Today’s Political Headlines – 22 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include uniting against Russia, Tory party donors revealed as investors of Cambridge Analytica, blue passports being made by a Franco-Dutch firm and the dismantling of the Department for Exiting the European Union. 

May to warn EU summit about Russian threat, with decision on Brexit transition due
The BBC reports that Theresa May is to tell a summit of EU leaders in Brussels to remain united against Russia’s threat to all European democracies. The European Council summit will also decide whether or not to approve the terms of the Brexit transition period unveiled this week, with Spain raising concerns about Gibraltar.

Cambridge Analytica linked to Conservative donors
The Guardian reports that Conservative Party donors are amongst the investors in SCL Group, the parent of controversial firm Cambridge Analytica. Theresa May said yesterday that the Government had no current contracts with the company. The paper adds that Commons Home Affairs Committee Chair Yvette Cooper has called for a full investigation after it emerged that SCL Group had been granted permission to access secret documents by the Ministry of Defence, allowing it to work on two projects.

New blue UK passport to be produced by Franco-Dutch firm
The Daily Telegraph reports that Gemalto, a Franco-Dutch company, is expected to win the contract to produce the new blue UK passport. It undercut other bidders, including the British firm De La Rue, by around £50m. Sir Bill Cash, Chair of the European Scrutiny Committee, described the decision as ‘completely wrong and unnecessary’.

Whitehall discusses the Department for Exiting the European Union’s future
According to the Financial Times, talks about dismantling the Department for Exiting the European Union after March 2019 have begun in Whitehall. The Cabinet Office, Foreign Office, Department for International Trade and Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy are debating which functions they will take over, including talks on UK-EU trade. It is assumed that David Davis will retire from the Cabinet after Brexit happens.

Lords committee says that Government is failing on rural policy
The BBC says that a report by the Lords Committee on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 claims that the Government is failing on rural policy. It suggests that the policy area should be transferred to the Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government, and claims that Natural England has become ineffective.

Boris Johnson and Theresa May row over stop-and-search
The Sun claims that Boris Johnson and Theresa May rowed about stop-and-search policy at Cabinet. Sources said that Johnson suggested the police should carry out more checks, but May, who cut the use of stop-and-search when she was Home Secretary because it unfairly targeted young black men, said that the police had all the powers they needed.

Social Mobility Commission needs extra resources, MPs say
The Guardian says that the Commons Education Committee’s report on the Social Mobility Commission (SMC) has called for the Government to give the SMC additional resources and increased powers, to rename it the Social Justice Commission and to appoint a Cabinet Office minister with specific responsibility for social mobility.

Scottish Brexit Bill expected to be referred to the Supreme Court
The Daily Telegraph reports that a row over the SNP’s Brexit Bill is expected to end up in the Supreme Court after it was passed by the Scottish Parliament. Adam Tomkins, a Conservative MSP, challenged the Lord Advocate to refer the bill to the Supreme Court to rule on whether or not it was within the Scottish Parliament’s powers. If he refuses, the paper reports that the UK Government will do so.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 21 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include abandoning the NHS staff pay cap, where is Mark Zuckerberg?, May steps back from further Russia reprisals and the Government suffers defeat on Eurotom. 

NHS staff pay cap abandoned
The Guardian reports that the Government has abandoned plans which would have seen 1 million NHS staff give up a day’s holiday for a salary increase. Under the deal, staff will see their pay increase by 6.5% over three years, with full details of the package expected to be announced today, marking the abandonment of the pay cap in place since 2010.

Zuckerberg asked to give evidence as Cambridge Analytica scandal deepens
The Guardian reports that the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has written to Mark Zuckerberg, asking him to give evidence on the use of data by Cambridge Analytica. The paper carries further revelations from Channel 4’s investigation of the firm, including boasts about helping Donald Trump’s campaign and using ‘unattributable and untrackable’ advertising. The Times accuses the firm of offering the leader of the opposition in St Kitts and Nevis a bribe in 2010 in an attempt to swing an election and the BBC adds that the firm’s chief executive, Alexander Nix, has been suspended.

May steps back from further Russia reprisals
The Financial Times reports that Theresa May has ‘backed away’ from further reprisals against Russia, preferring to target Putin’s associates in the UK and adopting a longer-term approach. Hopes of uniting the west have suffered setbacks after both President Trump and President Juncker congratulated Putin on his election victory.

Government suffers defeat on Euratom in Lords
As the BBC reports, the Government was defeated last night when the House of Lords voted to amend the EU Withdrawal Bill so that the UK cannot leave Euratom until a replacement deal is in place. The BBC also carries details of a new report by the Commons Home Affairs Committee, which claims that the transition period may need to be extended to guarantee continued security cooperation. Meanwhile, the Financial Times claims that the EU will offer the City of London ‘appropriate’ market access after Brexit, but only on its terms.

Sick and disabled underpaid benefits
As the Daily Mirror reports, a new report by the National Audit Office has found that the Department for Work and Pensions has been underpaying benefits to sick and disabled people by up to £20,000 per person, with an average loss of £5000. Around 70,000 people were underpaid when they moved onto Employment and Support Allowance.

Northern Powerhouse too focused on Manchester, minister says
The Financial Times says the Jake Berry, the Northern Powerhouse Minister, has said that the policy’s efforts are too focused on Manchester and other large cities and need to be extended to smaller cities and towns in a move which he called ‘Northern Powerhouse 2.0’.

Hunt sets out seven principles to transform social care
Jeremy Hunt gave his first speech since taking control of social care yesterday, outlining seven principles to transform care for the elderly, the Daily Mail reports. A green paper will be published before the summer, but Hunt confirmed that there would be a cap on care costs and suggested an end to the ‘lottery’ which sees dementia patients face higher costs.

Jennie Formby becomes Labour’s new General Secretary
The Guardian reports that Jennie Formby, the Unite candidate, has been appointed as Labour’s new General Secretary. She was selected from a shortlist of two, after Momentum founder Jon Lansman pulled out of the race last week. She was backed by Jeremy Corbyn and the paper says that her victory ‘cements’ his control over the party’s senior posts.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 20 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include the Cambridge Analytica story, the Brexit transition period, Corbyn could ‘do business’ with Putin, and the Tories outspending its rivals in the last election. 

Cambridge Analytica boasted about swinging elections to undercover reporters
As The Guardian reports, executives from Cambridge Analytica, the firm at the centre of the Facebook data breach, ‘boasted of using honey traps, fake news campaigns and operations with ex-spies to swing election campaigns around the world’ to undercover reporters from Channel 4. The broadcaster moved in after months of investigation by The Observer.  The Information Commissioner is applying for a warrant to examine the firm’s activities, but the company denies any wrongdoing.

UK reaches agreement with EU on Brexit transition period
The UK obtained conditional agreement on the Brexit transition period by ‘offering the EU concessions over sovereignty’, the Financial Times reports. The progress will be acknowledged at the EU summit on Friday and new guidelines for negotiating the future relationship will be adopted. A colour-coded draft text of the withdrawal agreement show that progress still needs to be made on issues including governance and the Irish border. The Daily Telegraph adds that Jacob Rees-Mogg is to protest the ‘abject betrayal’ of the fishing industry by throwing fish overboard from a boat outside Parliament.

