Theresa May no confidence victory announcement

Political Headlines – Brexit infighting and rising inequality

Today’s political headlines includes senior Conservatives tell May to reject customs union, top economist warns of rising inequality and Hunt calls for more defence spending. 

Senior Conservatives tell May to reject customs union
The Times reports that thirteen former Cabinet ministers and Sir Graham Brady, Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, have written to Theresa May, arguing that she should reject Labour’s demands for a customs union with the EU after Brexit. All of the members of the group, which includes Gavin Williamson, Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab, point out that they voted for May’s deal in March. The BBC says that the UK’s chief Brexit negotiator, Olly Robbins, is visiting Brussels today to discuss how quickly changes could be made to the political declaration on future relations between the UK and the EU.

Top economist warns of rising inequality
The Guardian says that Sir Angus Deaton, the Nobel-prize winning economist leading a review of inequality in the UK with the Institute for Fiscal Studies, has said that rising levels of inequality mean that the UK is at risk of following the example of the USA, one of the world’s most unequal nations. He told the paper that ‘there’s a real question about whether democratic capitalism is working, when it’s only working for part of the population’.

Hunt calls for more defence spending
The Daily Telegraph says Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has said the UK should ‘decisively increase’ defence spending, claiming he favours spending 4% of GDP on the armed forces, rather than 2%. He warned of the risks posed by Russia and China, cyber warfare, and a ‘conflict happening by accident’ as tensions between the USA and Iran increase.

Eight of the UK’s top 20 hedge fund managers donated to Tories in last two years
In an exclusive, the Daily Mirror carries details of research by Labour which reveals that eight of the 20 wealthiest hedge fund managers in the UK have donated to the Conservatives in the last two years, amounting to £2.9m. Shadow Cabinet Office Minister Jon Trickett said that this explained why ‘the Tories have failed to tackle runaway inequality’.

Gove backs calls for tougher fines for leaving engines on
The Times says that Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove is backing calls from Westminster City Council for councils to be empowered to instantly fine drivers who repeatedly leave their engine running while parked. Council leader Nickie Aitken also called for a ‘four-figure’ fine for company vehicles, in place of the current £20 to £80 fine.

Organised crime offenders double the size of the army
The Financial Times reports that Lynne Owens, Director of the National Crime Agency, said there are more than 180,000 offenders linked to organised crime, more than double the size of the army. She is calling for her agency’s budget to be doubled to tackle this threat.

Javid resists pressure to allow asylum seekers to work
The Sun says that Home Secretary Sajid Javid is resisting demands from the Treasury to allow asylum seekers to work, in a bid to reduce the cost of benefits and bring in more income tax. The change could form part of the new post-Brexit immigration rules, but a Home Office source asked how it could ‘allow people to work in any job that involves a degree of trust when we are yet to establish exactly who they are’.

Heidi Allen challenges Nigel Farage to a debate
The Guardian reports that Heidi Allen, the leader of Change UK, has challenged her counterpart at the Brexit Party, Nigel Farage, to a televised debate ahead of the European elections. She said that the debate would be between a vision ‘which seeks to divide communities, demonise migrants and blame all of the world’s problems on the EU’ and one which puts the UK ‘at the centre of the global community and leading on the world stage’.

Domestic policy is drying up as Brexit builds momentum, stay on top of everything with Vuelio Political Services.  

95% of comms from PRs is crap

‘95% of comms from PRs is crap’ – is Amol Rajan right?

Amol Rajan, media editor at the BBC, gave a speech at the PR360 and Media360 gala dinner last week, in which he made the claim that 95% of comms from PRs is crap. He said this comms is: ‘insulting, infuriating, irrelevant or a waste of time, or some combination of all of those’. Is he right?

Before we go further, it’s worth pointing out that Rajan doesn’t believe it’s all doom and gloom – he explained that the remaining 5% ‘makes all that crap worth it’, but this is a silver lining at best.

The short answer to whether Rajan is right is obviously no, PR comms is so much more than media outreach, which is surely the bulk of what Rajan is talking about. And we do hear this at Vuelio, whether it’s from journalists and editors like Rajan or freelancers, bloggers and social influencers, there’s a sense that some PRs are sending irrelevant, see-what-sticks comms in the hopes for success-by-numbers.

Losing control
But this isn’t the bulk of PR work, nor is it a majority of PRs. As Rajan continued, he said, in relation to public narratives: ‘All of us in this room have to a very significant degree have lost control, and taking it back is impossible. A lot of people think of this as democracy in action. But when it comes to controlling the reputation of a brand or an individual, or crisis management, I think a better description is anarchy.’

This suggest Rajan does have a more comprehensive understanding of PR, and that bad press releases is not where his issue really lies. Is this more problematic for PR? Perhaps not. The suggestion that everyone is losing control of public narratives highlights this not as a PR problem but as the entire media industry’s problem.

The rise of social media has to some extent given power to the people, but more so to the social media companies – the data aggregators who curate our experience online.

So, while direct access to individuals, businesses and leaders is surely a good thing for a democratic society, algorithms are creating oft-maligned echo chambers, and where once both PRs and journalist had control over their own, and others’, stories, that power has slowly slipped away.

What’s the solution?
Rajan offered two pieces of direction, if not full advice: ‘It means recognising the yawning demographic divide whereby reaching young and old increasingly happens on completely different platforms and channels, both of which require time and expertise to master.

‘It means realising, frankly, that your contacts book is not only constantly out of date, but is becoming more out of date by the minute.’

Let’s take these one at a time – no one in PR should be targeting their audience, via influencers or others, through one channel. Rajan breaks it down into young and old, but the truth is there’s a variety of reasons and demographic details that defines how someone consumes media, where they consume media and how they consume your narrative.

It’s not just about social media, either. It’s understanding the difference between all channels and mediums you and your audience use – that may be one of the myriad social platforms, print media (newspapers, local news or magazines), digital media or face-to-face at events or political surgeries. What’s important is you continue to understand, track and react to the way your target audience behaves.

As Rajan points out, it’s all of our jobs to stay on top of the tech and developments in the media, so we continue to reach our audience – our stakeholders – in the right places and understand how best to create messages for different platforms.

And then there’s Rajan’s final point – your contacts book is becoming out of date by the minute. We’re not sure we agree with that. Obviously, Rajan doesn’t use a media database that is continually updated by an in-house research team, which also allows you to record relationship status and search for new contacts based on the topics they’re covering today, right now.

Amol Rajan does not have the Vuelio Media Database, but he is listed on it. Whether it’s journalists, editors, broadcasters, bloggers, vloggers or social influencers – make sure your contacts book is always up to date; get a free demo of the Vuelio Media Database today.

Prime minister

Political Headlines – Cabinet urge May to abandon talks with Labour in Brexit latest

Today’s political headlines includes Cabinet ministers to urge May to abandon talks with Labour, Starmer doubts Parliament would approve a cross-party deal with no referendum, Treasury confirms world’s first plastic tax and councils to be required to give domestic abuse victims safe accommodation. 

Cabinet ministers to urge May to abandon talks with Labour
The Times says that Cabinet ministers are pressuring Theresa May to abandon the Government’s talks with Labour over Brexit. Instead, ministers who favour reaching a deal with the EU will tomorrow ask the Prime Minister to outline a timetable for indicative votes by MPs to take place after the European elections and resist attempts to increase no-deal planning. Chancellor Philip Hammond reportedly told colleagues that the idea that an acceptable deal could emerge from the talks was a ‘false premise’.

Starmer doubts Parliament would approve a cross-party deal with no referendum
Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer has told The Guardian that he doubts that a cross-party Brexit deal would pass through Parliament without a confirmatory referendum being included, but claimed that only Labour could deliver such a referendum. He said that the Government had ‘not really’ shown willingness to change its red lines, adding that if Theresa May set a date for her resignation this would undermine the talks and that ‘it would be wrong’ for the talks to continue for much longer if progress seemed unattainable.

