Telegraph, Cabinet ministers have told May to end the talks ‘immediately’ and focus on persuading the DUP to back the deal instead. Meanwhile, a meeting of the executive of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs didn’t reach a conclusion on changing leadership challenge rules yesterday, but will meet again today.

Clash over Trump visit
The Times says the Speakers of the two Houses of Parliament disagree over whether Donald Trump should address parliamentarians during his visit in June. Lords Speaker Lord Fowler said that there was a ‘strong case’ as it would be the anniversary of the D-day landings, but Commons Speaker John Bercow has suggested the honour should be earned. Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry said that hosting the visit would be a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Javid under pressure to act over language test scandal
The Guardian says Home Secretary Sajid Javid is under pressure to act over an immigration scandal, which MP Mike Gapes has warned is ‘a bigger scandal than Windrush in terms of the number of individuals removed form the country’. It involves around 34,000 foreign students whose visas have been cancelled or curtailed and over 1000 who have been forcibly removed after being accused of cheating in English language tests with no right of appeal.

Rachel Johnson to stand as Change UK candidate
The Daily Telegraph reports that Change UK have selected Rachel Johnson, the sister of the Conservative MPs Boris and Jo Johnson, as one of its candidates for the European elections. She said she has ‘entered politics to spend more time with my family’. Other candidates include former BBC presenter Gavin Esler and former Conservative and Labour MPs. One candidate, Ali Sadjady, has had to step down after inappropriate tweets were discovered.

Farage unveils more Brexit Party candidates as Widdecombe defects
The Sun says Nigel Farage said yesterday that his Brexit Party will target voters in Labour heartlands during the European elections and unveiled more candidates, including a former Royal Marine, a millionaire, a former Communist, a former charity boss and a former nurse. The Daily Express adds that ex-Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe will stand for the party.

Universal Credit to hit ‘the persistently poor the hardest’
The Daily Mirror says that Institute for Fiscal Studies research on Universal Credit shows it will leave at least 1.9m people worse off by at least £1000 a year, hitting ‘the persistently poor the hardest’. The Department for Work and Pensions said the study ‘wrongly assumes that everyone was claiming their full benefit entitlement under the old system’.

Keep up to date with climate change activism and every political issue that matters to you – find out more about Vuelio Political Services.  

The runner beans

Spotlight with the No. 1 Running blog: The Runner Beans

Charlie Watson writes The Runner Beans, which was recently ranked as the number one running blog in the UK, a title it’s held for years. Charlie has been blogging her passion for running since 2011 and now runs around the world – this year she’s running three marathons!

We caught up with Charlie to find out how important running gear is, the rise of Instagram and how she works with PRs.

How do you describe what you do to other people?
It’s a tricky one – I think it depends who I am talking to (and their age!). I tell a lot of people that I ‘have a blog and Instagram’ whereas to the older generation I often say I’m a ‘freelance writer’.

How does social media feed into your blog – are any channels more important?
Yes, my Instagram is so helpful for driving traffic (through the swipe up feature) to my blog. I would say that recently brands are more keen on doing collaborations on Instagram and Instagram stories, with the other social and blog as supplementary channels.

How important is the right clothing/gear for running?
There is NOTHING worse than running 20+ miles in shorts that ride up/fall down, a sports bra that chafes and shoes that give you blisters. I’ve tried and tested enough shorts that I’ve found the right pairs for me (I love lululemon Track and Train and Oiselle pocket joggers), and I won’t wear anything other than Triumph Triaction sports bras.

What’s your favourite pair of trainers?
I just bought myself another pair of the Nike Vaporfly 4% for my marathon in November – there’s something so light and bouncy about them that make you feel like you’re flying.

The runner beans

Where’s the best place to run in the world?
For me it’s anywhere near water – I love the Thames towpath in west London from Putney to Richmond, but equally love running on the coast when abroad, or in Central Park in New York.

How many races do you compete in a year?
I’ve honestly never counted – but I do know that this year I’ll run three marathons!

What advice would you give PRs?
Don’t send blanket emails – engage with the blogger and target them with the right product for them. Understand how they work and it will create a more symbiotic relationship for everyone.

Do you accept press releases?
Yes – but again, when they have been targeted and personalised.

What’s the best collaboration you’ve worked on with a brand or PR?
I’ve worked on some incredible partnerships over the years, but most recently I am loving the partnerships that involve travel for races – like a recent partnership with Visit Savannah and the Savannah Women’s Half Marathon for the weekend, and the LA Marathon back in March.

What are your favourite blogs?
My favourite blogs are honest recaps, sharing fashion, fitness, recipes and real life – anything with beautiful photography but a sense of realness. I like A Foodie Stays Fit, Cat Meffan, Hello Fashion, Pumps and Iron, Fit Foodie Finds, Run to the Finish and so many others!


Top 150 2019

PRWeek Top 150 2019 – who came out on top?

PRWeek has published this year’s top 150 PR agencies – cue social media delight from the agencies that made it…

…and the sound of silence from those that didn’t quite make the cut for 2019…


…but will no doubt be back for 2020 to claim their places. Because growth is one of the big takeaways from this year’s list, despite industry woes including GDPR and the efficacy of social media. It’s been a difficult year for PRs, but one the industry rose to, with expansion in staff counts, and growth in revenue – the total for 2017’s list was £1.26bn. This year? £1.32bn.

