Brexit roulette

Political Headlines – no-deal Brexit, legal advice, Lord suspension and Babcock

Today’s political headlines include more Brexit news, with ministers telling May no-deal is preferable to accepting EU demands and Labour and Tory rebels trying to force the Government to publish Brexit legal advice, as well as Lord Lester facing a record suspension for sexual harassment and Babcock under extra scrutiny. 

Ministers to tell May no-deal is preferable to accepting EU demands
The Daily Telegraph reports that Eurosceptic ministers including Dominic Raab, Andrea Leadsom and Liam Fox are to use a Cabinet meeting today to warn the Prime Minister that a no-deal Brexit would be preferable to giving into the EU’s demands. According to the paper, the latest round of negotiations broke down at 3am on Monday morning. Speaking at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet, Theresa May said that she would not reach ‘an agreement at any cost’ and that negotiations were ‘now in the end game’.

Labour and Tory rebels in bid to force Government to publish Brexit legal advice
The Guardian says that Labour is to use a parliamentary procedure today to try to force the Government to publish its legal advice on the Irish backstop plan. The Sun adds that an amendment to Labour’s motion has been tabled by the European Research Group of Brexiteer Tory MPs, which is confident it has the support of over 40 backbenchers.

Peer recommended for record suspension from the Lord for sexual harassment
The Times has spoken to the women’s rights campaigner Jasvinder Sanghera following the publication of a report recommending that Lord Lester of Herne Hill be suspended from the Lords until 2022 for sexually harassing her. She said that she hoped that ‘by speaking out, victims were creating a climate in which people were more willing to listen’.

Defence contractor under extra scrutiny
The Financial Times says that Babcock, the UK’s second-largest defence supplier, has been placed under extra scrutiny, relating to a contract covering maintenance of the UK’s Vanguard submarines which carry the country’s nuclear deterrent. Officials told the paper that the department had ‘real concern’ and that relations were ‘strained’.

Johnson backs calls to offer Asia Bibi asylum in UK
The Daily Mail reports that former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is backing calls for the Pakistani woman Asia Bibi, cleared of blasphemy last month but at risk of attack from extremists, to be offered asylum in the UK. He has written to Home Secretary Sajid Javid to say that threats of violence against UK missions in the country should not ‘deter us from doing the right thing’.

Hundreds of civil servants complain about harassment and bullying
An investigation by The Guardian has found that while hundreds of civil servants have made complaints about bullying or sexual harassment by colleagues, just a fraction of those accused were subject to disciplinary action. Not all departments and bodies provided data as a result of the paper’s request and some of those that did failed to provide exact figures.

Government faces ‘almost certain’ defeat over betting machine stake cut
The Times claims that the Government is ‘almost certain’ to be defeated over its plan to delay the cut in the maximum stake for fixed-odds betting terminals after 21 Conservative MPs signed amendments designed to bring forward the cut, including Boris Johnson, David Davis, Priti Patel and Justine Greening. Labour has also said that it will back the amendments, laid by Labour MP Carolyn Harris, former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith and SNP MP Ronnie Cowan.

No-deal Brexit to cost NHS £2.3bn
The Financial Times carries details of a report by the Nuffield Trust which warns that a no-deal Brexit would result in a £2.3bn ‘cost shock’ for the NHS in England, owing to an increase in red tape and trade barriers. This would take up all the funding available to improve patient care in the next two years.

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Brexit 48 hours

Political Headlines – 48-hour Brexit deal, Johnson’s rebellion, Cabinet mutiny and no confidence

Today’s political headlines are still dominated by Brexit and are likely to remain that way, at least for the next 48 hours. The Government is hoping to agree the deal within the next two days – meanwhile, Boris Johnson has called for Cabinet mutiny and pro-EU MPs are preparing letters of no confidence in Theresa May. 

Government hoping for a Brexit deal in the next 48 hours
The Times claims that the Government is hoping to agree a Brexit deal with the EU in the next 48 hours, with outstanding issues including fishing rights in the backstop and the review mechanism to leave it. Over the weekend, Andrea Leadsom said the UK must be able ‘to decide to leave’ the backstop rather than being ‘held against its will’ by the EU. The Financial Times adds that the EU is trying to get the UK to agree to the inclusion of detailed ‘level playing field’ measures in the backstop, including environmental targets and state aid rules to be overseen by the European Court of Justice.

Johnson to join MPs rebelling over gambling machine stake cut delay
According to The Sun, Boris Johnson is to lead a cross-party rebellion against delays to implementing a reduction to the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals. An amendment, backed by 60 MPs, may be tabled by Iain Duncan Smith and Carolyn Harris  today. The Guardian adds that the Government’s decision to delay the policy was based on a report commissioned by the Association of British Bookmakers, which the company Paddy Power Betfair described as ‘unrealistic’.

Johnson calls for Cabinet ‘mutiny’ over Brexit
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Boris Johnson says that Theresa May is ‘on the verge of total surrender’ to the EU, describing her Brexit plans as ‘shameful’. He adds that the Cabinet ‘ought’ to mutiny over the proposals, but that it would make little difference as the Government’s ambition ‘is to remain in captivity’.

Pro-EU MPs prepare letters of no confidence in May
The Sun asserts that pro-EU Conservative MPs are preparing letters of no confidence in the Prime Minister. One told the paper that ‘we are now staring into the abyss’ and another described Theresa May as ‘the problem’. One of the MPs suggested that David Davis might be persuaded to back a short-term Norway-style Brexit if given May’s job.

Retailers to pay more for recycling in new strategy
In an exclusiveThe Guardian says that retailers and major drinks brands face a large increase in the amount they pay towards recycling used packaging, with contributions increasing from around £70m a year to between £500m and £1bn. The proposal forms part of the Government’s waste strategy, which will be published later this month.

Truss excluded from Budget meetings
The Times claims that Liz Truss, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, was excluded from meetings before the Budget owing to tensions between her and the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, who was apparently annoyed by her attendance at Andrea Leadsom’s Brexiteer ‘pizza club’ meetings.

Hunt to confront Saudi Crown Prince
The Daily Telegraph says that Jeremy Hunt will today become the first minister to meet the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia since the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Hunt will use the opportunity to ‘confront’ Mohammed bin Salman, express his ‘horror and outrage’ and demand that the country co-operates with the Turkish investigation into the death.

May open to ‘different’ relationship with Russia
The Guardian reports that Theresa May will use her address at the Lord Mayor’s banquet today to say that the UK is open to a ‘different’ relationship with Russia, adding that the country is ‘ready to respond in kind’ if Russia were to become more open to international co-operation.

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Ireland border

Political Headlines – Brexit borders and understanding & the four-day week

Today’s political headlines continue with the Brexit theme, with a border in the Irish Sea proposed for a no-deal scenario, Raab criticised for a lack of understanding of UK trade. McDonnell looking into the case for a four-day week and crisis on the high street. 