Treasury confirms world’s first plastic tax
The Daily Mail is celebrating a ‘major victory’ for its ‘Turn the Tide on Plastic’ campaign, after the Treasury confirmed that it is going ahead with plans for the world’s first plastic tax, which will affect manufacturers who don’t use at least 30% recycled content in their plastic. This will also boost the recycling industry, by increasing demand. Treasury Secretary Robert Jenrick said that less than half of plastic is recycled and ‘we can’t go on like this’.

Councils to be required to give domestic abuse victims safe accommodation
The Sun says that Theresa May will announce today that all councils will be legally required to give safe accommodation to domestic abuse victims, ending the present ‘postcode lottery’ of provision. The paper hails the news as a victory for its ‘Give Me Shelter’ campaign and carries an article by May, in which she vows that ‘whoever you are, wherever you live and whatever the abuse you face, you will have access to the services you need to be safe.’

European drivers buy twice as many electric cars as British drivers
The Times claims that a new report by the European Automobile Manufacturers Association shows that drivers in other European countries bought twice as many electric cars as those in the UK, as the Government made significant cuts to its grants for the vehicles. The Department for Transport said that the UK was at the ‘forefront’ of green cars.

Tory MPs angered by party’s own election leaflets
The Daily Telegraph reports that Conservative MPs have been angered by a leaflet produced by the party ahead of the European elections, which encourages recipients to lobby Brexiteer MPs to back Theresa May’s Brexit deal in order to stop the elections from going ahead. Priti Patel described the leaflet, and associated website, as an ‘outrage’.

Cashless society will affect elderly and poor
The Financial Times carries details of a new report by the Commons Treasury Committee, which warns the UK risks ‘inadvertently becoming a cashless society’ unless the Government takes action, leaving people, such as the elderly and those on low incomes, vulnerable. The committee says the Government should be prepared to force banks to keep branches open.

Food businesses pledge to cut waste
The Daily Telegraph says that some of the UK largest food businesses are to pledge to halve food waste by 2030 at a symposium hosted by Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove today. Participating firms include Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Nestle.

It could be a crunch week for Brexit talks, don’t miss any breaking news with Vuelio Political Services.  

Motor verso Paul Hadley

Automotive blog spotlight: Paul Hadley, Motor Verso

Paul Hadley is the founder and editor of Motor Verso, a top 10 automotive blog. Joined by a team of writers, Paul tests the latest cars and products, helping consumers get a real impression of the cars to make the right purchasing decision. We caught up with Paul to find out about his blog’s audience, the effect of electric vehicles (EVs) on the industry and what advice Paul has for automotive PRs.

What content creation are you planning for the blog in 2019?
Every year we try to grow our audience size by focusing on content creation and delivering informative and current features to our readers. An example of this is we spent days researching the cheapest cars available to buy in the UK then created a high-value article that summarises all you need to know in one place. There will be more of this as the year goes on.

On another note, we are constantly striving to create high-quality car features. We have organised a trip around the Scottish Highlands to show off one of the latest SUVs and this will be a great opportunity to take some scenic pictures of the car.

How important is your audience to your content creation?
The audience is the most important part of our content creation. We focus our website traffic on organic search, so we typically start with a topic and then research the keywords that people are searching for. This tells us what readers want to know, so we can create the most informative content to please them. A good example of this approach is that we wanted to offer some guidance regarding the cost of car tax in the UK as this is a confusing area. We used tools such as Ahrefs to do the keyword research, then filled out the content to answer all the questions in one article. Our aim is to assist our audience as much as possible.


Which social media channels work best for automotive (and why)?
For many years, using Facebook has led to hits on our website. However, it is a pay to play option for businesses. Our organic reach on Facebook is down overall and most posts need some kind of budget behind them for greater influence. However, we are not complaining as Facebook ads is a great way to target attention on our content creation and has worked well for us in the past.

What’s your all-time favourite car?
As you can imagine, we get asked this all the time. You could ask me three times in one day and get three different answers. But one that often comes up is the Tesla Model S P100D. I just love its straight-down-the-line supercar-killing performance and all the gadgets. Failing that, I would be happy with a large SUV like the Volvo XC60 T8, which I think is a good balance between raw power and usability.

What car do you currently drive?
For the past year between testing other cars, I have been driving a generation one Nissan Leaf to learn about electric cars and their infrastructure and create content around this. That has just been sold and I have replaced it with a Volkswagen Golf GTI. It should be a good compromise between fun and practicality. Throughout the year we will be creating content around this VW icon.

Which marque should we be keeping an eye on in 2019?
The Tesla Model 3 should be an intriguing proposition. A UK release date has not been confirmed as of yet, but it may be later this year. This vehicle could be the most interesting car to hit the roads here in a long time.


How will/are EVs changing the landscape of the automotive industry?
I have some experience in this area after owning an EV for one year and testing many other models and using the charging infrastructure.

The problems with the charging infrastructure will need to be sorted out as demand increases. Even in 2019, living with an EV takes planning and consideration if your model has a shorter range than 200 miles per charge. Charge points can be out of order, combustion engine vehicles park in the bays and there can be long queues at the charge points. It isn’t as simple as it first appears.

But we will see more EVs being released and being purchased and they are credible replacements for the combustion engine in a lot of cases, but this transition will take time.

What about driverless cars?
Today we see a lot of assistive systems in the cars we test, such as motorway focused cruise control technology. However, these systems are meant to be used when you are fully alert and have your hands on the wheel.

Motor verso Volvo

Though they are not fully autonomous, they give you a flavour of driving in the near future. These systems will work well in some environments but not too well in others, I think. Again, it will take time for this to develop and be rolled out at scale on the roads.

What are the best PR campaigns you’ve collaborated on?
For me, one of the most enjoyable campaigns was working with Volkswagen to raise awareness about their hot hatches during the launch of the up! GTI. We got to spend the day on Ascari race circuit in Spain with the up!, Polo and Golf GTi. It was a great demonstration of just how capable these cars are and led to some great content created about the GTI range.

Motor verso

What advice would you give PRs in the automotive industry?
This is an interesting question. I think often with automotive PRs, I see lots of money being spent that could be used more wisely. I would encourage them to learn about effectively auditing an online outlet for readership and value before making decisions about working with a publication. I think if brands were more aware of a website’s readership, then they would get a greater return on their investments all year around and improve audience reach and sales.

What other blogs do you read?
I don’t follow too many other motoring blogs, to be honest. My particular favourite is which I check out regularly and I also enjoy anything about a Charger or Challenger. The rest of the blogs I read are marketing-focused and deal with building audiences, business and technology.



Political Headlines – air pollution advice, at least five men killed after being deported and Home Office to review charge for calling police

Today’s political headlines includes medics warning Government is ignoring air pollution advice, at least five men killed after being deported to Jamaica, Home Office to review charge for calling police, emergency services communications overhaul delayed and over-budget. 

Medics warn Government is ignoring air pollution advice
The Times says that the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health are warning that the Government is ignoring medical advice and doing the ‘minimum possible’ to tackle air pollution, focusing on a ‘series of distractions’ including wood-burning stoves, instead of concentrating on the problems caused by traffic fumes.

At least five men killed after being deported to Jamaica
The Guardian claims that at least five men have been killed in Jamaica since last March after being deported there by the Home Office, despite rules banning it from deporting individuals to countries where their life might be at risk. The Home Office does not monitor what happens to deportees, but following an investigation the paper was able to verify at least five deaths, with one deportee telling it that he feared they were being targeted.

Home Office to review charge for calling police
The Daily Telegraph says that the Home Office has said that it will review the charges for calls to 101, meaning that victims of crime may no longer have to pay to call the police. The department might pay the £3.3m cost itself, or make telecoms firms pay for it. Vodafone has already announced that it will stop charging customers for calling the number.

Emergency services communications overhaul delayed and over-budget
The Daily Mirror reports that a National Audit Office report warns that a ‘critical’ overhaul of the communications network, Airwave, used by the emergency services is likely to be further delayed, despite the Home Office having already put it back by three years, to 2022. The project will cost £3.1bn more than planned, and key technology has yet to be proven.