The top slots are unchanged with the biggest players – Edelman, Weber Shandwick and Brunswick Group – still in first, second and third. The majority of the top 10 are very familiar; all but nine were in the top 10 last year, with only Havas PR conspicuous by its absence (Finsbury has moved up to take the spot).

Also familiar is the prominence of London-based agencies across this year’s swathe. But look at the new entries and you’ll find new bases, suggesting growth outside the capital – new locations include Hertfordshire (Sassy at 54), Winchester (BECG at 56), Manchester (Tangerine at 91), and Edinburgh (Stripe at 92).

The UK PR sector is on the up in 2019, with financial communication agencies enjoying a particularly successful period. Brunswick’s global deals, for example, were up 26.2% (according to the Mergermarket PR Advisors league table). A broader focus continues to bring success for the bigger agencies – Rachel Friend, chief executive of Weber Shandwick UK, attributes its growth to reach: ‘We are a very broad church; we are multi-disciplined, across B2B to corporate to consumer through to health. We probably flex a little bit more because we are full service.’

But flexing isn’t just for the top three – independents in the middle of the industry are able to adapt quickly to client demands, and make their way up the ladder.

‘Agencies that can come up with creative work […] are winning and we’re growing the market as a whole,’ said James Gordon-MacIntosh, co-founder of Hope&Glory, and he’s right – Hope&Glory rose five places this year, to 50.

Being able to revise and rework an approach or focus has been important for securing accounts over the last year, with competition furious in a climate of hesitancy from clients. Even a few industry giants felt the pinch – as PRWeek notes in its analysis of the figures, M&C Saatchi Public Relations saw its revenue and head count fall this year following its loss of two big accounts. Red Consultancy, Lansons and APCO Worldwide also faced a drop in revenue.

With agencies including Tulchan Communications (20), The Communications Store (21) and Exposure (26) hitting high in the line-up after being left out last year, this year’s results show that the landscape is open to change. Sure, the economy is uncertain and regulations are changing, but agencies across the UK are securing interesting work with their creativity and adaptability. And with all the change in this year’s list, who knows what agencies will be at the top in 2020.

What do the top agencies have in common? Access to the best products and tools, including the industry’s worst kept secret – the ResponseSource Journalist Enquiry Service

Innocent blue drink

3 social media lessons from the Easter weekend

We missed Monday PR Club, so for one week only we present Tuesday PR Club, with three very different examples of social media success and lessons for PRs from Twitter.  

1. Innocent’s Blue Drink

Over 10K likes and thousands of retweets and replies, Innocent is rocking wilful denial and baiting Twitter users into engagement. The company’s new drink, which is green, is called Bolt from the Blue and the drinks maker is claiming it’s the colour blue. Cue many thousands of people pointing out the obvious – it’s actually green.

But this drink isn’t called blue when it’s green by mistake, and Innocent has replied to hundreds of tweets correcting people who call it green.


…and over….

And over again…

What’s the lesson?
When you’ve built up a playful persona on Twitter, you can be playful with your audience and people don’t mind. Also – people love pointing out mistakes, and you can be sure of engagement if you make one.

UPDATE: We’ve received a request for a number of corrections from Innocent about some ‘errors’ in the above text. We’re delighted to update the post with the following:


2. M&S Mojito
Diane Abbot was snapped drinking from a can of Mojito from M&S on TFL’s Overground Line. The media picked up on the picture and it blew up on social media as Abbot was forced to apologise:

This may seem like a trivial matter but for M&S this was excellent coverage.

Many people started using the hashtag #IDrinkWithDiane and some even posted pictures of themselves enjoying alcoholic cans on the Underground. M&S didn’t even have to comment, all the work was done for them, and while Tesco tried to jump on the bandwagon – (the scamps):

The only real winner was M&S:

What’s the lesson?
Know when to comment and know when not to. But when a story breaks – and this story made headlines across nearly every major news site – make sure the rest of the business knows. Just because you’re not communicating publicly, doesn’t mean you can’t communicate internally and make sure your stock of ‘tinnies’ doesn’t run low…


3. A whole bunch of lessons
This is a bit of a cheat, like having three wishes from a genie and using one of them to wish for more wishes. But we came across a thread of excellent advice from Ben Jack Thomas, senior brand strategist at Twitter:

What’s the lesson?
When writing a listicle, find someone to do the heavy lifting for you.


Ready to launch the greatest social media campaign ever? Make sure you have the right tools for success

Theresa May

Political Headlines – Tories plot to oust May and cross-party Brexit talks resume

Today’s political headlines includes May being told leadership rules will be changed, cross-party Brexit talks resume, Hancock promises to end NHS NDAs and Grenfell Tower survivors’ group criticises Government. 

May to be told that leadership rules will be changed to allow her to be ousted in June
The Daily Telegraph claims Sir Graham Brady, the Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs is to warn the Prime Minister that the party is preparing to alter its rules to make it easier to oust leaders. A meeting of the committee today is expected to agree a cut to the period between votes of no confidence to six months, allowing a new vote to be held on June 12, with a threshold of 30% of MPs needed to call one. Separately, Brexiteer Cabinet ministers are tell May to hold a vote on her deal for a fourth time.