Border in the Irish Sea if there is no Brexit deal
The Times reports on a leaked letter from Theresa May signalling that in the event of a no deal Brexit a customs border in the Irish Sea will be put in place. The PM has previously promised the DUP that she would not sign up to any deal that would result in Northern Ireland being separated from the rest of the UK. DUP MP for East Antrim, Sammy Wilson, has accused the PM of betrayal.

Raab criticised for lack of understanding of UK trade
The BBC reports that Brexit Secretary, Dominic Raab is facing criticism for saying that he ‘hadn’t quite understood’ how the UK relies on trade in goods from the Dover-Calais crossing. Raab made these remarks when speaking about the deal the UK is seeking after it leaves the EU. In his comments the Brexit Secretary also accepted that UK consumers may face less choice of products if frictionless trade is not maintained.

McDonnell may look further into the case for a four-day week
The Shadow Chancellor has been working with economist Lord Skidelsky about an inquiry into changing the working week from five days to four as reported by the Guardian. McDonnell has previously said that Labour would investigate ways to reduce the working week. Skidelsky has said he is looking at reducing the standard working week and hopes his findings will be open to anyone to look at the results. France and Germany have higher levels of production than the UK and work less.

Crisis on the high street continues
Sky report on research produce by PwC and the Local Data Company that shows that 14 shops a day are closing on the high street and the crisis will continue. As well as shops closing at a rapid rate there is also fewer new shops starting up. Larger chains as well as independent retailers have been forced to close shops this year.

Fund set up to tackle rogue landlords
The Guardian reports on a Government fund that has been launched that will help councils in England tackle rogue landlords. The funding is intended to give councils more power to combat rogue landlords and ensure homes are of a good standard; £2m has been put forward but this works out at less than £6,000 for each council. Campaign groups hope that more funding will be put forward when the changes to the law are in place.

More than 450 missing foreign criminals lost by the Home Office since 2016
The Sun reports that the Home Office has lost more than 450 foreign criminals since 2016, 223 of those who absconded have since been found. Conservative MP, Tim Loughton said the findings are horrifying and that we should immediately deport these criminals. Since 2010, 44,500 foreign national offenders have been deported.

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Political Headlines – Brexit pressure, NATO meeting, benefits and knife crime

Today’s political headlines are dominated by Brexit with Theresa May under pressure to publish Brexit legal advice and her meeting with NATO leaders ahead of the outline deal. There’s also a call to scrap the benefits freeze and Javid telling the Met chief to ‘step up’ the fight against knife crime. 

May under pressure to publish Brexit legal advice
Theresa May is facing mounting pressure to publish the full legal advice she has been given on the Irish backstop. The Sun reports that Labour has allied with Tory rebels – including Jacob Rees Mogg and Environment Secretary Michael Gove – in order to force May to release the information. Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer has threatened to use ‘parliamentary procedures’ if May refuses to do so.

May heads to Brussels to meet with NATO leaders
The Sun reports on the Prime Minister’s trip to Brussels for a dinner with NATO leaders ahead of the outline Brexit deal. It is said she will also take the opportunity to hold talks with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, before travelling to Paris to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Tories call on May to scrap benefits freeze
The Times reports that Theresa May has been advised by fellow party members to put an end to the ‘immoral’ freeze on benefits. May has been warned that failing to do so would damage the party at the next election.

Javid tells Met Chief to ‘step up’ in fight against knife crime
The Financial Times reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid has told Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Cressida Dick to ‘step up’ and get violent crime ‘under control’ after five fatalities in the past six days in London.

Prince Charles: ‘I won’t be a meddling King’
The Telegraph reports that ahead of his 70th birthday, Prince Charles publicly vowed that he will not be a ‘meddling king’ but will operate within the constitutional parameters set out for a monarch. The Prince, who has always had the reputation of interfering in public life on issues like architecture and environment, said that he completely acknowledges the fact that his role as the King will be completely different to his role as the Prince of Wales.

France and UK must strengthen links ‘to hedge against Trump’
The Guardian reports that in order to hedge against the unpredictability of Donald Trump’s White House, France and the UK need to overcome the risks of Brexit and ‘deepen their military alliance’. According to former French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and former head of NATO George Robertson, there is a need for British and French intelligence agencies to work together to make sure that military forces are shared and concessions are made in the Brexit talks between UK and Brussels to bring the two allies closer together.

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Knife crime

Political Headlines – knife crime, secret Brexit deal, Arron Banks and Grenfell

Today’s political headlines include children at risk of knife crime while on the way home from school, May accused of shutting out cabinet for a secret Brexit deal, Arron Banks and Leave.EU accused of illegal use of customer data and criticism of May banned in Grenfell safety deal. 

Children most at risk of knife crime while on the way home from school
The front pages of both The Guardian and The Sun feature stories on the increase in knife crime involving children. According to figures, children are most likely to be victims of stabbings while on their way home from school. Research was published in the British Medical Journal showing that more than a fifth of stabbing victims under the age of 16 are admitted to hospital between 4pm and 6pm on weekdays. Doctors have suggested staggering school finishing times in order to reduce the risk of violence.

May accused of shutting out Cabinet in secret Brexit deal
The Daily Telegraph says Brexiteers are suspicious that Theresa May has already agreed to a secret deal with Brussels. A leaked memo – which the BBC has apparently seen – has sparked accusations that May is lining up a deal behind the backs of her Cabinet. The memo is said to contain plans including announcements, a major speech and a television interview, to sell the deal to the British public over the coming weeks. There is said to be a vote on the deal scheduled for the 27 November.

Arron Banks and Leave.EU accused of illegal use of customer data in Brexit vote
The Financial Times reports on the accusations faced by pro-Brexit campaign group Leave.EU and an insurance company owned by Arron Banks over the illegal use of customer data in the run up to the EU referendum. UK regulators have said that Banks’ insurance operations permitted the use of its customer information for political purposes, including a Brexit newsletter that was sent by Leave.EU to over 300,000 email addresses from the customer database of Banks’ Eldon Insurance.

Criticism of May banned in Grenfell safety deal
The Times reports that the engineering firm, WSP, that is testing the cladding on Government buildings in the wake of the Grenfell fire, has been forced to sign a gagging clause. The clause prevents WSP from criticising the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Office in any way possible. A further investigation into the matter revealed that Cabinet ministers have banned 40 charities and more than 300 companies from criticising them or their departments. The Grenfell United Campaign group has spoken against the Government, arguing it should not deter the firms from speaking out.

Another gagging clause: Chris Grayling silenced justice charities
According to The Times, Chris Grayling’s changes to the probation services in 2015 were deemed to be a failure, however a number of charities working with prisoner rehabilitation like ‘Change, Grow, Live’ were prevented from saying anything that would damage the reputation of Chris Grayling. Under the Ministry of Justice’s probation reforms it was agreed that all contractors and subcontractors had to agree to the same terms for sevens years. One Government official reported that such clauses help to protect commercial interests and do not stop individuals from raising concerns about policy. The Department for Work and Pensions have completely denied all such allegations.

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Ireland border Brexit

Political Headlines – Irish border, benefit sanctions, death tax and pets after Brexit

Today’s political headlines include EU preparations to back border compromise, pointlessly cruel benefit sanctions, a stealth death tax and advice for pet owners planning European visits after Brexit. 

