Netflix on iPad

Netflix to Binge on Millarworld’s Comic Book Heroes

Streaming media giant Netflix has made its first acquisition, of the Glasgow-based comic book publisher Millarworld, in a deal some media pundits are comparing to Disney’s $4 billion acquisition of Marvel comics in 2009.

Millarworld was founded by former Marvel comic developer Mark Millar and it owns the Kick-Ass and Kingsman franchises.

The Netflix acquisition will enable the company to develop its own brand of comic-book inspired TV series following the success of Marvel creations like Daredevil and Jessica James which have proved popular with Netflix viewers.

Speaking to journalists, Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer, said: ‘As creator and reinventor of some of the most memorable stories and characters in recent history, ranging from Marvel’s The Avengers to Millarworld’s Kick-Ass, Kingsman, Wanted and Reborn franchises, Mark is as close as you can get to a modern day [Marvel legend] Stan Lee.’

Sarandos continued: ‘Netflix is the future and Millarworld couldn’t have a better home. We look forward to creating new Netflix originals from several existing franchises as well as new super-hero, anti-hero, fantasy, sci-fi and horror stories Mark and his team will continue to create and publish.’

Millarworld to date has created 18 different character franchises, three of which have been turned into films, earning an estimated $1 billion at box office.

Despite being a global brand, Millar famously runs the Millarworld operation from its base in Glasgow, travelling to the US only once per year and conducting most of his transatlantic business via Skype.

Last month Netflix announced that it had achieved a global subscriber base of more than 100 million people. However, in the highly competitive streaming industry, content does not come cheap with the company earmarking $16 billion for content acquisition over the next five years.

At the time of writing, Netflix has not disclosed how much it paid to acquire Millarworld and Mark Millar remains tight-lipped releasing the following statement via Twitter: ‘To journos asking, no interviews planned re Netflix deal. My wife & I taking rest of school hols off now to spend time with the children.’

Nell Heshram

Blogger Spotlight: Nell Heshram – The Pigeon Pair and Me

The Pigeon Pair and Me is Nell Heshram’s Top 10 Family Travel Blog, covering travelling tips for the family with destinations in London, Europe and around the world. Nell has taken time to tell us about her #Culturedkids linky, the best places to visit, and working with PR professionals.  

How would you describe your blog?
The Pigeon Pair and Me is written for anyone wanting to make travel with kids extra special. The blog features me, the Pigeons: Austin (7) and Gwen (5), and occasionally the Daddy D. As well as sharing our tips on family-friendly destinations around Europe and the rest of the world, we share inside information about what’s hot in our home town of London.

Why did you start your blog?
I’ve always enjoyed writing and photography. My first job after graduating was working as an assistant editor, writing promotional copy and choosing pictures for illustrated books. I started the Pigeon Pair and Me to capture the adventures of our family, and to bring in an income. I was hoping it would create some fantastic opportunities for our family – which it does.

What makes your blog stand out against other family travel blogs?
The Pigeon Pair and Me includes plenty of posts with tips for ALL family travellers, but it also has a focus on cultural activities. My #CulturedKids linky always gets lots of hits. It’s a space for bloggers around the world to link up their posts about trips to museums, galleries, the theatre and historic places, like castles or stately homes. As well as the people who link up, visitors come to #CulturedKids to get ideas for fun things to do with their families.

What’s the best place you’ve been as a family?
I have to pick one?! Impossible. But if I had to describe somewhere we enjoy returning to, it’s France. Last summer we spent three weeks exploring the western side of the country. Brittany Tourism helped us discover the Glenan Archipelago, a set of islands to rival the Caribbean for beauty. As well as Brittany, we covered the Vendee, Charente and Dordogne, staying in a series of holiday parks and villas.

What’s the worst place you’ve been as a family?
We do like to make the best of every opportunity. Even a night of gale-force winds in a rickety coastal shepherd’s hut became an adventure. But the time we lost my son, then aged two, on a Scottish country estate, with combine harvesters scything down fields of corn, and a winding road where cars reached 60mph… now, that was pretty hellish. Luckily Austin turned up 40 minutes later, safe and well, clutching a balloon. He’s still a madcap daredevil, but thankfully those terrifying toddler days are behind us!

What makes the ideal family holiday?
We don’t have any set formula, but sunshine, delicious food, relaxation and a bit of excitement and cultural activity would certainly be on the list of ingredients!

Where haven’t you been that you’re desperate to get to?
Again: do I have to pick one place? You’re asking the impossible… but if I had to begin a never-ending list, I’d say Finland (for the Moomins and Northern Lights), Canada (for the mountains and forests) and Burma. I’d also love to take my family to a couple of places I visited pre-kids – Morocco and Namibia. I’m intrigued to see how different they’d seem, with a young family in tow.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I have a background in media and communications, so working with PRs feels like settling back in with a group of old chums. I like to work out what we both expect from a campaign before we set off. In a pitch, I’m usually quite specific about what I can offer a brand or agency, even down to (for instance) a specific number of tweets or instagram posts for each day of a trip.

What is the one thing PRs should know about you?
I fit work in around my family, and their routine – so family trips are becoming almost impossible outside of school holidays. Having said that, I can occasionally arrange a solo escape in term time, if I’m bribed with enough fine food and spectacular scenery.

What are your favourite blogs to read?
My travel blogger friends inspire me every day. Not just by their fabulous content, but by how supportive they are as a group. There are too many to mention here, but they know who they are! I also like to keep things fresh by reading non-travel posts. My Uni friend Jean Hannah Edelstein, for instance, is a powerful New York-based writer who tells witty, heartfelt stories about her family, and life in the Big Apple.

The Pigeon Pair and Me features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Amanda Smith Mediakix

Are your influencers real?

As social media slowly takes over our lives, the rise of influencers setting trends and inspiring the actions of a generation is now irresistible. Many of these influencers make a living off brand collaboration and guest posts – but how can you be sure that the influence is real?

Mashable has reported that marketing company Mediakix has managed to create two ‘influencers’ on Instagram with a little patience and a few hundred dollars.