Corbyn would ‘do business’ with Putin
Jeremy Corbyn has told the BBC that he would ‘do business’ with Putin, but would challenge him on human rights and act in an ‘assertive’ and ‘demanding’ way with Russia. However, he also called for ‘an absolutely definitive answer’ over the source of the nerve agent used in the Salisbury attack and suggested that the Russians should be given a sample.

Conservatives outspent Labour and Lib Dems combined at last election
The Financial Times reports that the Conservatives spent more than Labour and the Liberal Democrats combined in the 2017 general election. The Tories spent £18.6m, while Labour spent £11m and the Lib Dems spent £6.8m. Detailed analysis revealed that the Tories spent four times more on Facebook advertising than Labour, and twice as much on Google adverts.

Council tax should be scrapped, thinktank says
The Guardian says that a report by the Resolution Foundation calls for council tax to be scrapped and replaced by a progressive levy on property. The think tank claims that in some areas council tax had ended up resembling the poll tax and is highly regressive.

UKIP ‘on brink of bankruptcy’
According to The Guardian, UKIP is ‘teetering on the brink of bankruptcy’ after being presented for a legal bill of £175,000 following a libel action brought by three Labour MPs. If it does not appeal, it will have to find the money in the next fortnight, with the party’s finances reportedly being ‘in a perilous condition’.

Politicians back The Sun campaign to cap credit fees
The Sun reports that politicians from across the spectrum are backing its call to ‘end rip-off doorstep lending fees and rent-to-own credit agreements’. The paper cites support from politicians including Lib Dem leader Vince Cable, former pensions minister Ros Altman, Tory backbencher Robert Halfon, Labour’s Stella Creasy, and the co-chairs of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Debt, Yvonne Fovargue and Jonathan Edwards.

One in eight local roads could close within a year due to backlog of repairs
Research by the Asphalt Industry Alliance published today, warns that as many as one in eight local roads could be closed to traffic within a year because of a huge backlog of pothole repairs, The Times says. While Government funding is at its highest level in a decade, the paper says that this is considered ‘too little, too late by some’.

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Political Updates 19 March 2018

This week’s Political Updates, covers moves and changes at all levels of Government. 

Image result for uk government logo  Government Departments

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

Fiona Pollard and Allan Lambert have been appointed as trustees of the VisitEngland board

Rupert Gavin has been reappointed as Chair of the Historic Royal Palaces board

Sally Bolton has been appointed as a member of the UK Sport Board

Department for Transport

Alan Massey will retire as Chief Executive of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency 

Ministry of Justice

Russell Aguis has been appointed as an independent member of the Justice Pension Board

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Lord Blencathra, Sue Hartley, Henry Robinson and Marian Spain have been appointed to the board of Natural England. Catherine Dugmore has been appointed as Chair of the Audit, Risk, Assurance Committee

Conor Colgan, James Shouler , Richard Sparey and Steve Thompson have been appointed as Beef & Lamb sector board members of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

Foreign and Commonweatlh Office

Rob Macaire has been appointed as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Iran, replacing Nicholas Hopton


House of Commons

Daniel Zeichner has been added as a member of the Petitions Committee, replacing Susan Elan Jones.


 Image result for labour party rose    Labour Party

Debbie Abrahams has resigned as Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Margaret Greenwood has taken on the role on an interim basis

Welsh Government logo.png     Welsh Government

Adrian Cropton will become Auditor General for Wales in July, replacing Huw Vaughan Thomas





European Parliament


This week, the European Parliament will hold committee meetings and group meetings in Brussels.

Politics on Sunday – 19 March 2018

The Sunday political shows were, of course, dominated by Russia. Andrew Marr had Russia’s Ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov on his show, who said that it would be worth questioning why the UK Government was able to identify the Novichok agent so quickly.

Chizhov suggested that to identify the nerve agent it would have to be tested against nerve agents the UK has in its possession. He also gave the defence that the country stopped making chemical weapons in the early 90s and all of their stockpiles of poisons were destroyed last year. The Ambassador said, ‘Russia had nothing to do with it’ when asked about the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal. Chizhov also disapproved of Boris Johnson’s manner after Johnson said it was likely Putin personally ordered the attack.

The Foreign Secretary was himself a guest on Marr and he dismissed the idea of the UK being involved in the attack as ‘satirical’. He also argued against the defence given by Chizhov, saying the stockpiling of nerve agents has been something Russia have been doing for the last decade. Johnson was also damming when speaking about the response to the attack, saying experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons will test samples.

It turns out Johnson himself played tennis with a lady whose husband was given an award by Vladimir Putin and served in a ministerial position under Putin because she paid £160,000 at a fundraising auction. Marr question whether the Foreign Secretary and the Conservatives more widely were best placed to comment on Russia with links such as these. Johnson confirmed the tennis match, featuring then Prime Minister David Cameron, did take place, but then said that if there is evidence of wealth being gained by corruption, agencies are in place that can withhold that wealth. He clarified that it is not for him to decide who does and does not deserve to hold wealth in the UK, and made clear that Russian people are not the enemy or ‘the object of our wrath’. Johnson is often criticised as not being serious enough for the role of Foreign Secretary, but this interview has gone some way to answering those criticisms.

Shadow Attorney General, Shami Chakrabarti, also appeared on Marr to give further explanation to the response of Labour. She said that if the Government is convinced Putin ordered the attack they must have seen more evidence than the leadership of Labour. Chakrabarti said she agreed with Theresa May that the Russia Government have a responsibility whether they lost control of the nerve agent or directed the attack. The Baroness said that the ‘tone’ of remarks by Jeremy Corbyn have been ‘spun’. She also stressed the need for everyone commenting on the incident to get their tone right.

The discussion on Peston also focused on Russia. If Theresa May was watching, she will have seen more agreement from the Labour Party in the position she took, this time from John McDonnell. The agreement from the main opposition party, including harsh critics like John McDonnell perhaps indicate that May got her response right. The Shadow Chancellor also pointed out that a pattern could be seen with previous attacks on Russian dissidents. McDonnell also responded to criticism the Labour Party have received aimed at their response to the incident saying that Seamus Milne said ‘exactly’ what the Prime Minister said.

Anna Soubry on Peston did not describe John McDonnell in complimentary terms, saying she views him as one of the most dangerous people in British politics.

Chair of the Conservative Party, Brandon Lewis, appeared on Peston and, like Johnson, was asked about links between Putin and the Conservative Party. When asked whether Lewis know whether any donors have links to Putin, he responded by saying due diligence has been done. Lewis then moved onto saying that some of these people have become British citizens after fleeing Putin and are taking up their right to take part in any aspect of British society they want to. When asked whether he felt proud about the remarks Gavin Williamson made last week that Russia should ‘go away and shut up’, Lewis said the intention of the remarks was correct and said everyone has their own way of doing things. When appearing on Sunday with Paterson, Lewis did not wholeheartedly defend remarks by Boris Johnson when he said Jeremy Corbyn had let his country down.