Cross-party talks resume as May takes second look at Malthouse compromise
The Guardian reports that cross-party Brexit talks are to resume, but the chances of a resolution are ‘limited’. The Government’s team will include David Lidington and Steve Barclay, while Labour will send Rebecca Long-Bailey and Keir Starmer. So far, Labour has not been given a revised offer or agenda. The Sun says that Theresa May has asked civil servants to take a second look at the so-called Malthouse compromise plan, with senior Brexiteers led by Iain Duncan Smith lobbying her to adopt it as her policy.

Hancock promises to end NHS NDAs
The Guardian says that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has promised to stop the NHS from using non-disclosure agreements to gag whistleblowers, saying that more people should be able to ‘put their head above the parapet’, with a ‘safe, open culture’ that doesn’t require people to ‘choose between the job they love and speaking the truth to keep patients safe’.

Grenfell Tower survivors’ group criticises Government
The Times says that the Grenfell Tower survivors’ group has criticised the Government for the first time. It accuses ministers of being ‘indifferent and incompetent’ and that, despite meeting with them for nearly two years, of having taken little action. Grenfell United is now planning a national campaign for ‘safe homes and tenants to be treated with respect’.

Crosby linked to wider hard Brexit campaign
The Guardian reveals a network of pro-Brexit Facebook campaigns overseen by CTF Partners (Sir Lynton Crosby’s firm) formed part of a wider campaign to undermine Theresa May. As well as running the controversial adverts, the company’s employees have been advising key members of the European Research Group, including on the ‘chuck Chequers’ campaign and the attempt to oust May as leader. It continues to be unclear how the work has been funded.

NHS concerned about new immigration policy, leaked minutes show
The Daily Telegraph has obtained the minutes of meetings between NHS and civil service officials which show that the NHS is concerned that the Government’s new immigration policy would be the ‘most destructive policy proposal for NHS recruitment’. The proposed £30,000 salary threshold would put at risk efforts to recruit the 50,000 nurses the service requires and would be ‘awful for social care’.

Brexit Party and Change UK to announce European election candidates
The Sun says Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party and Change UK are to unveil European election candidates today. Farage is set to reveal five new names, including former Communist and BBC pundit Claire Fox, while Change UK’s candidates are understood to include former politicians from the three main parties as well as doctors, nurses and teachers.

Morgan criticises Cash over appeasement comments
The Times says that Nicky Morgan and Alistair Burt have criticised Brexiteer Bill Cash for suggesting that Theresa May was guilty of appeasing the EU. Morgan said that there was a link between comments like his and threats received by MPs, adding that it was not the language ‘any normal people would use’.

Parliament is back – don’t miss any political intelligence, get Vuelio Political Services.  

Labour leader

Political Headlines – Corbyn will abolish SATs and Tories plot against May

Today’s political headlines includes Corbyn’s promise to abolish SATs, Corbyn’s warning, Tory chairs plotting against May and Burgon regrets his Zionism remarks. 

Corbyn promises to abolish SATs
The Times says that Jeremy Corbyn has promised to abolish the SATs exams sat by primary school children in a bid to tackle the ‘extreme pressure’ on teachers and pupils. They would be replaced by a more flexible system, which Labour will consult on over the summer. However, the Conservatives have said that this would be a ‘retrograde’ move which would ‘keep parents in the dark’.

Corbyn warns that Government inflexibility is stalling Brexit talks
The Guardian reports that Jeremy Corbyn has said that talks over Brexit between Labour and the Government are stalling because of the Government’s plans for deregulation and a trade deal with the USA after Brexit. He said he didn’t want a ‘deregulated, low-tax society’ and hinted that he would rather hold binding Indicative votes in the Commons.

Tory chairs plot no confidence vote in May
The Daily Telegraph claims chairs of local Conservative associations are circulating a petition asking the party’s National Convention to call an emergency general meeting at which a vote of no confidence in Theresa May would be held. The party is obliged to hold the meeting if over 65 chairs sign the petition; between 40 and 50 are believed to have done so. Such a vote would not force May to resign, but it would put pressure on her.

Burgon regrets Zionism remarks
The Guardian says that the Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon has expressed regret after a video of him saying ‘Zionism is the enemy of peace’ emerged. He had previously denied making such a remark, but when the evidence emerged said that ‘it is now clear that I did and I regret doing so’. The Jewish Leadership Council called for a ‘full apology’.

Javid reviews disclosure of criminal records
The Daily Telegraph reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid is reviewing the rule which means that anyone with more than one criminal conviction will automatically have them disclosed to prospective employers for the rest of their lives. He wants to give juvenile criminals a second chance, but victims’ rights groups have raised concerns.

Electoral Commission approves Change UK’s application
The Times reports that the Electoral Commission has approved a request from The Independent Group of breakaway MPs to register a new political party under the name of Change UK ahead of next month’s European elections. However, the new party’s proposed logo has been rejected as it was ‘likely to mislead voters’.

Candidate in Tory video accused of selling fake wine
The Daily Mirror says that Gurch Singh, a council candidate in Theresa May’s constituency who appeared in the Conservatives’ most recent election broadcast ran a shop which had additional conditions placed on its licence after it was found to be stocking counterfeit wine and selling alcohol to under-age children. Singh said that the wine came from a reputable supplier and that the only proof of the sales to children came from an anonymous complaint.