Fox says he sympathises with Brexit Party voters
International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has told The Sun that he sympathises with Conservatives who are considering voting for the Brexit Party in the European elections. He said he would be campaigning for Tory candidates as the election was about ‘more than one issue’ and revealed that his department has increased no-deal Brexit preparations this week.

Tories fear coming sixth in European election
The Guardian claims that Conservative Party officials fear coming sixth in the European elections, with candidates claiming that the party was ‘almost in denial’ about the election happening and that it was ‘seriously embarrassing’. The party plans to spend no money on candidate campaigning, won’t have a manifesto and isn’t having a campaign launch.

May considering new indicative votes
According to The Daily Telegraph, Theresa May has been warned by a Cabinet minister that she could end up with an ‘Auf Wiedershen, Pet’ Brexit deal that nobody wants if she presses ahead with new indicative votes (a reference to an episode of the TV show in which the builders paint their shed yellow based on second preferences, despite it being no-one’s first preference). May is reportedly considering making MPs rank their preferred Brexit outcomes.

Attempt to stand joint pro-remain candidate in Peterborough fails
The Times reports that an attempt by the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party and Change UK to stand a joint candidate at the Peterborough by-election has failed, resulting in ‘chaos and bitter recrimination’ and resulting in Change UK not standing. The parties would have backed Femi Oluwole, of Our Future, Our Choice, but he pulled out at the last minute, with Change UK blaming ‘senior Labour figures’ for warning they would ‘disrupt the campaign’.

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The Tomkins Times

Football Blog Spotlight: Paul Tomkins, The Tomkins Times

The Tomkins Times was recently included as a new entry in the Top 10 UK Football Blogs. Created by Paul Tomkins, The Tomkins Times has a team of editors covering Liverpool FC in a grown-up, intelligent way. We spoke to Paul about Liverpool’s season, the importance of his community and paywall and the changing face of football fandom.

How do you describe what you do to other people?  
The Tomkins Times was originally set up in 2009 to be a platform for my football writing, which is almost entirely Liverpool FC-focused, with roughly half of the content paywalled to enable me to make a living from it – having had to give up my career as a designer years earlier due to being diagnosed with M.E.. So, it was just a small entity, hence the name.

In time the site has become a vehicle for other writers too, although we remain fairly niche. I pay no attention whatsoever to the number of hits the site gets, I just monitor the quality of work, and if we have enough subscribers to pay all the wages.

How important are the different social channels when they feed into your blog
I used to spend a lot of time on Twitter and built up a fairly big following, but I’ve barely used it for three years. It’s too negative and stressful. I occasionally log in and post, and use it to promote my work, but more than a few minutes makes me anxious. I have my own Facebook and Instagram accounts, and a Facebook page for The Tomkins Times, and post stuff to that, too. But it’s hard to run a site and various social media accounts, and with my health problems, it’s hard to rely on too many other people.

The aim of the business is not to grow and make more money – it’s to stay viable. This is our 10th year and it remains a viable business, even if it’s usually a case of making a small profit, after paying all my bills and paying all the contributors.

Which team is going to win the Premier League on Sunday? 
I obviously want to say Liverpool, but it’s in Manchester City’s hands. I’ll be at Anfield on Sunday, cheering the Reds on, but now Liverpool are also in the Champions League final, the league is not the only thing on the line.

Who’s your player of the season?  
My player of the year is Virgil van Dijk, who is quite simply the best all-round defender I’ve ever seen. You sense he could play as a striker or a goalkeeper and still be this good.

How is football fandom changing the way we consume football content?  
As a middle-aged writer with an older than typical audience – mostly men aged 30-70 – it’s perhaps hard for me to say. I started writing for various Liverpool FC blogs 20 years ago and now I’m one of the older guys. I was at the vanguard and an early pioneer of paywalls after someone suggested I try it, but I can’t keep up with all the developments. As is the way, the next wave will always come along and find a new way to do things.

There’s less patience in football in general and perhaps in society. And more football content seems to be about transfer speculation – living in the future, in terms of what some new signing will bring, rather than just enjoying the here and now and living in the moment. I love a bit of transfer speculation too, but it can become all some fans seem to care about; the actual football is secondary. So, we try to do some analysis of potential transfer targets using professional scouting tools, rather than just peddling speculation for hits.

What’s your view on esports and the likes of teams having their own esports players/teams? 
I’m probably in the wrong age demographic to answer this! I play the PS4 with my teenage son, and I love Overwatch, but beyond that I don’t really pay too much attention. I have enough difficulty finding the time and energy to follow everything about the ‘proper’ Liverpool team without any esports teams they have, but I did hear that they won the first ePremier League. Which is good, I guess!

As much as I love playing Overwatch, I still think of sport as being in the physical word, rather than online, but due to my poor health, and age, a bit of online team-based gaming can sometimes give me the feeling of when I used to play football! So, I can see how it all works, but it’s not something I’d watch if I wasn’t playing.

How important is the community to your blog? Do you accept press releases? 
The community has become everything. All comments are behind the paywall, even if articles are free, so a community was built up with a lack of trolls. The site became much bigger than initially intended, but equally, I don’t want it to become much bigger than it is now, as it would become harder to manage, and more impersonal. We only run original content, and don’t publish press releases, sponsored content or anything like that. We don’t really do ‘news’ articles either, just analysis and opinion.

As you have a paywall, do you work with PRs? 
If I find something I like – such as the film Free Solo – which I can work into my writing, I’ll do so, but nothing is ever sponsored. So sometimes I’ll give ’shoutouts’ to things I like, but never for anything in return. The same applies to other football blogs – if I find something I like, I’ll reference it with a link to their site. The one exception is one of our regular freelance writers recently having the chance to meet an ex-Liverpool player for an interview, and it was ‘in association with’ a betting company he also does some writing for. I’d never choose to go down this route, but as it was offered to me as original content that would be written by one of our regulars, and would be of interest to our readers, I thought it was okay.

I’ve unfollowed a lot of people on social media for promoting stuff without admitting that they are being paid for promoting stuff. I don’t mind if they make it clear, and don’t do it too often, but I’m only really interested in following people who are open about such things – once they lose their integrity in my eyes they’ve lost me as a fan/follower/reader.

What other blogs do you read? 
I read a lot of other football blogs and websites, but too many to mention. I listen to quite a few podcasts, often because I do so much writing I like to rest my eyes, and listen to something with a sleep mask on! A lot of football podcasts, but also true crime, and anything on psychology or writing/creativity.


EU Brexit

Political Headlines – Brexit talks unlikely to conclude early and a new expenses scandal

Today’s political headlines includes Brexit talks unlikely to conclude early, the watchdog that tried to suppress details of MPs’ credit cards, defence space strategy leaked and a UKIP EU election candidate investigated over rape threat. 

Early conclusion of Brexit talks unlikely as May given deadline to set resignation roadmap
The Financial Times says that the chances of a cross-party deal on Brexit being reached soon have faded, with talks ending without a ‘firm conclusion’. A Labour figure told the paper that the talks had been ‘robust’. Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington admitted that the UK would take part in the European elections and suggested that the Government now aimed to agree a deal by the summer recess, which would imply Brexit occurring on 1 August. The Daily Telegraph adds that at a meeting yesterday Sir Graham Brady, Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, gave Theresa May until 4pm today – when the committee next meets – to lay out a ‘roadmap’ for her resignation as Prime Minister.

Watchdog tried to suppress details of MPs’ credit card suspensions
The Daily Telegraph reports that the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority tried to prevent the revelation that 377 MPs, including nine Cabinet ministers and Jeremy Corbyn have had their official credit cards suspended after breaking rules on expenses. However, the watchdog’s decision was overturned following a review by the former High Court judge Sir Robert Owen, who is a member of its board.