Alexa Rae @calibeachgirl310 (over 50K followers) and Amanda Smith @wanderingggirl (Over 30K followers) are a combination of photos of hired models and stock imagery. Mediakix also paid for many of the followers, $1,100 for both across three months.

The result? Both have been offered collaborations with brands worth hundreds of dollars in cash and product.

So how can brands and PR professionals ensure they’re reaching the right contacts and that the influence is genuine?

The Vuelio Media Database is constantly updated and maintained by our research team who spend every day talking to thousands of real influencers to make sure our data is valuable to all of our clients. Everything we do is managed by real people who know the right contacts.

We advocate conversations between brands and influencers – fostering a culture of understanding and long-term collaboration so campaigns are more successful and more engaging.

And to cap it off, we celebrate the best influencers at the Vuelio Blog Awards. We bring together the largest group of top bloggers in one place, in person, so you know they’re the genuine article.

Want your brand to be promoted by actual influence? Don’t waste time on Instagram, see how Vuelio can do the legwork for you.

Laptop in front of football game

Grimsby Town: Chequebook Journalism in the Lower Leagues

If you managed the comms department of a lower league football club, would you ask the local newspaper (a news organisation that is genuinely interested in writing about you) to pay for one-to-one access to your club manager?

No, I didn’t think so.

The local football club and the local newspaper are very often seen as vital community assets. You might describe them as a glue that hold the community together. As such, they should support each other and be seen to be doing so.

So you’d be surprised to hear that league two team, Grimsby Town, recently requested payment from hyper-local weekly newspaper The Cleethorpes Chronicle* for access to the team manager’s inner-most thoughts on the beautiful game.

The club then went on to throw their toys out of the pram after the newspaper printed an article highlighting their request for cash.

A statement released by Grimsby Town said: ‘We were happy in its infancy to allow the Chronicle some latitude regarding media access as we were supporting a new local venture. However, the Chronicle has now been in existence for nine years and we take the view that there should be a level playing field between all our media partners. It is a commercial organisation and not to do so would be unfair to the others. We are not saying that the Chronicle should pay the equivalent of the others but we are under a duty to protect our revenue streams.’

The statement continued: ‘Private emails between commercial organisations should stay private.’

Support for the Chronicle has come in from a number of high profile sources in the game, including talkSport’s Adrian Durham, and Mike Dunn, former head of sport at the Independent and the Sun, who said in a tweet: ‘Good for local paper the Chronicle and shame on Grimsby Town. Small club syndrome at its worst.’

What Grimsby Town fail to understand is they are not in charge of the conversation about the club. The conversation is actually “owned” by the fans – including the editorial team at The Cleethorpes Chronicle who are also season ticket owners and have refused free press tickets (even during the club’s bleakest years outside of the football league).

Just because the management stop speaking to certain journalists doesn’t mean the conversation stops. If Grimsby Town want to remain part of that conversation, they should stop making such silly demands and remember they are part of a community.

What do you think? Should a commercial organisation ever charge a newspaper for press access?


*Keep this in mind for your next pub quiz: Grimsby Town’s ground Blundell Park is actually based in the neighbouring seaside resort of Cleethorpes.

Brexit and the transitional period

As Brexit negotiations continue, we bring you the latest news, developments and stakeholder reaction in our Brexit Bulletin.

This week, attention has turned firmly on what a transitional period following Brexit will look like:

  • Whilst it looks likely that there will be a transitional period, it’s not certain what form this will take. Philip Hammond has been advocating for an ‘off-the-shelf’ transition, while statements from Number 10 have favoured a more bespoke approach. Labour’s approach to Brexit has been similarly confused.
  • As a result of Liam Fox’s trip to the USA, a dispute broke out over whether a trade deal might allow chlorine-washed chicken to be imported. This highlights the complexity of international trade negotiations.
  • Two new reports have been commissioned. Home Secretary Amber Rudd has commissioned a study of EU migration and the UK economy, and the new Chair of the Treasury Select Committee Nicky Morgan has asked the Bank of England to examine the impact on the City of London.
  • Concerns about the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland have intensified, with the new Taioseach Leo Varadkar saying that he will not ‘design a border for the Brexiteers, rejecting suggestions that new technology could solve the problem.

Want the full bulletin? Sign up to Vuelio Political Updates here.


Bots, politics and social media

It’s no secret that social media has shaken up the political landscape, playing an increasingly significant role in elections. After Obama ran what has been dubbed the first ‘social media election’ in 2008, its role as a platform for debate, advertising and campaigning has only increased, reaching fever pitch in the EU referendum and recent elections in the UK and US.

But, when misleading or false news can be so easily shared as fact, has social media done more to tarnish democracy than enhance it?

Much attention has recently been payed to the role of ‘junk news’ sites in spreading misinformation, something which the World Economic Forum recently identified as among the top 10 perils to society. They deliberately publish incorrect news which purports to be accurate, relying on social media to drive engagement, and traffic, to their websites.

Research from Oxford University shows that during the last general election, UK social media users shared higher figures of ‘junk news’ than either French or German social media users during election periods.

While this figure decreased as the campaign went on, the rate at which bots – software designed to perform simple, robotic tasks – generated traffic about the election increased. Bots can be used to deliver both legitimate and junk news, and while the research does not specify where the traffic they generated went, this points towards a broader trend in their role in elections.

In the context of political campaigning, bots can be deployed to work essentially as propaganda tools and act as wholly biased, and automated, voices in what would otherwise be a legitimate political debate. Whether they are created by political parties, foreign governments or lone wolfs, their creators, and as such their creators’ agenda, are almost impossible to identify.

And as engaging with online communities becomes a more important part of electoral campaigning, having an army of automated supporters to share and retweet your messaging becomes both valuable for any aspiring President, and damaging to any democratising effect social media may have.

Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed – 4 August 2017

A round-up of all the trending media, marketing and PR stories you shouldn’t have missed this week.

