The Looneychick blog

Mental Health Blogger Spotlight: Vicky Williams, The Looneychick blog

‘Blogging is a great outlet for me and has grown into a tool to share, educate and connect with others,’ says Vicky Williams about her work on The Looneychick blog. Sharing stories about people who suffer with mental illness, Vicky also features articles and tips on staying mentally healthy to raise awareness of the issues so many struggle with.

Despite the growing awareness around mental health issues in the media, Vicky feels more can be done – learn more about Vicky’s work and some of the campaigns she feels are helping.

How do you describe what you do to other people?
I started my mental health blog as a healthy outlet to let people know that they aren’t alone, no matter how bad things get. I was in a very dark place when I started this blog and at the time there wasn’t a lot of information on my experiences out there. I’m now in a place where I can share my experiences, good and bad, with people all over the world.

How much of a community is there around mental health bloggers?
Since I started the blog three years ago there are a lot more mental health bloggers out there. There is still a huge stigma around mental health and sadly not much help on the NHS, but at least everyone can share their experiences with fellow bloggers with so many blogs and social media MH groups online now. I find most of my mental health audience are active on Twitter; it tends to be more popular than Instagram and Facebook.

What’s the best thing about being a professional blogger (if you consider yourself to be one!)?
I don’t consider myself as a professional blogger. Blogging is a great outlet for me and has grown into a tool to share, educate and connect with others.

What does the future of blogging look like?
I think blogging is continuing to grow and more people are sharing their experiences online. Businesses are even starting to blog about their daily activities as well.

It seems like mental health is attracting more attention in society recently, why do you think that is?
This is due to the fact that royalty and celebrities are getting in on the act and making mental health more fashionable. The fact is there isn’t much help available out there in terms of the NHS – if you look at the statistics in the UK, most mental health teams are poor.

Are businesses/employers doing enough to support the mental health of their staff?
No – the law doesn’t protect people with mental illness and there is still a stigma around employing people with mental health issues because of the amount of sick leave we require. Many employers can’t tolerate some of the behaviours that people with mental illnesses show.

What’s the best mental health initiative you’ve seen?
The work of charities such as Rethink Mental Illness, Time To Change and Mind is so important.

How do you work with PRS and brands?
I work with brands I believe in that match the outlook of the blog. PRs often send me press releases and sometimes I will review mental health books or fitness and wellbeing products.

What advice do you have for PRs looking to get in touch?
I am a mental health blogger, so please send me something relevant to this that I can include on the blog. I am also a 36-year-old woman, so anything around fitness, beauty or wellness is also good to review.

What other blogs do you read?
I like reading Cara’s Corner.


How to find award winning influencers

How to find award-winning influencers

Following the success of the Online Influence Awards, a number of PR contacts have asked how they can source the very best influencers for their organisation and clients. With Vuelio, you can identify the most influential people talking about the subjects that matter to you and your campaigns.

Vuelio Influence Score
Using over 40 different factors such as audience reach, circulation, followers and domain authority, the Vuelio Influence Score ranks media and influencers on a scale of 1-100 to help you see who is most influential on any given topic.

Increasing your influencer network
Every day we add and update the market-leading influencer and journalist database, which includes profiles for the top podcasts, vlogs, Instagrammers and Facebook groups helping you reach your audience and those who influence them.

Insight from Vuelio’s community of influencers
As well as great data, profiles and scores, we also work with our influencer community to give you insights into best practice with top tips on how to collaborate on campaigns in our interviews and spotlights.

Influencer Search
Finding the influencers, journalists and broadcasters who matter to your audience is simple with Vuelio Influencer Search.

  1. Enter a keyword in the search box:
  2. The search will return the top influencers listed in the Media Database that are talking about your topic. Results are ordered by Vuelio Influence Score.
  3. Select the relevant contacts to add them to your lists and groups. From there you can send releases and track your activities.

Find out how the influencer database can provide you with all the information you need to better understand and connect with the people that matter to your story, topic or campaign.

Polling booth

How will turnout and opinion polls affect the General Election result?

Vuelio’s External Relations Manager Sam Webber investigates the final push for voter registrations before the deadline and whether opinion polls will have an impact on turnout in the first December election the UK has had in over 90 years.

Polling day for the 2019 General Election is now less than two weeks away.

The first December election campaign since 1923 is drawing to a close with the final debates, opinion polls and seat by seat projections set to dominate the media coverage.

Postal votes are landing on doormats across the country. Many are often completed and returned within a day or two, so this weekend is in effect the first polling day of the campaign; a dry run for party activists before the main event on 12 December.

In 2017, 8.4 million people voted by post (18% of voters) and given the time of year and weather conditions, it is likely that the number voting by post this time will be higher still. Overall turnout for this election will be crucial, especially given the high number of marginal seats which are likely to decide the outcome.

68.8% was the turnout in 2017 but it could be even higher in 2019 given how important the result will be in deciding not just the next Government, but the next stage of Brexit and whether or not the UK leaves the EU and the end of January.

Equally, polls pointing to a 10% lead or more for the Conservatives and a key poll and seat projection suggesting a Tory majority of 68 might mean people stay at home if they believe that the result is beyond doubt.

It might also mean that the traditional Labour voters in the North, the Midlands and Wales who are likely to support the Conservatives on this occasion to ensure Boris Johnson has a majority to deliver Brexit, are persuaded at the last minute to stick with Labour instead.

Another factor to consider is the final push for voter registration right up until the deadline of 23:59 on Tuesday 26 November; 3.85 million people registered to vote by the final deadline which was 67% higher than the 2.3 million people who registered in the same period leading up to the 2017 poll. A significant proportion of these people will already be registered to vote though they are still counted in the total figure. However, this still points to a high level of interest in this contest despite the festive season.

67% of registrations also came from people aged 34 or under which would usually be more beneficial to Labour and proved to be true in 2017 when the party captured seats in university towns like Reading, Canterbury and Warwick and Leamington.

Labour will be hoping its dominance on social media and ability to get its party message out, drives up turnout in those key seats they need to win or retain to deprive Boris Johnson of a Conservative majority. The Conservatives will be pushing their message, that only a Conservative victory on 12 December will see Brexit delivered and take the country forward, even harder in the key seats they need to win and more widely on social media platforms. The public will decide which option they prefer.


Sam Webber is External Relations Manager at Vuelio. He is a prospective parliamentary candidate in the general election, standing for the Liberal Democrats in Erith and Thamesmead.


PRCA SEA takes a closer look at Asia-Pacific PR practice

Do you consider PR an industry or a profession? Research from PRCA SEA shows that two-thirds of those working in PR in the Asia-Pacific region consider their public relations calling a profession, and practitioners spend nearly a whole extra day above their contracted hours doing it.

The first PR Asia-Pacific PR and Communications Census published by the PRCA this week is based on more than 500 responses to a survey sent out earlier this year. Following the launch of PRCA Southeast Asia [SEA] in September 2018, the study shows some differences in attitude and approach as well as worldwide similarities across the profession (or industry, depending on how you see it).

Overwork and stress are issues in the Asia-Pacific, just as in Europe – PRs in the region are contracted to work an average of 39 hours a week, but often work seven hours longer than that. 31% of those surveyed make work-related calls and emails outside of office hours. Unsurprisingly, mental health is another area flagged in the survey – among those under 35-years-old, 11% have been diagnosed with a mental health condition; 55% have applied for flexible working; and in-house practitioners are more likely to get health checks or stress management workshops to help with their health.

Despite the region’s PR sphere being mostly female (61%) and young (median age of 35), women are likely to earn less than men and receive fewer bonuses for their work (even though pay rises are more common for younger professionals).

More than half surveyed speak at least one language in addition to English, and 94% had been to university – 24% of those had studied PR. Those taking part in the survey saw online communication and digital and social media as the most important parts of their work, taking over from sales promotion and general media relations. AVEs are still used, though communications strategy development is the main function of PRs in the Asia-Pacific PR profession.

