EU Brexit

Political Headlines – Brexit talks unlikely to conclude early and a new expenses scandal

Today’s political headlines includes Brexit talks unlikely to conclude early, the watchdog that tried to suppress details of MPs’ credit cards, defence space strategy leaked and a UKIP EU election candidate investigated over rape threat. 

Early conclusion of Brexit talks unlikely as May given deadline to set resignation roadmap
The Financial Times says that the chances of a cross-party deal on Brexit being reached soon have faded, with talks ending without a ‘firm conclusion’. A Labour figure told the paper that the talks had been ‘robust’. Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington admitted that the UK would take part in the European elections and suggested that the Government now aimed to agree a deal by the summer recess, which would imply Brexit occurring on 1 August. The Daily Telegraph adds that at a meeting yesterday Sir Graham Brady, Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, gave Theresa May until 4pm today – when the committee next meets – to lay out a ‘roadmap’ for her resignation as Prime Minister.

Watchdog tried to suppress details of MPs’ credit card suspensions
The Daily Telegraph reports that the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority tried to prevent the revelation that 377 MPs, including nine Cabinet ministers and Jeremy Corbyn have had their official credit cards suspended after breaking rules on expenses. However, the watchdog’s decision was overturned following a review by the former High Court judge Sir Robert Owen, who is a member of its board.

Defence space strategy leaked
The Times has obtained a copy of the UK’s first defence space strategy, which identifies ten key risks to British satellites and proposes new methods of protecting them, including a greater role for Defence Intelligence, a new National Space Operations Centre and a constellation of small satellites run by the RAF to help with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

UKIP European election candidate investigated over rape threat
The Guardian reports that Carl Benjamin, a UKIP candidate for the South West in the European elections better known online as Sargon of Akkad, is under investigation by police over a YouTube clip in which he made comments about raping the Labour MP Jess Phillips.

High streets must shrink, Brokenshire says
In an exclusiveThe Sun reports that James Brokenshire, the Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary, has said that high streets would need to shrink in order to survive, with former shops becoming housing. He also said that there was a limit to what the Government could do, but that ‘councils have an important role to play’.

‘Incoherent’ climate change aid policy criticised by MPs
The Times carries details of a new report by the Commons International Development Committee which criticises the Government’s ‘incoherent’ aid policy for spending £4.9bn on projects to tackle climate change in developing countries, while simultaneously spending £4.8bn on schemes which produce carbon emissions.

Home Office to scrap asylum target
The Guardian reports that the Home Office is to scrap its target of processing most asylum claims within six months, causing consternation amongst human rights lawyers, who warned that the number of vulnerable asylum seekers facing delays might become even worse and that the Home Office would be likely to face more legal challenges.

Pensioners could oust Tory MPs over free TV licence cuts
The Daily Mirror says that research unveiled by Labour today shows that pensioners, set to lose their free TV licences, could oust enough Tory MPs to ensure that the Government loses its majority. MPs will today participate in a debate aimed at saving the benefit, the cost of which is due to be transferred to the BBC, which has suggested scrapping it.

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NHS logo

Political Headlines – NHS to boost overseas recruitment and Farage criticised over antisemitic conspiracy theories

Today’s political headlines includes the NHS to increase overseas recuitment, Farage criticised over antisemitic conspiracy theories, May to unveil customs arrangement and McDonnell welcomes basic income report.  

NHS to boost overseas recruitment
A study by the NHS on increasing staffing has been leaked to The Times. It reveals the health service is to set targets of recruiting 5,000 nurses a year from overseas for the next five years in a bid to fill staff shortages, and concedes that doctors and nurses are leaving the service because they feel exhausted owing to the failure of the NHS to plan for an aging population. However, even if the plan goes into action the present shortfall will be barely reduced.

Farage criticised over antisemitic conspiracy theories
In an exclusiveThe Guardian reveals Nigel Farage is facing criticism from Jewish and other groups after for repeatedly appearing and discussing conspiracy theories on the show of Alex Jones, including some linked to antisemitism, with terms such as ‘globalists’ and ‘new world order’ and claiming members of the Bilderberg gathering are plotting a global government.

May to unveil customs arrangement
The Times claims that Theresa May will today unveil plans for a customs arrangement with the EU until the next general election in a bid to win support from Labour for a Brexit deal. She will also meet Sir Graham Brady, chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, who is expected to tell her to announce when she will quit, regardless what happens with Brexit.

McDonnell welcomes basic income report
The Daily Mirror reports that Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has welcomed a new report by the Progressive Economy Forum which calls for the UK to pilot the idea of giving every citizen a £100 a week ‘basic income’. Appearing at the report launch today, McDonnell will describe it as an ‘important contribution’ which he will study carefully.

Gwynne warns Labour against shift to remain
The Guardian says Labour’s campaigns chief Andrew Gwynne has warned the party against pivoting to further towards remaining in the EU following the local election results. Writing in the paper, he says Labour shouldn’t back what he calls ‘“stop Brexit” simplicity’. He warns a second referendum is a ‘difficult message’ to the party’s ‘traditional supporters’.

UKIP may be about to have seventh leader in two and a half years
The Daily Telegraph reports that Labour may be about to have its seventh leader in two and a half years after Gérard Batten suggested that he may not stand for the position when his term ends in June. He said it would depend on the European election results and how he felt, adding that being leader ‘costs me money’.

Sadiq Khan accused of climate hypocrisy
The Daily Mail says that the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has been accused of being a ‘hypocrite’ for warning of a ‘climate emergency’ while he and his team accumulated 280,000 air miles, emitting 180 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Conservative London Assembly Member Susan Hall said that ‘it is clear that his own actions fail to match his words’.

Northern Ireland talks to restart
The Financial Times says that powersharing talks in Northern Ireland are to resume today but that ‘hopes for an early deal are low’ despite the success of the centrist cross-community Alliance Party in last week’s local elections. However, neither the DUP or Sinn Féin suffered a backlash in the elections.

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Polling station

Political Headlines – council election results amid Brexit dissatisfaction

Today’s political headlines includes Conservatives and Labour suffer local election losses, smaller parties make gains amid Brexit dissatisfaction, May warned that Williamson could take revenge and violent crime rates in London fall. 

Conservatives and Labour suffer local election losses
The BBC reports on the results from yesterday’s local elections, in which the two main parties suffered losses across the UK. With over 250 elections taking place in councils across England and Northern Ireland, voters are said to have voiced their concerns over Brexit by rejecting the two parties. While results are still coming in, the Conservatives have so far lost 440 council seats, though their potential losses could reach 800 seats once results are finalised. It has been suggested that a north-south divide has been reflected in the polls, with most Conservative losses in the south and Labour losing more council seats in the north.

Lib Dems, Independents and Greens capitalise on Brexit dissatisfaction
The Guardian reports on the positive performance by the Lib Dems, who have gained 300 seats so far and taken control of councils such as Bath and North East Somerset, as well as Cotswolds district council. Commenting on the results, Lib Dem leader Vince Cable said voters no longer had confidence in the Conservatives, but had also expressed frustration at Labours indecisiveness over Brexit. Candidates from smaller parties and Independents have also performed well across the country, though UKIP failed to make any significant gains despite The Brexit Party not choosing to stand.

May warned that Williamson could take revenge
The Daily Telegraph reports that Theresa May faces pressure to allow a police investigation into the Huawei scandal. Former Defence Secretary Williamson was sacked earlier this week after he was accused of leaking documents about giving Huawei a role in the UK’s 5G network, however, Number 10 later revealed that no crime had been committed. The Times claims that Theresa May has been warned that Williamson will ‘have his revenge’ and could make a statement in Parliament.

