Hill+Knowlton Strategies wins three-way pitch for QVC
Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K) has won a three-way competitive pitch for the public relations brief for TV shopping firm, QVC. The business is reportedly worth a six-figure sum.

H+K replaces incumbent Mischief PR to help QVC ‘tell the stories behind its brands and products to people passionate about shopping in the UK,’ according to the press release. The business will be handled by a cross-sector team involving H+K’s retail, leisure and beauty and grooming teams. Rhenna Al-Jabban, associate director will lead the account. The appointment is effective immediately.
Ian Withington, H+K’s group managing director said: ‘We are very excited to begin working with QVC. The company offers a truly unique shopping experience in the UK’s retail landscape and we look forward to working with them on creative media relations strategies and product launches across the next year.’
Charlotte Ager, PR and events manager at QVC added: ‘H+K responded to the brief with innovative ideas and we are confident their extensive experience in both the beauty and retail sectors will be an asset to our public relations programme.’
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[…] Hill+Knowlton Strategies wins three-way pitch for QVC by Priyanka Dayal via Cision UKHill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K) has won a three-way competitive pitch for the public relations brief for TV shopping firm, QVC. The business is reportedly worth a six-figure sum. PR support for Lucy’s Dressings will be in the form of an initial project to launch a new product, engage media and support further listings. H+K replaces incumbent Mischief PR to help QVC ‘tell the stories behind its brands and products to people passionate about shopping in the UK,’ according to the press release. The business will be handled by a cross-sector team involving H+K’s retail, leisure and beauty and grooming teams. Rhenna Al-Jabban, associate director, will lead the account. The appointment is effective immediately. […]