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19 March

Today’s Political Headlines – 19 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include Davis in Brussels, the betting machine cap, Momentum ‘radically transforming’ Labour and Facebook’s data issue. 

Davis in Brussels for transition talks amid fears over Irish border pressure
The Financial Times reports that Brexit Secretary David Davis is holding urgent talks in Brussels today to secure a transition deal. Aides say that he is ‘confident’, but there are fears that the UK may be pressured to make new commitments over the Irish border. According to The Guardian, the UK has already abandoned plans to repatriate control of fisheries during the transition period. In The Daily Telegraph, Jacob Rees-Mogg warns that the UK risks becoming a ‘joke nation’ if it cannot sign trade deals during the transition.

Betting machine wagers should be cut to £30 or less, Gambling Commission says
The BBC reports that the Gambling Commission has called for the maximum stake on fixed odds betting terminals (FOBT) to be cut to £30 or less, with the maximum stake on ‘slots games’ £2. The advice is part of the Government’s review of gambling machines, with a decision due in the coming weeks.

Momentum ‘radically transforming’ Labour
An investigation by The Guardian reveals that Momentum is ‘radically transforming’ Labour. The paper finds that local branches of Momentum are ‘challenging party orthodoxies, flouting national membership rules and fighting to get their activists selected’. The paper also says that there are signs of a fightback against the organisation, with Momentum backed candidate only winning a third of parliamentary selections.

Cambridge Analytica and Facebook under fire over data leak revelations
The Times reports that MPs have called for the privacy regulator to be handled stronger powers to investigate technology companies, following the leaking of the personal data of millions of Facebook users. Damian Collins, chair of the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has accused Cambridge Analytica of lying to Parliament, and Facebook of misleading MPs.

Johnson under ‘growing pressure’ over garden bridge
The Guardian says that Boris Johnson is under ‘growing pressure’ over the scrapped garden bridge project. Labours’ Shadow Communities Secretary Andrew Gwynne has written to the Foreign Secretary, asking him to provide evidence for his assertion that the journalist Will Hurst criticised the project because he disliked the bridge’s designer.

A&E wait length masked by official figures
The Times reveals that tens of thousands more patients spent more than 12 hours in A&E waiting for a bed last year than revealed by official figures. The discrepancy is because official figures only record the time from a doctor deciding to admit a patient, not from the patient arriving at A&E. Sarah Wollaston, Chair of the Commons Health Committee, warned that long waits raised concerns about patient safety.

Labour to offer ‘more generous’ social care cap
The Daily Mirror reports that Shadow Care Minister Barbara Keeley will pledge to outflank the Tories on social care, implementing ‘a maximum limit on care costs at a more generous level than currently set in the Care Act regulations’. This might include widening the scope of the cap to include costs such as accommodation.

£26m to be spent on breakfast clubs
According to The Sun, ministers are to invest £26m in breakfast clubs at 1770 schools around the country. Two charities, Family Action and Magic Breakfast, will be responsible for running the clubs, funded by the new soft drinks levy and due to start this spring.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 16 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include Corbyn defending his position over the Salisbury poisoning, Google funding supportive think thanks, business leaders demanding a Brexit transition agreement and stay at home mums denied the right to a full state pension. 

Corbyn defends response to Salisbury poisoning
Jeremy Corbyn has written in The Guardian, defending his response to the Salisbury poisoning, warning Theresa May against ‘rushing way ahead of the evidence’. The paper says that there appear to be divisions on the issue in the shadow cabinet, with Emily Thornberry and Nia Griffith taking tougher stances. Yesterday, as the BBC reports, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said that Russia should ‘go away and ‘shut up’. The Times reports on the ‘unusual joint statement’ made by the French, German, American and British leaders, condemning Russian for ‘an assault on UK sovereignty’.

Google spends tens of millions of pounds funding think tanks
A report seen by The Times, shows that Google has spent tens of millions of pounds funding think tanks that published papers supporting its policy interests. The US Campaign for Accountability report examined five institutions in the UK and Europe, including Nesta’s Research Alliance for a Digital Economy (Readie).

Business leaders stress urgent need for Brexit transition agreement
The Financial Times reports that business leaders highlighted the urgent need for a finalised Brexit transition deal when they met the Prime Minister yesterday, adding that the Irish border remains the biggest remaining obstacle to reaching a transition deal next week. The Guardian claims that the Government has been asking businesses to sign secrecy agreements when they discuss border issues with it, including no-deal Brexit scenarios.

50,000 stay at home mothers denied right to full state pension
Nicky Morgan, chair of the Commons Treasury Committee, has written to officials, raising concerns that 50,000 stay at home mothers may miss out on a full state pension as a result of changes to the state benefit system, owing to what The Daily Telegraph calls a ‘Government blunder’.

Grenfell Tower doors could only hold fire back for half the intended time
Investigators have found that doors in Grenfell Tower were only capable of holding back flames for half of their intended time, as an article in The Sun says. Sajid Javid told the House of Commons that there was ‘no evidence’ that this was a ‘systematic issue’ and that further updates would be provided by the end of April.

Cambridge Analytica pitched illegal offer targeting foreign donors to Leave.EU
The Guardian reports that documents released by the Commons Digital, Culture, Media & Sport Committee show that Cambridge Analytica proposed raising money form foreign supporters on behalf of Leave.EU, in breach of UK election law. However, Leave.EU did not take up the offer. The documents were supplied to the committee by Arron Banks, the campaign’s backer, to rebut claims made by Cambridge Analytica’s chief executive.

Javid becomes fifth MP to receive ‘Punish a Muslim’ package
The Times reports that Sajid Javid has become the fifth MP to receive a suspicious package and a letter calling for a ‘Punish a Muslim’ day. The letters are currently being investigated by counterterrorism police. The other recipients have been Rupa Huq, Rushanara Ali, Mohammad Yasin and Afzal Khan.

GMB criticises reliability of green power sources
The Sun carries details of a report by the GMB, which claims that on 65 days last year, turbines supplied less than 10% of their potential for at least half a day, leaving the UK reliant on gas, nuclear and coal. The union’s national secretary, Justin Bowden, said, ‘It is the facts, not the hype, which should determine the UK’s energy policy decisions.’

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Today’s Political Headlines – 15 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include the USA’s support of the UK, signing trade deals during Brexit transition, the Good Friday Agreement under threat and the UK’s poisonous air. 

USA expresses ‘solidarity’ with UK over nerve agent attack
The BBC reports that the USA has expressed its ‘solidarity’ with the UK, following the Prime Minister’s decision to retaliate against Russia following the use of a nerve agent in Salisbury. 23 diplomats have been expelled, amid other measures. The Daily Telegraph adds that the Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson will use a speech today to unveil new measure to tackle chemical and biological warfare. The Daily Mail says that backbench Labour MPs have rounded on Jeremy Corbyn after he failed to condemn Russia.