Defence space strategy leaked
The Times has obtained a copy of the UK’s first defence space strategy, which identifies ten key risks to British satellites and proposes new methods of protecting them, including a greater role for Defence Intelligence, a new National Space Operations Centre and a constellation of small satellites run by the RAF to help with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

UKIP European election candidate investigated over rape threat
The Guardian reports that Carl Benjamin, a UKIP candidate for the South West in the European elections better known online as Sargon of Akkad, is under investigation by police over a YouTube clip in which he made comments about raping the Labour MP Jess Phillips.

High streets must shrink, Brokenshire says
In an exclusiveThe Sun reports that James Brokenshire, the Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary, has said that high streets would need to shrink in order to survive, with former shops becoming housing. He also said that there was a limit to what the Government could do, but that ‘councils have an important role to play’.

‘Incoherent’ climate change aid policy criticised by MPs
The Times carries details of a new report by the Commons International Development Committee which criticises the Government’s ‘incoherent’ aid policy for spending £4.9bn on projects to tackle climate change in developing countries, while simultaneously spending £4.8bn on schemes which produce carbon emissions.

Home Office to scrap asylum target
The Guardian reports that the Home Office is to scrap its target of processing most asylum claims within six months, causing consternation amongst human rights lawyers, who warned that the number of vulnerable asylum seekers facing delays might become even worse and that the Home Office would be likely to face more legal challenges.

Pensioners could oust Tory MPs over free TV licence cuts
The Daily Mirror says that research unveiled by Labour today shows that pensioners, set to lose their free TV licences, could oust enough Tory MPs to ensure that the Government loses its majority. MPs will today participate in a debate aimed at saving the benefit, the cost of which is due to be transferred to the BBC, which has suggested scrapping it.

What does Brexit mean to you, your business and your industry? Find out with Vuelio Political Services.  

UN sustainable development goals

80% of PRs have helped meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals

A PRCA analysis of the social impact of PR and communications agencies has revealed that 80% of practitioners have helped meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their work.

Of the 17 UN SDGs, four stood out as the most popular; over 35% said their work was helping to achieve gender equality, with similar numbers reporting they have helped ensure healthy lives, promote sustainable economic growth and build resilient communities.

Launched by the PRCA Council, the survey of PR professionals has revealed that a third (35%) of respondents had declined or refused to engage in green washing (making unsubstantiated environmentally-friendly claims) and astroturfing (hiding the true source of a campaign to make it look grassroots) campaigns for clients.

Last year, the PRCA launched a new definition of the social impact of public relations and communications (you can see the definition here, and also get an assessment of your own social impact and a star rating), which was met with widespread approval from respondents, with over 90% backing the initial suggestions.

In addition to helping to meet the UN SDGs, the definition highlights further ways PR and communications can have a positive social impact.

Three quarters of respondents have encouraged workplace diversity through positive employment practices, two thirds had encouraged philanthropy and giving, with similar numbers involved in genuine corporate social responsibility programmes.

Simon Francis, founder member of social enterprise Campaign Collective, who worked on the definition said: ‘From PR Apprenticeships to working with Social Enterprise UK to buy social in the supply chain, PR and communications can have a huge positive impact on society over and above the impact of the work of communicators.

‘It is the responsibility of all practitioners to understand the social impact of PR and be aware of the actions they are taking. The new test will give agencies and in-house teams an easy way to calculate the social impact of their work and gain a social impact star rating to promote their organisations.

‘Campaign Collective will be using this to report on our own social impact, which in turn makes us more attractive to prospective clients.’

Francis Ingham, director general of the PRCA, said: ‘The social impact of PR is hugely important, but hardly talked about. From the impact of campaigns on target audiences and helping to deliver genuine corporate social responsibility programmes and encouraging workforce diversity, the communications industry can have a hugely positive role to play in the world.

‘All communicators should take an interest in this definition as proving social impact will be vital not just in recruiting new talent and in brand campaigns, but also in organisation’s procurement systems.’

Just 17% had used social enterprises in their supply chain, which Peter Holbrook, chief executive of Social Enterprise UK commented on: ‘It is fantastic to see that the PR industry is playing its part in helping meet the SDGs. If we’re to achieve these ambitious targets, then all businesses need to be actively considering and addressing their social and environmental impact.

‘One easy way to do this is to buy from social enterprises, businesses which trade to meet a social purpose. Whether its stationary supporting female entrepreneurs in the Global South or coffee creating jobs for the homeless, switching to social enterprises suppliers will enable you to use your everyday business spend to change lives and make the vision behind the SDGs a reality.’


PRCA Census 2018 diversity

PRCA Census 2019: Majority is female, white and British

The PRCA’s PR and Communications Census 2019 has been published showing an industry in rude health. The topline stats show that the industry value has grown by 7.9% since 2018 and is now worth £14.9bn while the number of practitioners has shot up to 95,000 – some 9,000 more than last year.

While the industry has improved, diversity is still lacking – the majority of the industry is still white, British and female, and the median age is 33. And while the industry is dominated by women, the gender pay gap is still in men’s favour, sitting at 13.6% (7.4% lower than 2018’s).

On average, female employees earn £40,651 and male employees earn £47,063. The pay gap is higher than the industry average at agencies but lower in-house.

Bibi Hilton, president of Women in PR and managing director of Golin London, said: ‘It’s positive to see the gender pay gap in our industry reducing, but in an industry which is 67% female, we should have no pay gap.

‘The lack of change in the ethnic diversity of the industry is even more concerning. Talking about the issues is not enough, we have to collectively take action – from overhauling outdated recruitment practices to championing flexible working and increasing the representation of women from all backgrounds and all ages at leadership level. At Women in PR, we are doing this through our mentoring programme, speaker directory and monthly events which give leaders of all genders and backgrounds a platform but there is a lot more work to be done.’

The ethnic diversity of the industry is a huge concern, with no improvement from 2018; white practitioners still make up 89% of the industry and a bigger group in this segment are white British than in 2018. The Census points out that the 13% of the younger portion of the industry that ‘identifies as non-white’ brings hope that the industry is changing, but the fact it has grown 10% and the ethnicity breakdown remains the same, suggests otherwise.

The full report gives a fascinating insight into a burgeoning, but in many ways problematic, industry with year-on-year trends as well as new stats – for the first time it’s asked about mental health and discovered that 32% have suffered from or been diagnosed with mental ill health.

Much like the CIPR’s State of the Profession survey earlier this year, the PRCA Census has revealed an industry in need of help, guidance and change. Shining a light on the problems is a good place to start so we can see where we are now, but that’s the easy part. What comes next is the challenge.

Cats Protection

How Vuelio helped Cats Protection save time and money

Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity with a nationwide network of over 250 volunteer-run branches, 36 centres and over 100 charity shops that together helps around 200,000 cats and kittens each year.

We spoke to Kate Angel, Media Assistant at Cats Protection, who talked us through the charity’s need for a new solution and explained how Vuelio had saved them time and money. 

Cats Protection’s Media Team promotes the charity throughout the UK and provides PR support for volunteers and other departments. The team sends out a daily Media Update to the network that summarises news stories from print, online and broadcast outlets that have featured Cats Protection or are relevant to the charity in some other way.

The charity uses Vuelio Media Monitoring to source the stories using a list of keywords that is continually reviewed. It also uses Vuelio to send out press releases, for media contact management, evaluation on a monthly basis, and for specific communications campaigns.

The Challenge
Prior to working with Vuelio, Cats Protection used a different supplier that was ‘more expensive and less innovative’. The charity found that it was rarely using the supplier to send out press releases as the method was clunky.

The Solution
Cats Protection got quotes from three suppliers prior to its contract with its previous supplier ending. It was given a demo of Vuelio and shown what it could do – the team was looking for a one-stop-shop, which Vuelio was able to offer. The price was a big factor as well as Canvas, which allows Cats Protection to display its coverage in a modern, visually attractive and user-friendly way. The team is also now able to track the success of press releases and campaigns more effectively.