Violent crime rates in London fall
The Guardian features a story on the fall in the number of violent crime incidents in London. Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has attributed the drop to an increase in officers and stop and search. Dick, comparing 2018-19 with the previous year, said the number of homicides were down 25% to 122, and knife injuries suffered by those under 25 were down 15% to 1,768.

Boris blocked from Scottish Tory conference
The Telegraph is reporting that Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has prevented Boris Johnson from appearing at this weeks’ conference north of the border. Continuing her hostility towards Johnson, Davidson has rejected an apparent approach by the potential future Conservative leader who will instead visit Aberdeen next week for a campaign fundraiser for Aberdeen South MP Ross Thomson.

Deputy Speaker calls for more cats
Speaking to The Times, Deputy Speaker Lindsay Hoyle has suggested that cats could be brought into the Houses of Parliament to solve the ever-growing problem of mice. It has been suggested that the emptying of Parliament over Easter recess encouraged a resurgence in the numbers of rodents, with Hoyle saying ‘it is time we got some parliamentary cats’.

Want to understand what the council results mean to you? Download our exclusive guide to local elections.  

Gavin Williamson

Political Headlines – Williamson sacked and Mordaunt appointed

Today’s political headlines includes Williamson’s sacking, Mordaunt’s appointment and Johnson claiming to fight the Heathrow expansion. 

Williamson sacked over Huawei leak
The BBC reports on Gavin Williamson being sacked as Defence Secretary as he is suspected of being responsible for the Huawei leak, Williamson denies the allegations. Opposition MPs have called for an investigation into whether the Official Secrets Act has been breached. Williamson has since sworn on his children’s lives that he was not the source of the leak, and has blamed his poor relationship with the National Security Adviser for the decision.

Mordaunt appointed first female Defence Secretary
The Guardian reports on Williamson’s replacement, Penny Mordaunt who has become the first female Secretary of State for Defence. Her experience as a Royal Navy reservist and MP for Portsmouth saw her get the role. Mordaunt is a supporter of Brexit and has also been in the frame as a potential party leader when Theresa May leaves her post.

Johnson fighting Heathrow expansion
Boris Johnson has vowed to keep fighting the third runway at Heathrow as reported by The Sun. The claim comes after the High Court threw out a legal challenge over the construction of the runway, with Johnson saying this is not the end of the story. Johnson has concerns over increases in traffic, pollution and noise.

‘Catastrophic’ election losses may see PM forced out of Downing Street
The Daily Express reports that the Conservative Party could lose between 800 and 1,000 seats in today’s local elections, with Bow Group’s Ben Harris-Quincey suggesting that anything less could be spun as a reasonable night.

UK Parliament declares ‘climate emergency’
The BBC is reporting on the decision taken yesterday by MPs to declare a climate emergency. The declaration was one of the key demands put to the government by Extinction Rebellion, the environmental activist group, in a series of protests over recent weeks. The Welsh and Scottish governments have both already declared a climate emergency, along with dozens of towns and cities, including Manchester and London.

Vuelio Political Services clients didn’t have to wait for the morning headlines to find out Williamson was sacked.  

Happy PM

Political Headlines – Ministers fear May will ‘cave in’ to Labour and Corbyn faces down second referendum advocates

Today’s political headlines includes ministers fearing May will ‘cave in’ to Labour, Corbyn faces down second referendum advocates, May’s dinner with Russian oligarch’s wide and Corbyn to urge MPs to declare a climate emergency. 

Ministers fear May will ‘cave in’ to Labour over Brexit
According to The Daily Telegraph, Eurosceptic ministers fear that Theresa May is ‘preparing to cave in to’ Labour’s Brexit demands and agree a post-Brexit customs union with the EU, with May indicating that she wants talks finished by the middle of next week. At yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, Michael Gove said that an ‘unpalatable’ deal with Labour was better than no Brexit, while Chief Whip Julian Smith said that ministers needed to ‘get real’.

Corbyn faces down second referendum advocates
The Guardian says that Jeremy Corbyn has ‘faced down’ a challenge by second referendum advocates, including Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson. At a meeting yesterday, the party’s National Executive Committee decided that its European election manifesto would be ‘fully in line’ with its existing Brexit policy of an alternative plan for Brexit, with a public vote only if the Government’s deal isn’t changed and a general election doesn’t happen.

May’s dinner with Russian oligarch’s wife
The Daily Mail reveals that Lubov Chernukhin, the wife of a Russian oligarch, had dinner with Theresa May and six other female ministers after paying £135,000 for the privilege at the Conservative Party’s Black and White Ball. The meal was revealed after the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss posted a photo of the gathering in Instagram. A source told the paper ‘it was bit like Cabinet at the start, very polite, but then a fair amount of wine was drunk and then it became a very relaxed and talkative dinner.’

Corbyn to urge MPs to declare climate emergency
The Daily Mirror reports that Jeremy Corbyn will today urge MPs to do their ‘historic duty’ by calling the world’s first climate emergency, forcing a vote to demand the Government to act on climate change ‘with commensurate urgency’. Yesterday, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove said he was ‘open to a higher level of ambition’.

Corbyn wrote foreword to antisemitic book
The Times says Jeremy Corbyn wrote the foreword to a book arguing that Jews controlled the banks and the press. The book, a reissue of JA Hobson’s Imperialism: A Study, first published in 1902, came out in 2011 before he became Labour leader. In the foreword, Corbyn said it was a ‘great tome’ with ‘brilliant, and very controversial at the time’ analysis.

Hancock says people shouldn’t have to sell their home to fund their care
The Daily Telegraph reports that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has told a House of Lords committee that people shouldn’t have to sell their home to pay for social care, saying that ensuring ‘that the home is in the means test under all circumstances’ would extend ‘one of the injustices’ of the current system. Care Minister Caroline Dinenage separately said that she had found the delays to the social care green paper ‘frustrating’, telling the paper that a draft had been ready since December.

Social mobility has stagnated, commission warns
The Financial Times says that the Government’s Social Mobility Commission’s State of the Nation report warns that class privilege is still entrenched in the UK, with the ability to gain higher pay and social position having stagnated since 2014. It blames Government policies for the lack of progress, including schools funding cuts and disadvantaged young people being less likely to undertake apprenticeships or relocate to other regions.

Trump unlikely to address Parliament
The Times reports that Donald Trump is unlikely to address Parliament during his visit next month in order to avoid embarrassing the Queen. She would have to formally request permission for him to address Parliament from the Speakers of both houses, but Commons Speaker John Bercow is opposed to such a speech taking place.

Leadership troubles are a tiny part of the much bigger picture – don’t miss anything, get Vuelio Political Services.  

Brexit flag

Political Headlines – positive Brexit talks and Conservative MEP candidates keeping a low profile

Today’s political headlines includes positive Brexit talks, Conservative MEP candidates keeping a low profile, Corbyn under pressure to accept a second referendum and the Government to back revised climate change target. 

Brexit talks more positive, sources say
The Guardian says sources on both sides of the Brexit talks between the Government and Labour have suggested that discussions have become more positive, although no new offer has been made. Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman said the negotiations were ‘really constructive’ and engaged more with ‘the nuts and bolts of the detail’, while Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington said he was encouraged by the ‘need for greater urgency’.

Conservative MEP candidates told to keep a low profile
According to The Times, Conservative candidates for the European Parliament have been told to ‘lie low’ in order to avoid antagonising voters before the local elections. The official launch of the party’s campaign is expected to be held on 7 May, with a senior Conservative explaining that canvass returns had improved over recess as ‘Brexit was off the boil and attention was away from Westminster’.