UK will be able to sign trade deals during Brexit transition
According to The Times, the UK will be free to sign trade deals during the Brexit transition period without needing to get permission from the EU, a climbdown from the EU’s previous position. Talks on the transition period are expected to be finished by Monday at the latest so that the details can be signed off at a summit of EU leaders on Thursday.

Brexit threatens Good Friday Agreement, Taoiseach says
The Guardian says the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, has warned that Brexit threatens the Good Friday Agreement and could ‘drive a wedge’ between his country and the UK. He also sought to reassure unionists that he does not have a ‘hidden agenda’ for a united Ireland. He was speaking at an event in Washington to mark the 20th anniversary of the agreement.

Four committees criticise the UK’s ‘poisonous air’
A joint report from the Commons Environment, Health, Transport and Environmental Audit committees demands an end to the UK’s ‘poisonous air’, the BBC reports. It calls for a new Clean Air Act, faster phasing-out of petrol and diesel cars, and a motor industry financed clean air fund. The Government has promised to publish a clean air strategy later this year.

Bercow stands aside from commission to allow bullying probe to go ahead
The Daily Telegraph says that the Speaker, John Bercow, is standing aside as chair of the House of Commons Commission in order to allow it to conduct a probe into bullying allegations. MPs had warned him that staying in place would be a ‘clear conflict of interest’.

300,000 more university places needed by 2030
The Sun reports that analysis by the Higher Education Policy Institute shows that universities and colleges will need to find 300,000 new places by 2030 as the number of 18 year olds is set to rise by almost a quarter. Up to half a million places will be needed, the institute argues, if social inequality is to be fixed.

Taxes would have to be raised by £40bn to eliminate deficit by 2025
The Institute for Fiscal Studies says that Philip Hammond will have to raise taxes by £40bn in order to eliminate the deficit by 2025. The Times reports that the think tank’s deputy director, Carl Emmerson, said that he ‘would be surprised’ if that target was met.

May saves 1p and 2p coins
The Sun says that Theresa May ‘rushed to save 1p and 2p coins’ yesterday, after a Treasury consultation suggested that they might be withdrawn. A spokesperson for the Prime Minister said the ‘early reaction’ made it clear that the public wished to keep the coins.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 14 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include measures against Russia, an ‘easing of austerity’, an integration green paper and corrupt countries that ‘should not’ receive aid. 

May due to announce measures against Russia
As the BBC reports, Theresa May is expected to announce a series of measures against Russia later today, after the country missed her deadline to explain the use of a nerve agent to poison a former double agent. The Prime Minister received the backing of President Trump in a phone call, while the leaders of Germany and France have also offered their support.

Spring statement ‘signalled an easing of austerity’
The Financial Times says that Philip Hammond’s Spring Statement ‘signalled an easing of austerity’. Hammond described himself as being ‘positively Tigger-like’, but the paper reports that official forecasts leave the UK near the bottom of the Group of Seven economic powers in terms of growth. The Sun claims that the Chancellor has been ‘blasted’ over proposals to scrap 1p and 2p coins in a consultation released alongside the statement.

Integration green paper launched
Sajid Javid (the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government) is to launch a £50m green paper on integration, The Guardian says. He told the paper that there were 770,000 people living in England that speak little or no English. The Times reports that the proposals will also mandate that Sharia weddings must be registered in law.

Corrupt countries should not receive aid, Cameron says
According to The Daily Telegraph, David Cameron has suggested that corrupt countries should be stripped of aid money. Appearing before a US congressional committee, the former prime minister said that countries who didn’t meet ‘basic norms of governance’ should not receive funding as this is ‘not fair on our taxpayers’.

Government agrees ‘major climb-down’ on transition period
In an exclusive, The Sun reveals that Theresa May’s Brexit committee has agreed the terms of the Brexit transition phase. A ‘major climb-down’ has been agreed, keeping borders open for EU citizens until 2021 and accepting the EU’s proposed exit date at the end of 2020.

May to meet devolved leaders
Theresa May is to hold meetings with Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones later today, in an attempt to end deadlock over Brexit, the BBC reports. Sturgeon has said that she does not expect to reach a deal over devolved powers after Brexit today, although all sides agree that progress has been made.

University strike deal fails
The Times says that final year exams at over 60 universities will be ‘severely disrupted’ after a deal to end a strike by lecturers was rejected. Preparations are now being made for 14 days of strikes during May and June, with lectures and classes not being rescheduled.

Childcare voucher changes delayed
The Guardian reports that Labour has pushed the Government into agreeing to extend the workplace childcare voucher system following a vote yesterday. Labour whips are predicting that the delay could lead to the plan to abolish the vouchers being abandoned.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 13 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include Russia’s midnight deadline(!), today’s Spring statement, Karl Turner accused of sexual harassment and the £2bn cost of Brexit preparations. 

Russia given midnight deadline to explain its actions
The Times reports that Theresa May has given Russia until midnight to account for its actions in the poisoning case. If there is ‘no credible response’, retaliatory measures might include a cyberattack, and the Prime Minister has hinted that the Government will drop its opposition to the ‘Magnitsky amendment’, which would make it easier to confiscate the assets of human rights abusers. The BBC reports that Jeremy Corbyn’s response has been controversial, as he criticised Conservatives for accepting donations from ‘Russia oligarchs’.

Spring statement to contain overhaul of VAT statement
The Daily Telegraph claims the Philip Hammond will announce an overhaul of the VAT system to benefit small traders and entrepreneurs in the spring statement today. The Times reports that other consultations will be on technology companies and plastics. The Guardian says Iain Duncan Smith has called on the Chancellor to reverse cuts to Universal Credit.

Karl Turner accused of making sexual remarks to cancer victim
The Times says that the number of Labour MPs facing bullying and sexual harassment allegations grew to six after Karl Turner was accused of slapping and making crude comments to a cancer survivor. The Daily Telegraph claims Speaker John Bercow is under pressure over claims that he used taxpayers money to suppress allegations against him.

Brexit preparations to cost Government £2bn
Institute for Government analysis suggests the Government is likely to have spent £2bn on Brexit preparations by the time that the UK leaves the EU in March 2019, with 10,000 extra roles being created in six core Whitehall departments, the Financial Times reports.

Home Office keeping torture victims in detention
The Guardian says that an inspection report into Harmondsworth immigration removal centre shows that the Home Office is detaining torture victims despite accepting evidence of their vulnerability. Concerns were also raised about security, safety and respect.

Brexit negotiators ‘closing in on securing a deal on the transition period’
According to The Daily Telegraph, Brexit negotiators ‘are closing in on securing a deal on the transition period’, and aiming for agreement at the March 22 European Council summit. Sources said that the European Commission was ‘impressed’ by the British negotiating team.

University strike may be called off
The Guardian says that strikes by university staff could be called off after a revised pension reform proposal was agreed by employers and union officials. It will be considered today by the University and College Union’s higher education committee and branch representatives.

Military childcare scheme to be axed
The Daily Mirror reports the Government is planning to axe a childcare scheme used by around 10,000 military personnel, alongside other ‘childcare vouchers’ and replaced by ‘tax-free childcare’, which the paper says is ‘less generous’. A vote will be held today.

