Weekly comms news round up 13/01/12
My weekly pick of comms news curated via @CisionUK.
Why the FT and New York Times are charging so much for their print editions by @GreensladeR via Guardian
“Frédéric Filloux argues that two newspapers which charge for access to their online content have taken strategic decisions to charge much more for their printed offerings.”
The social network for writers: Jottify by@davidjmclare via davidjmclare
“I love finding new social networks for niche areas. I say niche, but each one I find has a fairly large audience. For example, Naked Wines is for wine lovers – of which there are millions around the world. It is the same for the latest network I’ve come across.”
‘Performance of social networking sites – Index from Keynote Systems for December 2011 by Robert Castley via @nmkforum New Media Knowledge
“Keynote Systems, the expert in Internet and mobile cloud monitoring, monitors the top 10 UK social networking sites on a monthly basis and analyses how these sites perform compared to their competitors.”
Google launches personal search by @gordonmacmillan via THE Wall
“Google is continuing its transformation of search as it unveils three significant additions, which aim to make search more social, more personal, and combine to form what it is calling ‘Search plus Your World’.”
What do consumers want from social? by Adam Bernstein via @wearesocial we are social
“A study from the CMO Council of 1300 consumers and 132 senior marketers revealed a profound difference between what consumers want from brands in social media, and what marketers think they want. The study is 31 pages long and worth a read, but being the social people we are, we’ve done it for you.”
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