Benefits and Results
The team now use Vuelio to send out all its press releases and find it helpful to see the tracking of how many have been opened. The contacts and influencer functions are more detailed than the charity’s previous supplier.

The hourly coverage alerts mean the team is able to see coverage when it appears, and the reporting process is much improved with Canvas.

Looking for a one-stop comms software solution to save you time and money? Find out more about Vuelio

Top eco green blog

Number 1 Green Blog Spotlight: Wendy Graham, Moral Fibres

Wendy Graham is the creator of Moral Fibres, which was recently ranked number one in the top 10 green blogs. Designed to help anyone easily, affordably and stylishly live a greener life, Wendy is on a mission to bust myths about sustainable living.

In this spotlight, Wendy told us about the changing perceptions of environmentally conscious people, the power of people, the best ways to collaborate with PRs and her five tips for individuals to live greener lives.

How do you describe what you do?
I write at Moral Fibres – a blog that seeks to inspire people to live a little greener, by suggesting habits and actions to adopt. This includes tips such as reducing plastic, shopping ethically and cleaning your home in greener ways. It’s all wrapped up in the tagline ‘sustainable living that’s hip, not hippie’ because when I first started the blog in 2013, I had been working professionally in the environmental sector for nearly 10 years and there was still very much a widespread belief that caring for the environment was for ‘lentil weaving tree huggers’, and I wanted to challenge this preconception. Things have changed massively since then – environmentalism is seen as less of a niche interest thanks to people like David Attenborough and the actions of amazing activists like Greta Thunberg – so maybe one day I should look at changing my tagline!

How important is social media to your blog – are any channels more important than others?
Social media has always been hugely important to the blog – being able to continue to conversation off the blog and build community with likeminded individuals has always been a key goal of mine to help spread the word about green living and climate change, because one person alone can’t bring about change on the scale we need to help reduce the impact of climate change. It needs lots of people talking and doing things, and social media can help you feel part of that wider movement.  There are lots of great hashtags to follow to feel connected to the wider environmental efforts, no matter where your specific green interests lie.

In the last six and half years, different platforms have brought more traffic to the blog. In the early days, Twitter brought the most traffic, then Facebook took over and right now Instagram is the biggest social driver. Different platforms have different strengths and you have to adapt your approach to each platform to get the most out of them.

Moral FibresClimate change is in the news a lot, do you think it’s getting the attention it needs?
It’s certainly been on the news more recently, but it’s definitely not given the attention it needs, considering we don’t have long to make the changes we need to make to help limit the impact of climate change. It’s where bloggers, like the other bloggers in the Top 10 Green Blogs, and social media comes into play – keeping that conversation going when it’s missing from the media.

What do you think Extinction and Greta Thunberg have done for the conversation?
Their impact has been massive. With Parliament declaring a climate emergency, and more and more people joining the climate conversation, it’s proof that activism works, and of the impact that using our collective voices has.

Who is ultimately responsible to make change?
Ultimately, it’s everyone’s responsibility to make change. The Government, corporations and manufacturers undoubtedly have a huge role to play in driving change, but as individuals we need to make change too, by consuming less and consuming better. These individual changes will help drive change at the business level – businesses adapt to changing consumer demand, for example, packaging products in compostable materials rather than plastic.

What are the most important steps people can take at an individual level to be more green?
If you want to bring about big changes fast then there are five easy things you can do:

  1. Switching who you bank with to an ethical bank that doesn’t use your money to invest in fossil fuels is a great place to start.
  2. If you own your home, then insulating it to current standards using the grants and funding available is an incredible way to save a load of energy (and fossil fuels) in heating your home, and conveniently a whole lot of money. We’ve insulated our house – we got free loft and cavity wall insulation through the green grants available and reduced cost underfloor insulation – and the difference has been incredible. If you rent your home, try talking to your landlord to see if they will apply on your behalf.
  3. Switching your electricity to a 100% renewable tariff is a great step that doesn’t necessarily cost more. Shop around on to find a good renewable deal.
  4. If you eat meat, try to cut back on your lamb and beef consumption, and see if you can have at least one meat-free day a week. If you’re vegetarian, try to cut back on your dairy consumption. This is the best vegan milk I’ve found.
  5. For being such a small island the UK has some truly amazing spots to holiday in that you don’t need to fly to get to; from beaches to mountains, forests to cities, there really is something for everyone.

Wendy GrahamWhat advice would you give PRs and comms?
Do your research before contacting bloggers. Take a look at recent content on their site to see what they blog about and how they tend to work with brands before contacting them. I’m often contacted by PRs and comms about matters unrelated to green living, but if they had spent a minute on the blog they would realise it wouldn’t be something I would cover.

What are the best campaigns you’ve collaborated on?
I really enjoyed working with Little’s Coffee recently. They have switched to using 100% recyclable and plastic-free packaging materials across their entire range of instant coffees and packaging materials and it was a pleasure to work with such a forward-thinking company to help spread the word and deliver exactly the kind of content Moral Fibres readers enjoy and find useful.

Do you accept press releases?
No, Moral Fibres is a one-woman show that I work on part-time. I don’t have the capacity to post news articles on a daily basis, but if your press release has been published elsewhere then do send me that link and if it’s relevant then I might include it in my weekly environmental news roundup that I publish every Sunday.

What other blogs do you read?
Aside from the other blogs in the Green Blogs Top 10 (there are some great ones in there, and it’s a pleasure to be in their company!) I enjoy Reading My Tea Leaves and Peppermint Magazine.


NHS logo

Political Headlines – NHS to boost overseas recruitment and Farage criticised over antisemitic conspiracy theories

Today’s political headlines includes the NHS to increase overseas recuitment, Farage criticised over antisemitic conspiracy theories, May to unveil customs arrangement and McDonnell welcomes basic income report.  

NHS to boost overseas recruitment
A study by the NHS on increasing staffing has been leaked to The Times. It reveals the health service is to set targets of recruiting 5,000 nurses a year from overseas for the next five years in a bid to fill staff shortages, and concedes that doctors and nurses are leaving the service because they feel exhausted owing to the failure of the NHS to plan for an aging population. However, even if the plan goes into action the present shortfall will be barely reduced.

Farage criticised over antisemitic conspiracy theories
In an exclusiveThe Guardian reveals Nigel Farage is facing criticism from Jewish and other groups after for repeatedly appearing and discussing conspiracy theories on the show of Alex Jones, including some linked to antisemitism, with terms such as ‘globalists’ and ‘new world order’ and claiming members of the Bilderberg gathering are plotting a global government.

May to unveil customs arrangement
The Times claims that Theresa May will today unveil plans for a customs arrangement with the EU until the next general election in a bid to win support from Labour for a Brexit deal. She will also meet Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, who is expected to tell her to announce when she will quit, regardless what happens with Brexit.

McDonnell welcomes basic income report
The Daily Mirror reports that Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has welcomed a new report by the Progressive Economy Forum which calls for the UK to pilot the idea of giving every citizen a £100 a week ‘basic income’. Appearing at the report launch today, McDonnell will describe it as an ‘important contribution’ which he will study carefully.

Gwynne warns Labour against shift to remain
The Guardian says Labour’s campaigns chief Andrew Gwynne has warned the party against pivoting to further towards remaining in the EU following the local election results. Writing in the paper, he says Labour shouldn’t back what he calls ‘“stop Brexit” simplicity’. He warns a second referendum is a ‘difficult message’ to the party’s ‘traditional supporters’.

UKIP may be about to have seventh leader in two and a half years
The Daily Telegraph reports that Labour may be about to have its seventh leader in two and a half years after Gérard Batten suggested that he may not stand for the position when his term ends in June. He said it would depend on the European election results and how he felt, adding that being leader ‘costs me money’.

Sadiq Khan accused of climate hypocrisy
The Daily Mail says that the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been accused of being a ‘hypocrite’ for warning of a ‘climate emergency’ while he and his team accumulated 280,000 air miles, emitting 180 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Conservative London Assembly Member Susan Hall said that ‘it is clear that his own actions fail to match his words’.

