Blogger Spotlight: Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger, Katzenworld

Katzenworld is a Top 10 Pet Blog which is written by a group of international friends who all share a love of cats. As well as being a source of adorable cat pictures, humorous stories and mishaps, the blog is home to interesting content including research, news from around the world and product reviews (reviewed by the cats themselves) for your feline friends. We spoke to one of the blogs writers Marc-Andre about what it’s like to run a pet blog, why they decided to start it and the campaigns that they’ve worked on. 


How would you describe your blog?
Katzenworld is all about being a fun and informative place that promotes all things cats. Our goal is to unite the cat-loving audience of the world to come together and share their stories with each other, while promoting important cat welfare topics. 

Why did you start your blog?
It all started over a board game one evening at my place back in 2014. My partner Iain and I had just adopted two shelter cats (Oliver & Nubia) from the Celia Hammond Trust, and as Yuki was already looking after her own cats, the evening soon turned into a great discussion about cats. Back then there weren’t many community-focused online publications so a plan was developed to change all that! 

Many readers wonder where our name came from. Well, I’m German, and Katzen means Cats, so in English the blog means “Cats World” though many people think it means Cat Zen World! 

What’s it like having famous pets?
It’s fun! We are always amazed at how many people know the stories of Oliver & Nubia and we’ve even met some people at events that have named their own cats after ours.


How do your pets cope with the pressure?
Very well. Nubia thrives on her many photo shoot moments and knows exactly how to pose for the camera whenever we need her for an event post or a product review! 

What’s your favourite pet product?
Ah that is a difficult one as there are so many great products out there! I’d say we’d have to pick a few here.  

For pet food, our favourite product has to be Almo Nature, as their food addresses the carnivore needs of our pets – plus the brand has a great ethos on animal welfare (both pets and wildlife alike). 

For cat toys, it’s the 4cats catnip and Valerian Toys, as not only are they hand-finished in Germany and use a secret organic catnip mix that works on more cats than others, but they too have a great brand ethos and support local and international cat charity projects. 
Lastly, we think that the Kiki cat cave is one of the most unique cat caves we’ve ever trialled that not only fits perfectly into a stylish home, but also addresses the specific needs of cats at the same time. 

What’s your favourite post?
Our favourite post was the collaboration with International Cat Care on where to stroke a cat. This was a fun research study and taught us and our readers alike much about cats! The post was read by more than 100,000 people in a single month across our blog and news apps, so we think our audience may agree on our choice here.


How do you like to work with PRs?

For us it’s all about working as partners! We ideally like to work with PRs that understand what we are about and work for or on behalf of a brand that’s looking for a long-term brand partnership. Of course, we are open to short term campaigns as well, but we do thrive on the long-term work. 

What one thing should PRs know about you?
The blogger team and I run the blog as a hobby to bring the best in cat news and cat products to our audience. For us, the well-being of our feline companions and their wild cousins is the most important aspect of what we try to promote and achieve through our blog. 

What’s the most memorable campaign you’ve worked on?
I think the most memorable campaign has to have been our work with the Ebony Horse Trust and James Bowen to help raise awareness and funds for the charity. It was great to help them spread the word, find additional collaboration partners for them to increase their fund raising and of course to meet James and Bob “backstage”. 

What other blogs do you read?
My favourite blogs out of the list of blogs I follow are: Cat Wisdom 101, Cat Chat with Caren and CodyI Have CatThe Conscious Cat and LoveMeow. 


Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger and Katzenworld feature on the market-leading Vuelio Influencer Database along with thousands of other bloggers, influencers and journalists.

the rise of the parenting blogs

The rise of the parenting blogs

Vuelio’s UK Bloggers Survey revealed there’s been a steep rise in parenting bloggers, the category now making up 29% of all bloggers in the UK. This is a marked rise from 2016, when only 16% of parenting bloggers were focused on parenting.

So what’s going on?

One possiblity is that a lot of the new parenting bloggers were already established in other fields and have since had children – shifting their focus to parenting. We know from the study that 43% of bloggers are aged between 25-34 and in the UK the average age of having your first child is 30.4 years.

Bloggers are also mostly female (78%) and many parenting blogs are started during materntity leave to find a new community of understanding people online that can share day-to-day struggles. It’s not just for mums, dads also find comfort in a community and the knowledge they’re not alone.