Westminster at risk of Notre Dame style fire
The Sun reports that Labour MP Chris Bryant has warned that the Palace of Westminster could be ravaged by fire if a further two year delay to restoration work goes ahead. Under the revised plans work would not start until 2028. Bryant said ‘Parliament has become a potential death trap of catastrophic proportions because we have allowed years of neglect.’

Up to date with education policy? What about Brexit? Crime? Change UK? You need Vuelio Political Services.  


Luxury lifestyle blog spotlight: Laura Scott, SheHearts

Laura Scott is the blogger behind SheHearts, the luxury lifestyle publication. Covering a huge range of subjects, from travel to beauty, Laura draws on her own experiences and SheHearts benefits from Laura’s expertise as a social media consultant. We spoke to Laura about living a luxury lifestyle, when she realised she had ‘made it’ and her advice for others.

How would you introduce SheHearts?
SheHearts is a luxury lifestyle publication run by myself and blog partner covering travel, fine dining, fashion, beauty and events, emphasising personalised experiences. Creating unique and in-depth features are incredibly important to our readership.

Creative thought goes into our content curation and editorial, it’s important that readers feel at home on SheHearts by providing personalised content people can relate too. SheHearts started off as a blog with the main foundation being ‘all things that I love’ and that is at the heart of the brand.

How did you go about setting up the luxury blog?
Being in social media consultancy, photography and PR, after organising a specialist event in London for a luxury client, a fellow blogger suggested I started my own blog and of course it had been at the back of my mind due to my love of photography, editorial and social media. I started off as I meant to go on, if I’m going to create anything, the heart has to be authentic, personalised and photography-driven. Telling a story through the use of image is a powerful tool, where passion shines there’s truth, and for me that happened to be in unique and luxury experiences in any aspect of life. SheHearts was born.

When did you start getting invites to events?
Being in social media consultancy for many years, I created events so I had a knowledge of how things worked. It was through my own events I met other industry connections and in turn got invited to their events. I’m incredibly thankful to have met many inspiring individuals through SheHearts and my profession.

How much of your content is paid-for collaborations?
It’s truly dependant on the project and nature of the collaboration.

SheHearts 2019 When did you know you’d made it?
When it comes to any aspect of business what is important in terms of success isn’t just about income, but authenticity – set out to be yourself and to inspire others. Personally, for me having the opportunity to work on a one-on-one basis with couture luxury fashion designers, management in the luxury hotel and food industry and creating unique and in-depth visual features makes me feel accomplished.

Some highlights: A personalised tour around The Ritz London and having a menu created for us by executive chef, John Williams MBE was an honour. Interviewing and collaborating with international designer Omar Mansoor has been wonderful and supporting Top Model where Omar showcases his work. Top Model also supports the charity Children with Cancer so it’s wonderful supporting a fantastic cause.

How do you balance blogging and personal life – do you find you always have to be on?
When it comes to lifestyle I treat each experience as such, life is all about balance and taking time to embrace special moments.

What’s your favourite luxury?
Cherished moments and unique experiences with brands, for example when warmth shines through in terms of hospitality during travel/hotel review collaborations in turn creates fond memories for me to promote to my readership. Personalisation goes a long way and hospitality is important. Dining experiences with welcoming touches adds appeal, and brands who enjoy creating personalised experiences are just wonderful.

What advice do you have for luxury brands who want to work with bloggers like you?
Reach out and talk, communication is key and great collaborations are always a result of purpose-driven conversation. Adapting is also important and being flexible to create something truly unique is important. Just be friendly as I absolutely love talking to people and getting to know the heart of their company or brand. Creating on-going relationships is personally important, I love reviewing conceptual change and developing relationships with companies who truly love building trusted friendships in a digital space.

What advice would you give someone who is just starting their blog?
Create a blog for the sheer purpose of creating something you love personally, talk about what you truly enjoy and you will relate to others. Be yourself and don’t compare, enjoy your creativity. Your blog is your online space online to express through digital expression.


Independent Group

Political Headlines – 3,000 apply to be Change UK MEP candidates and Javid’s close call with a ‘life of crime’

Today’s political headlines includes thousands applying to be Change UK MEP candidates, Tories worrying about leadership contest, Javid’s close brush with a life of crime and climate change protesters closing down parts of London. 

Over 3,000 people want to be Change UK MEP candidates
According to The Times, over 3,000 people have applied to stand as candidates for Change UK at the European elections. Its MPs are working through the applications and will pick candidates from a shortlist of 100 at the weekend. Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has admitted that the elections will be ‘disastrous’ for the Conservatives, with the paper adding that they have yet to make various key campaign decisions.

Tories worry about leadership contest
The Sun reveals that ‘senior Tories’ are worried that their party is being infiltrated by Brexit activists hoping to influence the elections for its new leader. Membership has grown by 30,000 over the last year, reaching a total of over 150,000 – the highest in at least seven years. Some of this has been attributed to a recruitment drive, but others are thought to be both former UKIP members and remainers, who want to vote in a leadership contest.