EU prepares to back border compromise as May pressures Eurosceptic ministers
The Times claims that the EU is preparing to back a compromise on the Irish border in order to resolve the Brexit negotiations in which the UK would be offered an ‘independent mechanism’ for ending a temporary customs arrangement between the two sides. The Financial Times adds that Theresa May is to pile pressure on Eurosceptic cabinet ministers today, warning them that time is running out and the Government will soon have to tell businesses to start spending money on no-deal Brexit preparations.

Benefit sanctions ‘pointlessly cruel’, MPs claim
The BBC says that a new report by the Commons Work and Pensions Committee warns that the Government’s benefits sanctions are ‘pointlessly cruel’, with single parents, care leavers and people with disabilities and health conditions ‘disproportionately vulnerable’. The Department for Work and Pensions insisted that its sanctions are ‘reasonable’ and ‘only used in the minority of cases’.

Government introduces ‘stealth death tax’
The Daily Mail warns of what it calls a ‘stealth death tax’, after the Government announced an increase in the cost of obtaining probate, with around 280,000 families having to pay more than the current £215, with 56,000 becoming liable for £2,500-£6,000. Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable says the increase could ‘cause a lot of families a great deal of difficulty’.

Pet owners planning European visit after Brexit urged to visit vets
According to The Daily Telegraph, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove will today warn pet owners planning to travel with their pets after March 2019 to see a vet this month to ensure that they can still visit Europe in the event of a no-deal Brexit, which would lead to more stringent requirements including acquiring a £55 certificate.

Hammond admits lobbying led to delay in maximum stake reduction
The Times reports that Philip Hammond admitted to the Commons Treasury Committee yesterday that he delayed the implementation of the maximum stake for Fixed-Odds Betting Terminals because of lobbying from the industry. He told the committee that delaying the change would mean more of the 15,000-21,000 job losses would be voluntary, but committee chair Nicky Morgan warned of the impact of the delay on those addicted.

Culture Secretary admits he doesn’t subscribe to newspapers
The Guardian reports that Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Jeremy Wright told the Society of Editors conference yesterday that quality journalism was ‘not sufficiently rewarded’, but admitted to not subscribing to any British newspapers or magazines, instead reading a summary of news and comment, and only named a female columnist he liked reading after being asked five times.

£7bn hole in defence budget
The Daily Mail carries details of a new report by the National Audit Office that warns that the Ministry of Defence needs to find ‘immediate’ savings owning to a £7bn hole in the department’s budget. As a result, the department’s 10-year plan, covering 2018 to 2028, remains ‘unaffordable’ and it is considering deferring or delaying projects.

MPs warn against returning gold to Venezuela
The Daily Telegraph says that MPs from both Labour and the Conservatives have warned that if the Bank of England returns £422m worth of gold bars it holds to the Venezuelan Government as it is seeking, there is a risk that it will be used, in the words of Labour MP Graham Jones, to help the ‘Boligarchs line their own pockets’.

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Brexit islands

Political Headlines – Raab’s backstop, Military recruitment and Hancock’s health

Today’s political headlines include Raab’s demands to exit backstop after three months, Military to recruit foreign soldiers, Hancock calls on people to take responsibility for their own health and Jeremy Heywood has died aged 56. 

Raab demands right to exit backstop after three months
According to The Daily Telegraph, Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has demanded the right to withdraw the UK from the Irish backstop after just three months, in a meeting which reportedly ‘stunned’ Irish officials but was contradicted by Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington when he visited Dublin three days later. The Guardian adds that EU officials are putting the probability of a Brexit deal being reached at ’50-50′, but that the British want to make ‘decisive progress’ on the backstop by Friday in the hope of achieving an EU summit to agree the deal on 22 November. The Times says that, despite press reports that a deal is close, Theresa May spent the weekend phoning Cabinet members in a bid to allay concerns that she is about to trigger a summit without domestic political agreement.

Military to recruit soldiers who’ve never lived in the UK
The Daily Telegraph reports the Ministry of Defence is to announce today that it will allow foreign nationals who never lived in the UK to serve in the armed forces. Under the plans, a requirement for Commonwealth applicants to have lived in the country for five years will be abandoned. This follows a recruitment crisis, blamed on ‘the ongoing disaster that is the Capita recruitment contract’ by Commons Defence Committee member Mark Francois.

Hancock calls on people to take responsibility for their own health
The Guardian claims that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has ‘triggered a row’ by using a speech today to call for people to make healthier lifestyle choices, which he asserts ‘isn’t about penalising people’. Professor Simon Capewell of Liverpool University warns this is ‘victim-blaming’ people who’ve ‘been overwhelmed by a toxic environment’.

Former Cabinet Secretary Jeremy Heywood dies aged 56
The BBC reports on the death, aged 56, of former Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood. Heywood, who stepped down just two weeks ago, served four prime ministers in different roles, becoming Cabinet Secretary in 2012.Gordon Brown described him as a ‘leader of exceptional ability’, while Tony Blair called him ‘a quite outstanding public servant’.

Banks denies Russian funding
Interviewed on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Leave.EU founder Arron Banks, who is under investigation by the National Crime Agency, claimed that ‘there was no Russian money and no interference of any type’. He also told Marr that in hindsight he thought that ‘we would have been better to remain’ in the EU.

People would pay more tax to fund social care
A poll conducted for the Daily Mirror shows that 56% of people would pay more National Insurance to fund ‘more and better social care’, with 54% willing to pay more income tax. 74% of those surveyed expressed concern about the level of care they expected to receive in their old age.

Hinds calls for more spending on schools
The Daily Mail says that Education Secretary Damian Hinds is calling for billions of pounds worth of spending for schools ahead of next year’s spending review. Interviewed by the paper, Hinds claimed that education was ‘a different category of spend’ because it ‘is about investment in our skills base’.

Johnson tells ministers to reject Brexit plans
Writing in The Sun ahead of tomorrow’s Cabinet meeting, former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson calls for ministers to reject Theresa May’s Brexit plans, which he describes as a ‘stinker’ that will leave the UK as a ‘vassal state’ for the ‘first time in a thousand years.’

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Political Headlines – Crouch’s resignation, Banks investigation, Cameron’s return and Rudd failed

Today’s political headlines include Crouch’s resignation over the gambling machine stake cut delay, Banks investigated over Brexit donations, Cameron’s aim to return at Foreign Secretary and Rudd was failed by officials. 

Crouch resigns over gambling machine stake cut delay
The Daily Telegraph reports that sports minister Tracey Crouch has resigned over a decision to delay the reduction in the maximum stake for fixed-odds betting terminals. She warned in her resignation letter that £1.6bn would be lost in machines because of the delay and claimed that ministers had made ‘commitments’ to MPs with ‘registered interests’, a reference to those who have received donations from the industry. The paper warns that 35 backbench Tories could back an amendment to the finance bill on the topic later this month.