For many, finding the community but not the right answers is a big impetus to start a parenting blog. Elliott Rae, founder and editor-in-chief of (MFF) said: ‘I started MFF when my daughter was three months old, on New Year’s Day in 2016. I had loads of questions about fatherhood and wanted to hear about others’ experiences.

‘There was nowhere online that I felt I could read or discuss all the questions I had, so I started MFF to provide that space.’

Jo Middleton, author of top parenting blog Slummy Single Mummy, joined Vuelio for a webinar discussing the Survey results, and she believes that a visible group of successful parenting bloggers are encouraging a new generation to start. As a new mother on maternity leave, seeing bloggers can be sent products and paid to write reviews is an attractive proposition.

Jo has seen a rise in the professional blogger, those who start blogs with the intention of making it commercial from the beginning. This is also reflected in the Survey results, which reveal there has been in a rise in both those making money from their blogs and those intending to in future.

Sometimes a clever solution to a parenting problem can encourage bloggers to start. Jo Addison, who writes Kiddieholidays, said: ‘I’d recently had a baby and struggled to find somewhere to go on holiday which was suitable for babies. I was looking for somewhere that had loads of baby equipment, lots to do in the local area for young children and didn’t cost a fortune, but I couldn’t find many places. Then I had the idea about Kiddieholidays.

‘I want the site to match up amazing baby and toddler friendly destinations and accommodation with parents who are looking for ideas about where to go.’

One of the biggest reasons we’re told parenting bloggers start is they want a way to document their child or children growing up. Tim Liew, who writes Slouching Towards Thatcham, is a typical of this, he said: ‘So much of the early years of parenthood focuses on the big ‘firsts’: first word, first step, first day at school and so on. I also wanted to document all the little moments and observations that otherwise get lost in the mists of time. Bearing in mind this was back in 2008, it didn’t really occur to me at the time that parent blogging or dad blogging could become a ‘thing’. Now, it definitely is!’

Whether this rise in parenting bloggers will continue is difficult to predict, especially when considering the growing number of lifestyle bloggers and the popularity of ‘alternative sharing platforms’ like YouTube and Instagram. Either way, the Vuelio Bloggers Survey in 2018 will reveal all the answers.

UK – 12 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at titles including Bloomberg News, Woman and Home, Stellar Magazine and Investment Adviser.

News & Politics

  • Laura Benitez has been appointed leveraged finance reporter at Bloomberg News. Laura was previously a corporate bonds reporter at International Financing Review.


  • Miranda McMinn has been appointed executive editor at Woman and Home. Miranda was previously deputy editor at Marie Claire.
  • Victoria Stokes has been appointed deputy editor at Stellar Magazine. Currently digital editor at the title, she takes up her new role on 23rd October.


  • The Financial Times has announced that Investment Adviser has closed after 22 years. Former editor Dan Jones remains as editor of Money Management, while former news editor at IA David Baxter is now special projects editor at the title.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Interested in finding out more?

Storytelling with Vuelio Canvas – WEBINAR

Looking for a creative way to tell a story? 

Whether you’re helping your team make sense of ongoing news, pitching a client, or reporting on a campaign or an event, curating content from a range of channels is a daily chore for most.

Visualising and presenting this data can be a daunting task, but we have just the tool to help you nail yours!

Join us on 24 October 2017 at 11am to learn how you can bring your presentations to life with Vuelio Canvas. Impress your boss, co-workers and clients by transforming your data and content into engaging stories. We will show you how you can bring together individual elements from millions of media sources, be it news stories, social media activity, charts, PDFs, video or audio files into beautiful presentations made in seconds.

Stop wasting time on old fashioned spreadsheets and emails and transform the way you present your PR. Save your spot for our next webinar now! Even if you can’t make the live broadcast, we’ll send you a recording after it airs.

Webinar: Storytelling with Vuelio Canvas
Date: Tuesday 24 October 2017 
Time: 11:00 am BST



UK – 11 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at titles including HELLO!, Press Association Ireland, Men’s Health and Conference & Incentive Travel.

News & Politics

  • Brian Hutton has left his role as deputy news editor at the Press Association Ireland. Brian has been with the news service for 11 years.


  • Laura Sutcliffe has been appointed online fashion and beauty writer at HELLO! Laura was previously senior style writer at Bella.
  • Scarlett Wrench has been appointed features editor at Men’s Health. Scarlett was previously production editor at the title.