1. Mooch Out

Whitehouse PR director of comms

Anthony Scaramucci had a turbulent week – on Monday we were discussing the pitfalls of becoming the story, by Tuesday he was gone. The self-described ‘front-stabber’ who sold his company for the job and reportedly missed the birth of his child (and whose wife has filed for divorce), also became the shortest-serving White House communications director in history.

His ‘colourful language’ and almost constant negative press coverage made his position untenable – and that’s in an administration that seems more willing than most to put up with controversy.

On Tuesday the Mooch told the Huffington Post what he would do next: ‘I am now going to go dark. Then I will reemerge. As me.’


2. British Vogue’s new editor

Edward Enninful started his new job as editor of British Vogue this week. The first male editor in the magazine’s history, Edward took over from Alexandra Shulman who held the position for 25 years.

One of Edward’s first decisions was launching Vogue on Snapchat – keeping up with technological and publishing trends will be one of his biggest jobs as he looks to keep a traditional print title current in modern times.


3. Independent to remain ‘independent’ after Saudi Arabia investment

The independent website

Sultan Mohamed Abuljadayel has taken a 30% stake in the Independent, prompting fears that the move will impact on press freedoms.

The Independent’s editor, Christian Broughton, emailed staff to reassure editorial colleagues: ‘I have been given cast-iron, unequivocal reassurances that we will be able to continue to publish as we see fit about Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East’.

If the investment is not about editorial influence then other publishers may be interested to see strong financial backing for a digital-only title – the first national paper to make the bold move.


4. YouTube tackles extremism

YouTube Official Blog

YouTube has, on its official blog, explained the four steps it is taking to help combat terror-related extremist material. The post has raised concerns for some YouTubers who believe the platform is moving to censor content which falls outside of mainstream thinking.

The four steps YouTube outlines are:

  • Better detection and faster removal driven by machine learning
  • More experts to alert us to content that needs review
  • Tougher standards for videos that are controversial but do not violate our policies
  • More work in the counter-terrorism space

The third point has caused panic among right-wing, alt-right and alt-lite YouTubers who are worried they’re going to lose reach and revenue income because of their opinions. Time will tell if the policies will just target radical extremists or a wider ‘censorship’ net is being cast.


5. Ofcom’s Communications Market Report

Ofcom has released comprehensive research into the habits of the media-consuming public this week, showing the continued rise of streaming services as well views on ‘sharenting’.

The report shows 67% of adults watch on demand to avoid adverts and while 91% watch live TV, viewing time is down 14% since 2010. As 82% of 16-24 year-olds watch multiple TV episodes monthly, the BBC has dubbed the age group ‘Generation Binge’.

On social media, Ofcom has found 56% of parents do not post photos or videos of their children on social media, 87% of those say they want to keep their children’s lives private.

The full report is available online providing a fascinating insight into the digital and communication habits of a nation.

Ofcom Communications Market Report

male and female pay

FT Journalists demand equal pay

Journalists at the Financial Times have voted unanimously to back union demands to fix the gender pay gap at the newspaper.

Journalists are concerned that woman working at the financial title are paid some 13% less than male colleagues and are willing to resort to industrial action if the publisher does not address the problem.

A statement released by the FT NUJ chapel says: ‘Journalists at the FT are increasingly concerned that the gender pay gap at the Financial Times is worsening and that senior managers are not taking this seriously.

‘Data provided by the managing editor show that the gender gap for most UK FT journalists is nearly 13%, the widest it has been in a decade, and worse than the previous year.

‘So far, FT managers appear to have prioritised commercial initiatives over real steps towards pay parity. And targets for action – including increasing numbers of women in senior jobs and improving female pay averages – have become recast as “ambitions”. The company’s recently stated aim for equalising gender pay is 2022.’

NUJ members at the FT are keen to highlight the publisher’s editorial stance on the problem of the gender pay gap with the statement: ‘As employees of a media group that holds other businesses to account over transparency and high standards, we, male and female journalists at the FT at every level, want the company to commit to a deadline for ending the gender pay gap as soon as possible and to provide detailed averages showing that the gap is closing for all, not just those in more senior roles.’

The statement continued: ‘After a recent leader in the paper argued that “women are right to be angry at the pay gap”, it’s time for the Financial Times to put its money where its mouth is.’

Is it time the FT practiced what it preaches? Share your comments below:

Claire Hall

Blogger Spotlight: Claire Hall, Tin Box Traveller

Tin Box Traveller is the affordable family travel blog from Claire Hall. Recently ranked in the Top 10 UK Family Travel Blogs, Tin Box Traveller covers everything from destinations and travel tips to product reviews and outdoor fun. Here, Claire tells us about using her PR experience to shape her blog, working with brands and being stranded in Pompeii!

How would you describe your blog?
Tin Box Traveller showcases affordable family travel in the UK and Europe. It provides honest opinions on destinations, accommodation and attractions suitable for families with babies, toddlers and dogs, with a focus on outdoor fun. There’s also a smattering of travel tips and product reviews, as well as ideas for bigger family adventures.

Why did you start your blog?
I started writing my blog in 2012 as a bit of a hobby alongside becoming a new mum and working in PR. Since then it has grown into a business of its own.

What makes your blog stand out against other family travel blogs?
There are some fabulous family travel blogs in the UK covering so many interesting niches. I write about self-catering holidays and outdoor family fun, but also like to indulge in a touch of luxury from time to time – even parents deserve a treat! Something else that makes me stand out is my experience working in media and PR for the past 15 years – I understand the industry, social media and how to write blog posts that will appeal to my readers.

Tin Box Traveller BathWhat’s the best place you’ve been as a family?
This is tough one as I enjoy different trips for different reasons. Recently I’ve loved taking our girls on a city break to Bath, caravan breaks in Devon and Cornwall, a luxury lodge weekend in the Peak District, and a holiday with friends in France.

What’s the worst place you’ve been as a family?
We had an epic family travel fail while visiting Pompeii. It wasn’t so much the place – that was stunning – but a bad guide who pretty much abandoned us in the middle of the ruins.