Corbyn under pressure to accept second referendum
The Daily Mirror claims that Jeremy Corbyn is resisting pressure to agree to a referendum on any Brexit deal ahead of a meeting of Labour’s National Executive Committee today. The party is coming under pressure to do so from many of its own MPs, as well as the Unison, GMB and Usdaw trade unions. However, it is likely to maintain its stance of only having a referendum on a Conservative or no-deal Brexit.

Government to back revised climate change target
The Times suggests that the Government will back a revised climate target from the Climate Change Committee when it is announced this week. Although Cabinet ministers have yet to back the move, Theresa May is likely to endorse the proposed target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, although the Government won’t back all of the suggested measures to reach it. The new target is likely to be included in the new Environment Bill, which is due to be included in the Queen’s Speech in the autumn.

Hunt warns Brexit deal with Labour could lose Tory support
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told The Daily Telegraph that if the Government reached a Brexit deal with Labour it risked creating a situation where ‘you lose more Conservative MPs than you gain Labour MPs’. He questioned if Jeremy Corbyn was ‘serious about delivering Brexit’, adding that he didn’t expect a ‘rose garden moment’. He also warned against holding a leadership contest before Brexit had happened.

May to face grassroots confidence vote
The Sun says that Theresa May is to become the first Conservative leader to face an emergency vote from party activists demanding her resignation. The first emergency general meeting in the party’s history has been called, after the threshold of signatures from constituency chairmen needed to call one was passed. Theresa May has been invited to address the meeting, though the vote on her leadership will not be binding.

Victims’ Commissioner attacks need to pay to report crime
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Baroness Newlove, the Victims’ Commissioner, warns victims of anti-social behaviour are being forced to pay to report crimes to the police as, unlike 999, the 101 non-emergency phone number is not free. She criticises police and councils for not treating anti-social behaviour seriously and says ‘little has changed’ since her husband was kicked to death after confronting teenagers vandalising their car twelve years ago.

May must present final Brexit deadline to Parliament next week or she’ll miss deadline
In an exclusiveThe Sun claims that, according to a Cabinet minister, Theresa May has until the end of next week to return her Brexit deal to Parliament, or she will miss her 30 June deadline for leaving the EU. This is because the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to implement the deal will need around six weeks to pass through Parliament.

Brexit and elections alongside domestic policies means there’s hundreds of potential issues you need to monitor. Don’t do it alone, get Vuelio Political Services.  


Political Headlines – fracking chief quits, Home Office criticised and Hunt warns of Huawei risks

Today’s political headlines includes the fracking chief quitting, Home Office asylum unit criticised, Hunt warns of Huawei risks, May looks for legislation to avoid Queen’s Speech. 

Fracking chief quits, claiming Government has imposed a ‘de facto ban’
The Times reports that the Government’s shale gas commissioner Natascha Engel has quit after seven months in the role. She claimed that the Government had ‘instituted a de facto ban’ on fracking by shying away from reviewing a rule which means that operations must be suspended whenever a tremor above 0.5 magnitude is recorded. She said that climate activism, such as that of Greta Thunberg, ‘will hustle politicians into making bad decisions’, while ‘Brexit paralysis’ was also to blame for a temporary rule becoming permanent.

Home Office asylum unit criticised
The Guardian reveals that whistleblowers from a Home Office unit known as the Dublin Cessation Team, which determines which EU member states should determine an asylum-seeker’s claim, have claimed that its ‘overworked, under-skilled, bullied and highly stressed DCT caseworkers’ are frequently making mistakes causing individuals to be held in unlawful detention. A range of other allegations have also been made, including long delays and targets incentivising applications to be rejected.

Hunt warns of Huawei risks
The Daily Telegraph says that Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has warned that Huawei has a legal obligation to cooperate with Chinese’s intelligence services. He said it was ‘right to have a degree of caution about the role of large Chinese companies’ and rejected the idea that the UK was being influenced by the USA as ‘absolute nonsense’. He added that he was happy to hand over his phone – and that of his special advisor – to the ongoing leak inquiry.

May looks for legislation to avoid Queen’s Speech
The Times says that Theresa May is looking for legislation to justify delaying the Queen’s Speech until the autumn. A list produced by Downing Street includes changes to tax for sporting testimonials and increasing sentences for animal cruelty, with other proposals including legislation on domestic abuse, tenants’ rights and restoring Parliament.

Damian Green publishes social care proposals
The Daily Mail carries details of a new report on social care by Theresa May’s former deputy, Damian Green for the Centre for Policy Studies. His plans would deliver a basic state-funded level of social care, which recipients could upgrade using savings, and would be funded by a lump sum on retirement, a surcharge on National Insurance for over-50s or a tax on the winter fuel allowance.

Damian Hinds blames social media firms for fuelling eating disorders
In an exclusiveThe Sun reports that Education Secretary Damian Hinds has blamed social media firms for fuelling teenage eating disorders by disseminating ‘dangerous ideas of perfection’. He will be meeting executives from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat today and says they ‘get serious about their responsibility to young people’.

Tories set to lose 800 councillors
The Guardian reports Conservative election analyst Lord Hayward believes that his party is on course to lose around 500 seats to the Liberal Democrats and a further 300 to Labour in this week’s local elections. He attributed this to the failure to deliver a Brexit deal, adding that he also expected ‘disenchantment’ with the main parties to reduce turnout.

Government advisors to recommend stricter greenhouse gas targets
The Daily Telegraph reports that the Climate Change Committee, which advises the Government, will recommend on Thursday that the Government should axe its target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, instead saying that it should aim to have eradicated or offset all greenhouse gases by then. Policy suggestions include reducing red meat consumption, planting more trees and building new onshore wind turbines.

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Political Headlines – Huawei, unvaccinated children and Labour’s planned tax increase

Today’s political headlines includes the Huawei leak, unvaccinated children could be barred from schools, Labour plans £3bn tax increase and talks restart to restore Northern Ireland Assembly.

Sedwill gives ministers ultimatum over leak
The Guardian says that Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill has written to Cabinet ministers who attended the National Security Council meeting on Tuesday, insisting that they tell him by 3pm if they were involved in the leak of the council’s decision on Huawei’s involvement in the 5G network. A number of ministers have now denied being behind the leak, including Jeremy Hunt, Gavin Williamson, Penny Mordaunt, Liam Fox and Sajid Javid.

Unvaccinated children could be barred from schools
The Daily Mirror reports that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has warned that children who have not received the MMR vaccination could be banned from schools. The warning came after Unicef revealed that over 0.5m children in the UK have not received the vaccine, with cases of measles increasing fourfold over the last year.

Labour plans £3bn tax increase to fund social care
The Daily Mail says that Labour is to increase taxes on the top 5% of earners in order to fund an increase in social care spending of over £3bn. It would fund care for over 160,000 elderly people who currently go without care, including 50,000 with dementia. Shadow social care minister Barbara Keeley said the ‘Tory government has shamefully abandoned older people and young adults with care needs’.

Talks to restore Northern Ireland Assembly to restart
The Financial Times says that Northern Ireland Secretary Karen Bradley and the Irish foreign minister Simon Coveney are expected to announce today that new talks to try and restore the Northern Ireland Assembly will take place after May’s local government elections. Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou Mcdonald said that her party’s support depended on an Irish language act, while DUP leader Arlene Foster said the assembly should return ‘immediately’ with a parallel process to address Sinn Féin’s issues.

Private schools provide benefit of over £20bn to the country each year
The Times leads with research for the Independent Schools Council which finds that private schools provide economic benefits and savings to the taxpayer of over £20bn a year, including supporting more jobs than the city of Liverpool. The report also shows fees increased by 3.7% last year, with experts warning increases were causing schools to lose ‘middle-class goodwill’.