  • Andrew McCorkell has been appointed associate editor at Conference & Incentive Travel.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Build strong relationships with the press, with our media database.

UK – 10 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including BBC News Online, the Bath Chronicle, Harper’s Bazaar and Place North West. 

News & Politics

  • Alex Taylor has been appointed journalist at BBC News Online. Alex was previously a weekend entertainment reporter at International Business Times.
  • Gavin Thompson has been appointed editor at the Bath Chronicle. Gavin retains his role as editor at the Western Daily Press. Former Bath Chronicle editor Rachael Sugden is now senior editor across the Gloucestershire Echo, Gloucester Citizen and Jenny Eastwood, who was editor at the Gloucester Citizen, is now digital editor at


  • Laura Morrissey has been appointed bookings assistant across Harper’s Bazaar and Town & Country.


  • Charlie Schouten has been appointed senior reporter at Place North West. Charlie was previously Northern correspondent and data editor at Construction News.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Find out how we can help your media relations.

UK – 9 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including Cambridge News, HELLO!, Gym Owner Monthly and DARE.

News & Politics

  • Katy Hallam has been appointed homepages editor at the Cambridge News.


  • Charlotte Jolly has been promoted to beauty director at HELLO! in addition to her role at HELLO! Fashion Monthly.
  • Chloe Alexandrou has been appointed beauty assistant at DARE.


  • Nicky Sefke has been appointed editor at Gym Owner Monthly.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Interested in learning more about our database? 

UK – 6 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including The Bishop’s Stortford Independent, Sunday Business Post, Football London and OTC bulletin.

News & Politics

  • Iliffe Media has launched a new title for Bishop’s Stortford. The Bishop’s Stortford Independent, a paid for weekly, will be available from the 4th October. The newspaper will be edited by Paul Winspear, a former editor of the Herts & Essex Observer. He will supported by Sinead Corr as news editor and Cat Barkley as reporter.
  • Jack Horgan-Jones has been appointed chief reporter at the Sunday Business Post. Jack was previously business correspondent at the title.


  • Greg Johnson has been appointed editor in chief at Football London. Greg replaces founding editor Tom Marshall-Bailey who has now become Trinity Mirror’s audience engagement editor (sport).


  • Rachael Walker has been appointed assistant editor at OTC bulletin.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Click here to find out how the database can help you.

PLMR’s Joe Mitton gives his rundown of the Tory Conference and the PM’s keynote speech

Vuelio Political Services teamed up with integrated communications agency PLMR to bring you the top news and analysis from the Conservative Party Conference 2017.

Read what Joe Mitton, Senior Consultant at PLMR, thought were the key takeaways from what was an eventful Conference.

The Conservative Party Conference in Manchester this week (1-4 October) sought to heal the divisions of the disappointing general election result for the Party, and to articulate an optimistic alternative to the unexpectedly popular vision of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.  For a party in government, it is a somewhat strange position to be in; having to construct an alternative to the Opposition’s narrative.

Many speakers, including the Chancellor Philip Hammond, focussed on the need to promote once again the benefits of a free market economy.  Hammond reminded the party faithful that most of the electorate is too young to remember the economic difficulties of the 1970s.  Other MPs made passionate cases for market-led economic growth, so it was interesting that the final speech of the conference by the Prime Minister revived her plan for a retail energy price cap.

Prime Minister’s Speech: Social mobility and the ‘British Dream’

Theresa May addressed the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester today (4 October).  While much of the more frothy commentary will focus on the croaky delivery and the rather pointless interrupting prankster, we thought it more useful to look at the policy content and the vision that the Prime Minister articulated.

May repeatedly referenced “the British Dream” – a “dream that life should be better for the next generation”.  This appears to be partly a call for social mobility, and partly an affirmation of progressive, ongoing economic growth and personal attainment.

It remains to be seen whether this vision will have much traction with voters, especially the young, who face daunting house prices and virtually non-existent real wage growth. With only passing mention to Jeremy Corbyn, the central theme in May’s speech of a “British Dream” seems designed to provide an optimistic counter-narrative to the bold promises with which Corbyn’s Labour has successfully attracted new voters.  Which of these visions prevails may well be the defining political question of the next five years in British politics.