Banks investigated over Brexit donations
The Times reports that Brexit donor Arron Banks is being investigated by the National Crime Agency over allegations that he hid the source of illegal overseas donations. The investigation concerns a loan of £2m to Better for the Country by Banks and his insurance companies and a further gift of £6m from Banks on behalf of Leave.EU. Damián Collins, Chair of the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has called for Banks ‘to put beyond doubt and suspicion that Russian money was not involved in the referendum effort’.

Cameron aims for return to frontline politics
The Sun asserts that David Cameron has told friends that he would like to return to frontline politics and wants to be Foreign Secretary, claiming that he is now bored. The paper adds that Boris Johnson has given up on his ambition to be the next Conservative leader, fearing being humiliated by finishing fourth or fifth.

Rudd failed by officials, leaked report shows
The Times says that a leaked report shows that Amber Rudd was failed by senior officials while she was Home Secretary, leading her to have to resign after telling a committee of MPs that there weren’t targets for the removal of illegal immigrants. The report, to be published today, reveals that mistakes by officials led to Rudd not being properly informed.

Labour to remove hunting loopholes
In an exclusiveThe Guardian reports that a Labour Government would strengthen the 2004 Hunting Act in order to remove loopholes. According to campaigners, hunting is continuing under the cover of trail hunting, with convictions falling to historic lows and the National Wildlife Crime Unit suffering cuts to its funding.

EU proposes new backstop compromise
The Financial Times claims that the EU’s Brexit negotiators have floated a new compromise backstop proposal in which the withdrawal agreement would contain a ‘bare-bones’ all-UK customs union with the EU, avoiding the need for a second customs treaty after Brexit, while Northern Ireland would be in a deeper customs union. This temporary measure would remain in place until a permanent trade agreement is in place

Labour MPs defy whip and vote to oppose tax cuts
The Guardian reports that twenty Labour MPs, including Lisa Nandy, Lucy Powell and Yvette Cooper, defied their whip to vote with the Liberal Democrats against the Government’s tax cuts for middle and high earners. Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said that he did not oppose the cuts because he didn’t want to ‘take money out of people’s pockets’.

Councils told to prepare for no-deal Brexit
According to The Mirror, a leaked briefing reveals that councils are being told to prepare for three months of disruption in a no-deal Brexit. The minutes of a recent Local Resilience Forum meeting reveal that councils should plan for ‘reasonable worst case scenarios’ such as runs on fuel, food and banks, and to report to central government every eight hours.

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Political Headlines – policing core issues and post-Brexit financial services

Today’s political headlines include the chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s criticism of policing priorities, Tracey Crouch on the brink of quitting, the financial services deal between London and the EU and Wallace’s warning against money-laundering. 

Police should focus on ‘core’ issues, not misogyny says senior officer
The Times reports that Sara Thorton, the chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, told a conference that forces should focus on ‘core policing’, saying that ‘deserving issues’ such as misogyny and allegations against dead people should not be ‘priorities for a service that is overstretched’. She questioned proposals by the Home Office to make misogyny a criminal offence, suggesting that a ‘criminal justice solution’ was not the ‘best way’ to deal with it.

Crouch considering quitting over delay to maximum stake cut
According to The Daily Telegraph, culture minister Tracey Crouch is ‘on the brink of quitting’ following a decision to delay the cut of the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals from £100 to £2 until October 2019. Iain Duncan Smith, who campaigned for the change, said that Crouch was ‘really upset’ and that the delay would leave families ‘in a terrible plight’.

EU and UK reach services agreement
The Times says that the Government has reached a deal with the EU which would give British financial services firms access to European markets post-Brexit. Tentative agreement has been reached by negotiators on a future partnership on services and the exchange of data. Senior city figures have warned that agreeing the detail in a future trade deal will be harder.

Wallace warns of money-laundering crackdown
Interviewed by The Guardian, Security Minister Ben Wallace set out plans for the multi-agency national economic crime centre which launches today. He warned those who facilitate suspicious activity but don’t report it, such as estate agents, public schools and football clubs, that they would be ‘at the front of our queue’ with ‘organised crime groups’.

Barnier ‘under mounting pressure’ to reach Brexit compromise
The Daily Telegraph claims that it has been told by ‘senior EU sources’ that EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier is ‘under mounting pressure’ to agree a new compromise with the UK over the Irish backstop that would see the UK enter an indefinite customs union with the EU. Separately, Dominic Raab wrote to MPs claiming that he expected a deal to be done by 21 November.

24-hour airport drinking ban could be introduced
In an exclusiveThe Sun reveals that the Home Office has launched a review of whether to introduce high street licensing laws to airports, which could lead to bars, restaurants and shops being unable to serve alcohol until 10am. Airlines has been demanding changes as a result of increasing alcohol-fuelled disturbances, but UK Hospitality describes the proposals as ‘unnecessary and unfair’.

Poorer children now receive higher share of education funding
The BBC carries research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies that shows that poorer children now receive a higher share of English education spending as a result of a shift which has occurred since the early 2000s due to policies designed to give more funding to the deprived and an increase in poorer children attending sixth form and university.

Osamor keeps son as staffer, despite drug conviction
The Sun reports that Labour MP Kate Osamor has refused to stop employing her son Ishmael Osamor as a staffer despite him being convicted for possessing drugs with intent to supply and stepping down as a councillor as a result. Commons Speaker, John Bercow, indicated that he could lose his parliamentary pass after he failed to inform authorities of his conviction.

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Autumn budget 2018 summary feature

Autumn Budget 2018 – Summary & Stakeholder Reaction

Autumn budget 2018 summary and stakeholder reaction whitepaper

You’ve seen the Budget, but what does it really mean for you?

Chancellor Philip Hammond announced a huge spending package, but some sectors are still feeling the pinch. We’ve curated reaction from leading stakeholders to find out how they think the Budget will impact the country.

Download the white paper by filling out the form below.

George Osborne

Political Headlines – Osborne’s ‘regrets’ and more Budget reaction

Today’s political headlines cover Osborne’s ‘regrets’ about his time in Government, patronising schools funding, clawing back the tax cut and no-deal Brexit to cause a recession. 

Osborne admits to ‘regrets’
Interviewed by BBC Newsnight, former Chancellor George Osborne admitted to ‘regrets’ about his time in Government, including getting immigration policy wrong and playing into the message that ‘everything Brussels did was a challenge’. He said that each of these had contributed to the Government losing the EU membership referendum. He also regretted not repairing the banking system quicker, but defended his austerity policies.

Chancellor’s ‘little extras’ for schools branded patronising
The Daily Mirror says that teachers and parents have criticised the Chancellor over his claim that schools would receive £400m from the Budget to ‘buy little extras’. Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner described the move as ‘utterly insulting’ while Kevin Courtney, joint general secretary of the National Education Secretary, said that schools faced a £2bn funding shortfall.

Government to claw back half of Budget tax cut
The Daily Mail reveals that small print in the Budget means that half of the tax cut for higher-rate taxpayers would be taken back by the Government through increased National Insurance contributions. Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb, who now works for the insurance and pensions firm Royal London, said that Hammond ‘should have come clean and mentioned this in the Budget speech’.

