UK Blogger Survey 2016

UK Blogger Survey 2016
Blogger outreach and influence marketing lessons from the largest ever survey of UK bloggers!

Thirty-five per cent of UK bloggers are pitched to by brands six or more times a week.

The same amount NEVER produce coverage as a result.

We conducted the biggest ever survey of UK bloggers to help you identify the obstacles to successful brand-blogger relationships and understand how to overcome them – so that you can make the most of every blogger engagement.

Download the survey now to find out how you can get more from UK bloggers.

How to Write a Press Release in the Digital Age

Despite the real time nature of modern media, well-written, well-designed, well-targeted press releases can have a greater impact than ever.

Our latest whitepaper brings together advice and tips from journalists, bloggers, SEOs and digital marketers that will make sure your releases stay relevant in a world of rolling online news, search and social media.

Fill out the form to download it now.

The New Social Media

The New Social Media

Just when you think you’ve got the hang of social media, a whole new set of challenges emerge: new technologies, new audiences, new best (and worst) practices.


Do you know what the next wave of social media can do for you and your audience?

Our latest white paper examines three of the fastest growing social media channels for 2016 and gives you the lowdown.

You’ll learn:

– what the channels are and how they work

– who’s actually using them

– what PRs are doing with them

Get ahead of the curve and make sure you’re expert enough to meet the challenges and make the most of the opportunities provided by the latest social media.

Pitch Perfect – Giving Journalists What They Want

Is your PR out of sync with journalists?

Vuelio’s latest webinar will fine-tune your approach to make sure it’s pitch perfect!

Our guest speaker, Janet Murray, PR coach, consultant and journalist, will give you straightforward, practical advice and tips to transform your PR, ensuring your content and your approach meet journalists’ needs and expectations.

View our webinar to discover how to:

  • Make sure you’ve found the right journalists for your audience
  • Get journalists responding to your emails, calls, and tweets
  • Write the right copy for the coverage you need