What makes the ideal family holiday?
For us, the ideal family holiday is one we can do at our own pace. Some days we want to jump from one activity to the next, enjoying new experiences, and others we like to chill out and reenergise. Having the choice of fast or slow travel is the key to a good holiday with young kids.

Where haven’t you been that you’re desperate to get to?
In the UK it’s the Scottish Isles and in Europe it’s Croatia…or maybe Portugal! Choices, choices!

How do you like to work with PRs?
My blog is a business so I do like working with agencies that appreciate that. I’m keen to hear from PRs working with tourism boards, family attractions, holiday companies and outdoor lifestyle brands. Email is the best way to get hold of me.

What is the one thing PRs should know about you?
I get A LOT of emails so I prefer a personalised pitch. Standard press releases often get deleted without being read.

What are your favourite blogs to read (outside of your own!)?
My go-to reads for travel inspiration are My Travel Monkey, Mini Travellers, Travel Loving Family and Mummytravels. There are so many others that I read regularly that I can’t mention them all.


Tin Box Traveller features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Blogger Spotlight: Karen Beddow, Mini Travellers

Mini Travellers is the blog from Karen Beddow covering family travel that’s realistic for others to emulate. Recently ranked in the top 10 UK Family Travel Blogs, Karen has spoken to us about beds of rock in Rwanda, the kids being happy and doing repeat jobs with PRs.

How would you describe your blog?
As a family travel blog that hopefully inspires others to travel with their kids.

Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog because I struggled to find accommodation for my then three under twos with a small kids club – I wanted some help!

What makes your blog stand out against other family travel blogs?
I asked my readers this the other day and they made some really great suggestions but the most consistent reply seemed to be that it wasn’t just an online diary of our travel, but it was travel that was realistic and also provided tips and advice for all families from budget to luxury.

What’s the best place you’ve been as a family?
For adventure I’d have to say our recent trip to Rwanda. I was so proud of the girls and they embraced every minute of it. Although last year’s trip to Sivota in Greece was also pretty exceptional.

What’s the worst place you’ve been as a family?

Possibly the first hotel in Rwanda with no running water. The beds were like rock and the bathroom wasn’t exactly what you’d call clean!

What makes the ideal family holiday?
The kids being happy!

Where haven’t you been that you’re desperate to get to?
That’s a tricky question, so many places. Much more of Africa, Thailand, Vietnam and South America!

How do you like to work with PRs?
I like to do repeat jobs with PRs as everyone then understand what everyone needs.

What is the one thing PRs should know about you?
I can turn things round quickly but I do love to be kept in the loop.

What are your favourite blogs to read?
I find this really difficult as I read a lot! But I get a lot of inspiration from blogs like Travel Babbo, The Travel Hack and The Londoner.


Mini Travellers features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

rolled up newspapers

Austerity Still Rules at Trinity Mirror

Trinity Mirror, the UK’s largest newspaper publishing group, is stepping up its programme of cost savings following the news that the publisher saw print advertising sales fall by a staggering £27 million in the first half of the year.

The group now plans to save upwards of £20 million in ‘structural cost savings’ over the course of 2017, an increase of £5 million on the previously set target. Cutting costs is actually one target Trinity Mirror is ahead of the game on, having already made savings of more than £10 million in 2017.

The publisher has also significantly reduced its levels of debt.

Speaking to journalists, Simon Fox, Trinity Mirror’s chief executive, said: ‘Whilst the trading environment for print in the first half was volatile, we remain on course to meet expectations for the year.

‘I continue to anticipate that the second half will show improving revenue momentum as we benefit from initiatives implemented during the first half of the year.’

Following the successful programme of cuts, the NUJ wants the publisher to reconsider its offer of a one percent pay rise made to staff earlier in the year.

Chris Morley, Trinity Mirror NUJ group coordinator, said: ‘It is disappointing that while Trinity Mirror has as good as wiped out its debt, it still clings to the same relentless cuts agenda that has failed to come good in the last ten years.

‘It is worrying that as it boosts its interim dividend pay-out for shareholders to 7.1%, the company trumpets that it has now expects to achieve £20 million cost cuts this year – a full £5 million more than was planned.

‘With that comes a £15 million restructuring charge, money that could be better spent addressing its stated strategic vision “that quality content will remain at the heart of our business”.

‘The company has professed to have identified “opportunities for greater investment in content creation”, but we say it needs to be substantial and it needs to be now.

‘Investment for quality content cannot be done in isolation, it also needs to be targeted at its staff who are delivering huge productivity gains for little financial thanks.

‘While the payout to shareholders is all well and good, our members in the regional titles have been offered a “pay cut”, a sub-inflation deal for this year of one percent. Trinity Mirror can clearly afford to do better given it spent £4.6 million buying back its own shares and judging by other figures in these results.’

By failing to reward staff during this difficult trading period for newspapers, you have to wonder if Trinity Mirror is cutting off its nose to spite its face. Saving money is one thing – but for the business to succeed long into the future it must also be able to focus on generating quality content and this is something it cannot do on the cheap.


Blogger Spotlight: Carrie Bradley, Flying With A Baby

Flying With A Baby is a family travel blog from Carrie Bradley, providing practical advice, tips and travel inspiration for families of all ages. Flying With A Baby ranked in the Top 10 UK Family Travel Blogs, and here Carrie talks to us about her experience as ex cabin crew, a 24-hour flight with a poorly 11-month old and managing expectations with PRs.

Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog initially to help parents travel with babies. Despite being an ex flight attendant and helping hundreds of families over the years, I still had questions before we embarked on our first flight with a baby. I scoured the internet for hours and decided it would be a good idea to have all the information in one place – especially as parents don’t have time to search relentlessly. It began to gain real momentum as a detailed resource for flying with young children. Naturally as my family and our experiences grew, my blog did too – and now incorporates all aspects of family travel from cruises and road trips to ski trips and local days out.