Javid says he could have embarked on life of crime
The Daily Telegraph reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid admitted in a speech yesterday that he could have entered a life of crime, having been brought up on ‘the most dangerous street in Britain’, and that he was worried about the safety of his children, staying ‘up late at night waiting to hear the key turning in the door’. He said that the Government needed to change its ‘mindset’ to ‘stop the violence before it begins’.

Climate change protesters close roads in capital
The Financial Times reports that Extinction Rebellion, the environmental activist group, shut down four roads in London yesterday, including Waterloo Bridge and Oxford Circus, as part of its bid to draw attention to climate change. It said it would try to keep the roads blockade for ‘as long as possible’, unless the Government would agree to talks. It wants a climate emergency to be declared, zero greenhouse emissions by 2025 and a citizen’s assembly to discuss climate issues.

Government under pressure to end Brexit talks
The Guardian claims that the Government is feeling under pressure to end its talks over Brexit with Labour and move on to its alternative, finding a compromise in the Commons through a series of votes or amendments to the withdrawal bill. Theresa May’s former advisor Nikki da Costa suggested that doing this before the European elections would need ‘a level of legislative aggression’ this Government had not displayed so far.

German foreign minister warns Brexit won’t be delayed after October
Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has used an interview with the Financial Times to warn that Brexit will not be delayed after October, saying that ‘they will have to decide what they want’ as ‘you cannot drag out Brexit for a decade’. He added that a further extension might be interpreted as a ‘signal that they plan to stay in the EU after all’.

Corbyn defends Begum’s right to legal aid
The Guardian says that Jeremy Corbyn has defended Shamima Begum’s right to legal aid. Begum, who left the UK to join ISIS, may be applying for the funding to challenge the Government’s decision to strip her of her British citizenship in the courts. Corbyn said ‘she has legal rights, just like anybody else does’ and being represented in court was ‘a fundamental point in any democratic society.’

Labour suspends council candidate for sharing antisemitic conspiracy theories
The Daily Telegraph says that Labour has suspended a council candidate in Brighton and Hove after the paper revealed that she had posted ‘highly offensive’ conspiracy theories about the Rothschilds and Israel online. The party refused to comment on the case, while the candidate, Alexandrina Braithwaite, said she was ‘sorry for the offence I have caused.’

Are you in the loop? Make sure you don’t miss anything with Vuelio Political Services.  

Lush Ltd

Is Lush building its own social network?

Lush hit the headlines last week when it announced the closure of its main UK social media accounts. The announcement claimed social media is ‘making it harder and harder for us to talk to each other directly’, the company is ‘tired of fighting with algorithms’ and Lush doesn’t want to ‘pay to appear in your newsfeed’.

Its plan is to highlight more voices, and some have read this as more influencer marketing, but that still requires a reliance on existing social media channels whether the company is using them directly or not. On the announcement to quit social media, Lush encouraged people to engage directly via live website chat, email or phone.

Within 24 hours, most major news sites, both mainstream and trade, had picked up the story in what’s undeniably a publicity win for a company that doesn’t spend money on traditional advertising. Unfortunately many of the stories focused on how confused Lush customers were by the news – like this story from the Mirror – with many suggesting that Lush’s target audience are unlikely to call, chat or email the company.

While there is likely to be a bigger plan to come (more on that in a moment), this is half an announcement. Without explaining the ‘What’s next’ part of ‘we’re quitting social media’, many have been left in the dark. To some, this tease may be exciting and the intrigued superfans will be on tenterhooks. But in the age of social media, where attention spans are measured in seconds, this tactic is also likely to lose members of its audience who lack the patience for a protracted stunt.

Not everyone is against the move though, Lush has a fan in David Parkinson, managing director of Brave & Heart who, writing for The Drum claims to have considered this type of move for many of his clients. He says: ‘For several global clients, my agency has looked at similar strategies […] we have started to think beyond the platform and back to the purpose and the people. Asking “who?”, “why?” and “where?”, not just “what?” and “when?”.

‘This is why a brand the size of Lush gets my thumbs up; its big enough for people to take notice, small enough to have the chops to do it.’

Signs of a new network
On the surface it may seem like a baffling move for a company such as Lush, for whom social media engagement seems to come easily for both its products and ethical campaigns. And it’s that level of content engagement that Lush won’t want to lose, which is why the final line of the announcement points at more to come: ‘This isn’t the end, it’s just the start of something new. #LushCommunity – see you there.’

The accompanying image says Lush is ‘switching up social’ – not abandoning it. Clarity can perhaps be found in the company’s annual report, which was published the week before this announcement. The report highlights a growth in online sales and the claim that it is ‘optimistic that our new global website launch will help generate further growth’.

The company is investing heavily in its ‘digital estate’, which is being created to ensure a ‘safe haven for our Lush communities online’. It is continuing to focus on ‘developing features in beta, an evolving brand led commerce experience online’., or #LUSHLABS, is already open to UK customers with plans for it to roll out globally by the end of June.

At the moment the site is ‘by invitation only’ and encourages registered users to ‘invite collaborators’. Users – who have to create an account – will ‘hear it here first’ with ‘early-bird content reveals and news’.

The homepage finishes with the line ‘Want to know a secret? By joining you’re helping us build a new Lush platform. Lush has always been a community-led company. Lush Labs is the next step in putting your feedback at the front and centre’.

An online community with free-flowing engagement for registered users? Sounds like a social network to me.