Management of hours, mental support and equality across PR – industry or profession – are issues workers are experiencing across the globe. For International Communications Consultancy Organisation president Nitin Mantri, the world of PR needs to tackle these problems: ‘Workplace mental health policies should become a norm. Sustained efforts should be taken to encourage conversations around mental health because awareness and sensitivity will play a crucial role in bringing meaningful change.’

As for how to bring change in the profession, JLL executive director (communications) Eva Sogbanmu had some thoughts on how to use the findings from this first survey to change PR in the future: ‘I personally would like to see more diversity in background, ethnicity and gender at all levels of the profession – I also think that we need to work hard to demonstrate that PR is a rewarding career to consider.’

The full report from PRCA SEA can be read here.

Stanley Johnson

Stanley Johnson: Rebuilding environmental bridges with the EU after Brexit should be a key UK priority

Former Conservative MEP and environmental campaigner Stanley Johnson writes that despite backing remain in the referendum, he now fully supports his son Boris as Prime Minister, who is seeking to ‘Get Brexit Done’ as long as the UK and EU can continue to work together on world-leading environmental policies.

During the seventies and eighties, I was personally involved, both as an MEP and as a senior official of the European Commission, in drafting environmental legislation on a wide range of issues such as air and water pollution, the disposal of waste, noise and nature protection; measures which have since been introduced and applied on a common basis among EU Member States.

In the run-up to the EU Referendum in June 2016, I co-founded (with Baroness Young of Old Scone) and co-chaired an all-party group called Environmentalists for Europe. We argued that the UK had contributed in important respects to the development of EU environmental policy and had derived much benefit from it.

So, I can’t pretend that the result of the Referendum, with its clear majority for Leave as opposed to Remain (17.4 million against 16.1 million votes), did not come as a shock. It was not what we were hoping for. Since then, however, my personal preference has been clear. The people having spoken with a clear voice, we have to deliver the goods and ‘Get Brexit Done’.

But that doesn’t mean that one-time Remainers like me have forgotten about the environment. Far from it. My concern now is that in leaving the EU, we should not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

As I write, opinion polls suggest that the Conservative Party is on course to achieve a working majority. In that context, the commitments made in the recently-released Conservative Manifesto are obviously relevant to any assessment of ‘the environmental future’.

The climate issue is a case in point. Last Monday, 25 November, the World Meteorological Office Secretary-General Petteri Taalas announced: ‘There is no sign of a slowdown, let alone a decline, in greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere despite all the commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

‘We need to translate the commitments into action and increase the level of ambition for the sake of the future welfare of the mankind. It is worth recalling that the last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO2 was 3-5 million years ago. Back then, the temperature was 2-3°C warmer, sea level was 10-20 meters higher than now.’

The Conservative Manifesto states: ‘The climate emergency means that the challenges we face stretch far beyond our borders. We will lead the global fight against climate change by delivering on our world-leading target of Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.’

It goes on to say: ‘We have doubled International Climate Finance. And we will use our position hosting the UN Climate Change Summit in Glasgow in 2020 to ask our global partners to match our ambition.’

As we look ahead to next year’s key Climate Summit, COP26, in Glasgow (and in the light of the woeful situation highlighted this week by WMO), UK diplomats and negotiators will have to be ready to work overtime. Whereas the eyes of their political masters may be trained on potential trade deals with other key players (Japan, US, Australia, India, China, Canada etc), our diplomats will need to focus on how the UK can continue – once outside the EU – to play a leading role in dealing with the world’s key environmental challenges.

Ironically, rebuilding bridges with the EU (retrieving the baby from the bathwater?) as far as the environment is concerned at least, may well be one of the key priorities. After all, as the Prime Minister is keen to remind us: we are leaving the EU; we are not leaving Europe.

Online Influence Awards 2019

Top 25 Influencers of 2019

The Online Influence Awards took place on 22 November 2019. Find out more about all the winners below.

Best UK blogs by sector

Caroline Hirons

Beauty & Best UK Blog – Caroline Hirons

A true beauty superstar Caroline Hirons takes home prize for Best Beauty Blog for the second year running. Caroline has had a brilliant 2019 and it doesn’t look like it’s about to slow down any time soon! With a book out early next year, Caroline is taking her beauty expertise to the people.

Describing Caroline as the gold standard for influencers, our judges were blown away by her content and tone of voice. Whether it’s Caroline’s video tutorials or her famous cheat sheets, it’s clear why the queen of beauty has such a loyal following behind her.

Taking home the award for Best UK Blog, Caroline was a clear winner and the judges loved her no-nonsense approach, speaking directly to her audience with a clarity and honesty that is refreshing.


Dad – Dad Blog UK

John started Dad Blog UK after he left his job in government communications to become the main carer for his children, sharing his experiences as a ‘school run dad’

Writing about the highs and lows of being a parent, John also tackles the bigger issues from talking about health with kids to the rise of gender reveal parties. The judges praised his tone of voice which is always useful without being preachy.

Passionate about creating the best future possible for children, John is a superhero dad! Plus, he’s always got plenty of dad jokes at the ready.

Teacher Toolkit

Education – @TeacherToolKit

Top of the class and receiving more than a gold star is the founder of TeacherToolkit, Ross. What originally started as a Twitter account today has a worldwide following that provides a professional platform for teachers and fantastic free resources.

This includes the globally famous five minute lesson plan which received a big thumbs up from the Department of Education for helping to reduce teacher workload.

My Fussy Eater

Food & Drink – My Fussy Eater

Blog Award winner in 2017, Ciara has taken the top prize again with her fabulous blog, My Fussy Eater. Answering the call of parents everywhere, Ciara shares her tips and tricks on how to get kids to try new foods and expand their culinary horizons. If you’re looking for ways to get your little ones eating more veggies or perhaps your partner prefers biscuits over broccoli, Ciara has got plenty of advice to turn a fussy eater into a foodie!

The Runner Beans

Health & Fitness – The Runner Beans

Marathon runner, award winner and creator of The Runner Beans, Charlie is incredibly talented. She originally started her blog to share her experience of training for her first ever marathon which expanded as she became bitten by the running bug.

Whether you’re thinking about tackling your first marathon or just want to discover more about running, The Runner Beans has plenty of tips and advice on how to find motivation to get out there.

Sophie Robinson

Interior Design – Sophie Robinson

Sophie’s love of interior design started at university and has led to a hugely successful 20 year career. Most recently, Sophie graced our screens as a judge on The BBC Two programme, the Great Interior Design Challenge.

Not content with being a TV star, Sophie also co-hosts the podcast, The Great Indoors, with fellow interior design blogger, Kate Watson-Smyth sharing inspiration wherever you are!


LGBT+ – LesBeMums

Kate and her wife Sharon started LesBeMums back in 2012 when they started their journey to have a child. In 2015, their family of two became three with the arrival of T and their lives have never been the same since.

Sharing their experiences of what it’s like to be a same-sex family and the issues they face, Kate and Sharon provide great advice and inspiration – for the LGBT+ community and their allies.

The judges felt that the mums gave this category a real voice and authenticity, shaping our understanding of modern families today.

Man For Himself

Men’s Fashion – Man For Himself

Robin James’ Man for Himself proves that fashion is so much more than wearing the right threads, with expert grooming advice and men’s lifestyle creating the whole package.

Robin started in 2012 while working in digital marketing before success in style made it his full time job in 2016.

Man for Himself was considered a worthy winner by our judges for his quality content and strong audience engagement on crucial topics such as finding the best haircut to men’s grooming essentials.

Car Throttle

Motoring – Car Throttle

Taking the winners’ flag in the motoring category is Adnan Ebrahim’s Car Throttle.

Considered the ‘Buzzfeed for cars’, this blog has sped along to build a dedicated audience influencing car enthusiasts for over a decade.