What makes your blog stand out against other family travel blogs?
I think mine is quite focused on useful advice, tips and practicalities. My background as ex cabin crew has really helped with flying and destination advice, plus having friends who are still in the industry helps. If I don’t know the answer, I can usually find it out fairly quickly. For example, within the flying section of my blog, I cover airline reviews, the facilities they provide, details of airports that provide strollers or soft play area, an airline bassinet guide, how to order baby and child meals and so much more.

What’s the best place you’ve been as a family?
Ooh good question. My favourite place we have travelled to is Cape Town, but my youngest hasn’t been there yet! With all four of us, visiting family in Australia is always fun. I particularly enjoyed our stop in Kuala Lumpur where the girls enjoyed the local food and the view from the Petrona Towers. We are heading off to Krabi later in the year which will be a very relaxed, low key trip. My eldest has been to Bangkok but it is the first time to Krabi, Koh Jum and Koh Lanta for all of us.

What’s the worst place you’ve been as a family?
A tricky question – I can’t think of anywhere that has been bad. Perhaps the worst experience was a 24-hour flight with a poorly 11-month old with severe nappy rash and teething. That was pretty tough!

What makes the ideal family holiday?
For me the ideal family holiday has something for everyone. An opportunity for the grown-ups to relax and enjoy quality time with the girls. To be able to switch off from everyday concerns, enjoy lovely food and good weather. A bonus is if it is easy to find essentials at a local shop, and a very comfy bed!

Where haven’t you been that you’re desperate to get to?
I have a few places! I would love to take the girls to the Maldives as I haven’t properly had a chance to explore the islands myself. I haven’t been to Copenhagen yet, either. One day I hope to visit the Whit Sundays too. My husband is Australian, so hopefully that opportunity will arise.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I think knowing and managing expectations from both sides is key. Understanding the bigger picture for a campaign is useful for bloggers to know too, as it can help fine tune your part in a collaboration.

What is the one thing PRs should know about you?
I really want the client to be happy with the end result, so feedback is always appreciated!

What are your favourite blogs to read?
I enjoy reading Tin Box Traveller for UK inspiration. Claire is based in Devon, which is one of my favourite places in the UK. I also enjoy the travel inspiration from One Tiny Leap. Maria’s photos are simply stunning! She has just come back from Laos and has some wonderful shots of the people, temples and scenery. Cathy from mummytravels is also full of inspiration. She is currently in Cambodia showing how easy it is to get around even with a little one. Mini Travellers’ Karen’s trip to Rwanda and experiencing gorilla trekking was riveting to read and view. Lastly, Lisa from Travel Loving Family has children a similar age to mine, so I love seeing what they enjoyed.


Flying With A Baby features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Nichola West

Blogger Spotlight: Nichola West, Globalmouse Travels

Globalmouse Travels has been ranked as number one in the Top 10 UK Family Travel Blogs. Authored by Nichola West, Globalmouse Travels covers the unusual parts of holidays, away from the tourist traps and clichés. Nichola speaks to us about off-the-beaten-track experiences, camping with Bedouin nomads in Oman and collaborating with PRs.  

Globalmouse Travels shuffleboardHow would you describe your blog?
Globalmouse Travels is somewhere to get inspiration, tips and advice for family travel. We mix the essentials with off-the-beaten-track experiences and adventures that your family will never forget. For example, if you’re travelling to Lapland we’ll tell you where to try the best cloudberry pancakes alongside all the tips for packing, preparing and making the best out of your trip.

Or if you’re heading to Florida and have exhausted the theme parks then Globalmouse Travels is the perfect guide to help you discover parks and experiences that you may never have heard of, such as a mermaid swimming show running since the 1960s. We travel across the globe from the Cook Islands to Cuba and from Moscow to Muscat to bring you the best family travel experiences around the world.

Why did you start your blog?
I started Globalmouse Travels to document our family adventures. I was working for the BBC at the time and really wanted somewhere more personal as a creative outlet and as we were crazy about travelling with our kids, and lots of friends were begging us to help them plan trips for them, I thought we should start creating something online for us and others.

What makes your blog stand out against other family travel blogs?
I feel like there are no limits to where we will travel and we push boundaries to go to places that others wouldn’t necessarily consider whether that’s camping with the Bedouin nomads in Oman, taking a night train through Russia or learning to cook Vietnamese food in Saigon – we will give it all a try.

We also feature activities and adventures closer to home from travelling around the Isle of Wight in a vintage VW campervan to sleeping in a 14th century castle which is now a YHA hostel in the Wye Valley. We try to show that whatever size your budget there are ways for your family to have an adventure.

What’s the best place you’ve been as a family?
To date I think the best place we’ve travelled as a family was to Oman. We saw so much from the city hustle and bustle in Muscat through to camping overnight in the desert where the children tried camel milk and shared dates with the Bedouin nomads. We watched endangered Green Turtles lay their eggs on the beach and spent time at a traditional Omani beach resort and couldn’t have been more welcomed. It was such a fun, diverse trip.

What’s the worst place you’ve been as a family?
Agh, this is such a hard question as everywhere we go we try to make special and nowhere has been bad. If I’m pushed I think a trip to The Hague where it was so windy and stormy I really thought my three-year-old could blow away, ranks as an experience I wouldn’t particularly like to repeat.

VeronaWhat makes the ideal family holiday?
For me an ideal family holiday is all about the welcome. You can be in a luxury five-star resort but if you don’t feel welcome there with kids then it can be a really uncomfortable experience. This doesn’t mean there has to be gifts and cookies at bedtime every trip (although the kids love this), it’s about genuinely feeling that people are happy to have you there and as a family you can relax. There are other factors, for example the children would probably say a swimming pool, good kids’ menu and their own bedroom. For us, if we can learn more about the culture and people of the country we’re visiting then we all get something from the trip and it helps to satisfy our wanderlust…for a while!