No-deal Brexit would cause recession, ratings agency claims
The Guardian reports that the rating agency Standard & Poor’s has warned that a no-deal Brexit would lead to rising unemployment and falling incomes, leading to a recession. It warned that the chances of a no-deal Brexit had increased to the point where they might threaten the UK’s credit rating.

Number of Brits applying for Irish passports doubles
The Times says that the number of British residents applying for Irish passports has nearly doubled since the EU referendum, with 44,900 applications received between January and June. The paper adds that Caroline Nokes, the immigration minister, admitted yesterday that UK citizens could face delays at EU airports after Brexit. The Guardian adds that Nokes also told MPs that employers would have to check if EU nationals have the right to work in the UK after a no-deal Brexit, but didn’t know how they would be able to do so.

Ambassadors to be recruited from business leaders
The Daily Telegraph claims that Jeremy Hunt is to announce today that the UK will begin hiring business leaders rather than civil servants as ambassadors. The change forms part of a plan to recruit more ‘under-represented groups’ and will lead to the UK adopting a more US style of diplomacy, the paper claims.

Hancock to tackle assaults on NHS staff
According to the BBC, Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock will today set out new measures to reduce the number of assaults on NHS staff. More training on dealing with violent situations will be given to staff, while prosecutions will be sped up. Inspectors will examine NHS trusts’ plan to protect staff and a new recording system will be brought in.

McDonnell criticised for backing tax cuts
The Guardian says that Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell is facing a backlash from his own MPs after he said that Labour would not oppose the tax cuts for high earners in the Budget. He said that ‘we’re not going to take money out of people’s pockets’, but has been criticised for his stance by MPs including Yvette Cooper and David Lammy.

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Autumn Budget 2018

Read the Autumn Budget Summary and Stakeholder Reaction

Monday’s Autumn Budget announced a raft of spending across the board. Philip Hammond repeated Theresa May’s Party Conference announcement that austerity is over, albeit with the caveat that it’s ‘finally coming to an end’ – then revealed spending for the NHS, housing, defence and schools.

The full Budget was hugely comprehensive with the vast number of announcements affecting everyone in the country. But some areas have done better than others.

In our Autumn Budget Summary and Stakeholder Reaction, we have covered the full budget, including what’s been promised and the impact it’s intended to have.

We’ve also curated reaction from leading stakeholders from industry bodies and associations, to give context to the headline-grabbing announcements. This is accompanied by the media’s response, with journalists’ tweets revealing the story beyond the headline.

This is all available for free download – click here to get your copy today.


Political Headlines – Budget reaction and analysis

Today’s political headlines follow yesterday’s Autumn Budget and cover Hammond’s spending, Labour’s criticisms, the Brexit ‘double deal dividend’ and the digital services tax.

Hammond’s ‘giveaway’ Budget
The Times calls yesterday’s Budget ‘the biggest giveaway’ since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 as Hammond used his windfall from higher growth and lower deficit forecasts to ease austerity with £103bn of extra spending. Headline measures include tax cuts for 32m workers and funding for the NHS spending increase announced earlier in the year, as well as emergency cash injections for schools, freezes on beer and spirit duty and more money for Northern Ireland.

Labour criticises Budget for ‘broken promises’
The BBC reports that Labour has attacked claims by the Chancellor that austerity is ending, with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell warning that benefit cuts are continuing and Jeremy Corbyn suggesting that the Budget was full of ‘broken promises’. The Resolution Foundation thinktank notes that changes to income tax thresholds will give the poorest families £30, compared to £410 for the richest.

Hammond promises Brexit ‘double deal dividend’
The Daily Telegraph says that Hammond promised a ‘double deal dividend’ if the UK reaches a Brexit deal with the EU as the economy would benefit from the ‘end of uncertainty’. However, he warned that an emergency Budget in the spring was possible if the outlook ‘changes materially’ and he would take ‘whatever action is necessary’.

Tech firms targeted with digital services tax
The Guardian reports that Hammond is targeting US tech firms such as Google, Facebook and Amazon with a digital services tax, as the UK can no longer wait for a global consensus on the route forward. He expects the tax to raise more than £400m a year, but the Office of Budget Responsibility believes that the major tech companies might pay just £30m each.

£3bn boost for Universal Credit
The Sun says that almost £3bn was spent on a rescue package for Universal Credit, reversing over half of the cuts made to the benefit by George Osborne. As a result, the paper calls Hammond ‘Mr Increditable’. The Chancellor claimed that 2.4m families would benefit from £630 more a year.

Budget welcomed by business groups
According to the Financial Times, the Budget was welcomed by business groups. The CBI said it offered ‘significant support for investment’ and the Federation of Small Businesses said that it was Hammond’s ‘first small-business friendly Budget’, particularly welcoming the freezing of the VAT threshold. However, business groups have also warned of the continuing uncertainty caused by Brexit. 

Hammond kills off PFI
The Times reports that Hammond has committed to no longer use PFI schemes following the collapse of Carillion earlier this year, with existing schemes to be managed by ‘centres of best practice’. According to the paper, the Treasury is looking at new funding models, such as a national infrastructure bank.

Unpopular measures hidden in the detail
The Daily Mirror reveals 13 details from the Budget it says Hammond ‘won’t want you to read’. They include the poorest in society not benefitting, a new plastic tax taking four years to introduce, a six-month delay to cutting stakes on fixed-odds betting terminals and a tax on vaping.

Our full Autumn Budget summary was sent to Vuelio Political Services clients yesterday. Stop missing out on quality intelligence.  

Philip Hammond Treasury

Political Headlines – Budget: Brexit, Universal Credit, mental health and roads

Today’s political headlines are dominated by the Budget, with warnings about a no-deal Brexit derailing spending plans, Labour’s call for the Budget to halt Universal Credit, new spending on roads, broadband, and trees and a funding boost for mental health. 

No-deal Brexit will put Budget spending plans at risk, Hammond warns
The Daily Telegraph reports that Philip Hammond is to warn that the tens of billions of pounds of new spending commitments announced in today’s Budget will be put at risk by a no-deal Brexit. He warned that if this happened, he would have to hold an emergency budget in order to set out a ‘different strategy for the future’, transforming the UK into a Singapore-style low-tax, low-tariff economy. The Sun adds that Hammond is also set to announce the release of a new 50p coin to commemorate Brexit which will bear the motto ‘Friendship With All Nations’.

Labour calls for Budget to halt Universal Credit rollout
The Guardian says that Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell will urge MPs to vote against the Budget unless it commits to halt the rollout of Universal Credit. He accused Hammond of ‘callous complacency’ for not acknowledging the problems with the benefit. As the paper notes, there have been hints that extra money for Universal Credit is to be announced.