Northern Ireland talks to restart
The Financial Times says that powersharing talks in Northern Ireland are to resume today but that ‘hopes for an early deal are low’ despite the success of the centrist cross-community Alliance Party in last week’s local elections. However, neither the DUP or Sinn Féin suffered a backlash in the elections.

Want to understand what the council results mean to you? Download our exclusive guide to local elections.  

Polling station

Political Headlines – council election results amid Brexit dissatisfaction

Today’s political headlines includes Conservatives and Labour suffer local election losses, smaller parties make gains amid Brexit dissatisfaction, May warned that Williamson could take revenge and violent crime rates in London fall. 

Conservatives and Labour suffer local election losses
The BBC reports on the results from yesterday’s local elections, in which the two main parties suffered losses across the UK. With over 250 elections taking place in councils across England and Northern Ireland, voters are said to have voiced their concerns over Brexit by rejecting the two parties. While results are still coming in, the Conservatives have so far lost 440 council seats, though their potential losses could reach 800 seats once results are finalised. It has been suggested that a north-south divide has been reflected in the polls, with most Conservative losses in the south and Labour losing more council seats in the north.

Lib Dems, Independents and Greens capitalise on Brexit dissatisfaction
The Guardian reports on the positive performance by the Lib Dems, who have gained 300 seats so far and taken control of councils such as Bath and North East Somerset, as well as Cotswolds district council. Commenting on the results, Lib Dem leader Vince Cable said voters no longer had confidence in the Conservatives, but had also expressed frustration at Labours indecisiveness over Brexit. Candidates from smaller parties and Independents have also performed well across the country, though UKIP failed to make any significant gains despite The Brexit Party not choosing to stand.

May warned that Williamson could take revenge
The Daily Telegraph reports that Theresa May faces pressure to allow a police investigation into the Huawei scandal. Former Defence Secretary Williamson was sacked earlier this week after he was accused of leaking documents about giving Huawei a role in the UK’s 5G network, however, Number 10 later revealed that no crime had been committed. The Times claims that Theresa May has been warned that Williamson will ‘have his revenge’ and could make a statement in Parliament.

Violent crime rates in London fall
The Guardian features a story on the fall in the number of violent crime incidents in London. Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has attributed the drop to an increase in officers and stop and search. Dick, comparing 2018-19 with the previous year, said the number of homicides were down 25% to 122, and knife injuries suffered by those under 25 were down 15% to 1,768.

Boris blocked from Scottish Tory conference
The Telegraph is reporting that Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has prevented Boris Johnson from appearing at this weeks’ conference north of the border. Continuing her hostility towards Johnson, Davidson has rejected an apparent approach by the potential future Conservative leader who will instead visit Aberdeen next week for a campaign fundraiser for Aberdeen South MP Ross Thomson.

Deputy Speaker calls for more cats
Speaking to The Times, Deputy Speaker Lindsay Hoyle has suggested that cats could be brought into the Houses of Parliament to solve the ever-growing problem of mice. It has been suggested that the emptying of Parliament over Easter recess encouraged a resurgence in the numbers of rodents, with Hoyle saying ‘it is time we got some parliamentary cats’.

Want to understand what the council results mean to you? Download our exclusive guide to local elections.  

The Green Familia

Green blog spotlight: Brenda Cuby, The Green Familia

Brenda Cuby is the blogger behind The Green Familia, which was recently ranked in the top 10 Green Blogs. Helping families shop green and live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, The Green Familia is packed with tips for anyone who wants to be more environmentally conscious.

We caught up with Brenda to find out how everyone can make changes to make a difference, climate change starting to get the attention it needs and how she works with PR.

The Green FamiliaHow do you describe what you do?
I am a light green blogger, who blogs about easy ways to make eco/ethical changes to your life. We highlight products that you can use that will help our readers to become greener and do their bit. If we all make small changes then the world makes big changes.

How important is social media to your blog – are any channels more important than others?
Social media is very important it drives traffic to our blog and allows new people to find out what we do and the different ways they can make a difference. I find Twitter used to be a big platform for us, but Facebook has become more popular. I know we need to do more with Instagram and YouTube and eventually we will move into these platforms.

Climate change is in the news a lot, do you think it’s getting the attention it needs?
I think that finally attention is gathering traction, but I think there is still more that can be done. I notice more friends are thinking about the planet now than they used to which is great.

What do you think Extinction and Greta Thunberg have done for the conversation?
I think they have been brilliant for the conversation. Greta has caught the attention because of her age and her passion for the cause and because she is very articulate. I love seeing how engaged this generation are with the conversation and that gives me hope.

Who is ultimately responsible to make change?
We are all responsible for change, if we stop using plastic bags, they have to stop manufacturing them. If we stop eating junk and start looking at what we are consuming and how we consume it then we take the responsibility.

What are the most important steps people can take at an individual level to be more green?
Recycling on all levels will help. Make ethical choices, learn and educate ourselves into how we can make changes. Try to reduce our carbon footprint.

What advice would you give PRs and comms?
Keep engaging in the conversation.

What are the best campaigns you’ve collaborated on?
Frugi, E-on, Wikaniko and Electric Transport.

Do you accept press releases?

What other blogs do you read?
Little Green Blog and Moral Fibres in the green sector.


Gavin Williamson

Political Headlines – Williamson sacked and Mordaunt appointed

Today’s political headlines includes Williamson’s sacking, Mordaunt’s appointment and Johnson claiming to fight the Heathrow expansion. 

Williamson sacked over Huawei leak
The BBC reports on Gavin Williamson being sacked as Defence Secretary as he is suspected of being responsible for the Huawei leak, Williamson denies the allegations. Opposition MPs have called for an investigation into whether the Official Secrets Act has been breached. Williamson has since sworn on his children’s lives that he was not the source of the leak, and has blamed his poor relationship with the National Security Adviser for the decision.

Mordaunt appointed first female Defence Secretary
The Guardian reports on Williamson’s replacement, Penny Mordaunt who has become the first female Secretary of State for Defence. Her experience as a Royal Navy reservist and MP for Portsmouth saw her get the role. Mordaunt is a supporter of Brexit and has also been in the frame as a potential party leader when Theresa May leaves her post.

Johnson fighting Heathrow expansion
Boris Johnson has vowed to keep fighting the third runway at Heathrow as reported by The Sun. The claim comes after the High Court threw out a legal challenge over the construction of the runway, with Johnson saying this is not the end of the story. Johnson has concerns over increases in traffic, pollution and noise.

‘Catastrophic’ election losses may see PM forced out of Downing Street
The Daily Express reports that the Conservative Party could lose between 800 and 1,000 seats in today’s local elections, with Bow Group’s Ben Harris-Quincey suggesting that anything less could be spun as a reasonable night.

UK Parliament declares ‘climate emergency’
The BBC is reporting on the decision taken yesterday by MPs to declare a climate emergency. The declaration was one of the key demands put to the government by Extinction Rebellion, the environmental activist group, in a series of protests over recent weeks. The Welsh and Scottish governments have both already declared a climate emergency, along with dozens of towns and cities, including Manchester and London.

Vuelio Political Services clients didn’t have to wait for the morning headlines to find out Williamson was sacked.  

ICO charity tips

How charity comms teams can stay data compliant

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published data protection tips for charities. Charities rely on data – from their donors, beneficiaries, clients, partners, media contacts, influencers, staff and trustees – in order to achieve their goals and ultimately support those in need. Charity comms teams often have to juggle data from all of these otherwise disparate groups, making data compliance a key part of the modern comms role.

The ICO has presented charities with five data compliance tips:

  • Set compliance goals
  • Host training sessions
  • Prepare for the unexpected
  • Keep on top of data housekeeping
  • Be transparent about people’s data

It suggests that ‘data protection compliance should be one of the main priorities of an organisation’, and as we’re almost one year on from the implementation of the GDPR, most charities should now have a good understanding of their data management processes and how they are compliant.