In an effort to bring a sense of authenticity and conviction to her vision, Ms May somewhat uncharacteristically spoke about her own family background and her grandmother’s job as a domestic servant.  She also spoke of her own health issues and treatment by the NHS.  May emphasised social justice and recognised, in several anecdotes and points, that she understands that minority ethnic communities still face significant inequalities.  She said that she got into politics to address precisely these kinds of injustices.

The main new policy announcement was that the government would seek to cap household energy bills – which came as a surprise to many at the Conference who had assumed that that policy had been quietly shelved after the last general election. Energy companies came in for some quite sharp criticism in Ms May’s speech, and it seems now likely that an energy price cap of some kind will indeed be introduced this parliament, with the Opposition very unlikely to block such a popular move.

The Prime Minister also announced £2 billion more for new social housing.  This, alongside earlier announcements of a university tuition fee freeze and £10 billion in additional Help to Buy funding, is part of a broader pitch by the Conservatives’ to address the issues facing ordinary working people.

The test will be whether Ms May’s vision resonates with the public as authentic, deliverable and inspiring, or whether public life and media commentary continues to focus merely on stunts, gaffes and personality cults.


Founded in 2006, PLMR is a fully integrated communications agency with offices in London, Edinburgh, Birmingham and Cambridge. They work across all sectors, from transport and technology to education and energy, expertly offering a suite of key communications services: public affairs, PR, crisis management, media training, digital, film and design, planning communications and campaigns.

UK – 5 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including the BBC, Wired, PC Gamer and Portfolio Adviser. 

News & Politics

  • There have been a couple of new appointments at the BBC. Fergal Keane has now been appointed Africa editor while Anne Soy has been appointed senior Africa correspondent.
  • Max Bower has been appointed reporter at Reuters, covering European leveraged loans at the Loan Pricing Corp unit. Previously Max was a leveraged loans reporter at GlobalCapital.


  • Matt Reynolds has been appointed technology reporter at Wired. Matt was previously a technology reporter at the New Scientist.
  • Philippa Warr has been appointed as deputy editor at PC Gamer.


  • Sonia Rach has been appointed reporter at Portfolio Adviser. Sonia was previously editor of WorkLife at Perkbox.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. For more information about the database, click here.


Conservative Party Conference – Final Day

As the Conservative Party Conference comes to a close, Theresa May has been handed a P45, Boris Johnson is facing fresh calls to resign and Jacob Rees-Mogg has come face to face with protestors crashing his fringe event. With surprise appearances from Katie Hopkins and Bear Grylls, not to mention the usual smattering of eggs thrown at delegates, this year’s conference has been one to remember.

With so much to keep up with during the four-day conference, our political team has summed up all the speeches, influencer reaction and key fringe events for you, in one place.

Take a look at the biggest stories from this year’s Conservative Party Conference on the Vuelio Canvas > >

CPC2017 Canvas Final Day Blog

UK – 4 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including London Evening Standard, ITV Meridan, and Culture Trip.

News & Politics

  • Ellen Stewart has been promoted to deputy growth editor and head of social at the London Evening Standard. Ellen was previously social media editor at the title.
  • Sam Holder has left his role as TV reporter at ITV Meridian.


  • Alice Johnston has been appointed social content producer at the Culture Trip. Alice has previously worked at Mumsnet, MailOnline, Guardian and


  • Rachael Pells has been appointed reporter at the Times Higher Education. Rachael was previously education correspondent at the Independent. 
  • Nic Cackett has been appointed editor at Nic was previously deputy reviews editor at What Car? and Autocar.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Click here to learn more.

How to make a blog successful - Vuelio Blog

How to make a blog successful

With the number of professional bloggers on the rise, what makes some blogs more successful than others? The UK Bloggers Survey 2017 reveals the secrets of a successful blog.

The first rule is post a lot – only 13% of bloggers posted more than five times a week in 2017, compared to 16% in 2016. But for bloggers for whom its their main source of income, that number jumps to 33%, compared with just 11% of pros posting only once a week.Vuelio UK Bloggers Survey 2017

If you’re serious about your blog being the best, then you also need to spend time promoting the blog. In 2017, 11% of bloggers spent more than 30 hours a week promoting their blog – unsurprisingly 89% of those are professional bloggers.

Does putting more time in really yield results? Quite simply, yes.