What do you think of Lush’s move? Tempted to quit the Gram or leave Facebook? We’re still on social media so let us know your thoughts on Twitter @Vuelio.

Eviction notice

Political Headlines – short notice evictions to be banned and Tory leadership contenders want May to stay for months

Today’s political headlines includes short notice evictions to be banned, Leadership contenders want May to stay for months, Hammond mocks Brexiteer leadership campaigners and progress unlikely in Brexit talks. 

Short notice evictions to be banned
The Guardian says that housing campaigners have backed Government plans to ban ‘no-fault evictions’, with a consultation on abolishing ‘section 21 evictions’ which allow landlords to evict tenants at short notice and with no good reason. The Government says that this is one of the main causes of family homelessness, and Theresa May said the change ‘will not only protect tenants from unethical behaviour, but also give them the long-term certainty and the peace of mind they deserve.’ The news was welcomed by Shelter but the Residential Landlords Association warned that it could result in fewer homes being available to rent.

Leadership contenders want May to stay for months
According to The Times, Cabinet contenders for the leadership want Theresa May to stay in place until the first stage of Brexit is completed, even if this takes until the end of the year. They fear that a summer leadership content would aid those, such as Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab, who want to reopen the Brexit deal. However, former leader Iain Duncan Smith yesterday called on May to step down by the end of June.

Hammond mocks Brexiteer leadership campaigners
The Daily Telegraph says Chancellor Philip Hammond used a speech in Washington to mock Brexiteer candidates in the last Conservative leadership election, saying Boris Johnson and Michael Gove formed an ‘unintended suicide pact’ while Andrea Leadsom had a ‘private suicide pact’. He also joked he was the only Tory MP not running for leader and that if a no-deal Brexit had happened he would have been visiting as the ‘designated survivor’.

Progress unlikely in Brexit talks unless red line shifts
The Guardian has been told by ‘sources close to the talks’ between Labour and the Government over Brexit that further advances are unlikely unless the Government’s red line over a customs union with the EU moves. Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington said ‘there is going to have to be movement on both sides’. Three working groups are to be established next week, covering security, environmental protection and consumers’ and workers’ rights.

Corbyn links youth service cuts to crime
The Daily Mirror reveals that Jeremy Corbyn will use a visit to an educational activity centre in Yorkshire to claim that the Conservatives have cut council spending in youth services by 70% since 2010. He will warn that ‘these cuts are creating the conditions in which crime can thrive’ and pledge to legislate ‘to guarantee quality youth services’.

NHS giving doctors cash to avoid early retirements
The Financial Times says that there is a ‘growing staffing crisis’ in the NHS, with the service topping-up doctors’ salaries with cash to help them avoid higher taxes as a result of stricter pension rules which have led many staff to take early retirement or to reduce the hours they are working. The paper warns that this ‘threatens to undermine the multibillion-pound funding injection’ announced by Theresa May last year.

Javid to make ‘veiled leadership pitch’
The Daily Telegraph reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid is to make a speech on crime today, which it describes as a ‘veiled leadership pitch’. He will say that ‘we cannot afford to leave anyone behind’ and advocate a ‘public health’ approach to tackling knife crime, coordinating teachers, medical professionals and other branches of Government.

Lammy criticised over ‘Nazi’ remarks
The Times says that Labour MP David Lammy has been criticised after he compared Conservative Brexiteers to Nazis yesterday, saying that they should not be ‘appeased’. He said the ‘BBC should not allow this extreme hard-right fascism to flourish’, but Conservative MP Conor Burns suggested that Lammy had ‘lost it’.

Domestic policy is back on the agenda, stay up to date with what matters to you – get Vuelio Political Services.  

Your guide to local elections

Your Guide to Local Elections

This year, local elections will take place on 2 May and thousands of councillors will be elected across the country.

No every council is having an election – in England its split as follows:

  • 33 metropolitan district councils electing by thirds
  • 116 district councils holding whole council elections
  • 53 district councils electing by thirds
  • 30 unitary authorities holding whole council elections
  • 17 unitary authorities electing by thirds
  • Elections are also being held in many areas for parish, town, community, neighbourhood and village councils

In addition, local elections are being held for all 11 local authorities in Northern Ireland.

Local councils are vital to public relations and public affairs and any organisation working with an audience at a local or regional level.

Vuelio has published Your Guide to Local Elections, which breaks down what different councils and councillors do, the local election timeline, the rules around purdah and the biggest future issues facing councils.

As local councils are responsible for a broad range of services – from education, libraries and highways to local planning, council tax and rubbish collection – few comms teams can afford to ignore them.

Download the guide here.


CIPR’s ELP to shine a spotlight on strategic PR at World Energy Congress

CIPR‘s Energy Leadership Platform is preparing to highlight the importance of targeted public relations to a worldwide audience of energy industry experts and decision makers. September’s World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi will offer the energy think tank an opportunity to show off the advantages of smart strategies in a sector tasked with great change.

The CIPR ELP team is made up of communications professionals working within the energy industry, including co-chair Ella Minty. For her, the upcoming opportunity is vital: ‘The energy industry is, undisputedly, the most risk-averse and risk-aware in the world. To be given the chance to demonstrate, through practical examples and in various sessions, the importance and standing of PR to and for this fascinating sector is an absolute privilege and honour.’