As a reminder, the General Data Protection Regulation requires every organisation that processes data to have a legal basis for doing so, which should also be made clear to everyone whose data you’re processing.

There’s also a requirement for staff to know why and how you’re processing data, which is why the ICO includes advice to ‘Host training sessions’. This is good advice for both new and existing team members. While it may seem like we all swallowed the GDPR dictionary last year – at Vuelio we produced a large number of resources for PR and comms professionals (you can see them all here) – how many new team members have you taken on since 25 May 2018? And how much do you remember from the advice at the time?

Refreshers and training for communications teams are great, but if you don’t have the right tools in place then it’s all talk and no substance, and compliance can prove complicated. Vuelio helps you stay fully GDPR compliant, with tools to automatically send your privacy policies out, record consent and record an audit trial so if anyone ever requests their data, you can prove how and when you’ve collected and used it.

This means when the unexpected happens, not only are you more prepared – as the ICO recommends – but you’re also equipped to quickly and easily produce evidence of your data compliance, keeping your stakeholders happy.

If you’d like to find out more about how Vuelio can help you manage your GDPR requirements and data protection compliance, fill out our dedicated form here and one of our compliance experts will be in touch.

Happy PM

Political Headlines – Ministers fear May will ‘cave in’ to Labour and Corbyn faces down second referendum advocates

Today’s political headlines includes ministers fearing May will ‘cave in’ to Labour, Corbyn faces down second referendum advocates, May’s dinner with Russian oligarch’s wide and Corbyn to urge MPs to declare a climate emergency. 

Ministers fear May will ‘cave in’ to Labour over Brexit
According to The Daily Telegraph, Eurosceptic ministers fear that Theresa May is ‘preparing to cave in to’ Labour’s Brexit demands and agree a post-Brexit customs union with the EU, with May indicating that she wants talks finished by the middle of next week. At yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, Michael Gove said that an ‘unpalatable’ deal with Labour was better than no Brexit, while Chief Whip Julian Smith said that ministers needed to ‘get real’.

Corbyn faces down second referendum advocates
The Guardian says that Jeremy Corbyn has ‘faced down’ a challenge by second referendum advocates, including Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson. At a meeting yesterday, the party’s National Executive Committee decided that its European election manifesto would be ‘fully in line’ with its existing Brexit policy of an alternative plan for Brexit, with a public vote only if the Government’s deal isn’t changed and a general election doesn’t happen.

May’s dinner with Russian oligarch’s wife
The Daily Mail reveals that Lubov Chernukhin, the wife of a Russian oligarch, had dinner with Theresa May and six other female ministers after paying £135,000 for the privilege at the Conservative Party’s Black and White Ball. The meal was revealed after the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss posted a photo of the gathering in Instagram. A source told the paper ‘it was bit like Cabinet at the start, very polite, but then a fair amount of wine was drunk and then it became a very relaxed and talkative dinner.’

Corbyn to urge MPs to declare climate emergency
The Daily Mirror reports that Jeremy Corbyn will today urge MPs to do their ‘historic duty’ by calling the world’s first climate emergency, forcing a vote to demand the Government to act on climate change ‘with commensurate urgency’. Yesterday, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove said he was ‘open to a higher level of ambition’.

Corbyn wrote foreword to antisemitic book
The Times says Jeremy Corbyn wrote the foreword to a book arguing that Jews controlled the banks and the press. The book, a reissue of JA Hobson’s Imperialism: A Study, first published in 1902, came out in 2011 before he became Labour leader. In the foreword, Corbyn said it was a ‘great tome’ with ‘brilliant, and very controversial at the time’ analysis.

Hancock says people shouldn’t have to sell their home to fund their care
The Daily Telegraph reports that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has told a House of Lords committee that people shouldn’t have to sell their home to pay for social care, saying that ensuring ‘that the home is in the means test under all circumstances’ would extend ‘one of the injustices’ of the current system. Care Minister Caroline Dinenage separately said that she had found the delays to the social care green paper ‘frustrating’, telling the paper that a draft had been ready since December.

Social mobility has stagnated, commission warns
The Financial Times says that the Government’s Social Mobility Commission’s State of the Nation report warns that class privilege is still entrenched in the UK, with the ability to gain higher pay and social position having stagnated since 2014. It blames Government policies for the lack of progress, including schools funding cuts and disadvantaged young people being less likely to undertake apprenticeships or relocate to other regions.

Trump unlikely to address Parliament
The Times reports that Donald Trump is unlikely to address Parliament during his visit next month in order to avoid embarrassing the Queen. She would have to formally request permission for him to address Parliament from the Speakers of both houses, but Commons Speaker John Bercow is opposed to such a speech taking place.

Leadership troubles are a tiny part of the much bigger picture – don’t miss anything, get Vuelio Political Services.  

PRWeek Best places to work

Mental health is key to the best PR workplaces

Looking to escape an office with drippy taps in the kitchen, no teabags or… something even worse? PRWeek has released the Best Places to Work Awards 2019, which represent all sectors of the industry, from the largest agencies to in-house comms. In PRWeek’s overview of the winners, there’s no mention of in-office teabag situations (if that’s what’s important to you), but there is something much more vital – a culture of mental health support and employee wellbeing.

‘It’s a cliché, but in our industry, people really are our most important asset,’ believes Nicky Young, group MD at Mid-Size Agency and Culture winner MullenLowe Salt. ‘Employees and prospective candidates rightly and increasingly demand a workplace that nurtures their wellbeing rather than destroying it. Our working lives have the potential to be hugely fulfilling and enjoyable. As employers we need to strive to create working environments that make this possible.’

MullenLowe Salt’s approach includes mental health ‘champions’ among its 40-strong team (with more being trained) as well as ‘Head Talks’ to help employees work through any issues they may be facing. The agency’s B-Corp status also highlights its commitment to its workers, something that’s integral to its success.

‘We were a founding B Corporation in the UK and that philosophy (that business can and should be a force for good) combines with our own purpose – to drive positive change through communications – to inform the way we prioritise and manage our culture.’

If you’ve ever checked out Glassdoor for the goss on which companies are good (or very bad) to work for, cultures of support and even protection is what gains staff loyalty, or as Glassdoor has put it: ‘The three top drivers of long-term employee satisfaction are company culture, career opportunities and trust in senior leadership.’

‘We’ve worked hard to put processes in place to schedule support for the team,’ says UKTV’s director of comms, consumer and social, Justine Bower, of its win in this year’s In-House Communications Department category. ‘We are particularly proud of the work being done at UKTV to ensure a consistently open and understanding approach to mental health […] The whole team is delighted and proud to have such a prestigious award as testament to our culture. It’s never taken for granted.’

Taking employee satisfaction – and their resulting effectiveness – for granted is something agencies cannot do if valuable staff are to be retained and growth is to be achieved. UKTV has trained mental health first-aiders as part of the team, partnered with CALM and supports Mental Health Awareness Week and Time to Talk day – and it’s all paying off. For Justine, it has to: ‘Communications and social is ‘always on’ – we are hard-wired for news and it can be difficult to switch off […] We try to be honest and supportive, if someone is too busy they put their hand up and ask for help.’

If you think this sounds too warm and fuzzy, or you came up in harder times when enforced pub visits and borderline-lethal working hours were the norm in PR, consider the statistics from CIPR’s State of the Profession report around mental health – nearly a quarter of those surveyed had taken time off work due to stress, anxiety, or depression.

And even if the human aspect doesn’t concern you, it’s just really bad for business.

‘Our industry does attract high potentials who are proven to be more prone to give too much of themselves, often to their own detriment,’ says Nicky. ‘There may be additional pressures that come from wanting to serve and delight, to please clients quickly and from being only as good as the quality of your last piece of work. We know that when culture feels the strain, so does the business.’

For Nicky, she uses her own experiences to make MullenLowe Salt special: ‘One of my first roles in the country was at an unsupportive workplace and it made me realise what I didn’t want from a workplace; that I wanted to enjoy going into work every day.’