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Politics on Sunday – 11 March 2018

Chancellor Philip Hammond made an appearance on both Marr and Peston yesterday, where two topics (neither of which were Brexit!) were dominant: the economy and Russia. Ahead of the Spring Statement (Tuesday 13 March), Hammond gave his view on the state of the economy and said that there is ‘light at the end’ of the austerity tunnel as debt will begin to fall. However, Hammond made sure to point out that the UK is still that tunnel and the national debt must still come down.

When asked by Robert Peston whether he foresees the UK economy reaching a 60% debt to GDP ratio in our lifetime, Hammond responded by saying, ‘It depends on how long you’re planning on living’.

Hammond did have to face some Brexit-related questions. When asked by Peston about EU fishermen, Hammond responded it will be up to the UK to decide whether we allow European fishermen to enter our waters. He also said that it would come down to the results of the negotiation as to whether the UK will have access to the single market.

John McDonnell gave an alternative view of the economy on Marr by saying he did not see Hammond’s assessment as being accurate and that ‘austerity is holding growth back’, lamenting the lack of growth in wages. McDonnell accused the Government of passing the buck on financial management to those that depend on the funding.

All the guests on Marr had to face questions relating to Russia. Perhaps the most notable Russia-related guest was Marina Litvinenko, the widow of ex-Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko who died after being poisoned in London.  She came with a warning to Theresa May that ‘you need to be very selective who you are friends with’ as the history of wealthy individuals coming into a country needs to be considered.

She also made the point that as someone else has been poisoned, it must mean the actions required were not taken. John McDonnell encouraged his Labour colleagues not to appear on Russia Today and that if Russia was involved in the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, then Britain will need to take steps to isolate the country. Hammond said if there was evidence of a foreign state being involved in the Skripal attack then the Government will be responding appropriately.

Jacob Rees-Mogg was a guest on Peston and he views Russia as a serious threat to the UK and said a robust response is needed. Rees-Mogg also commented on Russian bots, saying he did not know who looks at his Twitter and whether any bots promote his views.

Rees-Mogg also said he would want any money that comes from the UK leaving the EU to go towards the NHS as we are not currently spending enough on health. Over the weekend, Peter Dowd appeared on Russia Today and was questioned on his appearance by Niall Paterson. He said the Labour Party will be reviewing the policy of appearing on Russia Today and he makes a decision on every offer he gets to appear on TV.

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Sunday Political programmes

Today’s Political Headlines – 12 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include May on the verge of blaming Russia for spy attack, the Debbie Abrahams bullying claims, the most inactive parliament for two decades and Vince Cable under fire. 

May ‘on the verge of publicly blaming Russia’ for attack
The Times reports that Theresa May is ‘on the verge of publicly blaming Russia’ of the attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal, with an official announcement possible after a meeting of the National Security Council today. Retaliatory measures under consideration include expelling diplomats and cancelling visas, financial curbs, withdrawing all official World Cup representation, an international statement of condemnation, and/or boosting military deployments in Eastern Europe.

Debbie Abrahams steps aside over ‘workplace issue’
Debbie Abrahams, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, has stepped aside following a ‘workplace issue’ according to the party, understood to be allegations of bullying, The Guardian reports. Abrahams rejects the claims.

Current parliament most inactive for over two decades
Analysis by The Times shows that the current parliament is the most inactive for at least two decades, which the paper attributes to ‘ministerial panic’ about potential defeats over both Brexit and domestic policy caused by the Government not having a working majority. Legislation on post-Brexit customs arrangements has been repeatedly delayed, while half of the eight Brexit bills originally envisaged have not been introduced.

Cable under attack over remarks about older Brexit voters
The leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Vince Cable, claimed at his party’s conference yesterday that many older Brexit voters were driven ‘by nostalgia for a world where passports were blue, faces were white and maps were coloured imperial pink’. The BBC reports that Cable’s remarks have come under attack from Conservative politicians.

Global Britain strategy attacked in new report
In a new report, the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee claims the Government’s Global Britain strategy risks damaging UK interests by becoming a ‘superficial branding exercise’. As the Financial Times says, the report complains that no minister could give a ‘definitive explanation’ of the policy and there are no new resources to support it.

Motion of no confidence in Bercow to be tabled
According to The Guardian, the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, is to face a motion of no confidence today, tabled by a Conservative MP. Andrew Bridgen has said that either he, or another MP, will table an Early Day Motion expressing no confidence, following last week’s bullying allegations. As the paper notes, few EDMs are actually discussed.

Hammond to hint at public spending increases in spring statement
When Philip Hammond gives his spring statement tomorrow, he will reassure Conservative MPs that he is planning ‘significant public spending announcements’ for the autumn budget following better than expected public sector finance figures, with NHS spending taking precedence, The Times claims. According to The Daily Telegraph, a consultation on a new ‘litter levy’ will be introduced in the statement.

University course rankings to be published
The Government has announced that 50 institutions are taking part in a project to publish teaching ratings for different university subjects, the Financial Times says. Sam Gyimah, the universities minister, has announced a consultation on the plans today.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 9 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include Newsnight’s bullying investigation in Parliament, the full spectrum response to Russia, NHS staff offered a pay rise and ministers rejecting the latte levy. 

Investigation into bullying in Parliament accuses three MPs, including John Bercow
An investigation by BBC Newsnight into harassment and bullying of clerks in Parliament has made accusations against three MPs. Those accused are Labour’s Paul Farrelly, the Conservative Mark Pritchard, and the Speaker, John Bercow. All three deny the allegations, but Lib Dem deputy leader Jo Swinson has called for a ‘thorough independent investigation.’

May draws up ‘full spectrum’ response to Russia
In an exclusive, The Sun reports that Theresa May is drawing up a ‘full spectrum’ response to alleged Russian involvement in the poisoning of a former Russian spy. Measures will include expelling diplomats, cancelling visas, freezing assets, a joint international statement of condemnation, and increased military deployments in Eastern Europe.

NHS staff to be offered pay rise in return for losing holiday
According to The Guardian, the Government is to offer NHS staff a 6.5% pay rise over the next three years, so long as they give up a day’s holiday. This would be the first ‘meaningful’ pay rise since 2010, the paper claims, with unions ‘cautiously optimistic’ about the deal.

Ministers reject ‘latte levy’
The Government has rejected calls from the Environmental Audit Committee to introduce a ‘latte levy’ on disposable coffee cups. The BBC says that ministers have instead suggested shops introduce their own voluntary charges, annoying committee chair Mary Creagh.

Johnson promises ‘very, very minimal controls’ on Irish border
Speaking at an event held by The Daily Telegraph, Boris Johnson promised ‘very, very minimal controls’ at the Irish border and that a no deal Brexit would have no ‘terrors’ for the UK. The Financial Times says that Donald Tusk, the European Council President, has said that Ireland must be dealt with ‘first’ in talks. The Daily Telegraph also reports that the Government is to go ahead with its proposals for devolution after Brexit, despite failing to secure approval from the devolved administrations.