‘This feels like what influencer content should be’ according to our judges – authentic, useful and designed with the audience in mind.


Mum – Mum In The Madhouse

The Mum behind Mum In The Madhouse is Jen Walshaw who writes about a huge breadth of topics from cooking to arts and crafts at home.

Useful for all of us with our own family-filled madhouses, Jen also covers the bigger issues that come up when raising a family and has many insightful tips for parents.


Political – ConservativeHome

Despite their political affiliations, the judges’s gave their vote in the politics category to Tim Montgomerie’s blog ConservativeHome. Created in 2005 for grassroots party members looking for round-ups of news and analysis of events in the Tory Diary, Tim encourages conversation and reasoned debate, which has never been more important.

The judges picked out this blog from a category full of heavy weight authorities for its broad range of great columnists and highly regarded content.

Stephen Waddington

PR & Comms – Stephen Waddington

No stranger to anyone working in the PR and communications industry, Stephen Waddington brings his experience in the field to his work, covering industry trends, tips for practitioners and hot topic posts.

Understanding his audience and knowing what they need is what makes this blog particularly useful for those in the industry, whether the focus is corporate, PR, marketing or social.

Global Grasshopper

Travel & Leisure – Global Grasshopper

Conquering the world of travel blogging, Becky Moore creates beautiful, impactful and wide ranging content on the Global Grasshopper.

Featuring a collective of travel writers sharing their adventures around the globe, this blog hops from luxury hotels in the British countryside to under-the-radar destinations in cities across the world. Global Grasshopper is worth packing in your suitcase, wherever you’re going.

That's Not My Age

Women’s Fashion – That’s Not My Age

Alyson Walsh started That’s Not My Age in 2008 to address the glaring gap in fashion advice for women whatever their age.

Her brilliant content is created to keep readers ahead of trends, able to find must have brands or latest seasonal items. Alyson’s clear tone of voice has carved out a distinct space in the fashion scene, and is a worthy winner of Best Women’s Fashion Blog.

Best UK podcasts by sector 


Current Affairs – Brexitcast

This team set themselves the unenviable task of deciphering a topic no one understands. Brexitcast makes the topic of Brexit less intimidating for listeners – and for our judges, they managed it, balancing humour with much-needed information.

Throwing the BBC rule book out of the window, this essential guide to Brexit is a must-listen for anyone confused by the intricacies of Brexit. And by that we mean: probably everyone.

Ctrl Alt Delete

Business – Ctrl Alt Delete

Emma Gannon is the brilliant brain behind Ctrl Alt Delete, a best-selling author of The Multi-Hyphen Method and a well known broadcaster and columnist. She has been rightly described as the spokesperson for the internet generation.

Over five million people have listened to Ctrl Alt Delete to hear Emma chat with experts, thought-leaders, writers and creatives about the internet, their careers and everything else in between. Guests represent the rich mix of UK culture and have included Mrs Hinch, Jameela Jamil, Emma Barnett, Alain de Botton, Poorna Bell, Ellen Page, June Sarpong and Fearne Cotton.

Judges were impressed with the impact this podcast has had – even referencing the number of millennials who have launched careers off the back of its advice. They found Ctrl Alt Delete empowering and timely, providing the support the industry needs in fast changing times.

Off Menu

Best UK Podcast – Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

Making dreams come true, Ed Gamble and James Acaster invite special guests to choose their favourite meals for a slap-up dining experience in their magical restaurant for the Off Menu podcast.

The judges ordered Off Menu as their Best Podcast choice for its ‘funny, frivolous and compelling’ ingredients as well as the quality of servings. The pair surprise listeners with their insight into London’s restaurant scene and have reshaped our perception of one of the world’s busiest dining scenes.

Best in UK influence

Patricia Bright

Vlog – Patricia Bright

Coming first in a crowded space is Patricia Bright, who originally started her YouTube channel in secret whispering to her camera in the bathroom. Good things should always be shared, and now, nine years on, Patricia reaches over two million subscribers with her honest videos and tutorials on female fashion, beauty and hair.

Our judges particularly loved her honesty, as well as the distinctive and strong personality that comes through.


Instagrammer – @bodyposipanda

Megan Jayne Crabbe is the body positive feminist who instagrams as bodyposipanda. Our judges, and her followers, love her for her refreshing and relatable views on body issues. She is truly redefining this category and setting the standard for influencers across social media.

Kicking butt online and in life, the positivity and bravery Megan brings to Instagram is as stand out as the colours in her hair.

Our Transitional Life

Newcomer – Our Transitional Life

In one of the most hard fought categories, Kelly and Zoey stood out for the quality of their content and heart felt understanding of their audience. They started their blog, Our Transitional Life in February this year after Zoey came out as transgender. Living a life of positivity and acceptance, Kelly and Zoey aim to challenge society’s misconceptions one day at a time – and in doing so, help society to new levels of understanding.

Over the past 9 months Our Transitional Life has gained quite the following across social media and Kelly and Zoey have made the headlines and had their tv debut, appearing on This Morning in September.

Described as truly inspirational by the judges, Kelly and Zoey tackle a sensitive issue in an honest and delicate way – demonstrating what positive impact influencers truly can have.

Best in UK PR and communications

Kairos Media

Content Agency – Kairos Media

Kairos Media impressed the judges with the growth of their business from university dorm to a growing team of over 50 staff in just 4 years.

Founded by Mike, a former YouTube content creator with over 300 thousand subscribers and Chris, a former director at Machinima they set out to bring solutions to brands looking to market through social media and reach new audiences online.

Kairos Media are always looking for new ways to innovate and provide more value to their clients by disrupting traditional media, sports and the creative industries.


Influence Campaign – Adobe Lightroom’s Vamp

With a wide variety of campaigns in this category the judges had a tough job on their hands but Vamp’s Adobe Lightroom campaign stood out from the crowd.

Vamp made sure that the campaign was consistent with Adobe’s brand values and spoke directly to their target audience, using influencers and social content creators to act as authentic advocates for Adobe Lightroom.

Vamp understand the value of working with the right influencers and the results and longevity of the campaign show that they were spot on with their decisions.

Ministry of Justice

Cause-Led Campaign – Ministry of Justice’s #UpskirtingLaw

Described as the stand-out winner, the judges had one word for this campaign – exceptional.

The Ministry of Justice supported Gina Martin’s campaign to change the law on upskirting, with the law officially being passed in February this year. This is an extraordinary result which demonstrates the power of influencers in mobilising people to realise change.

Crucial to the campaign was Gina Martin who worked with the Ministry of Justice to make this happen. Empowering people to understand their rights and take an active role in politics, Gina proved her role as a trusted and authentic influencer who used her profile to make positive change happen on an issue that had been damaging to women across the UK.

Hall of Fame

Hall of fame

This year, five very special influencers entered the hallowed Vuelio Hall of Online Influencer Fame. They are those who have truly transformed the industry, setting new standards and inspiring people around the world.

These five influencers are worthy winners of the hall of fame title and have been integral in transforming the blogosphere. With a whopping 16 awards between them, this group have kept top spot in their category time and time again.

Inthefrow and Menswear Style continue to lead the way in fashion, making sure their followers know about the latest trends to hit the high street. Mad About The House is the only blog you need to read if you fancy a spot of decorating or you have a house renovation project on the go. We’ve been on the journey with Slummy Single Mummy as she’s brought her fabulous daughters up and recently became a granny. And Guido Fawkes continues to be the most feared man in Westminster.

Rachel Friend

Weber Shandwick’s Rachel Friend Elected PRCA 2020-2022 Chairman

The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) has elected Rachel Friend, CEO of UK & Ireland, Weber Shandwick, as its 2020-2022 Chairman, following a vote at the AGM. 

Friend is responsible for Weber Shandwick’s network of offices across the UK. With over 20 years’ experience in the industry, she has spearheaded marketing and communications campaigns some of the world’s leading brands.