Compounding the privilege is the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between CIPR’s Deputy CEO Phil Morgan and CEO of the United Arab Emirates National Committee of the World Energy Council, H.E. Eng. Fatima Al Foora Al Shamsi. The signatories are impressive, but so is the size of the potential audience the ELP will be talking to, with 2016’s conference reaching 7,000 delegates from 100 countries.

‘The PR industry is stepping out of its usual echo chambers and engaging with those who use our services,’ said Minty of the ELP’s involvement in World Energy Congress’ 24th event. ‘It is to our clients and employers we need to articulate and demonstrate the value of PR as a strategic management function.’

Communicating the risks and changes happening across the energy sector is a practical support the PR industry can offer to the World Energy Council’s audience of experts and world leaders. And with ‘Energy for Prosperity’ as the theme for this year’s gathering, CIPR’s continuing work on bringing PR and the energy sector together could pay off in clearer communications in what can be a technically complicated space, and a move towards smarter strategies for longevity. Not just longevity for light bulbs, hybrid cars or PR firms looking for new sectors to work in, but, well, us. Everyone. Living long(ish), and prosper(ing), hopefully. With some good PR opportunities along the way, naturally…


Political Headlines – Corbyn says Assange should not be extradited to the US and Government stands down no-deal planning

Today’s political headlines includes Corbyn saying Assange should not be extradited to the USA, Government stands down no-deal Brexit planning and May’s attempts to break the deadlock. 

Corbyn says Assange should not be extradited to the USA
As the BBC reports, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on the UK not to extradite Julian Assange to the USA as he had revealed ‘evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan’. The WikiLeaks founder, who was arrested yesterday after losing the diplomatic protection which had allowed him to stay in the Ecuadorian embassy for the last seven years, faces a computer hacking charge in the USA, while Sweden is considering whether to reopen a sexual assault case against him. Theresa May said his arrest showed ‘no-one is above the law’.

Government stands down no-deal Brexit planning
Sky News has obtained an email sent to civil servants in a ‘frontline Brexit department’ announcing that the Government has ‘stood down our no-deal operational planning with immediate effect’ following a meeting chaired by Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill yesterday. A Government spokesperson said it would ‘continue to make all necessary preparations’.

May hints at using Withdrawal Agreement Bill to break deadlock
The Times says that Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn agreed to continue Brexit talks after a short meeting yesterday, with May suggesting that the two sides were closer than thought but that if no agreement could be reached they would agree on a ‘small number’ of options to put to MPs. She suggested that the Withdrawal Agreement Bill could be introduced ‘soon’ and that it might be ‘a useful forum to resolve some of the outstanding issues’.

Labour considering automatic voter registration
The Guardian reports that Cat Smith, Labour’s shadow minister for voter engagement has said that the party is considering automatic voter registration in a bid to increase turnout at elections. An estimated 7 million people in the UK are not on the electoral register and the policy has been introduced in places such as Canada and Belgium.

Johnson meets DUP leadership
The Times says that Boris Johnson and his leadership campaign team held a private meeting with the DUP’s leader Arlene Foster and deputy leader Nigel Dpdds yesterday, with a source telling the paper that potential Conservative leadership candidates wanted to ‘pay homage’ to the Northern Irish party.  Foster refused to say if she had confidence in Theresa May.

Conservative Party plans leadership contest
The Daily Mail reveals that the Conservative Party has drawn up plans for a summer leadership contest, including locations around the country for six hustings between the candidates. Yesterday, Anne Marie Morris and Greg Hands called for new leadership, but other MPs such as Ken Clarke and Nicky Morgan said Theresa May should continue.

Tory MPs may refuse to campaign in European elections
According to The Guardian, some Conservative MPs have threatened to boycott the European elections, saying that they will instruct their local associations not to campaign, claiming that they are concerned about the safety of their activists. Conservative MP Anne Marie Morris refused to rule out voting for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which launches today.

May tells MPs to reflect during Easter recess
The Sun reports that it was confirmed yesterday that MPs would now enter an 11-day recess, with Theresa May telling them to use the time to ‘reflect’ on Brexit. The news came mere hours after European Council President Donald Tusk told the UK not to ‘waste’ the extension it had been granted.

Brexit is not the only political story that affects you – find out what you’re missing with Vuelio Political Services.  

Dannii Martin HHH

Foodie blogger spotlight: Dannii Martin, Hungry Healthy Happy

Hungry Healthy Happy was created in 2011 by Dannii Martin as a place to share delicious and healthy recipes as she embarked on her weight loss journey. Recently ranked as the number one food blog (once again), Hungry Healthy Happy is also a top recipe book alongside an expanding library of books by Dannii.

We caught up with Dannii to find out about the growth of food blogging, the joy of avocado and how she likes to work with brands.

How do you describe what you do to other people?
I create recipes that show healthy food doesn’t have to boring and how to sneak in extra veg, then share those recipes on the internet. I also write books.

How does social media feed into your blog – are any channels more important?
Social media makes me feel connected to our audience. It’s a great way to communicate with them, hear what they like and want to see more of, and get feedback. We use it as a way to show the behind-the-scenes of the blog too. Instagram stories are our favourite, as there is a great community there.