A whopping 67% of bloggers who spend more than 30 hours per week promoting their blog have over 10,000 visitors a month – and visitor numbers are a solid method of measuring success as well as a means to lead to a commercialisation.

Number of unique visitors agains time spent on main blog - Vuelio UK Bloggers Survey 2017

But true success in blogging comes from the personality and originality of the blogger in question. We spoke to leading bloggers to find out what makes their blogs successful.

Kate Watson-Smyth, winner of the Best UK Blog 2016 with Mad About The House, said: ‘I try to keep it chatty and varied but also full of proper information.’

Another interiors blogger, Antonia Ludden of #tidylife, thinks her success is down to the amount of content she has: ‘Perhaps because it has been going a while, I’ve been blogging consistently since 2012. I also like to share achievable interiors and design inspiration on a budget, plus I am adding more lifestyle content at the weekends for something different.’

For Jen Stanbrook, who writes Love Chic Living, her success is about her personality: ‘Honesty, integrity and keeping it real. I hope I achieve those aspects in most of the posts I create, whilst also giving a little bit of me too. It’s exceptionally competitive so it’s important to do your own thing, and focus on the things you love rather than watching what others are doing.’

Navaz Batliwalla of Disneyrollergirl also focuses on what’s important for her. She said: ‘I measure success by creative fulfilment and I get that by doing work that interests me. I work to build relationships with brands and PRs that have the right fit to gain access that my readers wouldn’t get otherwise.

‘If you focus on producing editorial that has meaning to you and your readers, rather than successive sponsored posts, then you win the long-term game. It hasn’t been smooth by any means but I’m still enjoying it and I’m still here!’

What makes your blog successful? Let us know in the comments below:

UK – 3 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including Manchester Evening News, Sunday Times Style, LBC and COMPUTERWORLD UK.

News & Politics

  • Oli Dugmore has been appointed content editor at LBC. Oli was previously audience development editor at The Tab.
  • Stuart Mathieson has stepped down from his role as Manchester United reporter at the Manchester Evening News. Stuart has been at the title for 22 years.


  • Phoebe McDowell has been appointed assistant beauty editor at Sunday Times Style. Phoebe was previously a junior beauty writer at Grazia.
  • Megan Logue has been appointed fashion features writer at PORTER and THE EDIT. Megan was previously junior womenswear editor at
  • Harry Mills has been appointed lifestyle editor at CANDID magazine.


  • Scott Carey has been appointed editor at COMPUTERWORLD UK. Scott was previously online editor at the title.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Find out more about our database.


Conservative Party Conference – 2nd Day

The Conservative Party Conference is now underway and the highlights so far include Chancellor Philip Hammond announcing an extra £300m of funding for rail infrastructure in the North, Environment Secretary Michael Gove announcing the Government will increase the sentences for those who are found guilty of animal cruelty and Universal Credit being rolled out as originally proposed with more advance payments becoming available.

Have you missed something from Conference? Check out our Canvas below, which brings together all the biggest stories from this year’s #CPC2017 conference.

And if you want daily updates for the Conservative party conference, including key speech summaries and fringe event round-ups, sign up to receive our email alert here.

Willrow Hood

Is your management social media savvy?

IMPRESS, the press regulator backed by royal charter, has taken the unusual move of banning its chief executive and three board members from dealing with major newspapers after their behaviour on Twitter. What does this teach us about management on social media?

Jonathan Heawood, chief executive of IMPRESS, was found to have tweeted or rewteeted over 50 attacks on the Daily Mail in a one-month period, as well as sharing messages that attacked the Sun including a retweet of: ‘#dontbuythesun or any other ‘newspaper’. Support Leveson, support regulators like Impress. Remove this endemic corruption.’

Two of the board members were similarly critical about the Sun and the Daily Mail on Twitter, while a third was believed to have had too much of a relationship with the Hacked Off campaign.

The behaviour of these individuals is hugely embarrassing for IMPRESS, which had to follow the Sun’s investigation with its own report before banning the four from dealing with large newspapers. Though IMPRESS has no large newspaper members, the damage has already been done.

For some business leaders, Twitter seems to come easily. Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Arianna Huffington are names that people associate with inspirational leaders who somehow always seem to get it right on social media. Part of their appeal is having a captive audience ready to hang on their every word and not every MD or CEO is in that position.

So what if you’re not a business god?