Where haven’t you been that you’re desperate to get to?
There are a number of places. I really want to get to Newfoundland which I think sounds so remote and interesting, Costa Rica is high on the list, Sri Lanka with the kids (as we went as a couple years ago and loved it so really want to take them) and finally Cambodia.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I love working with PRs in a variety of ways. My favourite way is to build up a relationship with them so we are able to work together on projects and for this to be longer lasting than just one trip, with each of us helping to promote the other’s work. I like the loyalty of working closely with a brand and helping to push their new promotions.

What is the one thing PRs should know about you?
PRs should know that as a family we throw ourselves in to everything we do and always try to deliver more than expected. Also, I am very open to a discussion about the work, if there’s a message in particular they really want to get across then let me know.

What are your favourite blogs to read?
I love reading blogs, my favourites are Tigerlilly Quinn and in travel: Mummy Travels and Bemused Backpacker.


Globalmouse Travels features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Independent news and media

Editor Defends ‘Independent’ Independent

The Independent’s editor, Christian Broughton, has reassured editorial colleagues that the Independent would ‘remain truly independent’ following a substantial investment from a Saudi investor.

Sultan Mohamed Abuljadayel, acquired a 30% stake in Independent Digital News and Media, publishers of the online publication.

In an email to staff, Broughton said: ‘I have been given cast-iron, unequivocal reassurances that we will be able to continue to publish as we see fit about Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East, just as we always have, including throughout the period of the negotiations that have led to this new investment.

‘Our coverage is there for all to see. We will continue to expose injustice and abuse around the world, wherever we find it.’

A statement released by the publisher said: ‘The new investment and the guarantee of editorial independence will allow the Independent to flourish into the future.’

However, the announcement of the investment is being treated with caution by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) who are concerned that the investment could impact on press freedoms.

Seamus Dooley, acting general secretary of the National Union of the NUJ told journalists: ‘The NUJ is in favour of maximum transparency in terms of media ownership, and we know nothing about this group. Also, there are serious concerns about Saudi and their relationship with the concept of media freedom and the record of anyone from Saudi in terms of human rights is something that would be of concern to us.’

Reporters without borders rank Saudi Arabia 168th out of 180 countries in terms of press freedom and claim the country has ‘no independent media’. The country is also leading the fight to close the Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera and claims the organization is funding terrorism.

Saudi investors also hold a significant stake in News Corp, publishers of The Times and The Sun.

UK Government

Is the lobbying register heading for a PR disaster?

Labour MP Barry Sheerman’s recent inclusion in the Register of Consultant Lobbyists has sparked fresh criticism over the rules governing the Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists (ORCL). The MP for Huddersfield has become the first parliamentarian to be listed on the register in light of his chairmanship of Policy Connect, a not-for-profit organisation which facilitates meetings between business and minsters through All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGS).

APPGs are cross-party groups that help MPs and peers discuss a particular issue of concern. Through Policy Connect, businesses pay between £175 and £20,000 to become APPG members, allowing them to attend events and meetings in parliament, sometimes with ministers.

According to the ORCL, any organisation which is paid money by clients in return for the opportunity to meet ministers should be classed as a lobbying company. However, Sheerman disputes this, telling the Guardian that ‘we instigated Policy Connect years ago as a not-for-profit social enterprise in order to facilitate a good, open conversation between industry and MPs […] We are the antidote to lobbyists.’

To complicate matters further, Sheerman’s inclusion in the register is at odds with the standards laid out in the MP’s Code of Conduct, which prohibits paid advocacy though it has found no reason to class Sheerman as a lobbyist. This points towards a bigger issue than Sheerman‘s place on the Register of Consultant Lobbyists, in that two of the codes of conduct designed to limit Westminster’s ‘revolving door’ have divergent definitions of what constitutes it.

This leaves room for confusion from parliamentarians, lobbyists and the public. Trust, transparency and accountability were major factors in David Cameron’s decision to set up the lobbying register in 2015, after a string of ‘cash for access’ scandals left public perception of the lobbying world at something of a low. However, the register has been criticised for a lack of scope, with only third-party lobbyists and those communicating with ministers or permanent secretaries required to sign up.

Given the importance of clarity in an area which many view as inherently murky, it may be time for a more cohesive approach to lobbying regulation.

Elle Linton

Blogger Spotlight: Elle Linton, Keep it SimpElle

Elle Linton is one of the Top 10 UK Fitness & Exercise bloggers with Keep it SimpElle. The blog covers everything to do with health and fitness, drawing on Elle’s experience as a personal trainer. Here, Elle talks to us about the community she creates around her blog, the importance of well-being and getting creative with brands. 

How would you describe your blog?
I’d describe it as my corner of the internet where I share my experience and knowledge in the health and fitness arena. So this covers everything from events, workouts and recovery to food and workout fashion. My goal is to inspire, motivate and empower everyone to live their best possible active life.

Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog as a way to connect with others who share similar interests. It was around the time that London hosted the Olympics in 2012 and there was so much going on; it felt like the perfect way to share everything I knew about, what I was involved in and connect with an audience far wider than just those in London or the UK.

What makes your blog different from other fitness blogs?
First and foremost, I’m a qualified fitness professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. I studied Exercise Science for my Batchelors degree, which gave me a great wealth of knowledge from the outset which I was able to apply to delivering programmes and underpin everything I did and continued to learn. Beyond that, there’s only one of me and that also contributes to making my blog different from other fitness blogs. I’m open about my core values and I’m not afraid to be honest. I love to learn and this fuels my passion to share what I’ve learnt and experienced with others through the blog to generate conversation and create a community.

What’s the next big fitness trend going to be?
I feel like everyone has become so consumed with high intensity training that it’s created a great need for mindfulness and mindful movement. We’re all becoming much more aware that it’s not just about how fit we are physically; our mental health and wellbeing play just as important a role. So classes that take this into account or classes that just focus on areas such as meditation and recover will thrive.

Elle LintonWhat piece of equipment or tech is your go-to workout companion?
Equipment wise, I’d have to pick a kettlebell. It’s such a simple piece that is versatile and functional. I love to get the most out of a workout and you can certainly hit all of your major muscle groups and more in one session using a kettlebell.