Friend will succeed Jim Donaldson when his term as Chairman concludes Autumn 2020.

Francis Ingham, Director-General of the PRCA said: ‘It’s a sign of the PRCA’s strength and size that someone of Rachel’s global standing will become our Chairman in 2020. In following Jim Donaldson, she will oversee the next phase of the PRCA’s story, as we build on our status as by far the world’s largest and most dynamic PR association.’

Rachel Friend said: ‘I am pleased to take on the role of Chairman of the PRCA. We are living through a period of unprecedented change; politics, sustainability, diversity, technology.  Our industry must continue to evolve at a rapid pace to engage audiences.  I’m very much looking forward to working with the PRCA to fuel the change.’

Shoestring budget

Producing successful PR campaigns on shoestring budgets

Got big ideas, but a small budget? Getting a campaign to go viral or grabbing sign-ups for your service doesn’t necessarily have to come at substantial cost (though it certainly helps).

Some solid strategies for how to get your message out when money is tight were shared during the CIPR National Conference session ‘Digital Communications on a shoestring’ – experts Helen Reynolds (Comms Creatives), Katie Lawson (Tiny Tickers) and Leanne Manchester (The Wildlife Trusts) talked making something good out of nothing and how fellow budget-poor people in PR can do the same.

For getting engagement without a sizeable budget (it’s often close to zero for Tiny Tickers, Katie shared), all speakers admitted that having goodwill from your potential audience is a good start, and they have that. Tiny Tickers is a charity for children with heart defects and works with a community of families looking for support. The Wildlife Trusts describes itself as a ‘grassroots movement’ of people with an interest in making a positive difference to wildlife, and future generations of wildlife lovers. The tools Helen, Katie and Leanne use, however, can be utilized by agencies and brands outside of the charity sector that don’t have a public ready and willing to listen to them.

For each of the speakers, time rather than money is the most important investment you can make when putting a plan together.

‘All it took was time,’ said Leanne of their Random Acts of Wildness campaign – a bid to get more people out and engaging with nature through information packs and social media sharing. ‘We don’t have budget to do fancy insight,’ said Katie, who spoke about the Twinkle Twinkle Tiny Heart takeover of the Seven Dials Christmas lights. Putting time aside to go through social media channels and see what audiences had engaged with previously was what really worked. Katie said: ‘It’s spending that time – and then reviewing.’

Posting times on social?

Not important, according to Helen, who advised that quality content will find its audience whichever time of day it’s posted. An authentic voice also helps. ‘There is always a personality behind your brand,’ said Helen when asked by those taking part in the panel how to engage when your brand isn’t necessarily one your intended audience wants to hear from. ‘There’s fear to put things out. It’s worth building up resilience on your team.’

And when things go wrong?

‘It’s not a reputational failure to give your audience an opportunity to complain, either’.

If you want eyes on your campaign, celebrity spokespeople are going to attract them. For those that can’t afford the top-tier influence elite like Zoella, the Pauls or a Kardashian (that’s most of us), Helen, Katie and Leanne advised getting in touch with micro and macro influencers you already know have an interest in your focus and people you already follow (‘I just DMed load of people on Instagram,’ said Leanne).
For Katie, the collaboration has to be heartfelt – ‘if we have to pay for an influencer, then it’s not the right fit’. Social media takeovers have worked for The Wildlife Trusts, and video (recorded on a colleague’s phone) was an important tool for both, especially for getting complicated ideas across that won’t be as sharable in a slab of text.

Keeping things cheap has been made infinitely more possible with the evolution of social media and digital tools (Facebook was a major convertor to sign-ups for The Wildlife Trusts’ Random Acts of Wildness campaign, and a message through LinkedIn was what sparked Twinkle Twinkle Little Heart for Tiny Tickers). It’s where the right communities and affordable tools can be found for wrangling your content together or organising your team (Katie’s workforce of six swear by Canva and Slack, for example).

As communications and PR professionals, wanting more money for campaigns is a given – but the importance of the actual work is what speakers at the CIPR session argued for. A lack of budget means an opportunity to experiment – with borrowing and pro bono help (works for Leanne) or a liberal use of memes (works for Katie, and best of all – they’re free)

Online Influence Awards 2019

4 tips for connecting with this year’s Online Influence Awards winners

If last Friday’s Online Influence Awards have got you itching to get in touch with the winners for future campaigns and collaborations, look no further. Here are four quick tips for working with the champs:

1. Best UK Dad Blog – Dad Blog UK
‘I am always happy to hear from PR representatives and brands. If you are inviting me to an event, I need as much notice as possible (us mummy and daddy bloggers often have to arrange childcare).’

Read more from our Blogger Spotlight with Dad Blog UK’s John Adams.

2. Best UK Health & Fitness Blog – The Runner Beans
‘Don’t send blanket emails – engage with the blogger and target them with the right product for them. Understand how they work and it will create a more symbiotic relationship for everyone.’

To understand how Charlie Watson works, check out the full interview.

3. Best UK Interior Design Blog – Sophie Robinson
‘Be really clear on your campaign objectives and pick a blogger who is in line with those brand ideals. I’ll never forget a PR asking if I’d like to be the face of a new trendy kitchen range they were launching. I said, ‘Sure, send me over the images of the kitchen’. Well, it was grey. I thought… don’t you know who I am?!’

Get to know Sophie Robinson better here.

4. Best UK LGBT+ Blog – LesBeMums
‘Don’t just include or invite us because you feel you have to; include us because you want to. We get a lot of emails – especially during Pride season – asking us to promote XYZ or be a part of a Pride-related promotion, but we are quick to realise when we’re being used as their token diverse family, because we’re quite often the only diverse family invited or there’s radio silence from that PR the rest of the year!

I’d love to one day be part of a team or ambassadorship where families like mine or those of different colour are the MAJORITY!’

Find out more about Kate Everall and her wife Sharon’s work in our interview.

See the rest of the winners from this year’s Online Influence Awards here and learn more about them (and how they like to work with PRs) with the Vuelio Media Database.

Online Influence Awards 2019

The Online Influence Awards 2019: The Winners

The Winners have been revealed for the Online Influence Awards 2019This year’s event has evolved from the Vuelio Blog Awards to celebrate talent from across the world of influencer marketing, recognising the biggest names in blogging, vlogging, podcasting, Instagramming and communications. 

The celebration brought together content creators from a variety of categories across the influencer industry. If you’re looking to collaborate with top influencers, check out the Vuelio Influencer Database.

We are delighted to reveal 2019’s winners in full:

Best UK blogs by sector 

Beauty – Caroline Hirons

Dad – Dad Blog UK

Food & Drink – My Fussy Eater

Education – @TeacherToolKit

Health & Fitness – The Runner Beans

Interior Design – Sophie Robinson

LGBT+ – LesBeMums

Men’s Fashion – Man For Himself

Motoring – Car Throttle

Mum – Mum In The Madhouse

Political – Conservativehome

PR & Comms – Stephen Waddington

Travel & Leisure – Global Grasshopper

Women’s Fashion – That’s Not My Age

The overall 2019 Best UK Blog is Caroline Hirons
For the judges, Caroline continues to set the gold standard for influencers across all sectors with her no-nonsense approach to beauty, writing exactly what her audience needs with a refreshing clarity and honesty – congratulations to Caroline!


Best UK podcasts by sector 

Current Affairs – Brexitcast

Business – Ctrl Alt Delete

This year’s winner of the Best UK Podcast is Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster
The judges loved this podcast, deeming it compelling listening alongside the frivolity and humour. All the food choices from its celebrity guests including Kumail Nanjiani, Cerys Matthews and Grace Dent didn’t hurt, either. Congratulations, Off Menu!