New spending on roads, broadband and trees
The BBC reports that the Budget will contain a range of spending on roads. Highways England is to receive £25.5bn between 2020 and 2025 for major road projects, mostly from vehicle excise duty, with a further £3.5bn for councils to spend on major local routes. Other announcements include £420m for potholes and £150m to improve junctions. The Daily Mail says that Hammond plans a £250m fund to connect rural schools and libraries to super-fast broadband. The Times adds that a £60m plan to plant new trees is also set to be announced.

£2bn funding boost for mental health
The Times reports that the Budget will contain a £2bn funding increase for mental health services as part of the NHS funding settlement. The new money will fund measures including mental health units in schools, specialist crisis teams for young people, mental health support teams in A&Es and a new fleet of mental health ambulances.

Tech firms to be given deadline to pay more tax
The Financial Times says that Philip Hammond is to set a deadline for large technology companies to pay more tax in the UK. The paper does not expect him to announce a digital sales tax, but claims that he will set out a timetable for action and will make it clear that the UK will act unilaterally if there is no international agreement on the issue.

‘Dutch-style’ pension reforms to be consulted on
The Daily Telegraph expects the Budget to contain a consultation on ‘Dutch-style’ pension reforms, in which thousands of members pay into a single pot. The ‘collective defined contribution’ schemes reduce risk by pooling incomes, can secure higher payments, and give members a ‘target’ for retirement income rather than a guaranteed level.

Hammond to target national insurance paid by self-employed
In an exclusiveThe Sun hits out at the news that Philip Hammond is to go ahead with plans to target self-employed workers who pay themselves through private companies, avoiding having to pay national insurance contributions. Backbench MP Steve Baker warns that this would ‘destroy entrepreneurial spirit’ in the country.

Town centres ‘have to change’, Hammond says
According to the Daily Mail, Philip Hammond said yesterday that the rise of Internet shopping meant that ‘our high streets have to change’ and become ‘smaller’, with the areas around them redeveloped for housing. He will announce a £650m Future High Streets Fund and a £900m cut in business rates for independent retailers.

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Philip Green

Political Headlines – Hain and Green, illegal DNA samples, Universal Credit and Brexit

Today’s political headlines include Hain’s claims that Sir Philip Green was responsible for the injunction dominating the press, Javid admits officials illegally requested DNA samples, DWP in denial over Universal Credit and May postpones her plans to present revised Brexit proposals. 

Hain claims Sir Philip Green was responsible for injunction
As The Daily Telegraph reports, Lord Hain used parliamentary privilege to claim that the businessman Sir Philip Green was the subject of an injunction preventing the paper from running a story. Following the revelation, MPs including Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable and Frank Field suggested that Green should lose his knighthood. Green refused to comment on events in Parliament but denied any ‘unlawful sexual or racist behaviour’.

Javid admits officials illegally requested DNA samples
The Times reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid admitted yesterday that officials from his department had been illegally requiring DNA samples from people who wanted to stay in or visit the UK. Those affected include children of Gurkhas and Afghan translators who worked for the British military, but the scale of the error isn’t known. Javid said that those affected would be reimbursed.

Department of Work and Pensions ‘in denial’ about Universal Credit
The Daily Mirror says that a new report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee has found that Universal Credit is creating ‘unacceptable hardship’ for many claimants, accusing the Department of Work and Pensions of being ‘in denial’ about the benefit and being unable to make improvements as a result.

May postpones plans to present revised Brexit proposals to Cabinet
According to The Sun, Theresa May cancelled plans to present revised Brexit proposals to her Cabinet yesterday because they were not ready. In a reference to Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, who has emerged as a critic of May’s strategy, a source told the paper that the plan needed ‘Cox-proofing’. The paper suggests that May has just ten days to agree her offer to the EU if a November summit of EU leaders to discuss it is to go ahead.

Hannan claims EU citizens in UK will be able to vote
The Guardian reports that Brexiteer MEP Daniel Hannan told his colleagues via WhatsApp that he had seen part of the draft Brexit withdrawal agreement and that it would give EU citizens voting rights in England and Northern Ireland (they are devolved in Scotland and Wales). He described this as an ‘odd decision’, claiming that bilateral agreements should be reached with each country instead.

Defence to be given £500m bail out in Budget
In an exclusiveThe Sun reveals that Chancellor Philip Hammond is to announce a £500m bailout for the Ministry of Defence in Monday’s Budget. However, he has insisted that the department will not get ‘special treatment’ and its long-term funding will be settled in spring’s spending review.

Raab warns of French ‘go slow approach’ in no-deal Brexit
The Daily Mail says that Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab has warned that the UK should be ready for a ‘go slow approach’ by the French in the case of a no-deal Brexit, although he believes that border issues in such a scenario could be ‘alleviated’ through ‘pragmatism on both sides’.

MPs recommend that FCA regulates commercial lending
The Financial Times carries details of a new report by the House of Commons Treasury Committee, which concludes that commercial lending should be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The committee’s inquiry followed scandals over the way small businesses were treated by RBS and HBOS.

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Happy PM

Political Headlines – May, NDAs, Sedwill and police funding cuts

Today’s political headlines include May’s 1922 Committee meeting, the crackdown on unethical NDAs, Sedwill appointed cabinet secretary and police funding cuts. 

May leaves meeting of backbench MPs ‘unscathed’
The Guardian claims that Theresa May ‘emerged unscathed’ from a meeting of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs last night. Amber Rudd said the Prime Minister’s speech was ‘emotional and personal’ and the paper reports that some Brexiteers asked ‘awkward questions’. The Times adds that parliamentary preparation for a no-deal Brexit will start in under three weeks, with routine business suspended to make way for emergency legislation. Measures include making businesses who only export to the EU register for customs duties and signing contracts on chilled storage for medicine stockpiles.

May vows crackdown on unethical NDAs
The Daily Telegraph reports that Theresa May has promised to end the use of ‘unethical’ non-disclosure agreements after the paper was blocked from reporting allegations of sexual harassment and racial abuse against a leading businessman. Labour MP Jess Phillips called for NDAs for ‘sexual harassment and hate crimes’ to be banned and expressed concern that a review promised by May would ‘happen too slowly’.

Sedwill appointed as Cabinet Secretary
The Times reports that Sir Mark Sedwill has been appointed as the new Cabinet Secretary following the announcement of Sir Jeremy Heywood’s resignation yesterday. Owing to the urgency of the Brexit process Sedwill, described by the paper as May’s ‘longstanding lieutenant’, did not undergo a formal recruitment process to replace Heywood, who is recovering from cancer. Labour has described the appointment as ‘an abuse of process’.

Funding cuts have dire consequences for police, MPs warn
The Financial Times carries details of a report by the Commons Home Affairs Committee, which warns of ‘dire consequences’ for public safety unless police budgets are increased. The report accuses the Home Office of an ‘irresponsible failure of leadership’ as police forces face rising levels of crime while their funding is being cut.

Lords urged to amend counter-terror bill
The Guardian says that nine organisations including Index on Censorship and Reporters Without Borders have called on the House of Lords to significantly amend the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Bill, which they warn would threaten press freedom, damage academic research and undermine the protection of journalistic sources.