What was your favourite blog post to create and why?
This is a tough one! I enjoy creating posts which are about an experience itself like Stand Up Paddleboarding Pilates or riding from London to Paris (which I did in July 2017). I also enjoy the posts where I get to be honest, talking about blogging or work and sharing the experience of myself and others like my recent post on overtraining, or why I stopped sharing blog statistics each month.

How do you see your blog developing in the future?
I see my blog as a mix between being an extension of my professional endeavours and my personal journey in health and fitness and can’t imagine this ever changing. The great thing about blogs is that they are so personal and can evolve as your life does; you’re literally taking everyone along for the ride on your journey. I’d love for the crossover between my professional skills and the blog to become deeper and stronger allowing me to build more of a resource for those looking to begin their fitness journey or improve.

What makes your blog successful?
I guess this question has two answers depending on the perspective you look at it from. Firstly, there’s the statistics which come down to numbers; these days everything is measured in how many followers you have and how many eyes land on the content you’ve created. This is of course valuable feedback especially when collaborating with brands. However, what makes my blog successful for me is a little different. Of course the numbers are of importance but outside of that I personally find engagement important. Do people comment on my posts, do they share them, do they reach out and ask me questions? Because that then keeps me informed of what information people are looking for and helps me to build a community around my blog so it’s not just a space where I lay down my thoughts and opinions, it’s a conversation too.

How do you like to work with PRs?
I love when PRs approach me having done at least a little research. Giving their initial email the personal touch makes the world of difference. I enjoy when a creative idea is suggested or I’m given limits to work within in order to express my own creativity and share the message in a way that feels authentic to me. I definitely also appreciate when PRs are upfront and honest about expectations too – it makes the whole process a lot clearer an easier to manage.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
One of my main strengths in blogging has been as a connector; I’ve enjoyed creating a community and network for London-based bloggers which has grown over the past few years to become a safe and creative space for us to reach out for help, share information and build on our experience. If I’m unable to help, I’m always happy to share an opportunity in my network! I also run a small event catering company (Borrow My Blender) that specialises in PR events so I love to collaborate through that as well as through my blog.

What are your favourite blogs to read?
Hey! Dip Your Toes In for food and travel inspiration; The Runner Beans for my running inspiration; Paddle Pedal Pace for everything triathlon; A Pretty Place To Play for some real talk with a feminist angle.

What’s your favourite workout class or routine?
Currently my favourite workout class is Lift at Frame in London. I also teach the class because I loved it so much. It’s a barbell class that uses all the lifts you’d find in a weights room but choreographed to an awesome soundtrack! I also have a bar at home so if I’m not in the mood for body weight workout, it’s my go to there as well.


Keep it SimpElle features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

profitable newspaper business

The Future of Print Belongs to Entrepreneurial Publishers

If you were looking to invest in a business, would you consider taking on a failing newspaper? With the state of the current publishing industry, you might think it wise to decline such an opportunity.

However, one businessman believes there is still very much a future in newspaper publishing and is eagerly on the hunt for new acquisitions.

Peter Masters saved Cornwall’s 200-year-old Sunday Independent title after it published its ‘final’ edition in April.

With a little debt-restructuring and a 20p increase in price, Masters reckons the paper is now ‘basically running at a profit’.

What’s more, since the businessman took over the title, its circulation has risen by four percent.

Speaking to Press Gazette, Masters said: ‘It isn’t going to stop here’.

Masters believes the future is very much in newsprint stating: ‘If we are selling piles of papers we can turn a loss-making paper into profit. It’s all about getting those sales up.’

He added: ‘Investment in newsprint is what is going to bring in the readers.’

Suggesting the problem with the newspaper industry has more to do with the publishers’ businesses than the titles themselves, Masters said: ‘You can’t keep cutting things. The [business] model has been to cut staff, but it just doesn’t work. We have got to find out why papers aren’t selling and react to it and go for it.’

Highlighting the need for agility and a fresh perspective in the publishing industry, Masters said: ‘We are nimble and we are coming in fresh. We have got the titles, we have got rid of their massive overheads and we can be quick thinking and moving on our feet, which is great. We have brought in a machine that has operated from 2017 onwards, not 1977.’

Fitness blogger

Blogger Spotlight: Paul Stainthorpe, Father Fitness

Paul Stainthorpe is responsible for Father Fitness, a health and lifestyle blog for the whole family. Father Fitness was recently ranked as one of the Top 10 UK Fitness and Exercise Blogs. Here, Paul talks to us about freestyle 80s dance, his nature trail activity sheet and working with PRs.

Why did you start your blog?
I started Father Fitness back in 2010 when my little lad was born. Becoming a dad for the first time and getting myself fit and healthy was the main motivation behind my blog. I wanted to share my story and maybe help other dads do the same.

What makes your blog different from other fitness blogs?
I don’t think there are many health and fitness blogs created by men. My site also includes many posts on keeping fit and healthy as a family so it’s not just a blog about one guy working out in a gym.

What’s the next big fitness trend going to be?
Tough one! I’d love to say freestyle 80s dance classes! Imagine the music and the fashion – it would be awesome! It would certainly be loads of fun to do and keep you fit and healthy. Honest answer is… who knows and it changes so quickly.

What piece of equipment or tech is your go-to workout companion?
I bought a pull-up and dipping station last year and I love it. I use it all of the time! It also has a press-up section and I love to create a little bodyweight circuit involving dips, pull-ups, squats, press-ups and leg raises.

What’s your favourite workout class or routine?
I love weight training and I create lots of different circuits using a range of barbell and dumbbell exercises.

Paul StainthorpeWhat was your favourite blog post to create and why?
Funnily enough, one of my favourite posts so far this year wasn’t gym related. It was a nature trail activity sheet and I created it to keep your kids entertained on long walks. It was so much fun to create with my kids and I’ve had a lot of pleasure knowing other people have used it with their children too. I love being tagged in their tweets or Instagram pics!