Tories ‘clamouring’ for public spending increase
The Financial Times says that Conservative MPs are ‘clamouring’ for the Chancellor to increase public spending at the Spring Statement. The Daily Mirror reports that John McDonnell is to say the Conservatives are ‘blind’ to the ‘pain and misery’ of austerity.

Government to publish ‘humiliating’ Universal Credit reviews
The Daily Mirror says the Government confirmed yesterday that it was to give up its two-year battle to keep its ‘humiliating’ reviews of Universal Credit secret. The Government had been due to defend the non-publication of the reviews at a forthcoming tribunal.

Government considers fines for motorists who pass too close to cyclists
The Times reports that the Government is to publish a call for evidence as part of a review of cyclist and pedestrian safety, including possible fines for drivers who pass cyclists too closely. Legal advice advocating a new offence of dangerous cycling will also be published.

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CEO Vuelio

International Women’s Day 2018: Joanna Arnold, CEO, Access Intelligence

Joanna Arnold is the CEO of Access Intelligence, the parent company of Vuelio. On this International Women’s Day, and following our interviews with leading women in PR, we spoke to Jo about working in tech, gender diversity and her advice for other women who are just starting their careers. 

It’s shockingly rare for SaaS chief execs to be female, what’s it like to be a woman working in this industry?
I think it’s an issue for start-ups more broadly – in 2016, just over two per cent of all capital raised went to female-led businesses. That said, I wouldn’t say I felt isolated; on the contrary, with some thankfully rare exceptions I’ve always felt supported. What’s more, I’m very lucky to be surrounded by some fantastic women at Vuelio, where 70% of our management team is female.

What needs to change to increase gender diversity?
This is such a complicated question, there are just so many factors involved. Undoubtedly there are early social pressures – gendered toys, that kind of thing – which are reinforced by broader social structures as girls grow up.  And of course, those broader social structures are mirrored in the corporate world.

But I do believe fundamental change is coming. For young girls today, technology is just a normal part of their everyday lives. There are apprenticeships dedicated to helping women get started in the industry and academies to help them progress. And I think of myself as part of a new generation of leaders whose approach marks a challenge to those established corporate structures. All these things are working in concert to create a more diverse, more dynamic, more welcoming workplace.

We also need to be mindful of our own privilege. In particular, we need to show consideration for other factors that hold people back, such as race, age and class. I consider myself extremely fortunate in many ways, and I think women in similar positions need to examine their privileges too; we have to be sure that diversity initiatives do not focus on gender alone, thereby excluding those people, women or men, who most need support.

What advice would you give women who are just starting their careers?
Being around people who support your career is so important. I’ve seen it so often, when people find themselves boxed in by their accomplishments; they’re good at their job, and their boss wants to keep it that way by not helping them to advance! I think women are more often subject to this because they’re more likely to lack confidence (see above – though of course, it’s perfectly possible for women to be the bosses keeping people back). Don’t let other people’s insecurities and biases stop you growing – make sure you’re surrounded by colleagues with the generosity of spirit to help you succeed.

For me, another key to growth is staying humble. You should always be learning, and I firmly believe you’ll learn a lot more if you’re open to thoughts and ideas from everyone and everywhere. Consciously try to embrace a diverse range of opinions, and in particular be open to those you might otherwise reject instinctively – you’ll learn more and grow fast if you’re consistently challenging yourself.

Most important of all is to find something that in some way inspires you. I’m lucky that I’m able to do something I truly love, in a sector that I find incredibly exciting. Not everyone is so fortunate – they might not love their work, but if you’re building a career it’s essential that you derive pleasure from it in one form or other.


Today’s Political Headlines – 8 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include the nerve agent used to attack a former Russian spy, the Government’s new domestic abuse proposals, Labour’s fines for inaction on gender pay and the elderly care crippling councils

Nerve agent reportedly used to attack former Russian spy
The Times reports that ‘Whitehall sources’ say Sergei and Yulia Skripal were attacked with a nerve agent, increasing the likelihood of Kremlin involvement. It adds that Conservative MP Nick Boles has called on the UK to break off diplomatic ties with Russia and that Home Secretary Amber Rudd will make an urgent statement on the investigation today.

Government unveils new domestic abuse proposals
The Guardian has details of a new consultation on domestic abuse being launched by the Government today. Under the proposals, a new civil protection order would be introduced, allowing perpetrators to be banned from contacting their victims, barred from drinking alcohol and electronically tagged.

Labour would introduce fines for inaction on gender pay gaps
Labour has also announced a new policy to mark International Women’s Day, The Guardian says. Under a Labour government, all companies with more than 250 employees would not only have to publish their gender pay gap, but would have to prove they were taking action or face a fine.

One in ten councils face going bust over cost of caring for the elderly
The Times reports that a study by the National Audit Office shows that one in ten councils will run out of money in the next three years as they struggle to pay for the rising cost of care for the elderly, with central government funding having been cut by almost 50% over the last eight years. This is despite major cuts to waste, food hygiene, and youth services.

May raises human rights with Saudi Arabia, but is accused of colluding in war crimes
The BBC says that Theresa May raised human rights concerns when she met the Saudi Arabian crown prince yesterday. Jeremy Corbyn accused the Government of ‘colluding’ in war crimes by selling arms to the country and supporting it with military advisers.

Cost of Brexit to be outlined, as Hammond accused of bartering away fishing rights
The Financial Times says the impact of the Brexit Bill on public finances will be set out for the first time by the Office for Budget Responsibility at the spring statement next week. The paper also reports that in his speech yesterday, Philip Hammond warned the EU that if the UK’s access to European financial markets was cut, ‘significant additional costs’ would be borne by businesses and consumers. According to The Daily Telegraph, Hammond is being criticised for bartering away fishing rights in return for a better deal for the City, as the EU published its draft trade deal guidelines.

Labour secures vote on cuts to free school meals and childcare for children on Universal Credit
According to the Daily Mirror, the Shadow Education Secretary, Angela Rayner, has blocked attempts by the Government to cut free school meals and free childcare for children on Universal Credit without a vote in Parliament. A vote will now have to be held, which the paper expects the Government to lose because the DUP opposes the change.

‘Civil war’ in Labour Party as Corbyn ally criticises unions
The Sun alleges that a ‘major civil war’ is taking place in the Labour Party after Christine Shawcroft, an ally of Jeremy Corbyn, called on the party to cut its links to the unions. She is supporting Jon Lansman, the founder of Momentum, in his bid to become General Secretary of the party, against Jennie Formby of Unite. The paper also reports that Corbyn was a member of an anti-Semitic Facebook group.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 7 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include MI5 now investigating the Russian poisoning, the EU’s dismissal of Theresa May’s speech, Hammond’s Brexit speech and Junk food adverts to be curbed. 

MI5 treating poisoning as assassination attempt linked to Russia
The Times claims that it has been told by ‘Whitehall sources’ that the suspected poisoning of the former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter is being treated as an assassination attempt linked to Russia by MI5. If this is found to be the case, Boris Johnson has promised that the Government ‘will respond appropriately and responsibly’ and also suggested that British dignitaries might boycott the World Cup in protest.