Best in UK influence 

Vlog – Patricia Bright

Instagrammer – @bodyposipanda

Newcomer – Our Transitional Life


Best in UK PR and communications 

Content Agency – Kairos Media

Influence Campaign – Adobe Lightroom’s Vamp

Cause-Led Campaign – Ministry of Justice’s #UpskirtingLaw


Thanks to our sponsors who have helped make the Online Influence Awards 2019 the best awards yet: A Gay And A Nongay, Bonne Maman, CALM, EMDUK, Gleam Futures, Kahicool, Ossa, OTTY, PRCA, Prospect, Prova, Pulsar, Splento, Splitcha, Topps Tiles and Top Trumps.

And huge congratulations to all of the winners this evening across blogging, social media and PR – thank you all for making it such a special night.

Gleam Futures

Influencer talent will soon lead campaigns across the whole marketing mix

This is a guest post from Online Influence Awards 2019 sponsor Gleam Futures, which manages digital-first talent: fantastic creators, entertainers and entrepreneurs who have emerged from digital platforms. It represents individuals who have established loyal audiences while creating highly engaging content online, and helps elevate them to the next level, as talent.

The agency only manages quality talent who are among the top creators in the world; dedicated and passionate individuals who are determined to be professional and accountable while exploring their potential in all areas of media, merchandising and business development. It is strategic in its approach to management and works with talent to shape and maintain long-term careers.

Earlier this year it also launched Gleam Solutions, a consultancy that provides brands with a single route to creating and delivering quality, innovative, effective talent-led marketing campaigns which have creativity and authenticity at the heart and deliver results that matter.

Gleam Futures logo

The industry is still in its relative infancy, so we are seeing big changes all the time.

The biggest change, and one which has had a number of knock-on effects, is the increase in the number of creators. Whereas ten years ago there were roughly 15,000 creators globally, there are now more than 50 million – this has dramatically changed the media landscape and the way that audiences interact with each other and with brands.

While this is fantastic because we’re seeing a number of extremely talented creators come to the fore and a more authentic and targeted way for brands to reach and engage with audiences, it has unfortunately led to an overuse of the term ‘influencer’. This label lumps every creator into a homogenous mass of people and doesn’t distinguish the ‘talent’; creators who have an expertise to share, produce high quality content, form purpose in what they do and maintain a deep connection and dialogue with their trusting community.

It has also led to an obsession with data where the industry is attributing value to ‘influencers’ based on numbers alone, causing many creators to buy fake followers or engagement in an effort to be discovered and seek success. And this in turn has driven the commoditisation of content, where talent and the content they produce is viewed as a media product first and foremost, often driven by data. This lens can lead to a lack of creativity and authenticity, and a lower quality of content.

As a result of all the challenges the industry has faced over the years, brands and marketeers are becoming savvier and more strategic in their approach to ‘influence’, understanding the true meaning of talent and what makes high quality content – it’s an exciting time. They are seeing ‘influence’ as a legitimate channel within the overall marketing mix and in many cases taking a talent-led approach so that talent are not only creating organic content on their own social media channels, but are also present within the rest of the mix, from out-of-home to point of sale.

Aside from the marketing aspect, being a content creator has become a legitimate career with many who are super talented becoming entrepreneurs with multiple businesses, branching out into traditional media and building their own brands – this is a huge change not only in perception but also in opportunity.

The industry will continuously evolve as it has done for the past ten years – marketeers will make savvier choices when it comes to the talent they partner with, the approach they take and the way they distribute content, always with wider business objectives in mind and as such better measurement solutions will be realised. More and more we will see talent leading campaigns across the whole marketing mix with authenticity and creativity playing a crucial role.

There is a real movement right now towards purpose-led creators who have a cause to champion or those who have real expertise as these are huge differentiators amongst the millions of creators out there. It provides brands with the opportunity to find common ground with both the talent they partner with and the audience they reach, meaning that they can have a more interesting dialogue and engage in more meaningful ways.

It will be interesting to see brands tackle the Gen Z audience and how much platforms like TikTok will play a part in this – the platform is doing interesting things when it comes to brand marketing and collaborating with creators.

Online Influence Awards
We are thrilled to be sponsoring this year’s Online Influence Awards which has always recognised truly talented creators. With so many new creators coming to digital and social media platforms to share their creativity and expertise, online talent spotting is a lot harder than it was ten years ago. We’re always on the lookout for creators who are making waves so we’re excited to be sponsoring the Best Newcomer category this year.

Steph and the Spaniels Featured

Pet Blogger Spotlight: Stephanie Walton, Steph and the Spaniels

Meet Stephanie Walton, Sev and Lily – a human and her two dogs blogging about ‘human and hound style and adventure’ at Steph and the Spaniels. Stephanie shares what she loves about the pet blogging community and what keeps her passionate about posting (Sev and Lily were busy).

How did you get started with blogging about pets?
My blog has slowly grown into a pet-friendly lifestyle blog, as my life has been more revolved around my dogs. Sev and Lily play a massive part in my life, and everything in it, so it was natural to start including them more and more. It became something I adored blogging about and the passion makes it easy to share posts and keep blogging.

What’s your favourite thing to post about – reviews, things to do, etc.?
Dog-friendly travel is certainly what we love, sharing the places we visit and things we do. Showing that you never have to leave your dog behind.

What are the best things about the pet blogging community that other blogging sectors might not have?
I love how supportive and loving the pet community is. It feels like there’s less competition and that’s really important when you’re online so much. I honestly love reading and seeing others’ posts and photos and I think many people think that within the community.

What are your thoughts on pets/animals becoming celebrities through blogging and featuring on social media?
I think there certainly are some, but very few actually have that status. I think it’s great for the pet and the owner to deal with it in the right way, and show good and do good with it. I think it’s wrong to get into blogging if you want that, though. Sev and Lily are far from it, and will never be. Whatever we do – from events to press trips – I need to make sure we’re doing it because we will all love it and it’s good for them as dogs.

Steph and the Spaniels 2


Is there something you would never feature on your blog?
I tend to stick with lifestyle and travel, but if it revolves around my life with dogs, then usually I would feature it. I think there are lots of taboo subjects in any topic, and it would always depend on why and how we showcase them if it’s something that is good to speak about.

Do you think it’s necessary to have pets of your own to blog about pets/animals?
I would think yes, as you’re more submersed into it. There are things only a pet owner would know, want to know or understand. However, that’s personal to my blog, as it’s very much revolving around our spaniel life and spaniel travels – that wouldn’t be something I’d even have the passion to share if Sev and Lily weren’t part of it.

Which are really better, cats or dogs?

How do you work with PRs and brands – are review products and new launches useful?
My main work with brands is through campaigns and press trips, because that works with my blog and what I share with my followers and readers. I think sometimes product reviews are great, if they’re not overdone but shown in a personal way. Creating content for brands is something I really enjoy doing and would always be keen if it fits our blog. I am also always very supportive of others in the community that do, too.

For PRs looking to work with you and your blog, how would you prefer they approach you?
I love hearing from brands and PRs. Usually email is best but we’re also on Instagram a lot. I really enjoy working with brands – it’s a great way to really get into something that you love and make content together.

What other blogs do you read (whether pet-related or not)?
I really enjoy reading blogs – I love The Cornish Life, The Londoner and From Roses.


Cut for time: extra answers from the We are all influencers now webinar

Our We are all influencers now webinar with Sarah Waddington, Stephen Waddington and Andrew Terry covered topics included in the #FuturePRoof guide to influencer marketing, but the parameters of ASA rules on promotional content and the ethics of influencer marketing are likely to raise yet more questions as the industry works towards defined and indisputable boundaries.

Here, Stephen and Sarah Waddington answer five such questions we didn’t have time for during the webinar – read on for more insight on #ads, keeping to the rules and where PR comes in…

If an influencer breaks the ASA rules, will we get in trouble as their collaborator? Is there anything we can do about this?
ASA rulings in the case of a breach of advertising practice are typically made against a brand and an influencer. There’s a collective responsibility for everyone involved in a campaign to ensure good governance. This includes an agency working as an intermediary.