MPs back abortion law reform and same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland
The Sun reports that MPs voted last night to back an amendment tabled by Labour backbencher Stella Creasy which aims to force the Government to reform the law on abortion in Northern Ireland and to introduce same-sex marriage in the province. Among those voting for the measure was Women and Equalities Minister Penny Mordaunt.

Hammond to abandon plans to bring smaller firms into VAT system
According to The Sun, Chancellor Philip Hammond is abandoning plans to bring smaller firms into the VAT system by halving the threshold, instead freezing it until 2022 and then introducing a sliding scale system currently banned by EU rules. The paper also says that Hammond will use the Budget to launch a review of PFI which may end the policy ‘for good’.

Commons Commission accepts harassment recommendations
The Daily Mirror reports that the House of Commons Commission has accepted the recommendations of Dame Laura Cox’s review of bulling and harassment in Parliament. This will allow historic harassment allegations to be reopened and an independent complaints process to be introduced.

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Circle of hell

Political Headlines – hellish Brexit plans, rogue landlords, bullying scandal and austerity promises

Today’s political headlines include May’s Brexit plans compared to the first circle of hell, rogue landlords exploiting loopholes, three MPs quit committee over bullying scandal and annual spending needs to increase £31bn to meet austerity promise. 

May’s Brexit plans compared to ‘first circle of hell’ at Cabinet meeting
The Times claims that leaked Cabinet papers show that Theresa May’s Brexit plan could lead to a ‘long-running’ multiyear implementation period with an ‘annual decision point’ to review its extension. Various ministers raised concerns at yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, including Attorney General Geoffrey Cox who compared the plans to Dante’s ‘first circle of hell’. The Financial Times adds that the ‘stormy’ meeting greeted plans to charter ships to import food and medicines in a no-deal Brexit scenario with ‘disbelief’ and that the Cabinet will now discuss Brexit preparations on a weekly basis. The Sun says that Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington called for more compromises, adding that he was the only attendee to have been an MP when Black Wednesday happened and that ‘level of chaos’ could not be repeated. May will address the 1922 Committee of backbench Tories this evening.

Rogue landlords exploit loopholes to continue renting out properties
An investigation by The Guardian and ITV has found that convicted landlords who have been found unsuitable to rent out property are exploiting legal loopholes in order to continue to do so. Additionally, the investigation reveals that more than six months after its launch by the Government, no entries have been made to the rogue landlord database and the Government has admitted that the public won’t be able to find out if any are.

Three MPs quit committee chaired by Bercow over bullying scandal
The Guardian reports that three Conservative MPs have resigned from a committee on representation and inclusion chaired by Commons Speaker John Bercow because of a failure to tackle bullying at Westminster. The House of Commons Commission meets today to respond to the independent report on the scandal, with sources claiming that House of Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom will call for a robust response.

Annual spending needs £31bn increase to meet end to austerity promise
The Financial Times carries details of a new Resolution Foundation report that warns that the Chancellor needs to increase annual spending by £31bn by 2022-3 in order to deliver the Prime Minister’s promised end to austerity. It says that doing this would only be consistent with the Government’s pledge to lower debt as a proportion of GDP if taxes were increased.

Prime Minister faces revolt over abortion and same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland
The Sun reports that Theresa May is facing a revolt over Northern Ireland. Yesterday five ministers voted for a bill tabled by Labour backbencher Diana Johnson to modernise abortion law, while a ‘slew’ of Conservative MPs have backed a separate cross-party amendment to legislation on Northern Ireland today which loosens laws on abortion and same-sex marriage.

Cable calls for halt to Universal Credit rollout
Writing in the Daily Mirror, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable calls for the rollout of Universal Credit to be halted because it is a ‘slow-motion disaster’ which will impoverish tens of thousands of families. He backs the theory behind the policy and claims that it could be ‘salvaged’ if ‘major reforms’ are implemented.

European Court of Justice to be ‘ultimate arbiter’ in post-Brexit disputes
In an exclusiveThe Sun reports that British negotiators have conceded that the European Court of Justice will be the ‘ultimate arbiter’ of disputes about European law after Brexit. However, EU negotiators are still waiting for their British counterparts to provide a technical explanation of how this will be implemented via a joint committee system.

Security minister turns down meeting with peer amid fears about Russian lobbying
The Times reveals that Security Minister Ben Wallace turned down a meeting with the Conservative peer Lord Barker of Battle, who wanted to discuss sanctions on Russia, amid concerns about Russian lobbying. Lord Barker is the chairman of the Russian energy firm En+ which has been subject to sanctions since the Salisbury attack, along with its majority owner Oleg Deripaska, an ally of Vladimir Putin.

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Philip Hammond

Autumn Budget speculation 2018

Next Monday (29 October) the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, will be in the House of Commons to deliver his autumn budget. With growing uncertainty over Brexit, all eyes will be on Hammond as he sets out future spending. In her conference speech, Theresa May announced that austerity is over, and this is the first chance to see whether the Government is going to come good on this declaration.

The Prime Minister set Hammond a challenge when she announced £20bn of additional NHS funding, as this is new money that the Government will have to find. This has led many to believe that tax rises could be on the way, although today’s news that the Office for Budget Responsibility has been too pessimistic about tax receipts means that Hammond now has an extra £13bn a year to play with. It will be interesting to see how the public react to such increases as research has be done suggesting the public would be willing to pay more for the NHS. Until earlier this month, Hammond may have been looking at increasing fuel duty, however the Prime Minister announced that this would be frozen for the ninth year in a row. Similarly, he’s coming under pressure from backbench Tories to cut a planned increase in beer duty.

What could be a more popular measure for Hammond to adopt is a focus on high earners. There has been rumours that anyone who earns above £150,000 may face the double hit of losing their annual pensions allowance and their annual exemption for capital gains tax. Other potential targets include the climate change levy paid on gas by businesses, which may rise to match taxation on electricity resulting in an extra £500m for the Government, and the personal allowance, which could be frozen.

‘Fiscal Phil’ may also be looking at some of the big tech companies to raise some money. In his party conference speech, he said, ‘The global internet giants must contribute fairly to funding our public services’. One area that has been looked at is a tax on advertising revenues. The Digital Services Tax would be popular for the more traditional retailers as it would not focus on the high street. This is potentially one of the most interesting points of the budget as it shows how Hammond equips the Government to deal with the economy of the future. Another area of online activity that looks set to be targeted is gambling, with remote gaming duty likely to increase despite signs that the Treasury would like to delay this. This will plug the gap left by the reduction of the maximum stake for fixed-odds betting terminals to £2 announced by the Government over the summer.

Again, due to the actions of his boss, Hammond faces another challenge when he looks at housing. It would not go down well with the sector or the public if there is a lack of action around this, especially when you consider how seriously the Prime Minister has said she wants to take it. With foreign buyers possibly facing a higher rate of stamp duty, however, the effectiveness of this would be questioned. One measure that would be more popular would be the tax relief on capital gains if a landlord sells to a tenant who has been renting the property for three or more years. This would add an incentive to the supply of property while also helping people trying to get on the housing ladder.