How do you see your blog developing in the future?
I hope to establish further relationships with key brands. Speaking from experience, both brand and blogger benefit from long term sponsorships. As with any relationship – the more you get to know each other, the more you learn how best to approach projects.

What makes your blog successful?
I like to think a lot of dads can relate to the foundations of my blog and the fact I’m never in completely ripped shape all the time. It means that fellow dads see a realistic target. I personally don’t find looking at men in ‘perfect’ shape very motivating. It can all seem unachievable whereas I’ve always described myself as bridging the gap.

How do you like to work with PRs?
Honesty. Both blogger and PR company have an objective to achieve, by working together and being honest, great things can happen! Overall, they’re great and I love working with PRs because I’m given the opportunity to try new technology and be introduced to other like-minded people.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I do NOT work with gaming companies so please don’t even ask.

What are your favourite blogs to read (outside of your own!)?
I don’t think I can answer this question without mentioning my wife! Haha! She runs Mutha Fitness. I love the honesty of Amy’s blog as she’s always battled with her weight since being young. Her blog is really inspiring and covers similar topics to mine from a female perspective. I also love to read the Hoyles Fitness blog and Steve and I are currently working on an exciting project together.


Paddle Pedal Pace features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Lucy lunges

Blogger Spotlight: Lucy Edwards, Paddle Pedal Pace

Paddle Pedal Pace was previously called Lucy Lunges before it was rebranded by author Lucy Edwards to reflect her love of triathlon. With her blog recently ranking in the Top 10 UK Fitness and Exercise Blogs, Lucy chats to us about female-specific training, her favourite piece of kit and working with PRs.

How would you describe your blog?
Paddle Pedal Pace is all about living an active lifestyle, with a particular focus on triathlon. I aim to share an honest account of my experiences in sport and fitness, with the hope of inspiring other people to try triathlon. I went from being someone who was very inactive to someone who races every weekend, so I hope to show what is possible if you try. I share tips, advice, race recaps, injury prevention and training diaries.

Why did you start your blog?
I started my blog in 2013 as I had some time off between jobs and wanted a project to work on. I’d been following several other fitness blogs and decided I wanted to share my own thoughts and experiences.

What makes your blog different from other fitness blogs?
Whilst triathlon is growing as a sport, there aren’t many UK-based, female-written triathlon blogs. Several pro-athletes and coaches write triathlon blogs, but I’m very much an amateur and honest about that!

What’s the next big fitness trend going to be?
I think there is a shift towards more female-specific training techniques. People are starting to understand that women need to train in a way that takes into account their physiological and biomechanical differences.

What piece of equipment or tech is your go-to workout companion?
My Garmin 920xt which records and tracks data from my training sessions, including pace, distance and heart-rate zones. It links up to the programme which my coach uses to schedule my training, so he can see my results.

What was your favourite blog post to create and why?
My recap of my half-ironman last summer as it was a huge challenge. Writing out the day from start to finish helped celebrate the achievement and cement the memories in my mind. I try to write up race reports as soon as possible, as there are so many little details which I’d otherwise forget.

How do you see your blog developing in the future?
I’d like to develop the active travel side of my blog further. I’m fortunate enough to have been on blogger trips to Tenerife, Nice and Edinburgh to run, cycle and hike. I’d love to explore more opportunities for combining fitness and travel.

What makes your blog successful?
Success for me comes from inspiring other women to try a new sport or activity. I love receiving emails, comments or messages from readers telling me that they’ve decided to start swimming lessons or sign up for their first triathlon. It makes it all worthwhile!

How do you like to work with PRs?
I’ve worked with PRs on product reviews, sponsored content and blogger trips. I’m happy to work on campaigns as long as they are relevant to my readership.

What one thing should PRs know about you?
I don’t tend to review or cover nutrition products on my blog. I think nutrition is a personal choice which takes some trial-and-error, so it’s not something I like to give advice on. I’m regularly contacted to review protein shakes, energy bars and gels, but they aren’t something I personally use.

What are your favourite blogs to read (outside of your own!)?
The Runner Beans was one of the first blogs I discovered and I still enjoy reading every post up to this day. I also love to read Keep It SimpElleHels BelsMiss WheezyFitBits and How Many Miles.

What’s your favourite workout class or routine?
My favourite training session is track running, such as 400m or 800m intervals. I love the feeling of pushing myself hard over a short distance then recovering and going again!


Paddle Pedal Pace features on the Vuelio Media Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

Whitehouse PR director of comms

First Rule of Successful Comms: Don’t Become The Story

One of the first rules of successful communications management is that the comms professional should never become the story.

And so it is perhaps unfortunate that the names Sean Spicer, Andy Coulson and Alastair Campbell are so well known.

These comms guys went beyond the call-of-duty and in some cases became bigger and more newsworthy than the ‘brand’ they were representing.

The PR and wider communications industries do attract a certain kind of person. To be successful you need to be confident, occasionally thick-skinned and quick thinking. You also need to know when to disengage the mouth and use your head.

Enter Anthony Scaramucci (aka The Mooch) as Donald Trump’s new communications director (seriously, you’d have to be a gluten for punishment to take this role on). This man could be about to take ego-powered comms management to the next level.

Within hours of taking the post Scaramucci has earned himself acres of news coverage – and mainly for all the wrong reasons.

He’s described colleagues in Trump’s inner-circle as ‘paranoid schizophrenic’ and suggested he was different from Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, with some NSFW language.

Perhaps taking a lead from his bosses previous career in reality television, Scaramucci has promised to fire any colleagues he suspects of leaking information to the press.

Speaking to journalists, Scaramucci said: ‘They’ll all be fired by me. I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you.’

So here is the question: Is this just a PR-manipulated sideshow (bread and circuses) to distract the public from greater issues?

It is said that a career in politics always ends in failure and it seems a growing number of comms professionals are only too willing to go down with the ship.

And while these power-hungry, egotistical comms bosses attempt to catch bullets aimed at the overlords – you have to wonder what sort of damage they are doing to the reputation of an industry where reputation used to be everything.