As PR professionals, we’re often responsible for managing external communications no matter how personal they are. Sometimes that means tweeting on behalf of a CEO, or maybe looking on in horror as they go off-piste (Trump anyone?).

Thankfully, we can still learn a thing or two from the Musks and Dorseys of this world – and here’s our top tips for management to get it right on social media:

  1. Be yourself
    Too often a CEO’s tweets seem sterile or staged. Our business leaders haven’t got to where they are by being boring or toeing the line – injecting some of their personality into their Twitter feeds is vital for it to be successful. But that doesn’t mean they have to do it all themselves – presenting your CEO’s voice can, and should, be a group effort.
  2. Be positive
    Reading negative or complaining messages inspires no one. The occasional rant, done right, can be funny but more often than not the best business leaders on Twitter stick to the positive aspects of life, business and experience – always trying to find the lesson to be learned.
  3. Be careful
    Don’t fall into the IMPRESS trap! A CEO is never off the clock; they always represent the business they’re running and what they say can and will be used against them if needs be. Now for some people (hey it’s Trump again!) that doesn’t matter, but most will regret not thinking professionally when they’re tweeting, retweeting or liking.
  4. Be consistent
    This isn’t something you can half-commit to; you’re either tweeting or not tweeting. Building an audience takes time and effort and if you don’t have either, don’t start because infrequent and inconsistent messages help no one.
  5. Be valuable

No matter how big your business, the leader is likely to be successful to have got to where they are. Sharing insights and thoughts can often seem like something best left to the celebrity business leaders but success breeds success and you’ll be surprised how many people you can inspire.

How do you manage your CEO’s Twitter feed? Let us know, post a comment below:

UK – 2 October 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including Newsquest Media’s acquisitions, Press and Journal, Wall Street Journal and Beautiful South.

News & Politics

  • Newsquest Media Group has acquired NWN Media Ltd, bringing 13 local news brands from North and mid Wales, Cheshire and Shropshire into the publisher’s portfolio.
  • Neil Drysdale has been appointed chief news features writer at the Press and Journal. Neil was previously the assistant news editor at the title.


  • Lois Forster has been appointed editor at Beautiful South magazine.
  • We Love Pop is coming to an end. The final issue of the magazine will be on sale 18 October 2017.


  • The Wall Street Journal has closed it’s Europe edition.
  • Calum Parry has been appointed reporter at Banking Technology.

The Vuelio Media Database lists thousands of journalists, bloggers, publications and media outlets. Discover more about our database.

The Business Hub

The Business Hub at the Conservative Party Conference

Vuelio is continuing its presence at the major party conferences as the official Monitoring & Intelligence Partner of PLMR’s Business Hub at the Conservative Party Conference, from 1-4 October.

The Business Hub is also partnered by London City Airport, the Daily Telegraph and Costa Coffee, as PLMR creates an exciting and engaging environment in which to meet and do business.

The Hub will provide a work, meeting and refreshment space for high-level political and business attendees that includes the CEOs of the FTSE 250, journalists and political dignitaries. It will be spearheaded by former advisor to Boris Johnson, Joe Mitton; former Crown Estate advisor recently seconded to the Conservative Party General Election campaign, Nicolas Clark; former Conservative Party Staffer, Francesca Dobson; and PLMR Events Manager, Felicity Fisher.

The Business Hub’s morning and evening events include panel debates, Q&As and receptions across aviation, the care sector, skills and Brexit. The Daily Telegraph’s Christopher Hope will record his popular Chopper’s Brexit Podcast from the Hub and London City Airport’s Business Reception will be an event highlight as an integrated part of the Conservative Party’s Business Day.

Vuelio is not only providing phone charging points for The Business Hub – to ensure delegates can keep connected and concentrate on their communications – but delegates will also have access to our expert reports so they can experience more of the Conference than is physically possible.

Elin De Zoete, managing director of PLMR, said: ‘Against the backdrop of Brexit and the 2017 General Election, this year’s Conservative Party Conference will be particularly important for many if not most, industries.

‘The party conferences offer a unique opportunity to deliver a company’s engagement priorities with political decision-makers, particularly following the new intake of Members of Parliament, and PLMR is on hand to help our clients to build both lasting and beneficial relationships’.