Portsmouth and Brighton identified as least representative councils for BAME people
The Guardian carries details of analysis by Operation Black Vote which shows that 23% of the councils studied have no BAME councillors, increasing to a third if those with just one BAME councillor are included. Portsmouth and Brighton and Hove councils were identified as being amongst those least representative of their population.

Brady backs removing backstop from Brexit bill
In an exclusiveThe Sun reveals that Brexiteers plan to table an amendment to the Withdrawal Agreement Bill which would remove the Irish backstop, with the Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs, Sir Graham Brady, urging the Prime Minister to adopt this plan herself. Number 10 has pointed out that the whole agreement needs ratification and that the EU will not reopen it for further negotiations.

Lib Dem memo shows Tories face local election catastrophe
The Daily Mirror has seen an internal Liberal Democrat memo based on analysis of data collected by the party’s canvassers ahead of the local elections, which reveals that the Conservatives are on course for a ‘catastrophe’. Just 45% of voters who said they were backing the Tories in 2015 have said they will definitely or probably vote for them this year.

Keep up to date with climate change activism and every political issue that matters to you – find out more about Vuelio Political Services.  

Greta Thunberg

Political Headlines – Gove’s Guilt, Huawei’s Help and Brexit latest

Today’s political headlines includes Gove’s guilt, Huawei’s help, Brexit latest and Trump’s visit.

Gove admits ‘guilt’ after teenager climate change campaigner’s speech
The Times reports on yesterday’s speech to Parliament by the 16-year-old Swedish climate change campaigner Greta Thunberg. Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary Michael Gove said she made him feel ‘guilt’ because ‘we have not done nearly enough to deal with the problem’, but Thunberg accused the Government of ‘creative accounting’ and criticised its support for fracking, North Sea oil and gas, airport expansion and climate change.

Huawei to help build new 5G network despite security concerns
The Daily Telegraph says Theresa May has agreed that Huawei can be involved in the UK’s new 5G network following a meeting of the National Security Council, at which ministers including Sajid Javid, Jeremy Hunt, Gavin Williamson, Liam Fox and Penny Mordaunt raised concerns about the firm. The paper says the decision ‘is likely to anger’ the USA, which banned Huawei from Government networks and has pressed the UK to follow suit.

Labour says Government is failing to offer changes in Brexit talks
The Guardian reports that Labour has accused Theresa May of not offering any substantive changes to the Brexit deal in cross-party talks, and refusing to accept alterations to the political declaration. Instead, ministers suggested redrafting the withdrawal act implementation bill and modifying other planned bills. According to The Daily Telegraph, Cabinet ministers have told May to end the talks ‘immediately’ and focus on persuading the DUP to back the deal instead. Meanwhile, a meeting of the executive of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs didn’t reach a conclusion on changing leadership challenge rules yesterday, but will meet again today.

Clash over Trump visit
The Times says the Speakers of the two Houses of Parliament disagree over whether Donald Trump should address parliamentarians during his visit in June. Lords Speaker Lord Fowler said that there was a ‘strong case’ as it would be the anniversary of the D-day landings, but Commons Speaker John Bercow has suggested the honour should be earned. Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry said that hosting the visit would be a waste of taxpayers’ money.

Javid under pressure to act over language test scandal
The Guardian says Home Secretary Sajid Javid is under pressure to act over an immigration scandal, which MP Mike Gapes has warned is ‘a bigger scandal than Windrush in terms of the number of individuals removed form the country’. It involves around 34,000 foreign students whose visas have been cancelled or curtailed and over 1000 who have been forcibly removed after being accused of cheating in English language tests with no right of appeal.

Rachel Johnson to stand as Change UK candidate
The Daily Telegraph reports that Change UK have selected Rachel Johnson, the sister of the Conservative MPs Boris and Jo Johnson, as one of its candidates for the European elections. She said she has ‘entered politics to spend more time with my family’. Other candidates include former BBC presenter Gavin Esler and former Conservative and Labour MPs. One candidate, Ali Sadjady, has had to step down after inappropriate tweets were discovered.

Farage unveils more Brexit Party candidates as Widdecombe defects
The Sun says Nigel Farage said yesterday that his Brexit Party will target voters in Labour heartlands during the European elections and unveiled more candidates, including a former Royal Marine, a millionaire, a former Communist, a former charity boss and a former nurse. The Daily Express adds that ex-Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe will stand for the party.

Universal Credit to hit ‘the persistently poor the hardest’
The Daily Mirror says that Institute for Fiscal Studies research on Universal Credit shows it will leave at least 1.9m people worse off by at least £1000 a year, hitting ‘the persistently poor the hardest’. The Department for Work and Pensions said the study ‘wrongly assumes that everyone was claiming their full benefit entitlement under the old system’.

Keep up to date with climate change activism and every political issue that matters to you – find out more about Vuelio Political Services.  

Theresa May

Political Headlines – Tories plot to oust May and cross-party Brexit talks resume

Today’s political headlines includes May being told leadership rules will be changed, cross-party Brexit talks resume, Hancock promises to end NHS NDAs and Grenfell Tower survivors’ group criticises Government. 

May to be told that leadership rules will be changed to allow her to be ousted in June
The Daily Telegraph claims Sir Graham Brady, the Chair of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs is to warn the Prime Minister that the party is preparing to alter its rules to make it easier to oust leaders. A meeting of the committee today is expected to agree a cut to the period between votes of no confidence to six months, allowing a new vote to be held on June 12, with a threshold of 30% of MPs needed to call one. Separately, Brexiteer Cabinet ministers are tell May to hold a vote on her deal for a fourth time.

Cross-party talks resume as May takes second look at Malthouse compromise
The Guardian reports that cross-party Brexit talks are to resume, but the chances of a resolution are ‘limited’. The Government’s team will include David Lidington and Steve Barclay, while Labour will send Rebecca Long-Bailey and Keir Starmer. So far, Labour has not been given a revised offer or agenda. The Sun says that Theresa May has asked civil servants to take a second look at the so-called Malthouse compromise plan, with senior Brexiteers led by Iain Duncan Smith lobbying her to adopt it as her policy.

Hancock promises to end NHS NDAs
The Guardian says that Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has promised to stop the NHS from using non-disclosure agreements to gag whistleblowers, saying that more people should be able to ‘put their head above the parapet’, with a ‘safe, open culture’ that doesn’t require people to ‘choose between the job they love and speaking the truth to keep patients safe’.

Grenfell Tower survivors’ group criticises Government
The Times says that the Grenfell Tower survivors’ group has criticised the Government for the first time. It accuses ministers of being ‘indifferent and incompetent’ and that, despite meeting with them for nearly two years, of having taken little action. Grenfell United is now planning a national campaign for ‘safe homes and tenants to be treated with respect’.

Crosby linked to wider hard Brexit campaign
The Guardian reveals a network of pro-Brexit Facebook campaigns overseen by CTF Partners (Sir Lynton Crosby’s firm) formed part of a wider campaign to undermine Theresa May. As well as running the controversial adverts, the company’s employees have been advising key members of the European Research Group, including on the ‘chuck Chequers’ campaign and the attempt to oust May as leader. It continues to be unclear how the work has been funded.

NHS concerned about new immigration policy, leaked minutes show
The Daily Telegraph has obtained the minutes of meetings between NHS and civil service officials which show that the NHS is concerned that the Government’s new immigration policy would be the ‘most destructive policy proposal for NHS recruitment’. The proposed £30,000 salary threshold would put at risk efforts to recruit the 50,000 nurses the service requires and would be ‘awful for social care’.