EU dismisses Theresa May’s speech as ‘double cherry-picking’
In an exclusive, The Guardian publishes a leaked document in which the EU dismisses Theresa May’s Brexit speech as ‘a change in tone, but not in substance’. The analysis says that the trade model proposed by May is ‘double cherry-picking’ and is unworkable, and that the speech was aimed May’s ‘domestic audience’. The paper also says that carmakers are stepping up their warnings about the impact of Brexit, while the Daily Mail reports that Ryanair’s boss has threatened to ground planes in an attempt to force a rethink of Brexit.

Hammond to give speech on Brexit and financial services
Chancellor Philip Hammond will give a speech today, telling European leaders that it is in the mutual interest of both the UK and the EU to include financial services in a free trade agreement, The Daily Telegraph says. He will warn that prices for financial services will go up without a deal. However, the Financial Times reports that Brussels and Paris will publicly rebuff May’s proposals to secure the City’s access to the EU single market.

Junk food adverts to be curbed
According to The Times, Theresa May is planning a U-turn on her obesity policy. She had ruled out restrictions on advertising and promotions of junk food, but new plans are now being drawn up by 10 Downing Street following pressure from Jeremy Hunt. A second child obesity strategy is now planned to be published later this year.

Nicola Sturgeon attacks former Children’s Minister as he refuses to stand down
The Daily Telegraph says that Nicola Sturgeon has attacked her former Children’s Minister, Mark McDonald, for refusing to step down as an MSP. McDonald has quit the SNP after an internal inquiry found that he had sent ‘inappropriate and unwanted’ messages, caused distress through ‘unwanted attention’ and abused his position of power.

Saudi crown prince starts UK visit
As the BBC reports, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, begins a three-day visit to the UK today, during which he will hold talks with Theresa May and have lunch with the Queen. The BBC says he ‘is seen by some as a modernising force’ but that protests are planned against Saudi Arabia’s role in the war in Yemen.

Jeremy Corbyn backs call for Wollstonecraft statue
The Guardian reports that the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his deputy Tom Watson are among 40 men who have signed a letter calling for the feminist Mary Wollstonecraft to be commemorated by a statue. The letter has also been signed by Andrew Adonis and Sir Vince Cable. The paper says that Harriet Harman has welcomed the arrival of ‘Tory feminist’ MPs, claiming that this has the potential to boost the women’s rights movement.

Government calls for tighter security on smart devices
The Daily Telegraph reports the Government will announce that smart devices must have far better security features to prevent them from being used by criminals. New guidelines and a code of practice for manufacturers are to be announced today.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 6 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include the former Russian spy crisis, EU adviser upsetting May’s free trade plans, the EU/USA trade wars and the country on a diet. 

Former Russian spy collapses in Salisbury following contact with unnamed substance
The BBC reports that Russia claims to have ‘no information’ about what could have caused Sergei Skripal and an unnamed woman to collapse in Salisbury yesterday, following contact with an unnamed substance. Skripal was a former Russian spy, who had been convicted of passing secrets to MI6 and was sent to the UK as part of a prisoner swap. The widow of Alexander Litvinenko, poisoned in London in 2006, said the incident felt like ‘déjà vu’.

EU adviser strikes blow against May’s free trade deal plans
The Guardian says that Stefaan de Rynck, adviser to the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier, struck a blow against Theresa May’s ‘chances of securing a deep free-trade deal with the EU’ last night, criticising her proposed mutual recognition of standards. The paper also reports that the Irish Taoiseach has dismissed Theresa May’s suggestion that the US-Canada border could be a model for the UK-Ireland border after Brexit.

EU prepares for trade war with the USA and UK-USA air talks are cut short
The Times reports that the European Union is ‘gearing up’ for a trade war with the USA, following President Trump’s decision to impose high tariffs on imported steel and aluminium, and threats towards car imports. Products to be targeted by the EU in retaliation include Harley-Davidson motorcycles, bourbon whiskey and Levi jeans, with the French President, Emmanuel Macron, saying the EU should react ‘quickly’ and ‘in a proportionate manner’. Meanwhile, the Financial Times claims that talks between the UK and the USA over a post-Brexit ‘Open Skies’ agreement have been cut short after the UK was offered a worse deal.

Local authorities and developers deny responsibility for the housing crisis
Following Theresa May’s announcement of a shake-up of planning rules yesterday, the Financial Times reports that local authorities and developers have denied that they are to blame for the housing crisis. The Guardian adds that the Government has yet to enact its pledge in the autumn budget to give councils more powers to crack down on empty homes.

Public Health England recommends calorie cut for processed foods
The Financial Times reports that Public Health England has recommended the calorie content of processed foods is cut by 20% by 2024 and extended the remit of a campaign against childhood obesity beyond sugar. The body estimates that reaching the target will prevent 35,000 premature deaths and save £9bn in health and care costs over 25 years.

Jobs or services would have to be cut to fund public sector pay rise
New analysis by the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (Class) published in The Guardian, reveals that the Government cannot fund a 1% pay increase for public sector workers without cutting jobs or public services. The report, commissioned by the PCS union, casts doubt on the Government’s claim to have lifted the public sector pay cap.

Justice Secretary targets violence and gangs in jails
The BBC reports that Justice Secretary David Gauke is to unveil measures to clamp down on violence and smuggling drugs, phones and weapons in prisons. Gauke will promise to ‘remove the influence of gangs’, so that prisons can become ‘places of hope not despair’.

Safeguarding incidents reported to Charity Commission include claims of child sex abuse
International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt has said that 26 charities have come forward to report safeguarding cases, including claims of sexual abuse of children and rape, The Guardian reports. Seven groups reported incidents that occurred in the last financial year and reports of serious incidents across all charities have doubled in the last month.

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Politics on Sunday – 4 March 2018

This Sunday, the political shows offered up guests from across the political spectrum including the Prime Minister, First Minister of Scotland and the leader of the Lib Dems.

Theresa May was the headline guest on Sunday, with her appearance on Mar. The Prime Minister was, of course, speaking about the Brexit speech she gave on Friday where she was ‘being straight with people’.

The biggest point of note from the interview was May making clear that the UK will not be asking for ‘passporting’ rights in the Brexit negotiations, with May preferring to negotiate access to the EU’s financial services market in a new trade deal. Her reason for this is that the City of London is too important to be at the table without any say in the rules.

The rest of the Prime Minister’s appearance on the show was made up of her defending her speech and attempts at sending messages to Brussels with her ambitious and practical Brexit proposals. May also said that all sides in the negotiations are working for there to be no hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The discussion around the Irish border did not stop there, with the Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Coveney, making an appearance (Coveney also holds the positions of Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Deputy Leader of Fine Gael). Coveney said he was ‘not sure’ whether the EU would support the UK’s plan for the Irish border. He feels that the EU would want to protect the integrity of the EU single market, Coveney said the idea put forward by May was a good way to start the discussion but by no means would it be a solution.