Are there any best practice for promotional content in an influencer’s story rather than a regular post?
A paid-for relationship should be disclosed in the story using the tag #ad or #advertising. Platforms such as Instagram have been trialling meta tags as a means of creators disclosing a paid relationship but these have not been formalised.

If marketing currently owns influencer marketing in our organisation, how can PR get involved in the process?
Our view is that good influencer marketing should be based on working with an influencer as an individual and not a form of media. That’s the role of PR.

I have a question around inviting influencers to review an event, space or product. If they are provided with free access/free product but are asked to offer a genuine ‘warts and all’ review, does that still require an #ad?
This is a grey area. Strictly speaking any payment or payment in kind should be disclosed using the hashtag #advertising.

Is #ad exclusive to Instagram or would an influencer need to write this in their blog (where typically they’d add a disclaimer that they were invited)?
The nature of a relationship between a brand and an influencer should always be disclosed in the case of a paid relationship. A blog post provides the opportunity to do this in greater detail and disclaimers are appropriate in this instance.

Listen to the webinar and read the #FuturePRoof guide for more on best practice in the influencer sphere.

factcheckuk TORY

Industry bodies respond to CCHQ’s factcheckUK stunt

An attempt to mislead the public during a time for big decisions, or a light-hearted but badly thought out PR stunt? Whatever your opinion on the Conservative Party’s rebranding of its @CCHQPress account to factcheckUK for yesterday’s live TV debate between Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson, ramifications are likely to be felt through the political realm as well as in PR teams and social media spaces across the country.

Twitter hasn’t yet appeared to have taken any action over the incident but has vowed to take ‘decisive corrective action’ if something similar happens in future using its platform.

‘Twitter is committed to facilitating healthy debate throughout the UK general election,’ a spokesperson for Twitter said. ‘We have global rules in place that prohibit behaviour that can mislead people, including those with verified accounts. Any further attempts to mislead people by editing verified profile information – in a manner seen during the UK Election Debate – will result in decisive corrective action.’

Placing responsibility for the factcheckUK name change on a party digital team within his remit, Conservative Party chairman James Cleverly has defended the rebrand. This hasn’t curtailed concern from the PR industry.

Koray Camgoz, head of communications and marketing at the PRCA said: ‘PR professionals have a duty to fight disinformation, not purvey it. The PRCA Code of Conduct, to which all members are bound, is explicit in this regard.
‘PR professionals must not disseminate false or misleading information. Doing so damages trust in our industry and in this case – the political process. We urge communications professionals to be mindful of their ethical responsibilities, particularly during a period of national importance.’

The CIPR also has concerns for the ethics involved in the stunt, with its chief executive Alastair McCapra urging honesty and fairness as a basic professional standard from the industry: ‘This sort of action damages trust, not only in the organisation which carries it out, but potentially in the election itself. Any CIPR members involved in this kind of misleading behaviour face potential disciplinary action under our Code of Conduct.

‘It was extremely disappointing to see the Chairman of the Conservative Party, the Rt. Hon. James Cleverly MP defending it on television after the debate. I have written to Mr Cleverly today to make this point.’

Point of Order

On a Point of Order Mr Speaker…

For politically interested readers and public affairs stakeholders alike, Vuelio has launched a political content hub called ‘Point of Order’. All political articles and guest posts will appear here. Do get in touch if you have a blog post you would like us to consider for publication.

Vuelio has recently launched Point of Order, its political content hub on the Vuelio blog.

This hub includes regular blog posts from parliamentarians and insight from the Vuelio political team.

Recent articles from MPs and peers cover issues as wide-ranging as immigration, the Remain Alliance in the General Election, tackling the climate emergency and protecting our natural environment:

Vuelio will also build on its specialised research including its ground-breaking White Paper ‘The Politics of Social Media’, which included ComRes polling of 137 MPs in the summer of 2019.

The report highlighted the views of a wide cross section of MPs on how social media had changed their interactions with both constituents and stakeholder organisations.

Our research found:

  • 81% of MPs believe that public attitude towards politicians has changed for the worse because of social media
  • 76% believe social media has made it difficult for the public to source credible information
  • 47% believe social has improved the transparency of politicians

The report was discussed at the Conservative Party Conference in September 2019, with leading authorities in social media policy attending Vuelio’s fringe event including DCMS Secretary of State Nicky Morgan, Digital and Broadband minister Matt Warman and DCMS Select Committee Chair Damian Collins.

You can also sign up for our email bulletins including Vuelio Political Updates, which helps you to stay on top of major political developments – whether that’s Brexit negotiations, policy announcements or recent personnel changes, moves within government or the political parties and public appointments. You can also receive summaries and analysis of major political events such as the Budget and the Queen’s Speech.

The Vuelio Political Team is also monitoring all the General Election campaign activity and following updates from all the main parties.

Sign up to receive our General Election Bulletin, sent every Friday during the campaign.

It provides a summary of election campaign activity and news, gathered from media and political party sources. The bulletin will also include a roundup of key events and activities taking place the following week.

Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more information on any of our political services, whether political monitoring or our database services.

And don’t forget to follow @Vuelio_Politics.

PRCA 2019 Digital PR and Communications Report

PRCA 2019 Digital Report: industry investment in social media is up

Social is still successful and attracting big budgets, according to the PRCA’s 2019 Digital PR and Communications Report.

Produced in partnership with Ginger Research, PRCA’s digital report shows increased industry investment in social media and digital. The survey of 408 PR professionals across sectors including technology, NGOs, government, and finance and banking found growth in budget assignment for digital tools and tactics as well as a greater confidence in measuring its success for campaigns.

Reasons for keeping up a social media presence for brands has stayed the same as last year – to increase awareness of what they do (86%), drive audience reach (71%) and brand awareness (65%). Spending on digital and social is up this year, with over half of respondents saying their budget has increased over the last 12 months. For future spending, budgets will grow even further for almost half of those surveyed, with 49% say their assigned budget will increase and only 2% predicting less.

Where the budget goes shows what’s working and what isn’t – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) spend is down (by 10%), while more money is going towards video-based content, up by 4% (text-based is down by 9%).

What clients expect from their PR services shows a different motive, however – 51% expect online press release distribution, 49% digital crisis management, 46% image-based content and 43% social influencer outreach. That importance is being placed in different areas by those providing PR services and those paying for them – one looking to digital engagement, and the other to the more traditional PR tool of press releases – could signal a need for greater communication between client and agency on what is possible when embarking on a campaign (and digital provides many opportunities the press release can’t).

Those still catching up to the potential of digital and social media in-house cited lack of time, staff, education and budget as blocks rather than lack of interest or want. And which social platforms are most popular for those making full use of them in campaigns is probably unsurprising – Twitter comes out on top as most popular for in-house (90%), closely followed by Facebook (81%). Agencies place similar importance on Twitter as a platform (85%) but consider LinkedIn (84%) more useful than Facebook (80%). The popularity of Instagram as a social platform for PR is lowest out of the big four – 67% for agencies and 63% in-house.
Tweeting and Facebooking is second nature for campaigns, but where PR is looking for the future of engagement goes one step beyond to augmented/virtual reality. 32% would like more education on it, 25% on voice/search aps and 24% on chatbots.

Whichever particular digital platforms PR budgets will focus on for campaigns in the coming year, social media is where stories will continue to flourish: ‘No one can argue that digitally relevant content should be the cornerstone of every PR campaign,’ said Ginger Research creative director Ellie Glason of the report findings. ‘It will be fascinating to see how modern digital mediums will evolve, and what new platforms for storytelling will be at our disposal in the near future.’

PRCA Digital Group chairman and Play and Shiny Red managing director Danny Whatmough also sees excitement in where PR will go next with digital: ‘While things move pretty fast in the digital arena, our study has shown year on year that PR professionals across the UK are evolving and developing their skillsets to match changing consumer behaviours, uncovering new opportunities to reach and engage diverse audiences.’