Brexit Party and Change UK to announce European election candidates
The Sun says Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party and Change UK are to unveil European election candidates today. Farage is set to reveal five new names, including former Communist and BBC pundit Claire Fox, while Change UK’s candidates are understood to include former politicians from the three main parties as well as doctors, nurses and teachers.

Morgan criticises Cash over appeasement comments
The Times says that Nicky Morgan and Alistair Burt have criticised Brexiteer Bill Cash for suggesting that Theresa May was guilty of appeasing the EU. Morgan said that there was a link between comments like his and threats received by MPs, adding that it was not the language ‘any normal people would use’.

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Labour leader

Political Headlines – Corbyn will abolish SATs and Tories plot against May

Today’s political headlines includes Corbyn’s promise to abolish SATs, Corbyn’s warning, Tory chairs plotting against May and Burgon regrets his Zionism remarks. 

Corbyn promises to abolish SATs
The Times says that Jeremy Corbyn has promised to abolish the SATs exams sat by primary school children in a bid to tackle the ‘extreme pressure’ on teachers and pupils. They would be replaced by a more flexible system, which Labour will consult on over the summer. However, the Conservatives have said that this would be a ‘retrograde’ move which would ‘keep parents in the dark’.

Corbyn warns that Government inflexibility is stalling Brexit talks
The Guardian reports that Jeremy Corbyn has said that talks over Brexit between Labour and the Government are stalling because of the Government’s plans for deregulation and a trade deal with the USA after Brexit. He said he didn’t want a ‘deregulated, low-tax society’ and hinted that he would rather hold binding Indicative votes in the Commons.

Tory chairs plot no confidence vote in May
The Daily Telegraph claims chairs of local Conservative associations are circulating a petition asking the party’s National Convention to call an emergency general meeting at which a vote of no confidence in Theresa May would be held. The party is obliged to hold the meeting if over 65 chairs sign the petition; between 40 and 50 are believed to have done so. Such a vote would not force May to resign, but it would put pressure on her.

Burgon regrets Zionism remarks
The Guardian says that the Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon has expressed regret after a video of him saying ‘Zionism is the enemy of peace’ emerged. He had previously denied making such a remark, but when the evidence emerged said that ‘it is now clear that I did and I regret doing so’. The Jewish Leadership Council called for a ‘full apology’.

Javid reviews disclosure of criminal records
The Daily Telegraph reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid is reviewing the rule which means that anyone with more than one criminal conviction will automatically have them disclosed to prospective employers for the rest of their lives. He wants to give juvenile criminals a second chance, but victims’ rights groups have raised concerns.

Electoral Commission approves Change UK’s application
The Times reports that the Electoral Commission has approved a request from The Independent Group of breakaway MPs to register a new political party under the name of Change UK ahead of next month’s European elections. However, the new party’s proposed logo has been rejected as it was ‘likely to mislead voters’.

Candidate in Tory video accused of selling fake wine
The Daily Mirror says that Gurch Singh, a council candidate in Theresa May’s constituency who appeared in the Conservatives’ most recent election broadcast ran a shop which had additional conditions placed on its licence after it was found to be stocking counterfeit wine and selling alcohol to under-age children. Singh said that the wine came from a reputable supplier and that the only proof of the sales to children came from an anonymous complaint.

Westminster at risk of Notre Dame style fire
The Sun reports that Labour MP Chris Bryant has warned that the Palace of Westminster could be ravaged by fire if a further two year delay to restoration work goes ahead. Under the revised plans work would not start until 2028. Bryant said ‘Parliament has become a potential death trap of catastrophic proportions because we have allowed years of neglect.’

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Independent Group

Political Headlines – 3,000 apply to be Change UK MEP candidates and Javid’s close call with a ‘life of crime’

Today’s political headlines includes thousands applying to be Change UK MEP candidates, Tories worrying about leadership contest, Javid’s close brush with a life of crime and climate change protesters closing down parts of London. 

Over 3,000 people want to be Change UK MEP candidates
According to The Times, over 3,000 people have applied to stand as candidates for Change UK at the European elections. Its MPs are working through the applications and will pick candidates from a shortlist of 100 at the weekend. Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has admitted that the elections will be ‘disastrous’ for the Conservatives, with the paper adding that they have yet to make various key campaign decisions.

Tories worry about leadership contest
The Sun reveals that ‘senior Tories’ are worried that their party is being infiltrated by Brexit activists hoping to influence the elections for its new leader. Membership has grown by 30,000 over the last year, reaching a total of over 150,000 – the highest in at least seven years. Some of this has been attributed to a recruitment drive, but others are thought to be both former UKIP members and remainers, who want to vote in a leadership contest.

Javid says he could have embarked on life of crime
The Daily Telegraph reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid admitted in a speech yesterday that he could have entered a life of crime, having been brought up on ‘the most dangerous street in Britain’, and that he was worried about the safety of his children, staying ‘up late at night waiting to hear the key turning in the door’. He said that the Government needed to change its ‘mindset’ to ‘stop the violence before it begins’.

Climate change protesters close roads in capital
The Financial Times reports that Extinction Rebellion, the environmental activist group, shut down four roads in London yesterday, including Waterloo Bridge and Oxford Circus, as part of its bid to draw attention to climate change. It said it would try to keep the roads blockade for ‘as long as possible’, unless the Government would agree to talks. It wants a climate emergency to be declared, zero greenhouse emissions by 2025 and a citizen’s assembly to discuss climate issues.

Government under pressure to end Brexit talks
The Guardian claims that the Government is feeling under pressure to end its talks over Brexit with Labour and move on to its alternative, finding a compromise in the Commons through a series of votes or amendments to the withdrawal bill. Theresa May’s former advisor Nikki da Costa suggested that doing this before the European elections would need ‘a level of legislative aggression’ this Government had not displayed so far.

German foreign minister warns Brexit won’t be delayed after October
Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has used an interview with the Financial Times to warn that Brexit will not be delayed after October, saying that ‘they will have to decide what they want’ as ‘you cannot drag out Brexit for a decade’. He added that a further extension might be interpreted as a ‘signal that they plan to stay in the EU after all’.

Corbyn defends Begum’s right to legal aid
The Guardian says that Jeremy Corbyn has defended Shamima Begum’s right to legal aid. Begum, who left the UK to join ISIS, may be applying for the funding to challenge the Government’s decision to strip her of her British citizenship in the courts. Corbyn said ‘she has legal rights, just like anybody else does’ and being represented in court was ‘a fundamental point in any democratic society.’

Labour suspends council candidate for sharing antisemitic conspiracy theories
The Daily Telegraph says that Labour has suspended a council candidate in Brighton and Hove after the paper revealed that she had posted ‘highly offensive’ conspiracy theories about the Rothschilds and Israel online. The party refused to comment on the case, while the candidate, Alexandrina Braithwaite, said she was ‘sorry for the offence I have caused.’

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Eviction notice

Political Headlines – short notice evictions to be banned and Tory leadership contenders want May to stay for months

Today’s political headlines includes short notice evictions to be banned, Leadership contenders want May to stay for months, Hammond mocks Brexiteer leadership campaigners and progress unlikely in Brexit talks. 

Short notice evictions to be banned
The Guardian says that housing campaigners have backed Government plans to ban ‘no-fault evictions’, with a consultation on abolishing ‘section 21 evictions’ which allow landlords to evict tenants at short notice and with no good reason. The Government says that this is one of the main causes of family homelessness, and Theresa May said the change ‘will not only protect tenants from unethical behaviour, but also give them the long-term certainty and the peace of mind they deserve.’ The news was welcomed by Shelter but the Residential Landlords Association warned that it could result in fewer homes being available to rent.