What’s your favourite ingredient and why?
Avocado! I have a bit of a reputation for being avocado obsessed. But in terms of an ingredient to make recipes with, then maybe Greek yoghurt. It’s such a great healthier substitute in creamy sauces.

Can you tell the difference between a food fad and a genuine culture shift?
Yes, and I think there has been a massive culture shift recently. Everyone has left ‘clean eating’ behind and there is much more interest and focus on a healthy balanced diet without cutting anything out and we love that.

What’s the best course in a meal?
The main course. It’s the main for a reason.

Food & Drink was revealed as a supersector in the UK Bloggers Survey – how do you feel it fits in to the broader blogosphere?
The food and drink blogger category is huge now and pretty over saturated. Anyone that can cook and write can set up a food blog and that’s definitely not a bad thing. But very few people stand out. You have to be offering something other people aren’t.

The survey revealed that bloggers post less frequently, is that your experience?
Yes, because SO much more work goes in to a blog post now. SEO is (or should be) the main focus of a blogger now and gone are the days of being able to write and publish a blog post in 30 minutes. It takes a day or two to create one post now – to create professional quality photos, edit, write and then all the keyword research that goes alongside it. We try to post twice a week and then really dedicate time to each post – it’s only fair to the brands we work with to.

Do you accept PR press releases?
Yes, however it would be helpful if they also said what they were looking for. Like, do they want to collaborate or are they just looking for free advertising?

How do you choose which PRs and brands to work with?
The brand has to be a good fit for our audience – that is the most important thing for us. Our readers trust us and trust that the products we promote are only things we really believe in and would use ourselves. We have some great relationships with PRs that we have worked with many times over the past few years, which is great because they know how we work and we know what they are looking for.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I don’t think it would be fair to single out one brand, but the best collaborations for us is when there is a clear brief from the beginning. So, there is not going backwards and forwards with drafts and re-dos for weeks because the brief has changed. We appreciate that sometimes things do change but making it as clear as can be from the start helps.

Also, it helps to know if brands want licensing from the beginning, rather than that being sprung on us after the post has gone live and we have to change the fee.

Ultimately, the best collaborations are ones that are a little bit different too. That allows us to have some creative freedom to do something we know will be popular with our readers.

What other blogs do you read?
I read a lot of American blogs, because blogging over there is way ahead of the UK in terms of brand collaborations and professionalism. Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing UK blogs, but there are a lot of inspiring US blogs like Pinch of Yum and Half Baked Harvest.


Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

Wedding blogger spotlight: Louise Baltruschat Hollis, Whimsical Wonderland Weddings

Louise Baltruschat Hollis is the face behind Whimsical Wonderland Weddings, which has once again been named in the Top 10 UK Wedding Blogs. Covering DIY tips, inspirational editorials and real-life wedding stories, Whimsical Wonderland Weddings has been a key part of the wedding blogosphere since it was created in 2010.

We caught up with Louise to find out why any time of year is perfect to get married, the importance of going with your gut and working on creative with PRs and brands.

How does social media feed into your blog – are any channels more important?
Social media has always been crucial to our blog. In the beginning it was all about Twitter before moving onto Facebook, then Pinterest and now Instagram. Instagram and Pinterest are definitely where we see the most engagement and both platforms bring something totally unique.

When’s the best time of year to get married?
I think any time of the year can be perfect to get married. Each season brings something different, from festive cosy winter weddings to fresh bright spring weddings and golden light filled autumn weddings. Summer is always popular for weddings in the UK, with longer days and hopefully more sunshine. It really depends on what makes your heart sing.

Where’s the best wedding location in the UK today?
I love that more and more couples are thinking outside of the box when it comes to wedding venues. We have featured more and more couples trying the knot in a legal ceremony beforehand, leaving them free to have a ceremony or blessing wherever they wish. I myself did this and got married in the woods, so I am a little bias towards woodland weddings.

What advice would you give people planning their wedding?
Go with your gut, always. I think it’s really important to sit down together and really work out what is important to the both of you and include your personalities as much as possible. Don’t be afraid to ditch any traditions that don’t work for you too.

Wedding themes: yes or no?
Wedding themes can be so fun. We’ve featured lots of different wedding themes over the years, although we have also featured more and more weddings without any theme. Matchy matchy colour themes seem to have been less popular with our readers in recent years and we’ve seen more mix and match styles, which always works wonderfully.

The UK Bloggers Survey revealed that bloggers post less frequently, is this your experience?
I have reduced our blogging schedule slightly over the years. So I really focus on quality content rather than quantity. Saying that, we still blog at least once each and every day.

Do you accept PR press releases?
We receive many PR releases. Some are more targeted to our readership than others. If I think our brands are well aligned I will reach out to see if the brand would like to work together.

How do you choose which PRs and brands to work with?
I only work with brands which totally capture my attention, in terms of product and service. I will also take time to look at their reviews as we only work with brands with the highest quality and a top notch reputation. It’s important I love the product or service on offer so that it is a genuine and authentic recommendation.

What are the best collaborations you’ve worked on?
I think my favourite collaborations have been with brands we have worked really closely with to create a wide-ranging campaign. With imagery and styling by me, and blog and social media coverage too.

What other blogs do you read?
I read a wide range of blogs, at the moment I am into interiors as we are renovating our home. Roses and Rolltops has been a long term fave of mine.
