Dating Blogger Spotlight: Naomi Lewis, Naomi Narrative
Created by Naomi Lewis as a way to get things off her chest after a terrible date, Naomi Narrative is featured as one of our Top 10 Dating and Relationship blogs and focuses on all things sex, love, relationships and dating. Naomi shares why she will be posting even more about her relationship this year, why you should put away your phone during a date, and why she likes reading all about the different perspectives of dating.
What’s in store for the blog in 2019?
This year, I’m getting personal. Of course, I’ll continue writing about all sorts in the world of dating, sex and relationships but I’ll be sharing bits and pieces about dates I’ve been on in the past – the good, the bad, and the ugly, and more about my current relationship. I think as much as it’s important to share advice and experience about dating when single, it’s equally important to share advice and experience about things that happen in a relationship. There’s too much faff on social media these days and at times, I feel people have totally unrealistic expectations of relationships – quickly forgetting that they take work, so more nitty gritty in store!
What are your dating no-nos?
Where do I begin with a question like that? My biggest dating no-nos would be:
- Don’t lie – You’ll always get found out in the end. Don’t use photos on dating apps from 20 years ago, don’t lie about your job, etc. You are who you are, and you want someone to find the you that you love. Simple.
- Don’t be unhygienic – There’s nothing worse on a first date than meeting a modern man (or woman for that matter) who doesn’t seem to know how to brush their teeth or slap on a bit of deodorant. It’s not only poor hygiene, but it’s also common courtesy to keep yourself clean and fresh, not just when you’re dating!
- Don’t be lazy – If you’re having a conversation, keep it going by returning a question with an answer and a question to follow, don’t continue to allow your potential partner to plan your dates and holidays. A relationship is a two-way street – you get what you give.
How does Valentine’s Day affect your content?
As you can imagine, Valentine’s Day is a real hotspot for dating bloggers. You’re getting press releases and samples thrown at you left, right and centre. I wouldn’t say it affects my content as the bulk of my blog discusses dating, sex and relationships all year round. However, with that being said, I always feel that it’s important to remind people of the real meaning behind Valentine’s Day: it’s not about getting yourself into debt to lavish your significant other with material goods, it’s about setting aside some time and not letting life get in the way and celebrating your love for one another. Of course, I’m not saying don’t buy gifts if you like to do that, just don’t forget what it’s all about.
What’s your idea of the perfect date?
I think the ‘perfect date’ is totally dependent on the two people involved. For instance, for two thrill-seeking go-getters, their ideas of a perfect date might be bungee jumping off a bridge in South America, whereas that’s probably my worst nightmare. I think that if the date is well thought out with the two people involved in mind – taking into consideration their likes and dislikes – alongside dedicating real, quality time to spend together (that means no phones or distractions), that could certainly be pretty perfect. Time and thought are key to showing someone that you really care. THAT’S romance.
How has the rise of dating apps changed the dating scene?
There are an awful lot of pros and cons to dating apps. Unfortunately, dating apps have had a significantly negative impact on a lot of people – simply due to their very nature. People – both men and women – frequently describe themselves as feeling ‘disposable’. Now, with apps, there is access to so much ‘choice’ in terms of potential partners online that a lot of daters get FOMO and can’t seem to commit. However, on the flipside of that, apps allow you to meet and date people you may never have met in ‘real life’. It’s swings and roundabouts, but as long as you’re using the right apps for the right reasons – with the right attitude – they’re great.
How do you work with brands for the blog?
I think the most successful way to work effectively with brands is to ensure your communication is spot on. Be totally clear about your requirements, and make sure they are clear about theirs. There are PRs and brands I’ve worked with on an on-going basis and the reason (I believe) it’s worked is because there has always been a clear brief from both ends, and everything’s totally transparent. With expectations and honesty from the outset, it becomes a really easy process for everyone to get what they want from a collaboration.
What’s the best collaboration you’ve worked on?
I’m currently working with a brand called The Sway and I love it. Not just because of how we’re working together, but because of what they’re attempting to do. The Sway is a subscription box service, where every two months, you receive a pleasure package packed with products, toys, tips, hints – all based on a particular theme – which in essence, is to empower women to explore their sex lives. I adore the concept and think it’s going to be huge.
What other blogs do you read?
I love reading other dating blogs, especially posts from Eve Greenow’s Never Settle and James Preece. Dating is something that affects everyone at every point in their lives so it’s great to be able to read about various topics and trends from differing perspectives.