The full report from PRCA and Ginger Research can be found here.

Fielding Communications

How to become an independent consultant: an interview with Kate Fielding, Fielding Communications

Kate Fielding is the founder of Fielding Communications, a new strategic consultancy that helps organisations achieve profile, positioning and impact through effective brand and communications strategies. Formerly head of strategic communications at the Natural History Museum, Kate’s background is in-house at well-known organisations.

We caught up with Kate to find out how she decided to make the switch and go independent, the benefits of freedom and her top advice for anyone thinking of becoming independent.

Kate Fielding Natural History Museum

How did you make the decision to become independent?
It’s a seed that’s been germinating for a long time. I was at a School of Life event seven years ago about finding fulfilling work. The central idea was finding the place where your values and your talents cross – the thing that you do well that makes the most difference to the world around you. When you advance in lots of careers you can end up moving away from a lot of what you enjoy doing and what you’re good at. Becoming independent was about going back to my roots in many ways and finding that sweet spot.

When I started out my plan was to be an actress, then I did two literature degrees and somehow found myself doing comms roles for scientific organisations. I spent a lot of time trying to mould myself to fit what I thought I should be in those roles. But more recently I’ve come to realise that the quirks in my background are actually an excellent combination to help my clients: a bit of drama, great copywriting, knowing how to tell their story and communicate it in an engaging way. The strength I bring is in combining incongruous skills and abilities that can unlock a fresh perspective.

What were the biggest challenges you faced/are facing?
You could always be more prepared and have more plans in place before you make the switch but there may never be a point when it feels like it’s enough. Some of the biggest challenges, especially as I’ve always worked in-house for fairly large organisations, is dealing with a lot of tasks that are business critical but that other teams have always taken care of. Suddenly I’m not just the comms person, but the finance, IT, admin and design person. I’ve been lucky to get loads of help and advice from my network, but it’s also worth thinking about what you can outsource if it’s not your area of expertise.

Time management is a challenge now because I use the Eisenhower matrix, but there’s no one to delegate the ‘not urgent or important’ stuff to! It forces you to be clearer up front about how you’re going to allocate your time – so I’ll spend a certain percentage on contacting my network, on marketing and on writing etc, where in a bigger organisation this all happens at the same time across different teams.

What’s the best thing about being independent?
Freedom. Obviously you’re constrained by the need to make money and you can’t sit on the sofa all day watching Cash in the Attic, but freedom in the sense of being able to steer a course and set my own standards – I’m now the arbiter of that. I have a very clear sense of what I can do and what I can achieve at any time.

I’ve also loved having the opportunity to reconnect with a lot of my network and spend my time in ways I previously wasn’t able. Yes, there’s an element that you’re hoping it will eventually turn into a future project or work somewhere, but these are people I know and like, and they have loads of interesting ideas and perspectives, so it has enormous value in its own right.

What’s the dream long term plan?
I’m not sure I know yet. The short-term plan is to prove I’ve got a viable business within the next 12 months – so it’s very much about hitting my financial targets each month. Beyond that, I’d like to get to the point where I can make choices about what I take on, so that I’m really honing in on that point where I’m using my skills and talents to make the world a better place.

What advice would you give others thinking of going independent?
I got lots of excellent practical and philosophical advice from other people who had made the leap, particularly Paul Sweetman of SweetComms who told me about the ‘rule of 3s’ – so as soon as you finish one task, contact three people you’ve not been in touch with for a while. Otherwise I guess the big piece of advice I’d give is – just do it! You can wait for years for the perfect time, or to get one more job under your belt, but sooner or later you’ve just got to take a leap into the unknown. I’ll let you know how it works out in about 12 months…

mark sanders and monty dogge

Pet Blogger Spotlight: Mark Sanders, Adventures of Monty Dogge

Joining the ranks of famous and talented dogs like Lassie, Hooch and K9, Monty Dogge trades in quality blogging and children’s books – but he couldn’t do it without his human (and owner of opposable thumbs/a faster typing rate) Mark Sanders.

We talk to Mark about his work with Monty on the Adventures of Monty Dogge and why he thinks the pet blogging community is so supportive.

How did you get started with blogging about pets?
It was a total accident, to be honest. When Monty was a puppy he was so naughty I started a Facebook page ‘Life according to Monty Dogge’ and began writing silly stories about his exploits through his eyes. It took off and I soon had followers all over the world and we got invited to blog from Crufts. The Facebook followers suggested I should write a book and up to now Monty and the gang have featured in five children’s books.

What’s your favourite thing to post about – reviews, things to do, etc.?
I really prefer to post about things that are really helpful to other pet owners. Cookie ruptured her cruciate ligament last December and I did a blog about the whole process from diagnosis to the operation and subsequent recovery. I featured products that helped such as a harness and snuffle mat to ease the boredom. I also wrote about the insurance company and how they were to deal with. It was something positive that came out of a horrible experience and will hopefully help others.

What are the best things about the pet blogging community that other blogging sectors might not have?
I’m not sure about other blogging sectors but the pet blogging community is really supportive. I think it comes from people blogging about living breathing family members rather than a hobby or pastime.

What are your thoughts on pets/animals becoming celebrities through blogging and featuring on social media?
I actually hate pets and animals becoming celebrities just by being dressed up and pictures posted daily. I think it’s the horrible side of social media where a dog can be followed by 30,000 people just by wearing silly clothes. If there is content, then why not? Pets and animals have been celebrities for years, just think of Lassie as an example.

Is there something you would never feature/write about on your blog?
There are actually many things. I have to think it is ethical and actually something our readers would find interesting or useful. It has taken a long time to build the following we have and I won’t just throw product after product at them.

Do you think it’s necessary to have pets of your own to blog about pets/animals?
Not sure it’s necessary but I’m sure it helps. I think somebody who has experience of pets/animals could still write an excellent blog.

Very important question here – which are really better, cats or dogs?
If I were a politician I’d say that each pet has their own strengths and weaknesses and each bring something special to the owner pet relationship… but I’m not, so it’s dogs.

How do you work with PRs and brands – are review products and new launches useful?
Again, going back to a previous answer it’s all down to the product for me and I prefer to build a long-term relationship. I very rarely do food reviews as it means changing the dog’s diet and I’m not really prepared to do that unless it’s a superior product. Monty is perfect for brand ambassador roles and that’s something I’m always keen on.

For PRs looking to work with you and your blog, how would you prefer they approach you?
I really dislike fishing emails that don’t actually contain any sort of proposal and those usually just get overlooked, to be honest. I’d much prefer an email that lays out their vision/ideas for the relationship.

What other blogs do you read (whether pet-related or not)?
I am a big follower of the Paw Post who has become a good social media friend. I tend to read book review blogs such as Whispering Stories, Mrs Cooke’s Books and anything with conservation content that takes my fancy.



Christine Jardine: ‘Liberal Democrats will build an effective immigration system that treats everyone with dignity and respect’

This is a guest post from Christine Jardine, the Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary and Women and Equalities spokesperson. She is the Lib Dem candidate for Edinburgh West.

Christine writes that ‘The UK’s immigration system is broken’ and proposes that her party ‘will take immigration powers away from the Home Office so that visa and asylum decisions are made quickly and fairly’, and allow asylum seekers to work while their cases are decided.

The UK’s immigration system is broken, and it is hurting everyone. I struggle to think of a time when the mention of the word ‘immigration’ during an election campaign was a sign of anything but an announcement of more ways to denigrate and marginalise the millions of migrants who have made the UK their home – who pay their taxes and work for our NHS, who build their businesses and their families as part of an open and welcoming British society.