Lord Mandelson and Iain Duncan Smith also appeared on The Andrew Marr Show, in a blast from the past, both giving their take on Brexit. Mandelson pointed out that the UK is targeting the US for a free trade deal but Donald Trump has recently said free trade deals are ‘stupid’. Duncan Smith made the point that big is not always best when it comes to trade, referencing the UK’s financial services.

Robert Peston had his own high-profile guests with the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, and leader of the Liberal Democrats, Vince Cable. Sturgeon saw May’s speech as more of a concession that the UK will be worse off after Brexit. Vince Cable said it is possible that the Lib Dems could be involved in a new centre party being formed. Cable rejected tribalism and said that he knows of both Conservative and Labour MPs who are very unhappy at the moment.

John McDonnell appeared on Sunday with Niall Paterson and said Tom Watson should think about his relationship with Max Mosley. He said that although Watson said he was of the opinion Mosely had changed his views from years ago, it appears he has not.

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politics on sunday

Today’s Political Headlines – 5 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include May’s speech on planning policy, May’s criticism of Trump over the steel tariff plans, higher tax for baby boomers and legal action over immigration data blocks. 

May to give speech on planning policy today
As the BBC reports, Theresa May is due to give a speech on housing today. She will warn firms that are slow to build new homes that they could be refused planning permission in the future and criticise bonuses ‘based not on the number of homes they build but on their profits or share price’. Writing in The Daily Telegraph, May argues that ‘England needs more homes’ but promises ‘extra protection for Green Belt land’, environmental protections, and ‘a stronger emphasis on good design’.

May criticises Trump over steel tariff plans
In a phone call yesterday, Theresa May criticised President Trump for his plans for tariffs on steel and aluminium imports and after he threatened taxes on EU-made cars, The Times says. A spokesperson told the paper that the Prime Minister said that ‘multilateral action was the only way to resolve the problem of global overcapacity in all parties’ interests’.

Willetts to argue for higher taxes on baby boomers
David Willetts, the former Conservative minister and the Chair of the Resolution Foundation, will use a speech today to argue that the Government needs to target the wealth of baby boomers, through capital or property taxes, according to The Guardian. The paper also reports that the Institute for Public Policy Research has said that income tax bands could be scrapped without costing the Government and giving average earners as much as £1,100.

Legal action over Home Office plans to block access to immigration data
Two organisations are to challenge plans by the Home Office to deny millions of people access to the immigration data held on them in court, The Guardian says. The Open Rights Group (which campaigns on data privacy) and the3million (which represents EU citizens in the UK) argue that a clause in the Data Protection Bill breaches EU law.

EU to offer UK a Canada-style trade deal, as Tory customs union rebels back down
The Daily Telegraph claims the EU is to offer the UK a Canada-style trade deal this week, with only a short section on customs and services (and potentially no mention of financial services). The Sun says Conservative rebels are to back down on their threat to vote to keep the UK in a customs union, following Theresa May’s vow to keep the UK aligned in key industries. As the BBC reports, a Sinn Féin delegation is to meet EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier today, with the DUP meeting him tomorrow.

Five-sixths of employers fail to submit gender pay gap data
Just one sixth of employers with 250 or more staff have submitted gender pay gap data to the Government, with just a month before the deadline, according to the Financial Times. The Government expects about 9,000 employers to be captured by the regulations, but the paper’s calculations suggest that 13,500 could be affected. Only 1,442 have reported.

Government did not pursue opportunity to retrieve £364m from Carillion
The Guardian reports that the Government was aware of a plan that could have retrieved more than £360m from Carillion, limiting the cost to taxpayers and sparing cuts to pensions, but it did not encourage the firm to pursue it. The plan, presented by EY in December, would have broken the firm up, selling the profitable parts and liquidating the rest.

Team Sky ‘crossed an ethical line’, committee finds
A report by the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has concluded that Team Sky ‘crossed an ethical line’ by using drugs permitted by anti-doping rules to enhance performance, instead of just for medical purposes, the BBC reports. Team Sky says that it ‘strongly refutes’ the claims in the report.

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Today’s Political Headlines – 2 March 2018

Today’s Political Headlines include May’s five tests, the end of Leveson II, Gove’s warning and MI5 agents committing crimes. 

May to set out ‘five tests’ for Brexit deal in speech
Theresa May will give a speech today, in which she will set out five ‘tests’ for a deal between the UK and the EU, as the BBC reports. The Times adds that the Prime Minister has been forced to drop a pledge to make a ‘binding commitment’ to mirror EU rules in some sectors and will instead offer ‘strong commitments’. The pledge had been supported by Greg Clark and Philip Hammond, but opposed by David Davis, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove.

Government cancels Leveson II
The Leveson inquiry was formally closed yesterday, after ministers decided not to proceed with the second part – read more here. The Government will also seek to repeal Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act, which would have imposed ‘draconian fines’ on publishers who didn’t join a state-recognised press regulator. Campaigners for reform of the press criticised the decision, saying that victims of phone-hacking had been let down.

Gove warns water industry over high pay and dividends
The Financial Times says that the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove has continued his criticism of the water industry. In a speech to industry executives, he attacked high pay, dividends and tax avoidance and warned that unless companies take action, pressure for renationalisation would grow.

MI5 agents can commit crimes, May admits
According to the Daily Mail, Theresa May admitted for the first time that MI5 agents could commit crimes in the UK, saying that the Investigatory Powers Commissioner oversees ‘security service agents’ participation in criminality’. The commissioner, Lord Justice Fulford, welcomed the decision to ‘make public my oversight of this sensitive area of work.’

GDPR hotline faces criticism
A Government hotline set up to advise small businesses on GDPR, the new data protection rules coming into effect in May, is criticised in The Sun. Callers are having to wait for up to half an hour, and officials have urged businesses not to use the line. Instead, they have been advised to use the Information Commissioner’s Office’s website or speak to industry groups.

Conservative Vice-Chair for Women calls for debate on lowering abortion limit
Maria Caulfield, the Conservative Party’s Vice-Chair for Women, has called for a national debate on lowering the 24-week abortion limit according to The Daily Telegraph. She highlighted studies that show that 50% of babies born at 22 weeks survive and said ‘The 24-week limit was introduced at a time when babies were really not viable at 24 weeks. Now babies who are born premature grow up to live long, healthy lives like the rest of us.’

Just one conviction for ‘double voting’ in 2017
The BBC reports that despite there being hundreds of complaints about ‘double voting’ in the 2017 general election, just one conviction has resulted. The Electoral Commission received over 1,000 e-mails about ‘double voting’ and 60 letters from 47 MPs, but just five investigations took place.

Livingstone suspended from Labour and Lansman runs for General Secretary
The Daily Mirror reports that outgoing Labour General Secretary Iain McNicol has made use of a rare power to indefinitely suspend the former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone from the Labour party for alleged anti-semitism. The paper also reports that Jon Lansman, the founder of Momentum, has confirmed that he will be running to succeed McNicol.

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