And a welcoming environment is one Justine also advocates at UKTV: ‘I’m a big believer in team as family – you support each other and create an atmosphere of trust.’

More successful than access to caffeine and long working hours? Those warm and fuzzies – especially if you want to be a winner in building worthwhile and happy teams that work.

Farhad and Maz PR and Journo 'blind date'

PR and Journalist ‘Blind Date’: When Ahmadiyaa Muslim Community met a Freelance Journalist

Our latest professional pairing were Farhad Ahmad, press officer and Imam at Ahmadiyaa Muslim Community and Maz Halima, a freelance journalistHere’s what happened when they met for their PR and journalist lunch. 

How was your lunch?
Farhad: It was great. The food was excellent and we had the chance to get each other’s thoughts on so many issues, such as religion, tolerance, how news media works and we agreed on so many things.

Maz: It was really good. Networking can feel like a necessary evil depending on who you are speaking to – so it is great when you connect with another media professional and actually learn something new, and of value to your role. Also, the food at Paternoster Chop House was to die for!

Did you learn anything new about their role? If so, what?
Farhad: I did, particularly the fact that going freelance is quite a daunting experience because you always have to be on a lookout for stories. Also, on top of being a freelance journalist, Maz has to have a stable job too for job security for the time being.

Maz: Farhad filled me in on the vast amount of community work he does locally and internationally, which was inspiring. As a journalist it made me want to make more of an effort to report on my local community in Croydon, to help shed light on the section of society who need it most.

Were you surprised by anything they told you about their job?
Farhad: I was surprised by the fact that only around 0.2% of journalists are Muslim! That is so not proportionate to the number of Muslims in the UK, which is around 5%!

Also that when you pitch an opinion piece to an editor, you often get given a 48-hour deadline to write a piece, if the issue is current.

Maz: Probably just the extent of his community outreach as mentioned. Unfortunately, one thing I wasn’t surprised hearing about was the struggles he has experienced in getting the narrative of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community into the public eye in the positive light it deserves.

We went on to discuss the portrayal of Islam in the media and the media’s responsibility to showcase a more positive view of the religion. Not to say that it is solely their responsibility, but it is vital they do more positive reporting on Muslims rather than constant sensationalist reporting – particularly in a time where anti-Muslim hate crimes in the UK have increased greater than tenfold.

If you could share one top tip from lunch what would it be?
Farhad: Contact more Muslim journalists as they are more likely to be able to relate to the challenges we as Muslims face and can relate to issues we see in the media regarding the portrayal of Islam.

Maz: We discussed society at large a lot over lunch, and it was a refreshing reminder to me that people want what they invest in to mean something. Consumers and journalists don’t have the desire to consume soulless brands with cliché press releases attached. We are in an era of being actively conscious. Genuine communication and connection are really important, inclusivity is vital, and so is an innovative thought process when creating press releases. Journalists can smell a half-hearted press release quicker than you can say ‘delete’.

Do you think this lunch will change how you interact with PRs/journalists in the future?
Farhad: I think it has given me a better understanding of the challenges journalists, and in particular freelance journalists, have to face. So when I meet or contact journalists in future, I’ll definitely be more aware of their perspective.

Maz: Yes, I think it may. I came to a realisation that I don’t connect with fellow media folk much beyond email anymore, and emailing people just doesn’t have the same impact as sitting opposite somebody and having a chat. While it can be hard to align schedules to meet for that coffee, when you do make the time, the professional relationship you build is far more rewarding.

Did you disagree on anything? If so, what?
Farhad: We generally agreed on most things but there were one or two things we had a different perspective on. However it was great to see that Maz had a big heart to listen and not be judgemental, and to focus on things which we shared in common, as that is how you move forward in life I guess. Otherwise there is a tendency for us to get stuck on things we disagree on and not focus on things that we share in common, which far outnumber our disagreements.

Maz: We agreed on most things! But agreeing to disagree can be just as refreshing – it’s interesting to hear different viewpoints.

If you could change one thing about PRs/journalists what would it be and why?
Farhad: This does not really apply to Maz. However, my general experience with journalists has been that often journalists are having to report on issues relating to Islam, yet many of the journalists have not often had the opportunity to speak in detail to someone that looks at things from an Islamic perspective, to get their thoughts on the current issues. As an Imam, I’m happy for any journalists to reach out to us and we’d love to talk and discuss, perhaps over a coffee or for lunch or dinner at our Mosque (I’m based in Morden, where we have Britain’s biggest Mosque, so do come round for a tour and a curry!).

Maz: I know PRs have to connect with a vast amount of media professionals, but my biggest pet peeve might be when someone forgets to change the name from the last email they sent, and I receive ‘Hey *random name*! I thought you might be interested in…’ it happens a lot. I lose interest straight away when an email has been obviously copied, pasted and sent to me with no thought. It is also vital to research what a journalist covers before sending them a press release that has no relevance to what topics they report on.

Finally, do you think you’ll stay in touch?
Farhad: Yes definitely!

Maz: Absolutely, it was an enlightening afternoon.

Farhad and Maz’s ‘blind date’ took place at the Paternoster Chop House aka the First Dates restaurant! If you’re a PR or a journalist and you’d like to be set up on one of Vuelio’s professional ‘blind dates’, please email Rebecca Potts.

The PhD Runner

Running blogger spotlight: Emma Neachell, The PhD Runner

Emma Neachell is The PhD Runner and was recently ranked in the top 10 UK running blogs. A self-confessed injury-prone runner, Emma finds the balance between recovery and competition. We caught up with Emma to find out how she describes her blogging to the uninitiated, the best places to run, her favourite shoes and her love of testing and reviewing products.

How do you describe what you do to other people?
I’ll be completely honest; I don’t think my family and friends understand blogging and social media. On the very rare occasion I get asked about this blog, I describe it as an online running diary with bonus product reviews. As for my full-time ‘proper’ job, I’m a hydrologist and find that people don’t tend to understand what I do on a day-to-day basis.

How does social media feed into your blog – are any channels more important?
I share all my new blog posts on Twitter and occasionally in a couple of Facebook groups. Twitter is definitely my preferred social media channel and I’m trying to get to grips with Instagram. Otherwise, I don’t think I’m very savvy when it comes to social media. I could definitely do more to promote my blog.

Emma NeachellHow important is the right clothing/gear for running?
Vital! In my tips for completing the Couch to 5k, I recommend people buy a decent pair of running shoes. You can get by without technical running clothing to start with but a decent pair of running shoes is essential. Female runners should also consider purchasing a sports bra. You don’t really need technical gear to start with. Just wear clothes that are loose fitting and comfortable in a breathable material such as cotton. If you do want to invest in technical running gear, then shop around for bargains. Running doesn’t have to be an expensive sport.

What’s your favourite pair of trainers?
Definitely Brooks Adrenaline GTS trainers.

Where’s the best place to run in the world? 
I may be a little biased but Sutton Park in the north of Birmingham.  

How many races do you compete in a year?
It varies depending on how many injuries I pick up during the course of the year. Last year, I completed 21 races, this year I’m yet to make it to the start line of any races.

What advice would you give PRs?
Please give me time to complete my product reviews. Some PRs have slightly unrealistic expectations and expect bloggers to be able to produce meaningful reviews after a week. I like to test products thoroughly before writing a review. Also, I know that PRs are busy people, but please remember to acknowledge emails.

Do you accept press releases?
If they are relevant to my blog and I’ll think my readers will find the content useful, yes I do.

What’s the best collaboration you’ve worked on with a brand or PR?
Now this is a really tricky question! I’ve worked with some awesome brands recently, but I would have to say Supacore Compression. PRs if you read this please get in touch; I love testing and reviewing products!

What are your favourite blogs?
I read a lot of running blogs but these (not in any particular order) are my favourites: AnnatheApple, Maria Runs, A Healthier Moo, HelsBels and Lazy Girl Running.