Leadership contenders want May to stay for months
According to The Times, Cabinet contenders for the leadership want Theresa May to stay in place until the first stage of Brexit is completed, even if this takes until the end of the year. They fear that a summer leadership content would aid those, such as Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab, who want to reopen the Brexit deal. However, former leader Iain Duncan Smith yesterday called on May to step down by the end of June.

Hammond mocks Brexiteer leadership campaigners
The Daily Telegraph says Chancellor Philip Hammond used a speech in Washington to mock Brexiteer candidates in the last Conservative leadership election, saying Boris Johnson and Michael Gove formed an ‘unintended suicide pact’ while Andrea Leadsom had a ‘private suicide pact’. He also joked he was the only Tory MP not running for leader and that if a no-deal Brexit had happened he would have been visiting as the ‘designated survivor’.

Progress unlikely in Brexit talks unless red line shifts
The Guardian has been told by ‘sources close to the talks’ between Labour and the Government over Brexit that further advances are unlikely unless the Government’s red line over a customs union with the EU moves. Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington said ‘there is going to have to be movement on both sides’. Three working groups are to be established next week, covering security, environmental protection and consumers’ and workers’ rights.

Corbyn links youth service cuts to crime
The Daily Mirror reveals that Jeremy Corbyn will use a visit to an educational activity centre in Yorkshire to claim that the Conservatives have cut council spending in youth services by 70% since 2010. He will warn that ‘these cuts are creating the conditions in which crime can thrive’ and pledge to legislate ‘to guarantee quality youth services’.

NHS giving doctors cash to avoid early retirements
The Financial Times says that there is a ‘growing staffing crisis’ in the NHS, with the service topping-up doctors’ salaries with cash to help them avoid higher taxes as a result of stricter pension rules which have led many staff to take early retirement or to reduce the hours they are working. The paper warns that this ‘threatens to undermine the multibillion-pound funding injection’ announced by Theresa May last year.

Javid to make ‘veiled leadership pitch’
The Daily Telegraph reports that Home Secretary Sajid Javid is to make a speech on crime today, which it describes as a ‘veiled leadership pitch’. He will say that ‘we cannot afford to leave anyone behind’ and advocate a ‘public health’ approach to tackling knife crime, coordinating teachers, medical professionals and other branches of Government.

Lammy criticised over ‘Nazi’ remarks
The Times says that Labour MP David Lammy has been criticised after he compared Conservative Brexiteers to Nazis yesterday, saying that they should not be ‘appeased’. He said the ‘BBC should not allow this extreme hard-right fascism to flourish’, but Conservative MP Conor Burns suggested that Lammy had ‘lost it’.

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Your guide to local elections

Your Guide to Local Elections

This year, local elections will take place on 2 May and thousands of councillors will be elected across the country.

No every council is having an election – in England its split as follows:

  • 33 metropolitan district councils electing by thirds
  • 116 district councils holding whole council elections
  • 53 district councils electing by thirds
  • 30 unitary authorities holding whole council elections
  • 17 unitary authorities electing by thirds
  • Elections are also being held in many areas for parish, town, community, neighbourhood and village councils

In addition, local elections are being held for all 11 local authorities in Northern Ireland.

Local councils are vital to public relations and public affairs and any organisation working with an audience at a local or regional level.

Vuelio has published Your Guide to Local Elections, which breaks down what different councils and councillors do, the local election timeline, the rules around purdah and the biggest future issues facing councils.

As local councils are responsible for a broad range of services – from education, libraries and highways to local planning, council tax and rubbish collection – few comms teams can afford to ignore them.

Download the guide here.


Political Headlines – Corbyn says Assange should not be extradited to the US and Government stands down no-deal planning

Today’s political headlines includes Corbyn saying Assange should not be extradited to the USA, Government stands down no-deal Brexit planning and May’s attempts to break the deadlock. 

Corbyn says Assange should not be extradited to the USA
As the BBC reports, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has called on the UK not to extradite Julian Assange to the USA as he had revealed ‘evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan’. The WikiLeaks founder, who was arrested yesterday after losing the diplomatic protection which had allowed him to stay in the Ecuadorian embassy for the last seven years, faces a computer hacking charge in the USA, while Sweden is considering whether to reopen a sexual assault case against him. Theresa May said his arrest showed ‘no-one is above the law’.

Government stands down no-deal Brexit planning
Sky News has obtained an email sent to civil servants in a ‘frontline Brexit department’ announcing that the Government has ‘stood down our no-deal operational planning with immediate effect’ following a meeting chaired by Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill yesterday. A Government spokesperson said it would ‘continue to make all necessary preparations’.

May hints at using Withdrawal Agreement Bill to break deadlock
The Times says that Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn agreed to continue Brexit talks after a short meeting yesterday, with May suggesting that the two sides were closer than thought but that if no agreement could be reached they would agree on a ‘small number’ of options to put to MPs. She suggested that the Withdrawal Agreement Bill could be introduced ‘soon’ and that it might be ‘a useful forum to resolve some of the outstanding issues’.

Labour considering automatic voter registration
The Guardian reports that Cat Smith, Labour’s shadow minister for voter engagement has said that the party is considering automatic voter registration in a bid to increase turnout at elections. An estimated 7 million people in the UK are not on the electoral register and the policy has been introduced in places such as Canada and Belgium.

Johnson meets DUP leadership
The Times says that Boris Johnson and his leadership campaign team held a private meeting with the DUP’s leader Arlene Foster and deputy leader Nigel Dpdds yesterday, with a source telling the paper that potential Conservative leadership candidates wanted to ‘pay homage’ to the Northern Irish party.  Foster refused to say if she had confidence in Theresa May.

Conservative Party plans leadership contest
The Daily Mail reveals that the Conservative Party has drawn up plans for a summer leadership contest, including locations around the country for six hustings between the candidates. Yesterday, Anne Marie Morris and Greg Hands called for new leadership, but other MPs such as Ken Clarke and Nicky Morgan said Theresa May should continue.

Tory MPs may refuse to campaign in European elections
According to The Guardian, some Conservative MPs have threatened to boycott the European elections, saying that they will instruct their local associations not to campaign, claiming that they are concerned about the safety of their activists. Conservative MP Anne Marie Morris refused to rule out voting for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which launches today.

May tells MPs to reflect during Easter recess
The Sun reports that it was confirmed yesterday that MPs would now enter an 11-day recess, with Theresa May telling them to use the time to ‘reflect’ on Brexit. The news came mere hours after European Council President Donald Tusk told the UK not to ‘waste’ the extension it had been granted.

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31 October

Political Headlines – new Brexit date, new plot to oust May and a new expenses scandal

Today’s political headlines includes the Brexit delay, the latest plot to oust May, a brand new MP expenses scandal and Scruton sacked over ‘unacceptable comments’. 

UK given Brexit delay until October
As The Guardian reports, last night European leaders agreed to delay Brexit until 31 October, giving the UK an option to leave earlier if the deal is approved by Parliament. The EU will review the UK’s behaviour at a summit in June, with European Council President Donald Tusk suggesting that a further extension could be granted if necessary. French President Emmanuel Macron advocated a shorter extension, but settled for a compromise after other leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who advocated a delay until December, said this would not allow the impasse in the UK to be resolved.

Conservative MPs plot to oust May
The Daily Telegraph claims that Conservative MPs are ‘plotting’ to get rid of Theresa May by changing rules which mean that she cannot be ousted until a year after the last confidence vote, attempting to gain 10,000 members’ signatures to support the change. The executive of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs yesterday discussed moving against May after next month’s local and European elections. According to The Guardian, Theresa May will try to remain as Prime Minister during the delay to Brexit and continue to try to get her Brexit deal through Parliament.