Joanna Arnold, CEO of Vuelio, said: ‘We’re delighted to partner PLMR’s Business Hub and provide our political intelligence to Conference guests. At Vuelio, we’re all about communications so we’ll use our presence at the Conference to ensure delegates are successfully managing theirs.’

Vuelio has been providing free daily reports, directly to inboxes, across the Conference season and the Conservative Party Conference is the next event we’ll be covering. You can sign up to receive our political team’s updates by clicking here.

Five Things You Shouldn’t Have Missed – 29 September 2017

Taking a brief hiatus from our podcast (and reverting to old-fashioned reading), we present five things you shouldn’t have missed from the worlds of media, marketing and communications.

1. Labour Party Conference

Labour Party Conference 2017

The Opposition party’s conference produced a plethora of headlines, from Emily Thornberry’s attack on Boris Johnson to John McDonnell’s pledge to bring PFI contracts in-house. Reports from the official four-day event also included the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg being given a bodyguard after receiving online abuse; the party tackling antisemitism in the party with new, stricter rules; the party’s position on the Single Market being debated by all sides; and Jeremy Corbyn’s closing speech calling Labour the ‘government-in-waiting’.

If you missed anything from Conference, you can see all of the biggest stories on this Vuelio Canvas. And, if you want daily updates from the Conservative Party Conference directly to your inbox – sign up here.

2 . Uber’s London licence


Transport for London announced it would not renew Uber’s private hire operator licence after 30 September. They claimed the operator wasn’t safe or up to the required standard for the licence. The firm immediately vowed to fight the decision on appeal, which buys them time past the 30 September deadline. The ban has caused outrage among Uber’s 3.5 million London users and 40,000 drivers, many signing Uber’s petition against the decision.

Uber’s CEO Dara Khosrowshahi published a letter in the Evening Standard apologising for the mistakes they’ve made, Sadiq Khan claimed people should direct their anger at Uber rather than TfL, and reports emerged that two of the four reasons TfL gave for revoking the licence are actually its own responsibilities. With Prime minister Theresa May also now part of the story, calling the ban ‘disproportionate’, expect this one to keep going.

3. Twitter Trials Longer Tweets

Twitter bird

A small group of Twitter users are now testing double-length tweets. If the test is considered a success by the social network, then 280-character messages will be rolled out across the platform. Jack Dorsey announced the decision in a what was considered by some to be a verbose tweet.

Twitter, in true Twitter style, panicked at the idea of change and then made it all a big joke:

4. Hugh Hefner dies

Hugh Hefner

The founder of what became the media empire Playboy, died this week aged 91. At its height, Playboy Magazine sold seven million copies a month but in later years its content model has struggled to keep up with the internet. Opinions are divided on the man, with some calling him a legend who sexually liberated America and supported LGBT and civil rights, while others saw him as a misogynistic user of women.

You can make your own minds up.

5. IMPRESS bans board members

British newspapers

The royal charter-backed press regulator IMPRESS has banned its chief executive and three board members from dealings with major newspapers. After the press ran their own investigations, IMPRESS published a report largely agreeing that Jonathan Heawood, Emma Jones, Maire Messenger Davies and Martin Hickman, had all taken positions that could create perceptions of bias against the press – from positive views of campaign group Hacked Off to retweeting negative messages about certain papers and publishers.

IMPRESS has no members that are considered major newspapers so the ban is, at the moment, somewhat moot. Though if the Government enacts Section 40, which will require all papers to join a royal charter-backed regulator or face heavy penalties, then this story could become huge.

Something we’ve missed? Let us know on Twitter on in the comments below. 

UK – 29 September 2017


Today’s Media Updates covers moves and changes at UK titles including The Drum, Sunday Times Style, Press and Journal and Mr & Mrs Smith.

News & Politics

  • Jen Faulls has been appointed brands editor at The Drum. Jen was previously deputy news editor at the title.
  • Alistair Munro has been appointed news reporter at the Press and Journal (Aberdeen). Alistair was previously the Highlands & Islands correspondent at The Scotsman and Scotland on Sunday.
  • Kendra Becker has been promoted to editor at Kendra was previously deputy editor at the website.


  • Scarlett Russell has been appointed entertainment editor at Sunday Times Style.
  • Laura Holt has been appointed content editor at Mr & Mrs Smith.


  • Sofia Delgado has been appointed assistant editor at Build It. Sofia was previously a digital journalist at the Daily Express Online.

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