Instead, we see immigration speeches that are tailor-made for what prospective Home Secretaries think are the lowest common denominator of British people – scoring points off the back of hard-working people based on where they were born. I think they’re wrong. I don’t believe that British people are mean-spirited or unwelcoming – I think they’ve been let down by politicians who are all too eager to blame immigrants for their own failings. For too long, the two main parties have scored points off the backs of hard-working people. Decades of hostile policies and rhetoric from Labour and Conservative governments have created a system that no one trusts, and that fails to respect people’s dignity.

Employers can’t recruit the workers they need, leaving the NHS short of nurses and social care in crisis. People without documents are denied access to healthcare and housing. Far too many people are detained indefinitely, in inhumane conditions and at great expense. Families are separated by unfair, complex visa requirements. The Windrush generation has been failed, deported, removed from their families, and some died without an inkling of an apology. Public confidence in the system has been shattered.

And in this election, there’s a risk we’ll be taken out of the EU and free movement will end. Millions more people cast into the abject failure of the Home Office, facing the risk of deportation away from their home, their work and their loved ones simply because neither Labour nor the Conservatives believe they are worth standing up for.

Liberal Democrats believe in a different approach. We will scrap the Conservatives’ Hostile Environment, replacing their fishing-net approach with targeted, intelligence-led immigration enforcement. We will take immigration powers away from the Home Office so that visa and asylum decisions are made quickly and fairly. We will restore dignity and common sense by ending indefinite detention and allowing asylum seekers to work while their cases are decided. And we will stop Brexit and save free movement.

At the same time, we recognise the danger posed to those who attempt to get to the UK illegally. In Essex, only a few weeks ago, we saw the horrifying results of a failed enforcement system. Liberal Democrats will invest in officers, training and technology to prevent illegal entry at Britain’s borders, tackle the smuggling of people, weapons, drugs and wildlife, and at the same time help refugees and asylum seekers who have fallen victim to cross-border criminal enterprises.

With that comes a moral obligation to play our part in the world – to stand tall and welcome those whose homes, lives, and countries have been destroyed by conflict and rendered too dangerous to return by widespread violence. Liberal Democrats will meet our obligations – resettling 10,000 vulnerable refugees each year and help 10,000 unaccompanied refugee children from across Europe over the next 10 years. These people have already seen their homes destroyed – the very least we can do is open our arms to them and tell them that the UK is a place they can be safe and rebuild their lives.

With a Liberal Democrat government, every person will have their dignity respected and UK employers will be able to recruit the workers they need. Those who choose to come to the UK to work, study or join their families will be welcomed for the skills and contributions that they bring. Family unity will be protected; the rule of law will be respected; and we will ensure fairness for taxpayers. Liberal Democrats will build a brighter future, with a fair, effective immigration system that treats everyone with dignity and respect.

Dr Stephanie Hare CIPR 2019

Integration, responsibility and cake: 7 lessons from the CIPR National Conference

This year’s CIPR National Conference ‘Preparing for the Digital Future’ focused on getting attendees ready for the challenges the industry will face over the next few years. Big issues highlighted at the conference that are already impacting PR and comms included mental health issues within the workplace, irresponsible use of data and CEOs resistant to necessary change.

What can we do to get ready for what’s coming, and what’s already here?

Check out the main takeaways from the speakers this year and where they believe time, energy and resources should be spent (the first is definitely the most doable…).

1. ‘Cake always wins’
Katie Lawson, head of fundraising and communications at Tiny Tickers

Lack of budget and goodwill came up in questions to speakers a lot during the conference – naturally, not every team or corporation is going to have both. During the CIPR Not-for-profit Group Session ‘Digital communications on a shoestring’, Katie Lawson from charity Tiny Tickers talked about balancing the goodwill of her audience with a lack of funds. Want attention on social media? Office cake is the answer. Katie’s advice: take photos of any cake that shows up in the office and post on Twitter – this also goes for dogs.

2. ‘Spending money on content that isn’t engaging is money down the drain… what you’re doing is boring more people’
Helen Reynolds, communications and social media trainer at Comms Creatives

And on the subject of what works on social, Helen ‘The old lady of social media’ Reynolds also had advice during the panel on working with tiny budgets. Everyone wants more money for what they’re planning, but for Helen ‘the work is what’s important’. As discussed during this talk (which also featured thoughts from Leanne Manchester from The Wildlife Trust), no amount of budget is going to make content that’s lacklustre more interesting – it’ll just be much more expensive.

3. ‘Focus on the human aspect of work – if we’re not more open and transparent, I think we’re going to be forced to’
Peter Cheese, CIPD

‘So, I’m the HR guy’ is how Peter Cheese started his talk ‘Rebuilding trust from the inside out’. Peter made the point that companies are part of communities and society, and therefore important stakeholders to be considered. Moves to sustainability within offices (the increasing popularity of recycling initiatives and paperless working) and the adoption of workplace charities shows that a greater focus on the human side of big business is already happening. But it can’t merely be lip service. Like the RSC dropping BP as a sponsor, genuine steps must be taken for the wider community to see legitimate considerations for the future. Full accountability for bigger brands and high-profile people (Amazon was mentioned a lot during the conference, as well as a certain US president) might not be the reality yet, but it’s coming and is worth planning for now. Communities demand, and deserve, better from the corporations that serve and sell to them.

4. ‘Reputation management needs to be holistic and integrated. It’s vital and necessary to speak out on the big issues of the day’
Tony Langham (CEO, Lansons)

In ‘Reputation on the line’, Tony Langham highlighted a growing area of the PR and comms industry being within organisations. Employee engagement is where PR is heading, and employees need to be able to trust their companies and those higher-up on the food chain. And this is possible even when it’s not necessarily deserved; according to Tony: ‘People will forgive anyone if they like them’. So, be trustworthy to your employees, if you have them. Or if you can’t quite do that, be likeable.

5. ‘If you don’t take a stand on technology ethics, you’re still taking a stand. There is no neutrality in this space’
Dr Stephanie Hare, researcher and broadcaster

During one of the most passionate talks of the day, Dr Stephanie Hare (in Ethics of Our New Technologies) urged those in the audience to take forward a greater understanding of how to use their influence and skillset. Particularly when it comes to GDPR. For her, ‘the way that we are treating data isn’t working’ and the technology we use isn’t without discrimination or potential harm. Having penned an op-ed on the subject for The Observer the weekend prior, and citing the recent controversy with Apple Pay’s gender discrimination during her talk, Dr Stephanie made the case that ‘building better tech is about building a better world – you’ll have a better PR story if you get on the right side of history’.

6. ‘The same way that companies can track us, we can track them and what they’re doing – corporate digital responsibility needs to be applied in-house’
Dr Lawrence Ampofo, Digital Mindfulness

Also advocating for greater responsibility in the tech space, Dr Lawrence Ampofo argued for greater human interaction in the development of technologies and services, as well as with customers. Technology, services and products need to have the ‘friction’ of humanity alongside the benefits of AI (also a big topic during the conference, unsurprisingly). What humans can bring that AI can’t (yet) is responsibility to employees and clients – that’s only going to get more important, going by how many times it was talked about by the speakers and in audience questions.

7. ‘Get your boss involved in decisions to be part-owner of solutions. Ask ‘what do you think?’ Take them on the journey’
Joanna Blackburn, Government Digital Service

Moving away from pure profit considerations and towards a more mindful approach for the wider community we serve and the colleagues we work with has to come with CEO approval. What do you do when you don’t make all the big decisions at your company, and have a particularly resistant person in charge? Bring them on the journey with you, said Joanna Blackburn when talking through her successes with bringing about change at the Government Digital Service. And for those holding the power in organisations, her warning was that job titles don’t guarantee respect anymore and that workplaces are filled with intelligent people quick with questions for those in charge.

To be ready for the future of PR – wherever you are in your company hierarchy, or whatever your budget – the lessons from this year’s CIPR National Conference speakers was to be open, ethical and considerate. But also, to help get that started, bring more cake into the workplace. Also, dogs.