16 MPs claim taxpayers money for London homes while renting their own out
The Daily Mirror reveals that 16 MPs, including International Trade Secretary Liam Fox, are claiming money to rent homes in London, while also letting properties in the city. While this is not a breach of parliamentary rules, the Defend Council Housing campaign said that the news was ‘scandalous’ and the ‘gravy train’ needed to be ended.

Scruton sacked over ‘unacceptable comments’
The Times reports that Sir Roger Scruton has been sacked as a housing adviser to the Government after making ‘unacceptable comments’ about Islamophobia, antisemitism, George Soros, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and China in an interview with the New Stateman. Labour is calling on the Government to remove his knighthood.

Senior Tories urge Brexiteer ministers to stay in post
The Sun claims that senior Tories have told Brexit-supporting ministers not to resign over cross-party talks with Labour or a possible second referendum in order to keep a ‘balance of power’ with pro-EU ministers, citing the example of the appointment of Amber Rudd following the resignation of Esther McVey, and to avoid a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.

Wright says online rules won’t affect press freedom
The Daily Mail reports that Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Jeremy Wright has used a letter to the Society of Editors to promise that the proposals in the new Online Harms White Paper would not affect ‘journalistic or editorial content’, with safeguards introduced to protect the role of the press.

Minister should oversee Parliament refurbishment, Spelman says
The Times says that Dame Caroline Spelman, chair of the committee on the restoration of Parliament, has said that a minister should be appointed to oversee this, suggesting Andrea Leadsom as a possible candidate. She warned that if this did not happen, there could be repeats of last week’s incident which saw the Commons suspended after a leak.

Government criticised over response to childcare and Universal Credit inquiry
The Sun says that members of the Commons Work and Pensions Committee have criticised the Government’s response to their inquiry into childcare and Universal Credit as ‘skimpy and disappointing’, demanding they look again at the ideas they suggested to help parents return to work, accusing it of ‘dismissing the serious problems that are plaguing parents’.

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EU pres

Political Headlines – Tusk rejects short extension and another vote in days

Today’s political headlines includes Tusk rejecting the short extension request, Withdrawal Agreement Bill could be voted on in days, talks between Labour and Government having no resolution and plots to end May’s premiership. 

Tusk rejects short extension request
The Guardian reports that European Council President Donald Tusk has used a letter to EU leaders ahead of their summit today to reject Theresa May’s request for a short delay to Brexit, with an EU diplomat suggesting that the leaders will instead agree an extension until either the end of this year, or until March 2020. Tusk wrote that the EU’s ‘experience so far’ and the ‘deep divisions’ among MPs meant that there was ‘little reason to believe’ that the deal would be ratified by the end of May’s proposed extension in June. He warned a short extension would lead to more ‘short extensions and emergency summits’, continuing uncertainty, overshadowing other EU business and risking an ‘accidental no-deal Brexit’.

Withdrawal Agreement Bill could be voted on in days
The Daily Mail claims that if a deal is reached with Labour, the Withdrawal Agreement Bill to ratify the deal with the EU could be put to MPs within days. One option would allow free votes on issues such as a customs union or a second referendum which, if successful, would then be incorporated. However, this is felt to be a high-risk option as Parliament would have to be prorogued if the bill failed and the Government wanted to try again.

Talks between Labour and Government over Brexit reach no resolution
The Times says that talks between Labour and the Government over Brexit ‘broke down without progress’ yesterday. According to sources, four hours of negotiation showed that the parties were ‘far away’ from each other, with Labour claiming that ministers had offered no further concessions while the Conservatives suggested that Labour was not negotiating sincerely. Discussions will resume tomorrow, but the paper suggests the lack of progress will not help Theresa May at today’s European Council summit

Local Tories debate telling May to go, while 1922 Committee plots leadership election
According to The Daily Telegraph, a number of local Conservative associations are to debate motions calling for Theresa May to be removed as party leader in an attempt to pressure MPs into taking action. The paper adds that members of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs are working on plans for May to step down as leader on May 23 but remain as Prime Minister, allowing a new leader to be in place by July.

Tory MPs fail to vote for Article 50 extension
The Guardian reports that most Conservative MPs either voted against or abstained on a motion to approve Theresa May’s request for a delay to Brexit yesterday, with four cabinet ministers joining those abstaining. Just 31% of the MPs who voted for her proposal were Conservatives, with Brexiteers suggesting that this showed that the party would not back a softer Brexit, such as a customs union with the EU.

IMF warns of no-deal Brexit economic impact
The Financial Times reports that analysis by the International Monetary Fund shows that the British economy would be hit seven times harder than that of the EU in a no-deal Brexit scenario, and would fall into a recession. The IMF has modelled two no-deal scenarios, with the economic impact being even worse if there is also border disruption.

160 MPs make £42m profit on taxpayer-subsidised homes
The Daily Mirror reveals that 160 MPs have made a £42m profit by selling homes whose mortgage interest was paid for under the old expenses system. Beneficiaries include Michael Gove, Maria Miller and Sir Graham Brady. The former chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, Sir Alistair Graham, has suggested that they ought to ‘repay any gain’.

Stanley Johnson says he wants to be Conservative MEP
Stanley Johnson, the father of Boris Johnson and a former MEP, has confirmed to The Daily Telegraph that he has put his name forward to stand as a Conservative candidate in the forthcoming European elections, saying there was ‘a really important job to do. Current MEP David Campbell Bannerman is stepping down as it would be ‘dishonourable’ to continue.

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angela Merkel

Political Headlines – May, Merkel and Macron

Today’s political headlines includes May’s visit to Merkel and Macron, Tory backbenchers tell May she’s the problem, Parliament passes bill allowing MPs to vote on brexit delay and May mulls offering MPs a vote on a second referendum. 

May visits Merkel and Macron
The Times says that Theresa May is to visit German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron today prior to tomorrow’s European Council summit. The paper claims she will be told that in return for a delay to Brexit, the UK will lose its say over the EU budget and trade deals, probably by agreeing to vote with the majority of EU members, with the extension expected to be much longer than that requested, potentially until March 31 2020, although it could be terminated earlier if MPs approve the withdrawal agreement.

Tory backbenchers tell May she is ‘the problem’
The Daily Telegraph says that Theresa May was visited by executives of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs yesterday, who told her that she had become ‘the problem’, with MPs demanding that she ‘stand won immediately’. Brexiteer Mark Francois yesterday wrote to Sir Graham Brady, the chair of the committee, requesting a ‘indicative ballot’ of Conservative MPs on May’s future as leader.

Parliament passes bill allowing MPs to vote on Brexit delay
The Guardian reports that Parliament yesterday passed a bill drawn-up by Yvette Cooper and Oliver Letwin which will force the Government to seek a Brexit delay and to put the duration of the delay to a vote by MPs today. The Government had announced that it would not seek to block the final stages of the bill, which passed by 392 votes to 85.

May mulls offering MPs a vote on a second referendum
According to The Daily Telegraph, Theresa May is considering whether to give MPs a vote on a second referendum, as she tries to end the deadlock in her negotiations with Labour, with Chief Whip Julian Smith confident that such a vote would be unsuccessful. Jeremy Corbyn claimed yesterday that May had not made any ‘real movement’ on key issues such as a customs union, workers’ rights, environmental protections and consumer standards.

Gauke announces reform of divorce laws
As the BBC reports, the Government is announcing reforms of the law on divorce which Justice Secretary David Gauke says will help to end the ‘blame game’ and make them less acrimonious by speeding up the process and removing the requirement for a spouse to allege adultery or unreasonable behaviour by their partner, though there will be a minimum time period of six months.