Of course, it’s impossible to write about politics at the moment and not mention Brexit. The Chancellor looks set to announce that departmental budgets will increase above inflation in next year’s spending review, so long as Theresa May secures a deal with the EU. Given the threats to vote against some or all of the Budget from Tory Brexiteers and the DUP, Hammond may decide to leave more controversial tax changes until next year, when the UK has actually left the bloc. Even if the spending floodgates do open, don’t expect to see a return to blanket public sector pay increases – its suggested that these will now be based on performance and location.

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Northern Ireland backstop

Political Headlines – Northern Ireland backstop, Hammond’s £13bn windfall, prosecution of veterans and fake news

Today’s political headlines include May’s rejection of the Northern Ireland only backstop, Hammond’s £13bn windfall, the call to end prosecution of veterans and fake news disappointment. 

May rejects Northern Ireland only backstop
The Times reports that Theresa May has rejected the EU’s calls for a Northern Ireland only backstop, which relieves some pressure from backbench Brexiteers but increases the risk of a no-deal Brexit. She called on the EU to agree to either an extended transition period or a UK-wide customs deal, either of which must end ‘well before’ June 2022. Former Brexit minister Steve Baker withdrew amendments he had proposed to legislation on Northern Ireland, while former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson joined the ‘Stand Up 4 Brexit’ group.

Hammond to get £13bn windfall
The Financial Times says that Philip Hammond will receive a £13bn annual ‘windfall’ in the Budget as a result of the Office for Budget Responsibility underestimating the strength of tax receipts, helping to meet spending commitments to the NHS and to social housing. Given the threat of rebellion from backbench Tories, the paper expects the Chancellor to save major tax changes until next year when the UK has left the EU.

Cross-party letter calls for end to prosecution of veterans
In an exclusive, the Daily Express claims that over a third of Conservative MPs and peers from several parties have signed an open letter calling for an end to the prosecution of military veterans over incidents which happened up to fifty years ago. The letter brands this ‘legal assault’ a ‘national disgrace’ and calls for a ‘statute of limitations’ to be introduced.

Committee chair unhappy over response to ‘fake news’ report
The BBC reports that Damian Collins, Chair of the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee has said that he is ‘disappointed’ by the Government’s response to the committee’s report on ‘fake news’. Just three of the report’s 42 recommendations have been accepted by the Government, with some such as a levy on social media firms and limits on political donations completely rejected.

Committee calls for stronger action against sexual images
The Guardian says that a new report by the Commons Women and Equalities Committee advocates stronger measures against sending unsolicited sexual images and public viewing of pornography, including a new law to criminalise non-consensual creation and distribution of sexual images and new requirements for train operators, licensees and universities.

Scrutinising Brexit legislation changes an ‘impossible task’, report warns
According to The Times, a new report by the Hansard Society warns that if the Government does not increase the pace of its release of new legislation for when the UK leaves the EU, Parliament will face an ‘impossible task’ in scrutinising them. Of the estimated 800-1,000 statutory instruments which will be required, only 71 have been put to Parliament, with just two having completed the scrutiny process.

Hunt dismisses calls for Saudi arms sales boycott
The Mirror reports that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has rejected calls for a boycott of arms sales to Saudi Arabia following the death of Jamal Khashoggi. He admitted that the country’s claims about the death were ‘not credible’ and said that if the reports about the death were proved correct, the UK ‘will act accordingly’.

MPs call on Hammond to abandon beer duty tax rise
The Sun says that 54 Conservative MPs have now signed a letter to the Chancellor organised by Nigel Evans that calls on him to scrap a planned 3.5% in beer duty. They warn that the measure would lead to the closure of pubs with the loss of 3,000 jobs and that the industry makes ‘an extremely positive overall contribution to society’.

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Prime minister

Political Headlines – May faces rebellion, opposition to Saudi Arabia, offshore gambling tax and Brexit budget growth

Today’s political headlines include May to face a rebellion over Brexit, opposition parties signing a letter to Hunt over Saudi Arabia, tax to be hiked on offshore gambling and department budgets to grow if there’s a Brexit deal. 

May faces rebellion over Brexit’s impact on Northern Ireland
The Times alleges that Theresa May is facing a rebellion by over 40 MPs if she doesn’t give in to Brexiteer demands in the next two days. Former Brexit minister Steve Baker has tabled amendments that would stop Northern Ireland being placed in a separate customs and regulatory territory without approval from the Northern Ireland Assembly, which will be put to the vote on Wednesday. The Guardian adds that May is to use a statement today to tell MPs that 95% of the Withdrawal Agreement has been agreed including issues to do with Gibraltar, Cyprus and dispute resolution. The Daily Telegraph says that May called members of the Cabinet over the weekend to try to secure support, with Esther McVey, Sajid Javid and Geoffrey Cox among those raising concerns about her policy. Writing in The Sun, May insists that she will make the ‘right choices, not the easy ones’.

Opposition parties sign joint letter to Hunt over Saudi Arabia
The Guardian says that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is under pressure to take a tougher stance against Saudi Arabia following the death of Jamal Khashoggi and the conflict in Yemen after representatives of Labour, the SNP, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru and the Greens signed a joint letter claiming that the Government’s ‘inaction’ is ‘utterly incompatible with our most basic value as a democracy’.

Tax on offshore gambling to be hiked
The Financial Times reveals that Chancellor Philip Hammond is to use the Budget to increase the tax paid by offshore gambling companies, raising £1bn over five years by raising remote gaming duty. The move will help to fill the hole in the public finances created by lowering the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals from £100 to £2.

Department budgets will grow if there’s a Brexit deal
The Times claims that Philip Hammond is to say that Government departments will receive above average budget increases in the 2019 spending review, if there’s a Brexit deal. Sources told the paper that Hammond faces a tricky situation, starting out £100bn ‘in the red’ owing to the NHS funding pledge and commitments made in May’s conference speech.

Hammond to replace blanket pay increases with a ‘targeted’ approach
The Daily Telegraph suggests that Philip Hammond is to abandon blanket public sector pay increases in favour of a more ‘targeted’ approach based on factors such as people’s performance and where in the country they live, with salaries rising slower outside London and the south east.

MPs call for more action on domestic abuse
The Financial Times carries details of a new report by the Commons Home Affairs Committee that calls on the Government to take ‘stronger action’ to protect domestic abuse victims. Suggested measures include increased funding for refuge centres, automatic split payments for couples receiving Universal Credit and a statutory responsibility for local authorities to make refuge places available.

Plastic straw ban could be introduced next year
The Daily Mail reports that Michael Gove, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary, is to announce today that plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds could be banned from next year. Warning that oceans and wildlife need ‘urgent protection’, Gove will say that the UK ‘needs to do more’.

EU could ban British Summer Time
According to the Daily Mirror, the EU is proposing to ban member states from observing daylight savings time. The paper warns that there is a risk that the proposal will be put through during the Brexit transition period, when the UK will be unable to stop it. A report by the Lords EU Internal Market Sub-Committee claims that the plan breaches EU treaties.

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