Campaigners warn new internet regulations threaten free speech
The Guardian says that the Government’s new online harm white paper has led critics to warn that it could lead to the creation of a ‘North Korean-style censorship regime’. Sites which allow users to share or discover user-generated content, or interact with each other, would be subject to a duty of care to restrict harmful behaviours, and could be fined, have their senior managers held criminally liable, or be blocked completely if they fail to do so.

Johnson criticised over late declaration of Somerset property
The Times reports that Boris Johnson has been criticised by the Commons Standards Committee for his ‘over-casual attitude’. He failed to register a share of a property in Somerset he had acquired for 12 months, despite a 28-day limit for doing so. In December he apologised for four other occasions on which he registered financial interests late.

Tories to suffer ‘Brexit penalty’ in May’s local elections
The Sun reports that analysis by Lord Hayward shows that the Conservatives will face a ‘Brexit penalty’ in next month’s local elections, with many voters deserting the party or choosing to stay at home because they are ‘just so hacked off with it all’. The main beneficiaries, he said, were likely to be the Liberal Democrats.

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Jeremy Corbyn

Political Headlines – more Brexit talks and tech firms to be regulated

Today’s political headlines includes Labour expecting to hold further Brexit talks with the Government, tech firms to face new regulation, Johnson’s thoughts on Brexit latest and the majority who want a strong leader. 

Labour expects to hold further Brexit talks with Government
The BBC reports that Labour has said it is expecting to hold further talks to find a Brexit compromise with the Government, as peers continue considering a bill put forward by Yvette Cooper which would force Theresa May to request a Brexit extension, rather than accepting a no-deal Brexit. Solicitor General Robert Buckland said the likely outcome of talks was ‘something approximating a customs arrangement or customs union’. The Financial Times says French President Emmanuel Macron is demanding ‘tough political conditions’ on any Brexit extension, including guarantees that the UK will not disrupt the EU’s business.

Tech firms to face new regulation as Wright says industry has ‘reached a turning point’
Writing in The Sun, Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Secretary Jeremy Wright says that he used a face-to-face meeting with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to warn him that the UK had ‘reached a turning point’ over the social media firm’s failure to tackle harmful content, with new laws the ‘only option’. The Online Harms White Paper, published today, will contain new measures to make firms responsible for protecting their users, with senior management at risk of prosecution, and companies potentially being banned from the UK.

Johnson says May shouldn’t ‘surrender’ to Corbyn over customs union
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, Boris Johnson insists that Conservative MPs won’t let Theresa May ‘surrender’ to Jeremy Corbyn, insisting that agreeing to a customs union with the EU ‘cannot, must not and will not happen.’ The paper adds that May has given ‘the clearest signal yet’ that she will agree a customs union, saying that a cross-party deal is needed and would require ‘compromise on both sides’.

Over half the population want a ‘strong leader’
The Times reports that new research by the Hansard Society finds that over half the population wants a ‘strong leader willing to break the rules’, with nearly-three quarters agreeing that the country’s governance needed ‘quite a lot’ or ‘a great deal’ of improvement. Ruth Fox, the society’s director said that this ‘would challenge core tenets of our democracy’ and was ‘a potentially toxic recipe for the future of British politics’.

Jewish Labour Movement says it has no confidence in Corbyn
The Guardian reports that the Jewish Labour Movement has voted for a motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party which claimed that the party was ‘institutionally antisemitic’. Separately, the party has denied a story in The Sunday Times criticising its handling of complaints about antisemitism.

No Afghan translators have arrived in the UK despite Williamson’s promise
The Daily Mail reveals that despite Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson’s pledge last June to allow 50 Afghan interpreters who had helped British troops to settle in the UK with their families, none have yet arrived despite increasing danger in their home country. So far just one interpreter has been given permission to come to the UK, and will arrive within weeks.

Brexit confusion could cause problems for EU tenants
The Guardian says that the Residential Landlords Association has warned that confusion over Brexit will cause problems for tenants from the EU, criticising the Government for not giving clear guidance about the settled status scheme. Landlords face fines of up to £5000 if they are found to be renting a property to an illegal immigrant.

Rudd plays down Johnson alliance rumours
According to The Times, Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd has been playing down suggestions that she will back Boris Johnson’s campaign for the Conservative leadership in a ‘Bamber’ alliance, which would see her become Chancellor and unite the remain and leave strands of the party.

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Brexit cut out

Political Headlines – Ministers in plot to stop Brexit delay and the ‘flexstension’

Today’s political headlines includes Ministers in plot to stop Brexit delay, second referendum discussed in Lab/Con talks, Tusk to tell EU leaders to offer flexstension and Eurosceptic peers delay extension bill. 

Ministers in plot to stop Brexit delay
According to The Times, Cabinet ministers are attempting to prevent Theresa May from agreeing a delay to Brexit of up to a year. She will set out her intentions in a letter to European Council President Donald Tusk shortly, and has not clarified if the Cabinet is to be consulted beforehand. Attorney-General Geoffrey Cox said that May would have ‘little choice’ but to accept the extension offered by the EU. The Daily Telegraph adds that ministers have discussed holding a mass walkout in protest, with the ‘Pizza Club’ of Eurosceptic ministers meeting twice yesterday.

Second referendum discussed in Brexit talks with Labour
The Daily Telegraph says that the potential to give MPs a vote on a second referendum has been discussed by ministers during the Brexit talks with Labour, whose Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer is understood to have said that it must be an option presented to MPs in the indicative votes to take place next week of a deal is reached. However, Government sources have been playing down the likelihood of this happening. The Sun claims that the Prime Minister is expected to make a ‘make or break’ offer to Corbyn today, including promises to enter a customs union and to match the EU on workers’ rights.

Tusk to tell EU leaders to offer one-year ‘flextension’
The Guardian says that European Council President Donald Tusk is asking EU leaders to offer Theresa May a one-year Brexit ‘flextension’, under which the UK would be able to leave the EU at any point once Parliament has ratified the withdrawal agreement. The plan will need to be agreed unanimously when leaders meet for a summit on Wednesday.

Brexit extension bill delayed in Lords by Eurosceptic peers
The Financial Times reports that the bill to force Theresa May to consult MPs over a Brexit extension fast-tracked through the Commons on Wednesday suffered a ‘sustained attack’ in the Lords yesterday, with Eurosceptic peers using procedural amendments in an attempt to stop it from clearing the house in one day. As a result, it will now not finish making its way through the Lords until at least Monday.

Social media executives to be held personally liable for harmful content
The Guardian has obtained leaked plans for the online harms white paper, due to be published in Monday, which show that social media executives could be held personally liable for harmful content distributed via their sites. A new statutory duty of care will be overseen by a regulator (initially Ofcom), likely to be funded by a levy on the industry.

Labour holds Newport West in by-election
The BBC reports that Labour has held the constituency of Newport West following a by-election caused by the death of the incumbent MP, Paul Flynn. The new MP, Ruth Jones, has a majority of 1591, down from 5658 at the last general election, and was previously a NHS physiotherapist, but most recently worked for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Investigation into no-deal Brexit Facebook adverts launched
The Guardian says that following its revelation of the links between Lynton Crosby’s consultancy and adverts promoting a no-deal Brexit on Facebook, the Information Commissioner’s Office has opened an investigation, using its legal powers to request information and examine how the data is being handled.

Ministerial vacancies filled
As the Financial Times reports, Theresa May filled six junior ministerial posts yesterday evening, with Institute for Government research showing that she has lost more ministers than any other modern prime minister. The new ministers include James Cleverly, Justin Tomlinson, Will Quince, Seema Kennedy, Andrew Stephenson and Kevin Foster.

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